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2 minutes ago, Asbestress said:


However you play your game, you should log the results by using the flyer in your box. The winning side will be enshrined in Warhammer 40,000 lore forever – and they’ll get to see all of their upcoming miniatures early in an article on the 15th of July, the same day we announce the winners.  

40K Campaign reveals not going to be a Preview.

Perhaps there's still hope for the Cities box in the Summer if we get a more general one in July? We are supposed to get the announcement for the next show this week. Skirmish is more likely imho, but maybe it's just generally "AoS beast realm stuff" with Warcry, Underworlds, and main game (with some Kill Team/HH Epic)?

Could an Mortal Realms focussed preview be in the cards? Underworlds, Warcry, Seasons of War Spider Edition, Dawnbringers II, Cities stuff? Seems like there could be enough stuff.

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The 40k campaign is so scuffed it is actually insane. Most people are fans of space marines and as such, more games will be played with them, most 40k communities around me had endless posts about people who wanted to sell their Tyranid half of the new box. And also the box is super in the Marines' favor by like 250 points. Unless the community artificially increases the number of Tyranid victories, we can look forward to a Marine showcase on the 15th.

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9 minutes ago, Captaniser said:

The 40k campaign is so scuffed it is actually insane. Most people are fans of space marines and as such, more games will be played with them, most 40k communities around me had endless posts about people who wanted to sell their Tyranid half of the new box. And also the box is super in the Marines' favor by like 250 points. Unless the community artificially increases the number of Tyranid victories, we can look forward to a Marine showcase on the 15th.

I'd be surprised if more than 10% of results are from actual games played. More likely people just enter their result as soon as they open Leviathan up, which will overwhelmingly be for Marines of course. 

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1 hour ago, Nezzhil said:

Ironjawz SC is out of stock online on Europe and Ardboyz box is out of stock online on EEUU store. Could it be new Ardboyz are coming?

I have checked the store on some EU countries and Ardboyz are still available there. But maybe EEUU means something different. But the Ironjawz SC is out of stock everyone. Quite interesting...  

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3 minutes ago, The Lost Sigmarite said:

I have checked the store on some EU countries and Ardboyz are still available there. But maybe EEUU means something different. But the Ironjawz SC is out of stock everyone. Quite interesting...  

Europe&UK is the same warehouse. USA works with another different.


EDIT: If you want to check changes you must use any european country, USA and Australian stores.

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21 minutes ago, The Lost Sigmarite said:

I checked on the US, Aussie and Irish, British, French and Belgian stores and the Ardboyz were all availabe in there 🤔


US store right now.

Irish, British, French and Belgian is the same warehouse.


EDIT: The stock is not depleted on all the stores at the same time normally. The common case is that the warehouses are getting "sold out online" over time until the articles are removed, reboxed or fixed if it was an error. But, the Sold Out Online is a clue of something is happening.

If you check past posts in this forum you can check how we posted about Be'lakor, Kroak or Battletomes that get Sold Out Online a few months before the new model or book was announced

Edited by Nezzhil
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Very exciting. Will we finally see more than one cities unit at a time? Warcry will probably be just the starter set that was leaked but we have a new Underworlds warband to look forward to. They will probably tell us more about book 2 of dawnbringers as well presumably with some more destruction minis. I'm even curious what the old world might get. Surely we will finally see a new plastic mini. 

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3 minutes ago, Chikout said:

Very exciting. Will we finally see more than one cities unit at a time? Warcry will probably be just the starter set that was leaked but we have a new Underworlds warband to look forward to. They will probably tell us more about book 2 of dawnbringers as well presumably with some more destruction minis. I'm even curious what the old world might get. Surely we will finally see a new plastic mini. 

I think they are aware of leaked starter so they might show next warbands because people want new see models not reused WU warbands 😄

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12 minutes ago, Neil Arthur Hotep said:

I know I said the same thing the last six times, but they have to show off a good portion of Cities of Sigmar this time around, right?

Regardless, lots of cool fantasy stuff guaranteed!

I want to say "yes" but I naively thought we'd get more than a single unit at WarhammerFest too.

Technically UK Summer has only just started and Cities is slated for Autumn so they could still drip feed us...

I think we'll see whatever else is in Dawnbringers Part II at least.

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14 minutes ago, Clan's Cynic said:


6 minutes ago, Nezzhil said:

The Destro wave is comin' lads! You are not prepared!


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Very excited for the preview! I'll be running an AoS Tournament that day so I guess I'll have the preview going on the TVs instead of the round timer. 

I wonder if we'll see new plastic kits for the Old World or if it'll be more Forgeworld characters. 

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Just now, DinoJon said:

Very excited for the preview! I'll be running an AoS Tournament that day so I guess I'll have the preview going on the TVs instead of the round timer. 

I wonder if we'll see new plastic kits for the Old World or if it'll be more Forgeworld characters. 

Only one Old World model

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That preview is super exciting! I hope they start off with TOW and 30K to get them out of the way. It's super annoying how the anti-AoS portion of Twitch chat gets whenever there's TOW or 30/40K at the same time as AoS on a preview. It looks like we're gonna get get a TON of AoS goodies though 😍

I'm really hoping for some more CoS, Dawnbringers book 2, at least 2 new Warcry Warbands and the next Underworlds Warband!

Edited by Snarff
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7 minutes ago, Still-young said:

@DinoJon I might be reading into your laugh react too much that you think they’re joking, but the preview article says ‘and even a new model to show you from Warhammer: The Old World.’

No laughing at myself and my reading comprehension. I get too hype sometime going over the articles. 

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