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54 minutes ago, MotherGoose said:

I think a new varghulf sculpt is a given if we do get a big refresh, that things from like 1990 and looks hideous.

As dekay says, it came with the 2008 vampire counts book, alongside like the skeletons that were just replaced, the corpse cart. It didn’t look great even then. 

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Just now, novakai said:

Valgrulf I feel is one of those model they either redesign from the ground up to match the FEC range (with a different AoS name) or they just bin the model completely

yes,the valgrulf allways have had a feeling of vampire,i dont know why gw put him in fec and not soulbligth.

i would have loved a plastic valgrulf as the fat in totalwar for my vampires

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17 minutes ago, The Lost Sigmarite said:

I don't get why you're laughing at what @Chikout said. This still doesn't rule out those kits as as part of the release. Games spreads its releases more now so they can release more stuff. The Warcry/random characters before/after a main release are absolutely part of the broader product release itself.

The 5 non-hero warscrolls of FEC needed some extra company for sure... Quite interested to see what this release will be beyond "ghouls whith halberds, Ushoran and plastic Varghulf". 

Because a wave is a launchment on a stablish short period of time. If we don't do that then It is impossible to stablish if a launchment is big or small.

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35 minutes ago, Twisted Firaun said:

Don’t forget underworld warbands for different sculpts for certain units.

If you include underworlds and models not released alongside the book, Seraphon is up to 12 kits, as Kroak, was clearly a precursor the the current range refresh. 😉
When it comes to FeC the Harbinger hero is clearly part of that range refresh and I would include it if I did a count of the kits from the FeC update. 
@Nezzhil still hasn’t bothered to answer my question as to why a release of 8 or more kits is impossible. 
Personally I wouldn’t be surprised if this refresh does end up being five or 6 kits, but I don’t see why 8 or more would be “impossible” especially as Whitefang is on record saying this is a big release. 

Edit- @Nezzhil I would consider a wave to be a selection of kits sculpted together with a unified aesthetic and and included in one battletome or expansion. The space marine kits that launched after 9th edition didn’t finish coming out until May the following year. I’d still consider that one wave as they were all in the codex. The weird weapon ones weren’t in the codex so I’d call that a separate wave. 
I’m really not trying to get into a fight over pedantic details, just I was initially curious why you used a word like impossible which is pretty extreme. GW cutting their prices is impossible. GW releasing a large amount of minis is not. 

Edited by Chikout
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cities of sigmar was supposed to be a huge release,and said by gw his biggest project ever for aos etc etc and then had only 12 kits(and one of these is warcry).

while other regular army updates as goblins had 11 or 13(if we count spells and the moon) kits and even we could tell many more if we add the other releases as wolfs or the first mage etc,or vampires had also 12 new kits(here is hard because we could add the shadespire or cursed city and would be even more)

and slanesh if we count his two releases its almost the double of kits than all these


and worse even,every one of these cities kit is monobuild doing the number of scrolls small.

i really i am very dissapointed with how small have been this city release,i was sure that we would get many more units as:elite foot unit as the swordmans,the gryfon cavalry,the shooting cavalry,the warpriest hero and even maybe a unit of warpriests,one or two more warmachines and some big centerpiece as the big steamtank etc

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1 hour ago, CDM said:

1 Updated ghouls

2 ushoran diarama centrepeice

3 cavalry knights

4 holy grail model like a gory trimuph of saint katherine

5 fey enchantress/lady of the lake

6 elite "armoured" ghouls

7 general

8 hero


Lol, if they do this. I am all in 😄


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13 minutes ago, Nezzhil said:

Because a wave is a launchment on a stablish short period of time. If we don't do that then It is impossible to stablish if a launchment is big or small.

And what is a short period of time to you ? A few weeks ? A few months ? In the grand scheme of things, I think you can consider 3-4 months a short period of time in the lifespan of an edition. That's how I think anyway. 
And also, we're supposed to be a positive place here in TGA, laugh reacting someone's opinion, as if it's laughable, because you disagree with it, doesn't really fall in that category. 

10 minutes ago, Doko said:

i really i am very dissapointed with how small have been this city release,i was sure that we would get many more units as:elite foot unit as the swordmans,the gryfon cavalry,the shooting cavalry,the warpriest hero and even maybe a unit of warpriests,one or two more warmachines and some big centerpiece as the big steamtank etc

City release screams incompleteness yes... a bit like Lumineth or Slaanesh wave 1 if you ask me... I wouldn't be surprised if the studio kept new Cities minis under the rug until time is right to release them.

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7 minutes ago, Doko said:

cities of sigmar was supposed to be a huge release,and said by gw his biggest project ever for aos etc etc and then had only 12 kits(and one of these is warcry).

while other regular army updates as goblins had 11 or 13(if we count spells and the moon) kits and even we could tell many more if we add the other releases as wolfs or the first mage etc,or vampires had also 12 new kits(here is hard because we could add the shadespire or cursed city and would be even more)

and slanesh if we count his two releases its almost the double of kits than all these


and worse even,every one of these cities kit is monobuild doing the number of scrolls small.

i really i am very dissapointed with how small have been this city release,i was sure that we would get many more units as:elite foot unit as the swordmans,the gryfon cavalry,the shooting cavalry,the warpriest hero and even maybe a unit of warpriests,one or two more warmachines and some big centerpiece as the big steamtank etc

It’s possible that it be like a Lumeneth or  slaanesh and they’re a second wave in the next edition when City 4.0 tomes comes out. Since there been cases where they design a large part of the range but save half of it for later date. Of course it not something you can always bank on.

like in 40K most people are expecting Votann to get a second release to flesh out their small new range but how true that is remains to be seen.


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1 hour ago, MotherGoose said:

I think a new varghulf sculpt is a given if we do get a big refresh, that things from like 1990 and looks hideous.

Is the Vargskyr not on a single sprue, does it have to be sold as part of Radukar's court? Personally I would absolutely love if this was useable in FEC.

I am also one hundred percent ready for a new model but I am just curious why GW didn't just use this for FECs?

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With the leak of what seems to be core ghouls imo everything will get updated apart from terrorgheist cause it shares kit with zombie dragon. This seems to be a problem for gw with kits that are shared across two factions. The only way out of it is to update 1 sculpt and keep the other as the only option till they ditch it.  

So we have a big monster, 1 buff hero and a mage. IMO we will get 2 foot heroes ghoul beast master and a knight, core ghouls as shown in the leak, big ghoul knights- unit of 3, varghulf replacement, diorama centerpiece and a fast unit. I was thinking of bats at first but sbgl just got new ones so no idea what could it be. That would give us 8 new kits plus warcry warband. I could see the “diorama” prediction split in two for a more stationary buffing piece and a bigger ghoul hero kind of like radukar the beast. 

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20 minutes ago, The Lost Sigmarite said:

And what is a short period of time to you ? A few weeks ? A few months ? In the grand scheme of things, I think you can consider 3-4 months a short period of time in the lifespan of an edition. That's how I think anyway. 
And also, we're supposed to be a positive place here in TGA, laugh reacting someone's opinion, as if it's laughable, because you disagree with it, doesn't really fall in that category. 

City release screams incompleteness yes... a bit like Lumineth or Slaanesh wave 1 if you ask me... I wouldn't be surprised if the studio kept new Cities minis under the rug until time is right to release them.

Lumineth have two waves in less than 6 months. A Wave is a closed planned release that happens on a week or two. Exceptions caused by COVID, warehouses problems or mold errores are exceptions that doesn't change the common use of that concept.

I don't understand why are you trying to change something that is used on that manner during years because you won't want to accept my opinión that 8 kits on a release would be impossible to me.

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2 hours ago, Nezzhil said:

Lumineth have two waves in less than 6 months. A Wave is a closed planned release that happens on a week or two. Exceptions caused by COVID, warehouses problems or mold errores are exceptions that doesn't change the common use of that concept.

I don't understand why are you trying to change something that is used on that manner during years because you won't want to accept my opinión that 8 kits on a release would be impossible to me.

It was more 8 months between both Lumineth waves, not "less than 6 months" but whatever...Also, GW has done "wave 1 wave 2" releases before Covid. Prime example : Tau in 6th Ed got a wave of minis with the new Broadside, Riptide, Pathfinders, Fireblade, and flyers. Then in 7th Ed, got the new Fire Warriors, plastic Commander and Ethereal, Ghostkeel, new Crisis. It's not a situation dictated by Covid, since all of this happened pre-pandemic. And it was all part of a broader plan, the new Crisis must have been around the studio when the Riptide released.

And also, I'm not obligated to accept your opinion of "<8 kits of FEC". Especially when you try to shove it down my throat by any means necessary while laughing at people who are not of the same opinion. Just agree to disagree and go bother someone else.

Edited by The Lost Sigmarite
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The FEC release is a really difficult one to predict. It’s currently a three kit army with a couple of extras. If gw replace any one of these kits are they going to redo the heroes or alternate units these kits make? The leaked kit doesn’t look like the old ghouls or the war cry ones. It feels like a men at arms style unit rather than the serfs that the ghouls represent. For me the zombie dragon kit holds up the best of the old kits. If they replaced it, would it still make 5 warscrolls. We could end up in a weird situation where there are 7 or 8 new kits but fewer warscrolls than there are now. 
 I have a feeling that gw aren’t going to update any current kits except for the varghulf. 

If I were to guess what this update contains I’d say. 

the dawnbringers hero (may as well fully lean into the bit)

the leaked men at arms kit


a mage hero

a “cavalry” unit

a “cavalry” hero

a big monster

a new Varghulf

an elite infantry unit

a fast skirmisher unit.

It will be very interesting to see how this release takes shape. 


Edited by Chikout
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Whilst I'd love for 8+ kits I'm tempering my expectations. They're an army that really need a full refresh as, currently, they're sort of bodged together from mostly older kits from fantasy when they weren't even their own thing.

Varghulf needs to be replaced, however I also think the flayers and horrors are starting to show their age too, the trouble is they share a kit not just with each other but also two different courtier heroes and a soulblight unit.

New crypt ghast also needs to be done if these leaks are replacing the standard ghouls, if they're a new 'elite' ghoul then maybe not...

The warbands also stand out like a sore thumb now compared to the rest of the range, and id love to see some of the baboon ghouls as a proper unit, a bit like dire wolves.

Same goes for the vlozd/gkot if I'm honest, I love the terrorgheist but I have to admit I've never been a fan of the ghoul king on top or the vlozd. However replacing one doesn't seem likely.

That's before even thinking about actual 'new' units rather than updated ones.

Then obviously we need a named character or two, perhaps the big centrepiece that most armies seem to get.

Edited by MotherGoose
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4 minutes ago, Chikout said:

The FEC release is a really difficult one to predict. It’s currently a three kit army with a couple of extras. If gw replace any one of these kits are they going to redo the heroes or alternate units these kits make. The leaked kit doesn’t look like the old ghouls or the war cry ones. It feels like a men at arms style unit rather than the serfs that the ghouls represent. For me the zombie dragon kit holds up the best of the old kits. If they replaced it, would it still make 5 warscrolls. We could end up in a weird situation where there are 7 or 8 new kits but fewer warscrolls than there are now. 
 I have a feeling that gw aren’t going to update any current kits except for the varghulf. 

If I were to guess what this update contains I’d say. 

the dawnbringers hero (may as well fully lean into the bit)

the leaked men at arms kit


a mage hero

a “cavalry” unit

a “cavalry” hero

a big monster

a new Varghulf

an elite infantry unit

a fast skirmisher unit.

It will be very interesting to see how this release takes shape. 


Pretty much my thoughts and I'd love for the udpate to be that in depth.

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16 minutes ago, MotherGoose said:

baboon ghouls



Not sure which is better?🤔

17 minutes ago, MotherGoose said:


This is still a pretty fantastic kit and holds up well even if I'm not the biggest fan either but a new dedicated kit would be stellar when we consider things like those last SE dragons. 

Annnnnd if anyone wants to leak any more info on the new troggs I promise to give it a like. 😁

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3 hours ago, Doko said:

cities of sigmar was supposed to be a huge release,and said by gw his biggest project ever for aos etc etc and then had only 12 kits(and one of these is warcry).

while other regular army updates as goblins had 11 or 13(if we count spells and the moon) kits and even we could tell many more if we add the other releases as wolfs or the first mage etc,or vampires had also 12 new kits(here is hard because we could add the shadespire or cursed city and would be even more)

and slanesh if we count his two releases its almost the double of kits than all these


and worse even,every one of these cities kit is monobuild doing the number of scrolls small.

i really i am very dissapointed with how small have been this city release,i was sure that we would get many more units as:elite foot unit as the swordmans,the gryfon cavalry,the shooting cavalry,the warpriest hero and even maybe a unit of warpriests,one or two more warmachines and some big centerpiece as the big steamtank etc

Maybe they are counting for CoS refresh what we would see in upcoming waves. That would make sense for the wording "biggest project ever"

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12 hours ago, Knopers said:

So many good models are going to be released. Starting from my favourite Seraphon faction. I hope for them to get more single units/heroes in next 1-2years. Will we see all of dawnbringers related books to the end of the year?

I reallt doubt it. The second book was leaked as late Sept, so that would be almost 3 months between book 1 and book 2. Knowing there'a 4 books, and maybe a surprise 5th one, I would say we would end around March.

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7 minutes ago, Ejecutor said:

I reallt doubt it. The second book was leaked as late Sept, so that would be almost 3 months between book 1 and book 2. Knowing there'a 4 books, and maybe a surprise 5th one, I would say we would end around March.

Dwanbringer campaign will probably end with book 4 around March. A few months before 4th edition launches around summer.

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15 minutes ago, Ejecutor said:

Maybe they are counting for CoS refresh what we would see in upcoming waves. That would make sense for the wording "biggest project ever"

Ambitious projects take time. Look at the Sisters of Battle, arguably one of the most ambitious GW projects of the recent times they had 2 full waves of minis over 2 editions, and quite stacked waves at that, along with campaign characters, and there's still things to update (Crusaders, Preacher, etc) and room to expand (Frateris Militia, cavalry ?). I think we can expect Cities to have a similar treatment on the slightly smaller AoS scale. 

All of this can't drop overnight or even in a single release. Rome wasn't built in a day... and so do large ranges of plastic miniatures.

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1 hour ago, The Lost Sigmarite said:

Ambitious projects take time. Look at the Sisters of Battle, arguably one of the most ambitious GW projects of the recent times they had 2 full waves of minis over 2 editions, and quite stacked waves at that, along with campaign characters, and there's still things to update (Crusaders, Preacher, etc) and room to expand (Frateris Militia, cavalry ?). I think we can expect Cities to have a similar treatment on the slightly smaller AoS scale. 

All of this can't drop overnight or even in a single release. Rome wasn't built in a day... and so do large ranges of plastic miniatures.

More CoS minis coming, that's all that matters.

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46 minutes ago, Ejecutor said:

Maybe they are counting for CoS refresh what we would see in upcoming waves. That would make sense for the wording "biggest project ever"

Looking at the book the Cos refresh has at least another wave missing. The rest of the human stuff, like the mages and tank, still got to get removed. Also the fact the faction is still missing some hard hitting human models is a good sign.

And maybe it is just me, but the book does feel like it there to hold us until 4th ed.

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1 minute ago, RyantheFett said:

Looking at the book the Cos refresh has at least another wave missing. The rest of the human stuff, like the mages and tank, still got to get removed. Also the fact the faction is still missing some hard hitting human models is a good sign.

And maybe it is just me, but the book does feel like it there to hold us until 4th ed.

This reminds me to all the talks around cogforts. I have the feeling a big cogfort would be the eye catching big mini for the next wave. Same than Tahlia has been for this one.

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