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1 minute ago, Plinketts Mawtribes said:

Man, I'm hoping we get some AoS news in Gencon week. Knowing which two Destruction books are coming will determine how the rest of my games this year are going to go.

Im really hoping for this as well. I collect Sons, Ogors and soon Troggoths so Ill be grabbing them regardless but I would like to know which are coming because I believe these 2 will be single model releases so the 3rd Faction has a chance at being a Slyvaneth level release.

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I am really happy with the direction of Warcry and I am really hopeful that the icons on the map represent a roadmap for the game. There is so much potential to explore the realms with this game and I look forward to each release. I will sadly miss the chaos focus as I liked the narrative aspect of Chaos cultists striving for Archaon's favour. 

Edited by Neverchosen
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13 hours ago, Clan's Cynic said:

Yeah, GenCon's only a week out so unless somebody leaks something between now and then (entirely possible) I'd be surprised if we hear too much until then.

Autumn isn't far off, there's enough 40k and 30k releases to fill August and we've not heard anything about the next four Battletomes.

My guess is WarCom will show off Lumineth and DoTzeentch some time between now and the 3rd, and they'll reveal the two Destruction 'tomes at GenCon - maybe with a Battle Box since they seem to love those and they can play up the Small vs Big puns (Gits vs Ogres or Sons). Maybe a Cursed City expansion teaser since we're still three months out from Halloween.

30k, Leagues, World Eaters and Guard will probably clog up most of what's left of 2022, then we get the big StD release in Winter (or at least the Army Box).

Gen Con is mainly boxed games and specialists.

Nova Open is at the beginning of September so they will probably show there autumn/winter releases for main games

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On 7/25/2022 at 8:24 AM, Nezzhil said:

Warcry box:


nah.. yer aireet.

I denee think I'll be stumping up fer this one.


The financial report mentioned exciting releases... unless there's the oop khorne dragon in plastic I think I'll not be holding my breath.

I guess I might as well start cracking open the stormvault to the realm of Statis celophanum that resides in the corner of my hobby room.

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Strange question that may have been addressed already but do 40k release track with the same overall logic of AOS namely that a new book typically entails at least an individual model and an updated Vanguard/Combat Patrol box.

If that is the case can we expect the same for the Chaos Demons box? Will we see the Demon Prince release during that time or is ther a chance for another new demon unit? Will there be a new Box for demons and will it replace the current demon boxes? What would a general demon box contain the lesser demons of all 4 gods plus a DP or Soulgrinder? Will they make 4 boxes one for each God?

Even if the rules and lore are all tied to 40k this may actually become an exciting release period for AOS. But with the potential loss of the Demon SC sets it could also hurt some people's plans to collect specific demon sets for their armies. Either way I was wondering if anyone had any insights or rumours?

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17 minutes ago, Neverchosen said:

Strange question that may have been addressed already but do 40k release track with the same overall logic of AOS namely that a new book typically entails at least an individual model and an updated Vanguard/Combat Patrol box.

If that is the case can we expect the same for the Chaos Demons box? Will we see the Demon Prince release during that time or is ther a chance for another new demon unit? Will there be a new Box for demons and will it replace the current demon boxes? What would a general demon box contain the lesser demons of all 4 gods plus a DP or Soulgrinder? Will they make 4 boxes one for each God?

Even if the rules and lore are all tied to 40k this may actually become an exciting release period for AOS. But with the potential loss of the Demon SC sets it could also hurt some people's plans to collect specific demon sets for their armies. Either way I was wondering if anyone had any insights or rumours?

Every codex except Imperial Knights has launched with at least one new mini. A lot of the details of the chaos Deamons book have leaked and there's no sign of a new mini but it's always possible that an existing mini will get a resculpt. I was under the impression that they are the next book out, before Leagues of Votann. If there is a mini coming, it's surprising they haven't announced it yet. 

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20 minutes ago, Neverchosen said:

Strange question that may have been addressed already but do 40k release track with the same overall logic of AOS namely that a new book typically entails at least an individual model and an updated Vanguard/Combat Patrol box.

If that is the case can we expect the same for the Chaos Demons box? Will we see the Demon Prince release during that time or is ther a chance for another new demon unit? Will there be a new Box for demons and will it replace the current demon boxes? What would a general demon box contain the lesser demons of all 4 gods plus a DP or Soulgrinder? Will they make 4 boxes one for each God?

Even if the rules and lore are all tied to 40k this may actually become an exciting release period for AOS. But with the potential loss of the Demon SC sets it could also hurt some people's plans to collect specific demon sets for their armies. Either way I was wondering if anyone had any insights or rumours?

From Chaos daemons codex leaks should be no new units , they even dropped furies of chaos. But They will probably have at least one update model/miniature.

New daemon prince should be released soon together with CSM second wave

Start collecting daemons of khorne and daemons of nurgle are no longer available/listed on webstore, so it will have likely a new vanguard/combat patrol box.

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46 minutes ago, Goatforce said:

Is Gencon the one next week? I forget do we normally get a preview then?

4-7 of August. The articles mentions getting in person looks at reveals. So Id say theyll announce some new releases there and attendees can see them in person.

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I remembered that gw put out this set for Kill team. 


It's really a pretty decent deal. I wouldn't be surprised to see a similar box for Warcry with the two  launch warbands and some scatter terrain. For those who are keen on getting into Warcry but are put off by the launch box price, it would be a pretty good option. 


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22 hours ago, Clan's Cynic said:

Yeah, GenCon's only a week out so unless somebody leaks something between now and then (entirely possible) I'd be surprised if we hear too much until then.

Autumn isn't far off, there's enough 40k and 30k releases to fill August and we've not heard anything about the next four Battletomes.

My guess is WarCom will show off Lumineth and DoTzeentch some time between now and the 3rd, and they'll reveal the two Destruction 'tomes at GenCon - maybe with a Battle Box since they seem to love those and they can play up the Small vs Big puns (Gits vs Ogres or Sons). Maybe a Cursed City expansion teaser since we're still three months out from Halloween.

30k, Leagues, World Eaters and Guard will probably clog up most of what's left of 2022, then we get the big StD release in Winter (or at least the Army Box).

I doubt they going to reveal the destruction tome until Nova since it a bigger event and they would have nothing left for AoS if they reveal them too early.

also from what I heard they promise to release the marine supplements before the end of the year and Votann and World eaters are slated for next year.

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Don’t forget to pass your votes on what novel gets a paper release:


I love Realmgate Wars: Warstorm because it’s three stories in one and goes over Thostos’ origins as a prince in a small kingdom of Ghur  before his reforging sent him on mythological-sized adventures but gotta give it to my man Hamilcar Bear-Eater has the best chance of the AoS books winning this.


Rally behind the Bear-Eater!


(Link to fan-artist here:

https://samwood.artstation.com/ )

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1 hour ago, Sahrial said:

The sylvaneth faq makes me laugh. But not funny “haha”, funny “c’mon people read the rules”

I often think that when I read Faqs lol

8 minutes ago, novakai said:

Something that was not mention on the report but show on the numbers is that Black library sales have gone significantly down over the years

It's not surprising with the pandemic delays and I'm sure the rising costs of materials mean less books produced. 

The report does state that digital and audio sales have overtaken paper books sales for the first time. 

I know I listen to most books now.

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22 minutes ago, KingBrodd said:

I hope this doesnt affect AOS novels.

I pretty sure they been affected already over the last three year, lost of writer, lack of quality, sporadic releases, and lack of new long tuning series have been plaguing BL.

probably why there isn’t many AoS novel release to begin with and the one that are release are really lacking.

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