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22 minutes ago, Red Bull said:

I'm a little out of the loop.

Are there actually Seraphon rumors, or is it just people guessing right now?

Just guesses. That said, we've seen the full reveal for the Seraphon Warcry band and there's still a number of Seraphon looking rumor engines unsolved. They also got Kroak during Broken Realms, which may have been a harbringer of what's to come, it's unusual to say the least for GW to go to the trouble of producing a massive new centerpiece model for an army that's never gotten anything in AoS, not even a consolation hero and not have anything else in the pipeline.

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40 minutes ago, EonChao said:

I mean we'll probably get:
Gloomspite Warband

New kit for Heresy (hopefully breachers/assault/despoiler minis/upgrades)

Final World Eater's kits

AoS Battle box

New Blood Bowl team

Another teaser for this new Space Hulk campaign 40k has leading into next year

Maybe something for Warhammer Plus

They stated on the Sunday Preview video it's just 40k, AoS, Necromunda and Underworlds.

Edited by Clan's Cynic
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1 hour ago, Chikout said:

That all sounds great but I also just want to see one full sculpt of the basic infantry from the new Cities update.

I too would absolutely love this. As @Clan's Cynic said that might be something they do for the New Years stream because outside of 10th Edition that surely has to be the biggest release of the year!!

51 minutes ago, Clan's Cynic said:

My prediction is another Battlebox for January with whatever the next two armies to get Battletomes are. Something vs Death at any rate (I won't say G***ms***e or else I'll jinx them again).

Underworlds will be the Scourge Privateers warband.

I'm not expecting a huge showing from any system just because there's a there's not long until their usual Christmas purgatory and they typically have a preview either on Christmas Day or New Year anyway.


I had forgotten about the Christmas/New Year Preview. I may reign in the FEC showing then. Showing a refreshed FEC and COS on that stream would destroy so many digital and physical wallets. Mine included!!

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Mm, I'd guess in terms of AoS we'll mostly be looking at the next thondia style thing and whatever bits are associated with it, and obviously the next scheduled warband for underworlds.

I suspect they'll leave any new army update reveals till the Xmas preview window, (that's what they did with at least some of the slaanesh mortals, as I recall), but we might get a little sillhouette/animated teaser of the next army release or two.

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The most logical for the "Grand Narrative Preview" is the next Incarnate box on the AoS side, but I would love a sneak peak at the next GHB (at least a release date): it's the US Open 2022 Finale after all...

Edit: The previous GHB was announced 7 weeks before its release, if they keep the same timing that would work for an early January release (I don't think that will happen but a man can dream)

Edited by KarrWolves
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1 hour ago, Gitzdee said:

*just realized after reading the warcom article that the preview is this week lol*

Hype! I expect the Incarnate revealed this weekend and leave it at that. Maybe a warband or 2 and some terrain.

Absolutely!! Seasons of War Gallet, Spider Incarnate and Gloomspite Gitz Warband are my realistic expectations.


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23 minutes ago, KingBrodd said:

Absolutely!! Seasons of War Gallet, Spider Incarnate and Gloomspite Gitz Warband are my realistic expectations.


Definitely good to keep expectations reined in, but I think given the lack of a current roadmap, we'll probably see at least a hint of the next battletome to come. Something for the next GHB is also plausible. I don't know that we'll get all of that, but I could see getting at least one or two more things than you listed, especially as the warband would be a separate reveal from AoS proper and the Incarnate could easily be part of Seasons of War: Gallet.

For the record, I also think that if the Spider Incarnate is real (I am inherently mistrustful of rumors, even with Whitefang's record) it could be that the rumors are lost in translation somewhat and it might be a god-centerpiece for GSG rather than an Incarnate proper. Given the lore on Incarnates, I think that might even be likely.

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9 minutes ago, RocketPropelledGrenade said:

it might be a god-centerpiece for GSG rather than an Incarnate proper. Given the lore on Incarnates, I think that might even be likely.

This would be the dream and also fitting for Spiderfang lore. Could we be getting factions specific incarnates? Like endless spells?

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21 minutes ago, RocketPropelledGrenade said:

Definitely good to keep expectations reined in, but I think given the lack of a current roadmap, we'll probably see at least a hint of the next battletome to come. Something for the next GHB is also plausible. I don't know that we'll get all of that, but I could see getting at least one or two more things than you listed, especially as the warband would be a separate reveal from AoS proper and the Incarnate could easily be part of Seasons of War: Gallet.

For the record, I also think that if the Spider Incarnate is real (I am inherently mistrustful of rumors, even with Whitefang's record) it could be that the rumors are lost in translation somewhat and it might be a god-centerpiece for GSG rather than an Incarnate proper. Given the lore on Incarnates, I think that might even be likely.

If we end up getting a giant spider deity model, I sincerely hope that it doesn't just look like an even bigger Arachnarok Spider. Since we know that the Spider God has his/her/it's own underworld in Shyish, maybe the model could have soul-webs that allow it to revive fallen units.

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4 hours ago, Red Bull said:

I'm a little out of the loop.

Are there actually Seraphon rumors, or is it just people guessing right now?

Just guesses. We have at least 2 unsolved Seraphon rumor engine that points to at least a saurus hero and possibly more. Our normal rumor confirmer Whitefang hasn't responded to anything Seraphon related so either we're way off the mark with predictions, they don't know anything or Seraphon is just getting the usual hero and a book. 

(Whitefang gimme a happy react if the Seraphon update releases will be cool.)

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2 hours ago, RocketPropelledGrenade said:

Definitely good to keep expectations reined in, but I think given the lack of a current roadmap, we'll probably see at least a hint of the next battletome to come. Something for the next GHB is also plausible. I don't know that we'll get all of that, but I could see getting at least one or two more things than you listed, especially as the warband would be a separate reveal from AoS proper and the Incarnate could easily be part of Seasons of War: Gallet.

For the record, I also think that if the Spider Incarnate is real (I am inherently mistrustful of rumors, even with Whitefang's record) it could be that the rumors are lost in translation somewhat and it might be a god-centerpiece for GSG rather than an Incarnate proper. Given the lore on Incarnates, I think that might even be likely.

I find the god beasts super interesting narratively, but generally I think their scale is too big to fit properly.

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2 hours ago, Gitzdee said:

This would be the dream and also fitting for Spiderfang lore. Could we be getting factions specific incarnates? Like endless spells?

I really hope not. The dream as I see it is that the incarnate rules were a one-off experiment that get locked out of Matched Play in the next GHB (I really don't like the rules for them). That being said, a faction-specific incarnate would be way easier to balance than a universal one like the Krondspine.

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18 minutes ago, EntMan said:

Nowt boring about Chorfs Vs Silent People! 

(Big draw from the hopium bong)

I mean if you bend reality enough hard I guess

but obviously GW have never release any battle box like that in the past, hoping for it seems even dumber 

Edited by novakai
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21 minutes ago, EntMan said:

Nowt boring about Chorfs Vs Silent People! 

(Big draw from the hopium bong)

Shame that the Vampirate box has to split focus with the Malerion teaser.

Overall happy I didn't get my hopes up as it was mostly expected releases. Still waiting on Kurnothi and Halfling news 🙃 

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30 minutes ago, EntMan said:

Nowt boring about Chorfs Vs Silent People! 

(Big draw from the hopium bong)

I think you mean chorfs vs Tomb Kings!!!

6 minutes ago, Neverchosen said:

Shame that the Vampirate box has to split focus with the Malerion teaser.

Overall happy I didn't get my hopes up as it was mostly expected releases. Still waiting on Kurnothi and Halfling news 🙃 

Indeed, and the fact that GW pushed the Firebelly expansion for Mawtribes back to summer of 2025 is also depressing…..

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