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I do honestly think that 4th edition will return to Order vs Chaos...

But... What if it's Order vs. Order?

Stormcast of the Ruination Chamber vs Malerion's Shadow Elves? 

We already know that Malerion witnessed Morathi's betrayal of Sigmar but said nothing about it. What else could he be planning and will those plans finally come to light in another realm? 

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1 hour ago, Kitsumy said:

who said it is a destru edittion?

No one said it was BUT its realm of focus has been Ghur where if Im not mistaken is where destro has its roots. 

Second starter faction was a new(ish) destro army. 

And they also released a new demi-god of destruction... in the form of a... pony. Still dont care for him. Hopeful Gordrakk finds these three artifacts and takes back the position of power. 

So yeah, its a "destruction" edition. 

It would be like if they did a focus on Azyr but order didn't recieve too much attention. 

Waagh, Mr Bond. 

Waagh. 🤘

Edited by Vasshpit
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The idea of it being a Destruction focused edition is also just following the logical trend where the narrative of 1st and 2nd Edition featured Chaos and Death respectively as the primary opponents of Order.


I agree that a lot of the narrative focus would likely be later this year and into next year, but it just doesn't feel like Destruction as a grand alliance has had really any impact on the game at all - no narrative weight, no significant releases since the edition launch, nothing really. Maybe because their focal god character in Kragnos is less the type to scheme and plan so it feels less like his machinations are going on in the background compared to Nagash/Archaon? I don't know.

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2 hours ago, Arzalyn said:

Honestly the story development appear to happen in narrative books, with are more common at the end of the edition than at the start/middle. The new season of war should expand a little more on Ghur, but I woulnd't expect major developments until later in this year when we start to see the end of edition series, similarly to broken realms and the 40k books they are releasing right now.

Also I wouldn't expect new factions from now on. AoS has a high number now, so 1 new faction each 2~3 editions would make more sense. It's not that bad if we get 2~3 major revamps to factions that need it. So far we got Slaves, Seraphon and Cities coming for this edition and a good expansion for Sylvaneth, lets hope we get the Skaven/Beasts/FeC/Ogors in the near future!

The only reason why I kind of suspect a new faction may be incoming is that it will feel odd to go from the frenetic pace of battletome releases we've seen so far in this edition to only 2 battletomes (FEC and Cities) in the last year of the edition, even if one of them should be a massive release. There's been plenty of talk about how the first 6 months of an edition tend to be fairly light on new books, so there shouldn't be too much 40k stuff coming in the latter half of this year after the edition launch period is done in July-ish as well.

Lots of finger in the air speculation, but that's the fun of this - I'm excited to see what the next 18 months or so brings.

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My goodness Bloodhunt looks to be the best set yet. Just looking over the sprues, I bloody love there's sword options for all the Vampire guys.

Also, there appears to be more of those half wolf mask heads for the Khorne guys. 

Going to put the masks on the vampires for that Samurai Menpo look, and also use them for some cool White Scars/Sons of Horus/ Space Wolves characters I think they'll look really nice on a lot of minis. 

I'm looking forward to the AoS rules for the Vampires, could finally be a good substitute for Vampire infantry!

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3 hours ago, Black_Templar_Lad said:

My goodness Bloodhunt looks to be the best set yet. Just looking over the sprues, I bloody love there's sword options for all the Vampire guys.

Also, there appears to be more of those half wolf mask heads for the Khorne guys. 

Going to put the masks on the vampires for that Samurai Menpo look, and also use them for some cool White Scars/Sons of Horus/ Space Wolves characters I think they'll look really nice on a lot of minis. 

I'm looking forward to the AoS rules for the Vampires, could finally be a good substitute for Vampire infantry!

I don't see this edition as the forgotten one. We've had some of the best and consistent battletomes of any GW game, let alone edition of AoS. 

Come the summer every army will have had a new book bar cities. 

The GHB, while admittedly hit and miss does keep the game fresh and present new challenges. 

Black library has stepped up AoS fiction to the point I have a backlog of books to read. 

Underworlds and warcry have gone from strength to strength giving some awesome settings and fantastic models. 

The one area we have lacked is new models for AoS tho the ones we have had have been amazing and showcase why I think AoS models are the best GW produce by far. 

I want new models as much as the next person, but to say this edition is the forgotten one is a bit hyperbolic. 

Edited by Ogregut
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53 minutes ago, Ogregut said:

I don't see this edition as the forgotten one. We've had some of the best and consistent battletomes of any GW, let alone edition of AoS. 

Come the summer every army will have had a new book bar cities. 

The GHB, while admittedly hit and miss does keep the game fresh and present new challenges. 

Black library has stepped up AoS fiction to the point I have a backlog of books to read. 

Underworlds and warcry have gone from strength to strength giving some awesome settings and fantastic models. 

The one area we have lacked is new models for AoS tho the ones we have had have been amazing and showcase why I think AoS models are the best GW produce by far. 

I want new models as much as the next person, but to say this edition is the forgotten one is a bit hyperbolic. 

I agree completely. It's true that last year was lacklustre in terms of minis but with Slaves, Seraphon, Cities and who knows what else  (FeC?) 2023 is already shaping up to be one of the better years for AoS minis. 

In terms of narrative, we've only had one book but loads of black library books many of which are genuinely great. I'm finally getting round to Hallowed Ground and it's been excellent so far. We've also had a lot of great material for the RPG with some pretty exciting things on the way. 

The GW team have done a surprisingly decent job of balancing the game with no faction tearing up the stats the way Slaanesh, FEC or Skaven did last time. 

With every battletome being updated this year, there's space for some big surprises to close the edition out.  2022 was the covid hangover year but we've come out of that into a very promising space this year and we're just  a couple  days away from the next AoS reveal. It's not just NecroMonday any more. 

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I wonder if AoS just gets skipped next summer in favor of The Old World reboot? They first teased W:ToW back in the summer of 2021 and the lore previews have been picking up recently. 

If AoS 4.0 launches Summer 2024, will W:ToW arrive in Summer 2025?

I could see a 40K/Sigmar/30K/W:ToW pattern emerging over time. Or maybe they'll shift 30K or T:ToW to the November release window usually reserved for boxed games?

When you add in BB/Necro/WarCry/Underworlds the release calendar gets very full, very quick!

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Interestingly I had a conversation with my local GW manager, and he seems to think that 40K won't be getting 10th edition this year, it'll be next year and AoS the year after that. Apparently he learned it off someone higher up who might have had a few too many to drink at an event or something. Apparently the 3 year cycle isn't a fixed thing and GW didn't want it to be a thing, and they are moving to 4 years.

Take this with a pinch of salt, I remember him also being certain that Tomb Kings weren't going to come back in their original incarnation, which obviously was wrong. He may also be a BS-er 😂 . But apparently he had a source on this one.

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7 minutes ago, Goatforce said:

Interestingly I had a conversation with my local GW manager, and he seems to think that 40K won't be getting 10th edition this year, it'll be next year and AoS the year after that. Apparently he learned it off someone higher up who might have had a few too many to drink at an event or something. Apparently the 3 year cycle isn't a fixed thing and GW didn't want it to be a thing, and they are moving to 4 years.

Take this with a pinch of salt, I remember him also being certain that Tomb Kings weren't going to come back in their original incarnation, which obviously was wrong. He may also be a BS-er 😂 . But apparently he had a source on this one.

I would love the cycle to go to 4 years but I don't believe for a second. The arks of Omen series is clearly building up to 10th. 

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1 hour ago, wargames101 said:

I wonder if AoS just gets skipped next summer in favor of The Old World reboot? They first teased W:ToW back in the summer of 2021 and the lore previews have been picking up recently. 

If AoS 4.0 launches Summer 2024, will W:ToW arrive in Summer 2025?

I could see a 40K/Sigmar/30K/W:ToW pattern emerging over time. Or maybe they'll shift 30K or T:ToW to the November release window usually reserved for boxed games?

When you add in BB/Necro/WarCry/Underworlds the release calendar gets very full, very quick!

I'm still hoping TOW is this year, would just make sense with it being warhammers 40th anniversary. 

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52 minutes ago, Ogregut said:

I'm still hoping TOW is this year, would just make sense with it being warhammers 40th anniversary. 

I think they're gonna put out some TOW product this year. If it's not the starter box, I could see them re-releasing some old kits. 


Here's hoping on the anniversary we get a launch date. 

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40 minutes ago, DinoJon said:

I think they're gonna put out some TOW product this year. If it's not the starter box, I could see them re-releasing some old kits. 


Here's hoping on the anniversary we get a launch date. 

I was chatting to a mate just the other day saying if they did a made to order run on the 4th edition starter box I bet it would be a massive seller. 

The dream would be for them to rerelease thd 4th edition starter set but without the cardboard stand ins and not thd monopose elves and goblins but brand spanking new plastic sculpts. 

I can see it happening in the distant distant future. 

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9 hours ago, Vasshpit said:

No one said it was BUT its realm of focus has been Ghur where if Im not mistaken is where destro has its roots. 

Second starter faction was a new(ish) destro army. 

And they also released a new demi-god of destruction... in the form of a... pony. Still dont care for him. Hopeful Gordrakk finds these three artifacts and takes back the position of power. 

So yeah, its a "destruction" edition. 

It would be like if they did a focus on Azyr but order didn't recieve too much attention. 

Waagh, Mr Bond. 

Waagh. 🤘

Yeah Ghur is paradise for Orruks. But this also makes the narrative boring for me so far. Archaon and Nagash threatened everything and we got a pony of quakes failing to flatten a city. This in a realm where order is struggling to get a foothold in the first place. I dont get the idea of any danger at the moment, nothing important is happening really.

At least the Gnarlwood Warcry/Underworlds setting is keeping me amused as the minis are great and the story fun.

I do hope Gordrakk gets his time to be a proper fist of Gork. I think he will be getting a new model at the end of the edition with a second wave for Ironjawz and/ or Bonesplitterz. I hope he gets a powered up non mounted version. 

This bit also keeps me wondering:


Edited by Gitzdee
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Anyone who says that AoS has had a 'forgotten' year hasn't been paying attention... both to what AoS has gotten, and to the global issues that GW has faced as a physical product retailer. Covid, global shipping issues, brexit... Remember when that ship was stuck in the Suez canal, forcing other ships to go the long way around whole continents just to get stuff off-loaded?

And we still got Slaves to Darkness, are about to get Seraphon, and may even get Dawnbringer Crusades before this edition is done.

As for TOW... eh, I get that people are hyped for it. I think it's going to be like No Man's Sky, overhyped and underdelivered, and when 90% of the product line is resin and therefore twice as expensive outside of whatever starter set they get... Yeah.

Either way, 10th is coming. All the codexes are out and Arks of Omen is the wrap-up. The pattern is written on the walls. Maybe 10th edition will last longer than 9th did, but that's to be seen in the years ahead. 

Edited by RileyArlic
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21 minutes ago, RileyArlic said:

In other news, SBGL and Bonereapers box art is making the rounds, so it looks like the rest of the tomes this year have been determined.

RIP FEC that have a long while to wait for theirs...

No, no. Horray for FEC!  No spring time means they probably are getting new minis as @Whitefang suggested. The 4th big mini update of the year looks like it's on the cards. 

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11 hours ago, RileyArlic said:

I do honestly think that 4th edition will return to Order vs Chaos...

But... What if it's Order vs. Order?

Stormcast of the Ruination Chamber vs Malerion's Shadow Elves? 

We already know that Malerion witnessed Morathi's betrayal of Sigmar but said nothing about it. What else could he be planning and will those plans finally come to light in another realm? 

If it is Malerion my money’s on a Thunderstrike Angel reinforcement update for what prosecutors reforge into once they’ve proven themselves. Pretty close to Yndraste level so super elites(what could be scarier than an Annihilator that can actually move fast?).

Realmslayer noted a small flaw with Stormcast wings of light in that if in deep enough chaos corrupted territory, as it had a Stormcast in a realm of chaos prison, the wings will shut off from being blocked off from Azyr as a power source. So wanting to give them actual wings would keep to the Thunderstrike theme of Stormcasts able to freely strike at the heart of chaos territory with few consequences(nothing can block their souls, they’re carrying more of Azyr like the Apotheosis banner with them to be self-sufficient and wings that could work everywhere even the depths of hell)

Also if Malerion’s Ulgurothi legions do turn out to be Devil-like(wings and tails) as the 2018 Corebook said then an Light Angel vs Shadow Devil theme would work well as Lawful good and Lawful evil clash on how Order should proceed with expanding in the Realms.

1 hour ago, Chikout said:

No, no. Horray for FEC!  No spring time means they probably are getting new minis as @Whitefang suggested. The 4th big mini update of the year looks like it's on the cards. 

Yeah, they need new models not new rules. They’re not ace but they’re serviceable. Like Ossiarchs are in desperate need of new rules so even a hero update will suffice and Soulblight is in a good of enough spot anything will do(hoping more exotic vampire warrior infantry if not Vengorian cavalry centaurs) 

Flesh-Eaters taking more time so they can have a month release to themselves for a bigger unit release window is only a positive. 🎉 

The only thing I really want is Kharadron to get something decent. They’ve already gotten two new heroes so hopefully a new airship is in the works(would love the Shieldship in the lore to give nearby troops a barrier defense buff) or even a airship-hero hybrid(won’t lie, I’d hope it looks like either Doctor Eggman or Bowser in his clown car for a flying one-duardin battlestation + science station)  


Lastly, went back a few pages and noticed people talking about Coatls and saying that thing was CA’s design?

It’s based on an old white dwarf kitbash using Tzeentch parts.


If we get one/some as a release I’m 99% certain they’re overhauling that design to something else.

Personally with Dinojon in hoping they’re the new Cold Ones and the head on the Bloodpelt is theirs, they just got their genetics jumbled up after Dracothion revived them with his space breath so now have Dino heads on winged snake bodies to look closer to the Cosmic Winged Drake.

They even have it open why only Darkling Aelves have Cold Ones now as that was their offshoot of drakespawn creation projects to bio-engineer new dragons as the realms were lacking(Kragnos egg smash go brrr) and ended up making them among lesser dragons.

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1 hour ago, Beliman said:

Me too, but sadly I can't buy any of them because they are sold in less than 15 minuts...

It's so annoying. I wish they'd just print the paperbacks/ebooks at the same time as the hardbacks so I can actually experience the lore as it happens rather than having to wait half a year for the paperback to release.

And just do a reprint of hardbacks from time to time.

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