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5 hours ago, Chikout said:

I went back and watched the stream again. Eddie said "later on the edition" which could mean any time. My personal bet is that we will get at least a launch box next winter. 

Thanks for going to check it out ! (I didn't have the courage to do it ^^)

So I really hope they come out before my prediction for 2024...

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1 minute ago, Lich King said:

Is a new line of Ogres coming ? The original ones from late 6th through 7th seem like they need an update. Or is it just a warband which can be a big underwhelming …

So far all we have are a potential Warcry Warband and other than that we know nothing. Unfortunately Whitefang hinted at Mawtribes being a single model release. Ogors desperately need updating, with only 1 mini in 7 years of AOS.

5 minutes ago, Clan's Cynic said:

Filler week again. Just a W+ Loremasters on Ghur.

Middle-Earth Preview on Saturday, which I didn't expect but no mention of GenCon? Could be they just sprinkle the reveals in throughout the week I guess.

Hopefully a sprinkling at least. Ill be really dissapointed at a complete no show.

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3 minutes ago, Lich King said:

Is a new line of Ogres coming ? The original ones from late 6th through 7th seem like they need an update. Or is it just a warband which can be a big underwhelming …

There's a few notable references to Ogre 'meat-hunters' in the new Warcry edition, particularly focusing on Butchers and them turning glades of the Gnarlwood into pits which have sentience and sound exactly like the type of terrain set GW would turn into a boxset. 

It could amount to nothing of course.

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1 hour ago, The Red King said:

Did I miss a khorne leak??

Khorne's followers must leak all the time, since he cares not for whence the blood flows...


As to when they'll update the old stuff, I think its clear at this point that they update cycle didn't have a hard reset when AoS 1 came out. Seraphon haven't seen anything new because Lizardmen got a sizable update in 8th edition, right before the end of the world. Going by what we've seen before, that will have pushed them back to the bottom of the pile, and it will have been at least two or three years before they started looking at them again. I'd say that means that with a 3 year development cycle we're definitely getting to the point where we're due an update, but I'm not at all surprised we've not seen one yet.

Likewise, while I'd love new dwarves, the Dwarf book for 8th added all the kits that survive as dispossessed today, and the first few years of AoS led with two major dwarf expansions. All indications are that they consider that dwarven "phase space" explored for the time being, and its only just getting to the point where they are due an expansion.

Skaven have some insanely old models, but they did get the newer Skyre update. I thus think that the only factions which are egregiously due something are probably the beastmen, and perhaps the ogres.

Edited by EccentricCircle
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40 minutes ago, Lich King said:

I wonder what GW’s MO is on updating old kits. They had so many chances to upgrade Seraphon, now Skaven etc… don’t they know they’ll push products by simply updating old kits? Is something like Thondia even flying off shelves ?

As someone who runs a large retail store I can tell you in fact that Thondia is not flying off the shelves. However I can't blame GW for trying new things.

In terms of updating old armies I think GW amongst other issues has the Chicken and the Egg problem. Age of Sigmar is still a fraction of what Warhammer 40,000 sells. So GW has to decide to either update a model range that is a fraction of a fraction or introduce new factions/models in order to strike goal. Issue is are sales low cause it's unpopular or because people love the faction but are waiting for new things to do buy. 

Only in recent years has GW dramatically increased it's staff and production abilities. This however hasn't really born too much fruit due to COVID and all the troubles that has spawned. 

For all we know GW planned on having updated ranges for the Skaven this release but because of all of the issues they decided to delay finishing it in order to produce models with less options like Sylvaneth. 

Just my thoughts as I unfortunately don't have more insight than anyone else. 

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New toys usually hype people up - regardless of their current army choice. New models ( especially multiple boxes ) - including updated ones - will always push sales . They’re new toys that are bound to meet someone’s tastes and yes, I think a lot of people hold out on certain armies / battle tones Because of their old designs and wanting new ones. Imagine Seraphon Tome early last year - if it had new boxes for classic units ? That would have flown off the shelves.


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2 hours ago, Clan's Cynic said:

Filler week again. Just a W+ Loremasters on Ghur.

Middle-Earth Preview on Saturday, which I didn't expect but no mention of GenCon? Could be they just sprinkle the reveals in throughout the week I guess.

Will note however, they did confirm the free rules they'll be releasing for warcry will be ALL 800+ fighters and the factions therein, no mention of the compendium either.

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Regarding Thondia or new releases like heroes locked behind buying old stuff: GW is seriously starting to ****** me (and not just me) off with this tactic. I'm saying this in the nicest possible way here but I don't think it's wise to let them get away with this and excuse them by saying "oh, they're trying new things". I would've LOVED to buy some of the Thondia scenery like the waterfall thingy or the dragon bones. I won't buy a box full of other stuff I don't care about for it though and ultimately - even if it gets released on its own later - I feel extremely annoyed by it. It also makes me reconsider what to buy now as things might get bundled up later and I don't want multiples or have to worry about reselling parts.


Their prices are arguably high enough not to add "hidden taxes". And them investing into the AoS range (when we talk about updating old kits) is something that will pay off in the long run, it's how business works - when we launch a new product, we gotta pay for lots of things upfront but in time it starts to turn a profit. But very few will buy Skaven models that are are older than many players, so if they want to see Skaven (or other races, I believe Skaven sell quite well considering their range) be on SM tier, then maybe allocate some resources. 

I'm usually one that doesn't nag about GW's business decisions and will look past many things as I can thankfully afford it easily but now they're starting to irritate me, COVID or not. I want my ****** Curseling right now (why tease him since forever (the rumour engine was one of the longest running ones) and no sign of its release yet?) and Lumineth are the last thing i want to buy bundled with him (and most Lumineth fans probably don't give a damn about Tzeentch either). Get your ****** together, GW - you're giving us a single new mini (well, two) and put that single release behind a paywall. Your normal heroes cost as much as a video game on sale, with stuff like the Lord of Change costing as much as two video games. At least have the courtesy to not lock new releases behind huge boxes of stuff people don't want. We're in loot box territory right now and this will backfire sooner or later. 

Rant over but I feel like it needed to be said - I'll happily pay GW prices, despite being ludicrous at this point, but they shouldn't muck about with their customers.

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35 minutes ago, MitGas said:

Regarding Thondia or new releases like heroes locked behind buying old stuff: GW is seriously starting to ****** me (and not just me) off with this tactic. I'm saying this in the nicest possible way here but I don't think it's wise to let them get away with this and excuse them by saying "oh, they're trying new things". I would've LOVED to buy some of the Thondia scenery like the waterfall thingy or the dragon bones. I won't buy a box full of other stuff I don't care about for it though and ultimately - even if it gets released on its own later - I feel extremely annoyed by it. It also makes me reconsider what to buy now as things might get bundled up later and I don't want multiples or have to worry about reselling parts.


Their prices are arguably high enough not to add "hidden taxes". And them investing into the AoS range (when we talk about updating old kits) is something that will pay off in the long run, it's how business works - when we launch a new product, we gotta pay for lots of things upfront but in time it starts to turn a profit. But very few will buy Skaven models that are are older than many players, so if they want to see Skaven (or other races, I believe Skaven sell quite well considering their range) be on SM tier, then maybe allocate some resources. 

I'm usually one that doesn't nag about GW's business decisions and will look past many things as I can thankfully afford it easily but now they're starting to irritate me, COVID or not. I want my ****** Curseling right now (why tease him since forever (the rumour engine was one of the longest running ones) and no sign of its release yet?) and Lumineth are the last thing i want to buy bundled with him (and most Lumineth fans probably don't give a damn about Tzeentch either). Get your ****** together, GW - you're giving us a single new mini (well, two) and put that single release behind a paywall. Your normal heroes cost as much as a video game on sale, with stuff like the Lord of Change costing as much as two video games. At least have the courtesy to not lock new releases behind huge boxes of stuff people don't want. We're in loot box territory right now and this will backfire sooner or later. 

Rant over but I feel like it needed to be said - I'll happily pay GW prices, despite being ludicrous at this point, but they shouldn't muck about with their customers.

Yes, even though I dig GW minis I've been turned away multiple times because of not being able to buy what I want. The boxes themselves might be "good value" but buying more models, half of which I do not want, still ends up with me having to spend even more... Which I just won't do. I do not want to go through the hassle of splitting the box either. I just want to enjoy cool minis on my own terms.

It has helped me to get my backlog done for non-GW games though (but that's probably not the intended effect GW had in mind).

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1 hour ago, MitGas said:

Regarding Thondia or new releases like heroes locked behind buying old stuff: GW is seriously starting to ****** me (and not just me) off with this tactic. I'm saying this in the nicest possible way here but I don't think it's wise to let them get away with this and excuse them by saying "oh, they're trying new things". I would've LOVED to buy some of the Thondia scenery like the waterfall thingy or the dragon bones. I won't buy a box full of other stuff I don't care about for it though and ultimately - even if it gets released on its own later - I feel extremely annoyed by it. It also makes me reconsider what to buy now as things might get bundled up later and I don't want multiples or have to worry about reselling parts.


Their prices are arguably high enough not to add "hidden taxes". And them investing into the AoS range (when we talk about updating old kits) is something that will pay off in the long run, it's how business works - when we launch a new product, we gotta pay for lots of things upfront but in time it starts to turn a profit. But very few will buy Skaven models that are are older than many players, so if they want to see Skaven (or other races, I believe Skaven sell quite well considering their range) be on SM tier, then maybe allocate some resources. 

I'm usually one that doesn't nag about GW's business decisions and will look past many things as I can thankfully afford it easily but now they're starting to irritate me, COVID or not. I want my ****** Curseling right now (why tease him since forever (the rumour engine was one of the longest running ones) and no sign of its release yet?) and Lumineth are the last thing i want to buy bundled with him (and most Lumineth fans probably don't give a damn about Tzeentch either). Get your ****** together, GW - you're giving us a single new mini (well, two) and put that single release behind a paywall. Your normal heroes cost as much as a video game on sale, with stuff like the Lord of Change costing as much as two video games. At least have the courtesy to not lock new releases behind huge boxes of stuff people don't want. We're in loot box territory right now and this will backfire sooner or later. 

Rant over but I feel like it needed to be said - I'll happily pay GW prices, despite being ludicrous at this point, but they shouldn't muck about with their customers.

I love the battleboxes. 

Getting a good starter force or expansion for an army at discount (then a even further 20 to 25% off when bought from a independent seller). 

And even if I don't want one side, it's easy enough to sell the half I don't want. 

They've also got quicker at releasing the hero models a lot quicker than they did. 

I can understand its not for everyone but I hope it continues. 


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23 minutes ago, Ogregut said:

I love the battleboxes. 

Getting a good starter force or expansion for an army at discount (then a even further 20 to 25% off when bought from a independent seller). 

And even if I don't want one side, it's easy enough to sell the half I don't want. 

They've also got quicker at releasing the hero models a lot quicker than they did. 

I can understand its not for everyone but I hope it continues. 


Quicker? The Thousand Sons hero took ages to come out for example! 😂 With my luck, the Curseling would also take like 2/3s of a year. I understand your reasoning but it's ONLY good if you want to start a new force. Nothing stops them for releasing the hero at the same time if people would really want those amazing boxes for the discount... but to be blunt that's the minority. Most people interested in Lumineth or Tzeentch got enough units at this point. The Tzeentch part is actually not too bad for me as I lack Acolytes and Tzaangors (I got way too many Enlightened and Skyfires though) but frankly, few DoT players will be happy about Acolytes and Tzaangors. I know it, you know it, they know it - it's taking advantage of your customer more or less.

It's not too much to ask for being able to buy what you actually want. It's like Apple asking me to 5 computers to get the new one I want. 

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1 hour ago, pnkdth said:

Yes, even though I dig GW minis I've been turned away multiple times because of not being able to buy what I want. The boxes themselves might be "good value" but buying more models, half of which I do not want, still ends up with me having to spend even more... Which I just won't do. I do not want to go through the hassle of splitting the box either. I just want to enjoy cool minis on my own terms.

It has helped me to get my backlog done for non-GW games though (but that's probably not the intended effect GW had in mind).

Yeah, totally get you. I obviously also like the models. But I honestly don't have the time for another army and I don't want to sell off models I never wanted in the first place. I'm also glad when there's nothing cool coming out (or I'm forced to wait) so that I can work on my stuff instead of getting the new cool thing but it's really grinding my gears at this point. I'd actually rather pay even 5 bucks more for their heroes - but it's like with their colors. I dunno what it will take for them to use proper dropper bottles but frankly, I'll rather buy the majority of my paints from other companies that don't use shady tactics and only use bottles that make sure your stuff dries up.

But if we look long enough around, someone will defend those bottles too. 

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21 minutes ago, MitGas said:

Quicker? The Thousand Sons hero took ages to come out for example! 😂 With my luck, the Curseling would also take like 2/3s of a year. I understand your reasoning but it's ONLY good if you want to start a new force. Nothing stops them for releasing the hero at the same time if people would really want those amazing boxes for the discount... but to be blunt that's the minority. Most people interested in Lumineth or Tzeentch got enough units at this point. The Tzeentch part is actually not too bad for me as I lack Acolytes and Tzaangors (I got way too many Enlightened and Skyfires though) but frankly, few DoT players will be happy about Acolytes and Tzaangors. I know it, you know it, they know it - it's taking advantage of your customer more or less.

It's not too much to ask for being able to buy what you actually want. It's like Apple asking me to 5 computers to get the new one I want. 

Such sweeping statements such as 'Most people interested in Lumineth or Tzeentch got enough units at this point.'  and 'few DoT players will be happy about Acolytes and Tzaangor' is based on what evidence? 

I think you're confusing your opinion with facts. 

What heroes are still to be released separately? 

For AoS I believe every hero that was in a battlebox is available separately apart from the Skaven assassin and lady of vines which were in the last battlebox released. 

I'm not up to speed on the 40k side of things so not sure about those. 

Besides if you're desperate to get the changing without buying the whole box, you can pick him up from ebay or Facebook. 

May I suggest the looters group on Facebook, they sell items only at face value not over inflated prices. 



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7 hours ago, Clan's Cynic said:

Filler week again. Just a W+ Loremasters on Ghur.

Middle-Earth Preview on Saturday, which I didn't expect but no mention of GenCon? Could be they just sprinkle the reveals in throughout the week I guess.

It didn’t seem like Gencon was a big deal, seem like bare minimum reveal to nothing like UK game expo

they only have a booth in Gencon there not a preview show

Edited by novakai
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54 minutes ago, Ogregut said:

Such sweeping statements such as 'Most people interested in Lumineth or Tzeentch got enough units at this point.'  and 'few DoT players will be happy about Acolytes and Tzaangor' is based on what evidence? 

I think you're confusing your opinion with facts. 

I'm just using logic - most people that were interested in T or L got an army at this point, they're not exactly new factions. A majority of the people that bought into them already got their basic troops. That IS a fact. I can also tell you this: More people would prefer to be able to buy heroes on their own than through boxes that come with extra stuff they don't actually want most of the time - that's also a fact as people usually like to be able to buy exactly what they want. But whatever, you like that solution for God knows what reason, so there's zero point in discussing it any further. 

As for me having to go the extra mile to buy a ****** miniature.... that is precisely what's wrong about it. I got better things to do. I appreciate the hint about a group (due to not being in the US or UK it gets a lot more difficult and expensive, even such solutions) but I don't want to have to resort to such actions because this annoyingly greedy company can't get its poopoo together and thinks they gotta milk their fans more than they already do instead of you know, actually thinking hard about creating stuff people buy without needing underhanded tactics. It's absolutely inexcusable and a reason to stop supporting GW. I hope someone there reads this.

I'm happy to pay premium prices for a premium product, I'm unwilling to play along or defend ****** tactics. If they wanna play the FOMO game, then at least have these miniatures be really locked behind their crappy boxes so that very few of them get produced and they'll become true collector items. How about that? But no, they're also too greedy for that so basically we customers get all lots of drawbacks and should be thankful for it or what? I don't think I've ever come across a less logical argument on a message board. Not releasing the minis on their own at the same time is simply a d-move in bird nerd culture.They really need to step up their game elsewhere if they need such tactics. 

And we all lose when people get sick of GW (rightfully!) again, wasn't that long ago and they're heading straight back to that point.


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7 hours ago, Lich King said:

I wonder what GW’s MO is on updating old kits. They had so many chances to upgrade Seraphon, now Skaven etc… don’t they know they’ll push products by simply updating old kits? Is something like Thondia even flying off shelves ?

From what I heard, it extremely expensive to make new molds and when they release a new kit they do a big initial production run and they project they will need to sell a certain amount of boxes to break even. Older kits being refresh are not as guarantee to reach the projected breakeven point compare to brand new never before seen units, because the old model are still in the market and people have an amount of them already. 

that why it easy to just keep to keep old kits lying around for so long

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20 minutes ago, MitGas said:

I'm just using logic - most people that were interested in T or L got an army at this point, they're not exactly new factions. A majority of the people that bought into them already got their basic troops. That IS a fact. I can also tell you this: More people would prefer to be able to buy heroes on their own than through boxes that come with extra stuff they don't actually want most of the time - that's also a fact as people usually like to be able to buy exactly what they want. But whatever, you like that solution for God knows what reason, so there's zero point in discussing it any further. 

As for me having to go the extra mile to buy a ****** miniature.... that is precisely what's wrong about it. I got better things to do. I appreciate the hint about a group (due to not being in the US or UK it gets a lot more difficult and expensive, even such solutions) but I don't want to have to resort to such actions because this annoyingly greedy company can't get its poopoo together and thinks they gotta milk their fans more than they already do instead of you know, actually thinking hard about creating stuff people buy without needing underhanded tactics. It's absolutely inexcusable and a reason to stop supporting GW. I hope someone there reads this.

I'm happy to pay premium prices for a premium product, I'm unwilling to play along or defend ****** tactics. If they wanna play the FOMO game, then at least have these miniatures be really locked behind their crappy boxes so that very few of them get produced and they'll become true collector items. How about that? But no, they're also too greedy for that so basically we customers get all lots of drawbacks and should be thankful for it or what? I don't think I've ever come across a less logical argument on a message board. Not releasing the minis on their own at the same time is simply a d-move in bird nerd culture.They really need to step up their game elsewhere if they need such tactics. 

And we all lose when people get sick of GW (rightfully!) again, wasn't that long ago and they're heading straight back to that point.


Again, you're confusing opinion with facts. 


39 minutes ago, novakai said:

Not really relavant news but if ya all or wondering why Wade Pryce has been missing lately in Warhammer TV, he got promoted to lead 40K writer

I'm sure he'll do a great job. His passion and knowledge of the background has been evident the couple of times I've spoken to him. 

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5 minutes ago, Ogregut said:

Again, you're confusing opinion with facts. 

No, just no. Common sense is not an opinion. But I could just scream at the wall at this point, at least it would echo something with a point to it instead of the reply you keep on giving. 

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