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11 minutes ago, Draznak said:

*cough, cough - Cities of Sigmar - cough, cough* ;)


Here is what GW wrote in its July 2022 financial report about AoS :


We can only cross our fingers for bigger releases in 2023 and beyond... May Sigmar May Sigmar come to our aid with his brave human soldiers !

I completely forgot about COS!!

9 minutes ago, Neil Arthur Hotep said:

It's hard to say. Next year could be like this year or could potentially be super packed.

We already know that big S2D release is coming and Cities are being worked on, too. Plus we know of three more Warcry boxes and probably a bunch of cool Underworlds warbands as base line releases.

In addition to that, we might still see a new army and/or a large scale model release for an army that needs it like Beasts or Gitz. Chaos dwarf and regular dwarf rumours have also yet to pan out.

Im hoping mainline AOS picks up as well but I cant deny that Im beyond hyped for Warcry at the moment having never bought anything related to it the potential of some of the Warbands has me giddy!!

Im hoping BOC, Gitz and Seraphon get some meaty releases. A full refresh for BOC and a Sylvaneth sized release for Gitz and Seraphon would be incredible.

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2 minutes ago, novakai said:

i believe roadmap was the one that was shown with all the fall and winter release but i guess they were just trying to make a positive there

If the roadmap they're talking about is for this summer/fall, that would be really low-level marketing BS. I'm naive enough to believe that it rather refers to what comes after ^^.


5 minutes ago, novakai said:

they again they been very slow about te Dawnbringer release and marketing compare to Worldeaters that most have forgotten about it lol


I really believe the drip information about Cities of Sigmar is because it's going to be a big release. Sort of like Battle Sisters for 40k. AoS is going to play big with this army. 

And when you see the finesse of the new 40k Cadians sculpture, I have even more expectations for CoS after this afternoon !



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1 minute ago, Draznak said:

If the roadmap they're talking about is for this summer/fall, that would be really low-level marketing BS. I'm naive enough to believe that it rather refers to what comes after ^^.



I really believe the drip information about Cities of Sigmar is because it's going to be a big release. Sort of like Battle Sisters for 40k. AoS is going to play big with this army. 

And when you see the finesse of the new 40k Cadians sculpture, I have even more expectations for CoS after this afternoon !



Something that is interesting from my outside perspective is that all the armies that I thought would get larger or more impactful updates this edition have yet to receive their new battletomes. Gitz, OBR, Beasts, Seraphon, FEC, Cities and maybe even Soulblight are all good candidates for a large release. If we take the earnings report at face value and there were shipping delays affecting AoS releases, then maybe the battletome order was shuffled around to focus on small releases first?

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6 minutes ago, Draznak said:

If the roadmap they're talking about is for this summer/fall, that would be really low-level marketing BS. I'm naive enough to believe that it rather refers to what comes after ^^.




yeah but the timing was around the same time, the roadmap was first and the report not that long after, they probably meant that roadmap.

not like it say there not many AOS releases in the near future but i tend to expect minimum with GW and have not really been surprised with them in terms of releases so far.

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2 minutes ago, EntMan said:

I know Chorfs have been teased/hinted but what rumours have we had for regular dwarves?

They started teasing Grugni's return all the way back in 2019 with the Fyreslayer battletome, suggesting he was working on various projects like reviving Vallaya, reuniting all the Dwarf factions and even introducing an all new dwarf faction/race. In the run-up to 3rd edition launch we got a whole 6+ month long series of White Dwarf stories about Grombrindal also hinting at dwarf unification and also that Grugni was hoarding/preserving dwarf souls for some secret purpose.

Then 3rd edition came out, Grugni was like "Uh, I was making new Stormcast armor?" and then he told the Fyreslayers and KO and dispossessed they should work together and they all basically just flipped him the bird, which is where we are currently at with that bizarre rugpull of a meta-narrative.

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1 minute ago, madmac said:

They started teasing Grugni's return all the way back in 2019 with the Fyreslayer battletome, suggesting he was working on various projects like reviving Vallaya, reuniting all the Dwarf factions and even introducing an all new dwarf faction/race. In the run-up to 3rd edition launch we got a whole 6+ month long series of White Dwarf stories about Grombrindal also hinting at dwarf unification and also that Grugni was hoarding/preserving dwarf souls for some secret purpose.

Then 3rd edition came out, Grugni was like "Uh, I was making new Stormcast armor?" and then he told the Fyreslayers and KO and dispossessed they should work together and they all basically just flipped him the bird, which is where we are currently at with that bizarre rugpull of a meta-narrative.

i guess there was enough (or a lot) pullback of players who didn't want a battletome merge especially Kharadron overlord who felt very unique and distinct that merging with the other Dwarf army would be a big shame. I personally was not a fan of the idea either.

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1 minute ago, novakai said:

i guess there was enough (or a lot) pullback of players who didn't want a battletome merge especially Kharadron overlord who felt very unique and distinct that merging with the other Dwarf army would be a big shame. I personally was not a fan of the idea either.

Personally I was also against them merging Fyreslayers and KO, but the idea of introducing a new dwarf race or something "new" for dwarfs generally was a positive. I'm skipping a lot of other interesting bits in my little summary there, we also had things like the last KO book suddenly introducing the idea of "Gholemkind" just living and chilling in Chamon, and Soulbound's Grugni entry included rumors of him building huge "reclamation engines" to start takng back dwarf holds, among other things. I also don't think it was a last minute pullback due to feedback or whatever, they obviously would have had the new Fyreslayer battletome written a long time ago. I think it's more likely that their "Whatever" was supposed to happen for Grugni's epic return just got delayed indefinitely for reasons.

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9 minutes ago, madmac said:

Personally I was also against them merging Fyreslayers and KO, but the idea of introducing a new dwarf race or something "new" for dwarfs generally was a positive. I'm skipping a lot of other interesting bits in my little summary there, we also had things like the last KO book suddenly introducing the idea of "Gholemkind" just living and chilling in Chamon, and Soulbound's Grugni entry included rumors of him building huge "reclamation engines" to start takng back dwarf holds, among other things. I also don't think it was a last minute pullback due to feedback or whatever, they obviously would have had the new Fyreslayer battletome written a long time ago. I think it's more likely that their "Whatever" was supposed to happen for Grugni's epic return just got delayed indefinitely for reasons.

true, I think we are at the timeline where the stuff being released now was made during the telework/pandemic era and resource/ work efficiency for making and designing models were not optimal.

did they prioritize HH and Votann during this time period over AOS during this time period? IDK. but one would think something happen and a few stuffs had to be placed in the backburner and delayed.

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37 minutes ago, Neil Arthur Hotep said:

Something that is interesting from my outside perspective is that all the armies that I thought would get larger or more impactful updates this edition have yet to receive their new battletomes. Gitz, OBR, Beasts, Seraphon, FEC, Cities and maybe even Soulblight are all good candidates for a large release. If we take the earnings report at face value and there were shipping delays affecting AoS releases, then maybe the battletome order was shuffled around to focus on small releases first?

EXACTLY!! This is my true hope before I let the Negative Nagashy get the better of me earlier.

These Factions I hope are going ti get big releases.

COS is a no brainer.

BOC I hope is a massive overhaul and range refresh.

FEC, OBR, Seraphon and Gitz could all do a Sylvaneth sized release. 

Cavlary for FEC in the form of Monstrous Canninal Hyenas, a new Troop type and the Carrion King himself Ushoran!!

OBR getting their long awaited Archer Support, a new monster and an Immortis Guard Hero!!

Seraphon could simply get updated models. New Saurus Warriors, Knights and Temple Guard and that Faction is ready to chomp through the Mortal Realms.

Gitz could either get a full Wave 2 or another smaller release and if the latter it should be Spiderfang. New Spider Riders and Scuttleboss and either a medium sized Spider between Spider Riders and Arachnarok OR Forest Troggoths!!

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55 minutes ago, Neil Arthur Hotep said:

Something that is interesting from my outside perspective is that all the armies that I thought would get larger or more impactful updates this edition have yet to receive their new battletomes. Gitz, OBR, Beasts, Seraphon, FEC, Cities and maybe even Soulblight are all good candidates for a large release.

I'm going to defend Fyreslayers in front of all of this armies because being out of the micro-armies in NEED of more units, they SHOULD already recieved something more appart from 1HQ or a random Underworlds warband. I'm talking about an army that is around since 2016, with a total of 0 new troops  and 2 kits for basic units.

Edited by Beliman
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1 minute ago, Beliman said:

I'm going to defend Fyreslayers in fron of all of this armies because being out of the micro-armies in NEED of more units, they SHOULD already recieved something more appart from 1HQ or a random Underworlds warband. I'm talking about an army tht is around since 2016, with a total of 0 new troops  and 2 kits for basic units.

Yes, definitely. At this point I'd even take a new Underworlds warband for Fyreslayers...

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28 minutes ago, Beliman said:

I'm going to defend Fyreslayers in front of all of this armies because being out of the micro-armies in NEED of more units, they SHOULD already recieved something more appart from 1HQ or a random Underworlds warband. I'm talking about an army that is around since 2016, with a total of 0 new troops  and 2 kits for basic units.

Sure, a few armies were absolutely snubbed already. Fyreslayers, Deepkin and Skaven in particular come to mind. Ogors too, maybe. But at least KO are still on the table.

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IMHO we could get an hint about what armies will probably get some waves considering the ones that just got a WD update(other than possible new armies like i think Destruction will get at least one before the end of the ediition).
I really hope so cause it will mean some Kharadron goodness :) (and ironically enough 40k have already some rumors about the 2nd wave of Votann units containing a flying infantry and a new flying vehicle).

The only downside imho is that aos never got some big leaks like 40k got....i know leaks sometimes spoils the fun but some rumor\hints could at least give the idea where GW is going with the narrative and the game.

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3 hours ago, Draznak said:

*cough, cough - Cities of Sigmar - cough, cough* ;)


Here is what GW wrote in its July 2022 financial report about AoS :


We can only cross our fingers for bigger releases in 2023 and beyond... May Sigmar May Sigmar come to our aid with his brave human soldiers !

I find it hard to get excited about dawnbringers when I'm worried it will mean that most of my current army will get squatted.

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4 hours ago, Neil Arthur Hotep said:

Something that is interesting from my outside perspective is that all the armies that I thought would get larger or more impactful updates this edition have yet to receive their new battletomes. Gitz, OBR, Beasts, Seraphon, FEC, Cities and maybe even Soulblight are all good candidates for a large release. If we take the earnings report at face value and there were shipping delays affecting AoS releases, then maybe the battletome order was shuffled around to focus on small releases first?

This is kinda where my thinking has been with it too. There's definitely room for some larger AoS releases in amongst the campaign books leading up to 40k 10th edition, especially given the relative lack of codexes they'll be releasing. 


Thinking about the armies in need of refreshing / expansion, perhaps they're focusing on some of the armies with little-to-no models from post-Fantasy (e.g. Beasts, Seraphon, Flesh Eaters) rather than other armies with a more modern range (e.g. Fyreslayers, Idoneth) even if the latter ones are also in need of model support. 


Maybe I'm just a hopeless optimist 🤷‍♂️

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I see lots of people panicking that a new 40k edition means next year will be a big year for 40k and we won't see much AoS. Except that isn't how it works. As we've seen with AoS 3, they will put out the new starter armies, and then most likely crank out codices with a few heroes for a year to get all the easy stuff up to scratch. Between that and the pre 10e narrative books it will likely be a quiet year for 40k and the perfect time for big aos releases.

That is literally what's just happened the other way around, and it's been the pattern for the last two or so edition cycles.

Our time will come.

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11 minutes ago, EccentricCircle said:

I see lots of people panicking that a new 40k edition means next year will be a big year for 40k and we won't see much AoS. Except that isn't how it works. As we've seen with AoS 3, they will put out the new starter armies, and then most likely crank out codices with a few heroes for a year to get all the easy stuff up to scratch. Between that and the pre 10e narrative books it will likely be a quiet year for 40k and the perfect time for big aos releases.

That is literally what's just happened the other way around, and it's been the pattern for the last two or so edition cycles.

Our time will come.

I see what you're saying and i hope that you're right, but it is just that i fear 40k just has too many things that are "confirmed" to come out soon.

Imperial guard and world eaters are on their way right now, and they are both major releases on their own, then there is the Omens campaign which will probably feature some new stuff. And then there is 10th edition, which will give a lot of goodies for space marines and whatever other poster boy faction they choose, and those 2 will likely not overlap release wise. 

It is looking very packed in releases for 40k as of right now, and i doubt GW wants another major release to cannibalize their golden goose.

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10 minutes ago, Captaniser said:

I see what you're saying and i hope that you're right, but it is just that i fear 40k just has too many things that are "confirmed" to come out soon.

Imperial guard and world eaters are on their way right now, and they are both major releases on their own, then there is the Omens campaign which will probably feature some new stuff. And then there is 10th edition, which will give a lot of goodies for space marines and whatever other poster boy faction they choose, and those 2 will likely not overlap release wise. 

It is looking very packed in releases for 40k as of right now, and i doubt GW wants another major release to cannibalize their golden goose.

Exactly. The most optimistic scenario I can come up with is that AoS finally gets some focus in late 2023 after 10th edition has launched, and we go into our own Broken Realms 2.0. I'm willing to believe there will indeed be a glut of AoS releases in the last 8 months of 3rd edition, but it still doesn't really balance the scales I think. There just can't possibly be enough stuff around the corner to counterbalance 2/3rds to 3/4ths of an edition cycle being almost empty.

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6 hours ago, madmac said:

They started teasing Grugni's return all the way back in 2019 with the Fyreslayer battletome, suggesting he was working on various projects like reviving Vallaya, reuniting all the Dwarf factions and even introducing an all new dwarf faction/race. In the run-up to 3rd edition launch we got a whole 6+ month long series of White Dwarf stories about Grombrindal also hinting at dwarf unification and also that Grugni was hoarding/preserving dwarf souls for some secret purpose.

Then 3rd edition came out, Grugni was like "Uh, I was making new Stormcast armor?" and then he told the Fyreslayers and KO and dispossessed they should work together and they all basically just flipped him the bird, which is where we are currently at with that bizarre rugpull of a meta-narrative.

Fyreslayers and KO rejected him. Dispossessed are all for reuniting.

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