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Your favorite model evah!


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I painted 99 models in 2017 so far. So for number hundred I sm looking for something I always wanted to paint and taking my time on it. But I realized I have/want so many models that just ooze character for me. 

So what your all time favorite model (or several and competitiveness is irrelevant). 

I just love:

  • The green knight 
  • the chaos lords om daemonic mount (slaanesh in particular) 
  • the special white dwarf models (haven't got director and pilot yet)
  • malus darkblade
  • Dwarf daemon slayers
  • oop thanquol and bone ripper.  
  • Dark emmisary
  • black Templar champion (40k)
  • the golden c'tan
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King Louen Leoncoeur, the model that sold me on Warhammer with its perfect blend of realism and fantasy (not to mention his magnificent moustache).

Questing Knights, for being some of the most characterful models GW has ever put out.

The OOP 6th ed metal Phoenix Guard, especially the champ.

The plastic Shadow Warriors. So sinister, so distinctive, yet still recognisably high elven.

Oh, and pretty much the entire Sylvaneth range xD

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The old metal squigs with the goofy faces and the old trolls were some of my favorites when I was a kid.

All things considered now though I would have to say the Weirdnob Shaman and the Auric Runemaster are tied for my all time favorites, with the weirdnob winning out by a very little bit. 

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I've definitely got a soft spot for a lot of the models that were released during the 6th edition period, as it was generally at that point that I was truly beginning with Warhammer.

My favourites are definitely biased by armies I collect, as obviously those are the ones I've had the most time to handle and admire.

But here are some of my personal favourites:

Be'Lakor - Sexiest Daemon Prince you'll find. He's actually the whole reason I started Slaves to Darkness (or should it be Slaves to Be'Lakor?) in Age of Sigmar, and something I was definitely worried about painting to a good standard. 

Lustria release Skink Chiefs - Was really sad to see the Skink Chief models not make the cut. They're these awesome models with different weaponry, and cheap to boot! The only one that is still sold is now sold as a Skink Priest with Feathered Cape, but he was actually originally a Skink Chief with Feathered Cape and Staff of the Lost Sun. I almost put Tehenhauin, the Prophe of Sotek down also, but I haven't actually painted him (even if I do own 2!), so I can't wholeheartedly say whether he's one of my favourites.

Saurus Oldblood on Carnosaur - GW has a habit of making things bigger which I don't necessarily like, as my old pal the Stegadon used to be the biggest thing on the block. But I really love the Carnosaur model, it was a huge pleasure to assembled and paint. 

Mordheim Elf Mage - This is the kind've gritty Elf mage I expect to be running around Mordheim. He really fits the feel of Mordheim, as opposed to the regular High Elven mages which for the most part sit nice and pristine in their White Tower.

Somehow even managed to find a picture of mine floating around on google from when I used him in my Dogs of War army.



Out of models I don't own or haven't painted:

Archaon on Horse - This has always struck me as a pretty cool model in this awesome pose with Dorghar rearing and Archaon just pointing his sword. I can't remember the last time I saw the model in person, but yeah, has definitely always had a bit of an appeal to me. Definitely think he looks cooler than the new model.

There are some others I think on the cusp of really standing out to me, but I just don't have enough attachment to them or there's one thing that I dislike about them that ends up pushing it down. Azhag the Slaughterer for example, love the Wyvern, couldn't care less about the dude on top.


For Age of Sigmar released models. Quite honestly, a lot of the Age of Sigmar models look quite good, and probably are enjoyable to paint but because I haven't started any of those newer armies, there's just not so much of an appeal to me. Nothing has really stood out and wowed me as "Damn, I want that". I think part of that definitely comes from I don't necessarily buy into the "Bigger is better" mentality GW seem to have these days. I started during the days when the metal Stegadon (Yep, Baby Steg) was one of the biggest and toughest models in the game. These days, Stegs barely break 11 wounds. 

So I guess I'm still waiting, for some new faction to come along and wow the ****** out of me. Until then, I think naturally because I grew up with the Old World stuff, I'll always naturally gravitate more in that direction and to those factions.

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I find Seraphons' Troglodon to be the best model I know.

It is huge, it is the best looking model to my taste, it's detailed, it is funny to build and can be painted as you please. Marvelous.


The only one model who can compete, in my opinion, is the Tyranid Carnifex. That's beautiful.

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My first hero was in 40k - Thrugg Bullneck (image is not my work.) so I have a soft spot for him.

Quite frankly the quality of the modern models is outstanding and I have seen many I like a lot. The vast majority have been enjoyable to paint and really come alive once a few colours are on them

The carnosaur and bastiladon models are great, loved building and painting them.

Chaos chariot has been great fun to do, I want to do another soon

Daemon prince was also enjoyable to paint and I liked doing my blood letters




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It's getting harder and harder to pick a favourite because the sheer number and quality of models in GW's range and back-catalogue is so high now.

If pushed, I would have to go with nostalgia and say Nazgob, currently listed as a Greenskinz Shaman. It's a much simpler and more understated model than many of those listed so far, but there's a reason he's stayed in production for 20 years. He's the quintessential Orc shaman model.


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I am pretty new to the hobby so don't kill me :) these are my favourites:

-khazik from forgeworld: is simply stunning 

-throgg, another awesome miniature that i purchases only because of his beauty

Wight king with black axe (ex krell): i think is the miniature i like more among all the death grand alliance.

For destruction i'll go with mangler squigs that are so crazy and funny that u must enjoy painting them!

I don't like that much the order alliance in terms of models and lore and everything but if i had to say one i'll say kurnoth hunters and dark elf on black dragon

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2 hours ago, someone2040 said:

Archaon on Horse - This has always struck me as a pretty cool model in this awesome pose with Dorghar rearing and Archaon just pointing his sword. I can't remember the last time I saw the model in person, but yeah, has definitely always had a bit of an appeal to me. Definitely think he looks cooler than the new model.


Oh that is a really cool model! High on the wishlist as well (only have about 800pt of StD/Slaanesh painted right now so it can wait a bit)

10 minutes ago, shadowgra said:

Wight king with black axe (ex krell): i think is the miniature i like more among all the death grand alliance.


Best Death model for me as well. Very cool model and only gets better if you know the backstory a bit. 

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Still this one I think:
It's just a shame that Exalted Greater Daemons don't really have a function in AoS. However aside from that there are very few models from WFB/AoS that I like as much as this one. The newer Bloodthirster is fantastic aswell but I really like the attention for detail on the armour on this one. 

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A few that comes to mind:

  • The Lord-Aquilor and the Vanguard-Palladors
  • The Ogroid Thaumaturge
  • Weirdnob Shaman
  • Louen Leoncoeur
  • Graissus Goldtooth
  • The stone trolls (just look at their goofy faces, how can you not love them?)
  • Khalida Neferher
  • The ushabti
  • The casket of souls
  • The giant (especially with the terrorized peasant)
  • Some of the maneaters models

Edit: oh and Mengil Manhide and his manflayers!

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I could just say 80% of Rackham's Confrontation range but cutting it down:

Cadwallon - Mercenary Ogre

Lions of Alahan - Pythia of Azel, Meliador the Celestial, Royal Guard

Kelt Sessairs - Enoch the Elementalist

Griffins of Akkylannia - Thallion/Thallion Riders, Sered Templar Commander

Cynwall Elves - Asadars

Dwarves of Tir-Na-Bor - Mountain Warrior

Daikinee Evles - Mandigorn Warrior

Wolfen of Yllia - Worg of the Waxing Moon

Devourers of Vile-Tis - Tyrant of Vile-Tis, Huntsman of Vile-Tis

Alchemists of Dirz - Centurus Clones, Scorpion Neuromancer, Aberration Prime, Razheem the Insane

Kelt Drunes, Ardokath, Formor Fiends, Red Karnaghs, Horned Raiders

Undead of Acheron - Sophet Drahas, Black Paladins

Ophidians - Vortiran, Apostates of Darkness

Hmm that's still not really cutting it down, oh well. 

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3 hours ago, Kramer said:

Only missing the female maneater.

You going for the bearded version or no beard? I believe the no beard version is rarer.

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Oh man, where to begin.  I have so many models that I like that I have a hard time determining the superlative.  Let me categorize it a bit...

Favorite 40K multi-figure kit: Ogryn/Bullgryn kit.  I loved the Ogryns, and they are one of the reasons I got into wargaming back in the day.  The fact that they came out in plastic is a blessing.

Favorite 40K Tank:  Leman Russ (any variant).  Again, one of the reasons why I got into wargaming.

Favorite AoS multi-figure kit: Orruk Ironjawz Brute Squad.  An awesome and fun kit to put together, they are what pulled me into AoS earlier this year, and has kept me in since.

Favorite AoS monster: Maw-crusha.  I don't have one yet, but I have seen them in person and when they are painted up well, they are awesome!

Overall Favorite AoS army: Lizardmen/Seraphon.  This is my Warhammer Fantasy army.  Who doesn't like dinosaurs?  Pretty much every model and figure in the army line appeals to my inner 10-year-old self.

Favorite Privateer Press model: Butcher 3 (without the wardogs).  One of my personal best paint jobs, even if I sell off every Warmahordes model I own, I will keep this one I painted as it is not only one of my best examples of my work, but it is my favorite model sold by PP by a long shot.

Favorite Reaper figure:  Gore-maw and Ma'al Drakar.  I got mine recently as Bones 3 finally shipped out, and they are awesome!  Reaper's Bones figures really shine in larger scale, and these two exemplify it!

Honorable mentions:

40K Baneblade SHT, SW Thunderwolf Cavalry, the entire Dispossessed line, LotR Mumakil, StD Gorebeat Chariots

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