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TGA Recommended threads??


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14 minutes ago, Ben said:

hahah!  I didn't even know about this!! Amazing!!

Thanks. I'd have made a 90s Dark Elf thread for you but frankly they're a bit poo ;) 

Staying on topic  @bottle's Hinterlands project @Darth Alec's End Times Battletome and @Chris Tomlin's thread with orcs in are all excellent projects run by excellent people and should definitely be at the top of any list of cool things involving this forum:


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i feel typically the more recommended ones will likely be towards the top of the subforums anyway or pinned so it might not be too necessary 

the lets chat threads are always helpful. the painting one i have pinned maybe?, im about to write up a thread about terrain. so we can hopefully try and change some ( for lack of better phrase ) "negative  stigma " towards how some of it is used. 

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