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2 minutes ago, Vagard said:

I don't recall if fimir were allied to orruks in the past but weren't they friendly with chaos more than other factions?

They were introduced to AoS as a Destruction faction.

I'd personally prefer to give Kruleboyz and Ironjawz their own battletomes and expand them both rather than see another Warclans battletome lol.

Edited by Gareth πŸ„
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20 minutes ago, MitGas said:

I believe they were aligned with Chaos originally but later on became an exclusive Destruction pick.

Yeah in the old Warhammer Fantasy lore they used to be followers of Chaos who fell out of favour with the Chaos gods, and then in AoS they were just Destruction. Like a reverse Ogroid.

Edited by Gareth πŸ„
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Torn between wanting an infinite amount of brand new armies and wondering if too many could be a bad thing.

I feel that one more fresh faction for each alliance would be ideal.Β 

Order - Shadow AelvesΒ 

Chaos - Oathbreakers (Chorfs)

Death - Who knows

Destruction - Silent People


Then we still have a few armies to be updated/refreshed



Beast of Chaos




Then we have in-faction expansionsΒ 

Sylvaneth - Kurnothi

Lumineth - Tyrion

That list alone is 10 new lines. Which is is a lot. I do think the game will evolve to more in-faction expansions to help keep it fresh, but there is a reality that there is only so many Battletomes GW can push out per an edition.Β 



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38 minutes ago, Jetlife said:


If you put bonesplittaz in armies to be updated, you can add :

spiderfang and night goblinsΒ 

dwarves and elves in CoS

all 4 demonic part for chaos gods

Many other subfactions in the order soup


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This all begs the question of why battletomes in the first place? Lots of playable factions benefits the lore, the setting and the tabletop it however becomes difficult to do everything and release and update everything. The endless battletome cycle is a hindrance to updates.

Bring back 4 grand alliance books again (digitally as well) drop the battletome from 4th ed and just have a myriad of ways to play each faction within the GA books. They could easily do this and it would stop this shoving together like warclans or where to put Kurnothi in the future. There isn't enough faction specific rules to warrant a battletome. They could all be in one book.

GA order. Pick a faction, is it from a City of sigmar Y/N? , What allies are you taking. Here's your faction rules. Simple

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39 minutes ago, Vagard said:

If you put bonesplittaz in armies to be updated, you can add :

spiderfang and night goblinsΒ 

dwarves and elves in CoS

all 4 demonic part for chaos gods

Many other subfactions in the order soup


I’d push back a bit because we haven’t seen those mentioned units get any sort of model update recently. Bonesplitazz got an underworlds warband and would debate that they are less of a sub faction and more of an independent faction within a Battletome.

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So Here's an out of the box thought: what if chaos dwarves/oathbreakers were placed in grand alliance destruction rather than chaos?

While one of their old themes was tyranny (which is more aligned with chaos and death), most of their other themes aren't really chaos centric IIRC.

Something along these lines would allow both for further expanding Destruction, and for a greater ease of allying hobgoblins and wolf riders between them and kruleboyz/gsg

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4 hours ago, Chikout said:

Here's what I'd like to see in the next ten or so years for AoS.

Chorfs as a new book or part of Slaves. Also Darkoath replacing maruaders.Β 

Kurnothi as part of Slyvaneth

Malerion combined with Dok to make a new book.Β 

Gitmob expansion for Gloomspite.Β 

Dispossessed expansion for cities

Tyrion and river temple for Lumineth.

Seraphon style updates for mawtribes, Skaven and BoC.Β 

Expansions with new units for KO, Kruleboyz, Bonesplittas Fyreslayers, IDK, and OBR.Β 

A completely new destruction book and a completely new death book.Β 

That's a good balance of new stuff, expanded stuff and updated stuff while still keep a reasonable number of battletomes.Β 

While they're at it, they should go to a four year edition. If they did this, they could have a mid edition battle box similar to the launch box but tied to a narrative campaign rather than a new edition.Β 


This post is excellent. And I'll further add :Β 

  • Chaos Duardin can and will be and independent army, completing Grand Alliance : Chaos.
  • Malerion Ulgurothi should also get Shadow DaemonsΒ (which most probably are a worlbuilding, fluff-onlyΒ faction likeΒ Silent People and Katophrane, alas).
  • Units from Darkling Covens, Dispossessed, Bonesplittaz, Gitmob, Maraudeurs. etc. shouldΒ get AOS equivalents and/orΒ be sent back to ToW, where they belong originally (aesthetically speaking).
  • Darkoath already are Maraudeurs in everything but name, i.e. Chaos barbarians (but Conanesque in AOS as they are Vikingesque in WFB). Just sent backΒ the old WFB kit, rename the Horsmen kit and we are good to go with 1 Warcry team, two WHU warbands, 4 characters (counting the Exclusive Models), and the "DarkoathΒ Horsmen".
  • AOS as a game and product lineΒ doesn't need more new armiesΒ at this point, for upgrades and release spotlight reasons,Β even with a 4-years edition schedule.Β Orruk Warclans, Gitmobs and Soulblight already contains a great variety of sub-factions for Death and Destruction.
  • Add the like of Gholemkind and Kurnothi units via Warcry, WHU or Warhammer QuestΒ to spice-up factions.

All this should happen in the next four years, as 4th edition will have to live next to TOW.

Oh, and a mid-edition "ETB" dual boxed set working as a mid starter with a narrative campaign is pure genius.

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1 hour ago, DoctorPerils said:

what if chaos dwarves/oathbreakers were placed in grand alliance destruction rather than chaos?

Chaos Dwarves are worshippers of hashut, a minor chaos god, (like the horned rat) sooooo no chances that they leave the chaos GA. furthermore Hashut is cannon because the warcry warband is called "horns of hashut" if i remember.Β 

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1 hour ago, DoctorPerils said:

So Here's an out of the box thought: what if chaos dwarves/oathbreakers were placed in grand alliance destruction rather than chaos?

While one of their old themes was tyranny (which is more aligned with chaos and death), most of their other themes aren't really chaos centric IIRC.

Something along these lines would allow both for further expanding Destruction, and for a greater ease of allying hobgoblins and wolf riders between them and kruleboyz/gsg

I’ve thought about this too. I think a machine heavy dwarf army that is just looking to to take control of the land would be a cool twist and allow GW to have something new and unique. I saw a post somewhere before talking about instead of daemon forged machines they used different beasts and creatures to move/control their machines. Almost like evil circus ring leaders that enslave the creatures of the realms.Β 

With that being said, with refrence to hashut and some of the other little lore droppings, I highly doubt it.Β 

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It kinda defeats the purpose of Chaos Dwarfs if they are not part of chaos. Their whole stick is being evil dwarfs and being the pure opposite of the Warhammer dwarf.Β 

well also the small lore bits we get have always refer them as Chaos worshiping Duradin.Β 

edit: also there chaos Megagargants too that work with the chaos dwarfs in one lore excerptΒ 

Edited by novakai
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2 hours ago, CDM said:

Bring back 4 grand alliance books again (digitally as well) drop the battletome from 4th ed and just have a myriad of ways to play each faction within the GA books.

A myriad of ways to break the game. You are asking for a balance nightmare.

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4 hours ago, Jetlife said:

Death - Who knows

Some thoughts:
-I think silent people can fit in as a weird deathly insect/beast army,
-I also think that a Duardin Death army could be cool and showcase different death rituals with entombed terracotta duardin and also give the ability to chose between following Nagash andΒ Gazul for major subfactions.
-I have always wanted something to showcase the living followers of Nagash and to be lead by beautiful angels of death like in Evelyn De Morgan's famous paintingΒ https://www.demorgan.org.uk/collection/the-angel-of-death-i/
Something about the promise of becoming a beautiful seraph in the afterlife only to have the lore showcase that these are constructs of Nagash to promote reverence and worship.Β 

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1 hour ago, Vagard said:

Chaos Dwarves are worshippers of hashut, a minor chaos god, (like the horned rat) sooooo no chances that they leave the chaos GA. furthermore Hashut is cannon because the warcry warband is called "horns of hashut" if i remember.Β 

Recent references to Hashut from GW (around the Horns of... warband I think) specifically refer to them as a Chaos god. So no chance they've been AoS'd into a Destruction god.

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7 minutes ago, Neverchosen said:

Some thoughts:
-I think silent people can fit in as a weird deathly insect/beast army,
-I also think that a Duardin Death army could be cool and showcase different death rituals with entombed terracotta duardin and also give the ability to chose between following Nagash andΒ Gazul for major subfactions.
-I have always wanted something to showcase the living followers of Nagash and to be lead by beautiful angels of death like in Evelyn De Morgan's famous paintingΒ https://www.demorgan.org.uk/collection/the-angel-of-death-i/
Something about the promise of becoming a beautiful seraph in the afterlife only to have the lore showcase that these are constructs of Nagash to promote reverence and worship.Β 

The "angels of death" idea is pretty cool. It also fits with the fact that Nagash has many aspects, I believe one at least is a child and a beautiful man or woman wouldn't be suprising. The army could be worshipers of one of those aspects. Perhaps the "angels" xould have a few little bits on their design that diverge from the beauty of their form overall too, that kinda hint that these creatures are not quite what they seem.

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42 minutes ago, Flippy said:

A myriad of ways to break the game. You are asking for a balance nightmare.

Well I did say pick a faction from the grand alliance book not pick every unit available. Could easily put restriction in, I'm playing sylvaneth so my keyword sylvaneth units get the relevantΒ  faction rules from the grand alliance. I can also ally in a FSΒ  battalion as my one ally choice who have their own rules and can only be 40% of the points.Β 

There is no value to battletomes or codexes for that matter that can't be easily put into a larger book

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Chorfs as a stand-alone are wishlisting IMO. Active and loud fan base but GW already tried them twice and sustained neither effort. They will continue to make cameos in Warcry, and as Chaos add-ons I think.

Fimir are dead on arrival as they are simply WAY too dark for what wants to be a mainstream company and game approachable by kids. Can’t reboot them as fimir either as people will come across their history. Feel pretty confident that we will never see fimir.

Really hope the next grot army becomes the highest tech Destruction faction. As a long time O&G collector, grot sky pirates or something else tech focused would be way more interesting than wolf riders+.Β 

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My memory tells me that Fimir were still Chaos at the start of AoS.

I think the change came around the introduction of noble.

At least since shortly after painting up my nobles my Fimir haven't accompanied any of my Chaos armies to battle.Β 

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Yeah with the Chaos Dwarves idea it was really completely out of the box - like, seraphon are referred to as order daemons now, I was wondering if Hashut could become some kind of god of destruction daemons. I'll be perfectly happy if they come out and are still chaos ;)

20 minutes ago, Neverchosen said:

Some thoughts:
-I think silent people can fit in as a weird deathly insect/beast army,

Perhaps yeah - like flesh eating maggots or something? Still think having them as a cloud of locusts would work better as destruction

-I also think that a Duardin Death army could be cool and showcase different death rituals with entombed terracotta duardin and also give the ability to chose between following Nagash andΒ Gazul for major subfactions.

I thought the idea of Death Duardin was madness until I read the bit about entombed terracotta warriors/clay golems - that would be really cool, though not sure it would be best as Duardin, perhaps as Aelves? Or even Ogors?!

-I have always wanted something to showcase the living followers of Nagash and to be lead by beautiful angels of death like in Evelyn De Morgan's famous paintingΒ https://www.demorgan.org.uk/collection/the-angel-of-death-i/
Something about the promise of becoming a beautiful seraph in the afterlife only to have the lore showcase that these are constructs of Nagash to promote reverence and worship.Β 

Yeah i think living servants of Death remains the best avenue to study an expansion of the GA - perhaps half living necromancers and attendants, and half flesh golem frankensteins, or Mr Hyde types, bring in all the remaining gothic horror tropes that are missing from the GA - think along the lines of that WHU warband, perhaps expand into zeppelin sky whale corpses or something to act as Death's answer to KO


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30 minutes ago, Neverchosen said:

Some thoughts:
-I think silent people can fit in as a weird deathly insect/beast army,
-I also think that a Duardin Death army could be cool and showcase different death rituals with entombed terracotta duardin and also give the ability to chose between following Nagash andΒ Gazul for major subfactions.
-I have always wanted something to showcase the living followers of Nagash and to be lead by beautiful angels of death like in Evelyn De Morgan's famous paintingΒ https://www.demorgan.org.uk/collection/the-angel-of-death-i/
Something about the promise of becoming a beautiful seraph in the afterlife only to have the lore showcase that these are constructs of Nagash to promote reverence and worship.Β 

There always the AoS version of Vampire coast for new Dearh army (or another sublet of SBGL)Β 

they did have a brief lore excerpt of a Vampire captain leading an army known as Wraithfleet Β back in the firestorm campaign (man that was a long time ago)

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I'd like to see another chaos faction with chaos dwarves in,Β  also I was surprised after we got the first darkoath queen during malign portents we didn't get an AoS version of Norsca from TWW in this style, think skin wolves (wasn't their a darkoath underworlds band that was a bit feral?) Maybe large AoS version of mammoth with howdah. Can't wait for the marauders to leave AoS, they've been completely supplanted by the Warcry bands including darkoath (all apart from rules smh)

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7 minutes ago, Gitzdee said:

I got a question. What happened with the Spider Incarnate? Or more incarnates in general? Did they skip this idea because of bad sales? Did it turn out to be just the Krondspine? Anyone has any clue?

There should of been more! I was hoping one from each realm. Maybe they should of released a box of them like endless spells for 2nd, they could of been 3rds equivalent.

Ther is a spider rumour engine still unsolved that has been speculated to be an incarnate. Could of been confirmed but not sure

Just checked the wiki

Therefore, they are typically found around ley-line convergences or spell-wracked battlefields. However, they may be summoned by champions with sufficient willpower or arcane prowess if the magic of a realm lies heavy in the air.[1]

Ley lines were mentioned very recently in the harbingers stories. The wiki entry also mentions there is Incarnates from every realm

Edited by CDM
For added source
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