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Losing Momentum Because of 40k 8th Edition


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I've played Warhammer 40k for about 10 years, but I ended up falling out of the hobby after the release of 7th edition- the meta had become so toxic and competitive (at least in my area) that I stopped enjoying gameplay. A couple years later I found this community, and I was inspired to start an Age of Sigmar army. The community here is so laid-back and hobby-oriented, it feels like a breath of fresh air compared to 40k. Anyway, I invested in a Freeguild army about two months ago, and I'm about 10% of the way through painting it.

I guess I just had bad timing though- shortly after I got into Age of Sigmar, Games Workshop announced 8th Edition for Warhammer 40k, and the 40k community is already feeling very different! I feel like I really want to get back to 40k (my old true calling I guess), but it feels like a waste having started a Freeguild army. So I feel a little split between the two, and my hobby is losing momentum because of it.

Is anyone else feeling the same way?

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Haha, I'm worried about people going back to 40k (or leaving AoS for 40k). It looks like 40k has a really interesting ruleset which meets a good middle ground between accessability and complexity. That coupled with the fact that 40k has been the more popular game for quite a while makes me a bit worried, as I'm not that interested in 40k. I just don't really enjoy painting vehicles, I'd much rather play around with 5-10 squads of dudes running around the battlefield.


Overall though, you've got to do whats best for you. If 40k is what you want to be playing, then don't make yourself drag your feet through the mud to finish off your Freeguild. It's a lot harder to work on something for a system that you're not playing, or isn't your current focus. It can of course, be done, and I'd suggest alternating if possible to keep yourself interested in both. But personally, I don't think your hobby should feel like a chore, but it can be very hard to come back to projects you set aside earlier.

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Yea definitely do what you want to do, this is a hobby and a game so it is 110% about YOUR enjoyment. If at any point you feel less than this, it isn't something to keep doing (for any hobby). At least in my opinion.


If you feel a lack of attention towards your FreeGuild, put them aside for awhile. One nice thing about this hobby (or not if you don't have space) is the stuff doesn't go away or become unusable completely such as with an old computer game. Some time down the road, you may be happy to have them and resume right back up with full gusto!

If you don't, you can always sell them, but I would caution you that it ca be quite the treat to get back to it and have a full army just waiting to be used again.

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As the girl from the taco shell commercial:  "Why not both?"

Maybe switch back and forth and see how that does?  I am in the same boat as you, @arka0415, in that I had been playing 40K for many years and got tired of the "scene" that had taken over the game.  I too jumped on Age of Sigmar as a fun, refreshing game to continue my hobby.  And I too am interested in getting back into 40K now that 8th Edition is out.  But I am not planning on giving up Age of Sigmar at any point for several reasons, including but not limited to:

- my wife is interested in the simplified rules set (and the Sylvaneth)

- the Ironjawz models are awesome and so much fun to paint!

- our local AoS group is only about 4 or 5 players in size, and we are trying to grow

- and AoS is no longer being looked down on by the "old guard" veteran players in our area.

AoS is in a good spot, and so is 40K.  I can't tell you to do one thing over the other, but I can recommend that you keep your AoS army around.  If nothing else, it is a good game to introduce wargaming concepts, or you might get burned out on spending too much time on 40K.

I'm in the position that I can't spare too much money on new models and books for a while, so if I make a wargaming purchase, it had better be the right one for a long while!  For the about the price of the new 40K Starter Set and Index books, I could finish up my Ironjawz army, and I am conflicted as to what I should do first.  If you can afford both, then I would recommend doing both.  But if financial considerations are significant for you, then you may want to pick the one that is the least expensive of the two choices.

Also, if you are going to play Imperial Guardsmen in your 40K army, I bet that you could use your Free Guild models in your army, especially if they are on round bases ;)

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On 6/18/2017 at 10:15 PM, arka0415 said:

I've played Warhammer 40k for about 10 years, but I ended up falling out of the hobby after the release of 7th edition- the meta had become so toxic and competitive (at least in my area) that I stopped enjoying gameplay. A couple years later I found this community, and I was inspired to start an Age of Sigmar army. The community here is so laid-back and hobby-oriented, it feels like a breath of fresh air compared to 40k. Anyway, I invested in a Freeguild army about two months ago, and I'm about 10% of the way through painting it.

I guess I just had bad timing though- shortly after I got into Age of Sigmar, Games Workshop announced 8th Edition for Warhammer 40k, and the 40k community is already feeling very different! I feel like I really want to get back to 40k (my old true calling I guess), but it feels like a waste having started a Freeguild army. So I feel a little split between the two, and my hobby is losing momentum because of it.

Is anyone else feeling the same way?


The power-creep is ridiculous, and funnels people to playing a few new flashy factions that have been released.  The rules lack depth, so GW has thrown mortal wounds all over the place, which takes much of the fun from the game.  I'd like to see instead of "mortal wounds on a HIT/WOUND roll of X+" that it increases the Rend value by 1 or 2.  

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For me was quite the opposite. I leaved too in the 7th edition, and now I play both AoS and 40k8th.

But the 40k community here  is even more toxic than before right now! Some people need to get a breath and start to consider that yes, you may be a champion....in a game of plastic soldiers.


So I play 40k in my club in the right way, but I leaved the online community in my country because of the toxic ambient.

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On 2017/6/24 at 9:13 PM, Cerve said:

For me was quite the opposite. I leaved too in the 7th edition, and now I play both AoS and 40k8th.

But the 40k community here  is even more toxic than before right now! Some people need to get a breath and start to consider that yes, you may be a champion....in a game of plastic soldiers.


So I play 40k in my club in the right way, but I leaved the online community in my country because of the toxic ambient.

Where do you play? 40k in pretty new where I moved to recently, so maybe there hasn't been enough time for people to get toxic. What has your experience been like?

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7 hours ago, arka0415 said:

Where do you play? 40k in pretty new where I moved to recently, so maybe there hasn't been enough time for people to get toxic. What has your experience been like?


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On 2017/6/30 at 2:07 PM, MacDuff said:

I await a 40k community as welcoming as this. Until then TGA gets 100% of my love.

It really depends on what faction you play. General 40k forums don't tend to be very friendly, but some of the more faction-specific ones (like Advanced Tau Tactica) can be quite welcoming and fun places!

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Im being pulled away from AoS to play 40K as well, but that's because everyone in the area plays 40K and nobody plays Fantasy.

And it will probably stay that way until AoS and 40K rules are in compelete alignment, so I can just play the same game with my Fantasy figs.

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I feel you, bro.

I wanted to start with WHFB when AoS arrived and everyone just hated it.

I was undecided for months which system to get into. I bought the Necron (40k) Starter Box and painted some.

Later I decided to follow my heart and get a Death AoS starter box, since I always like the fantasy model range more. When 8th arrived, I switched over to 40k again and recently I am painting a Necron army up, just because of the momentum 8th has right now.

It feels like a good time to get into 40k, while all the other players have to adapt to the changes, too.


But my heart really beatsfor the fantasy scenario. I like scifi, but deep in my soul I'm a Sword and Sorcery guy. I decided to keep my AoS army and put it on hold until AoS gets more stable.

You know: a new GH, some more Death models etc.

I am thinking this is a good decision. Just put AoS into the cupboard and get back to it,when it gets momentum again. Now is a good time to start 40k.


On the other hand: don't forget that this situation will occur frequently, because GW learned to use the Internet-Hype to sell products. So on the long run, you should go offline some more and stop following the forums, news etc.


A good advise for every situation in life btw.

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36 minutes ago, ArtyomTrityak said:

It would be fantastic if AoS will get same rules as 40k, so you can just play same game with different minis

I'd like this too. They're kind of in a weird spot right now where the games are very similar but 40k just has cleaned up rules. Either make them significantly different (ex. ranks vs freeform) or make the rules the same, IMO.

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5 hours ago, polarbear said:

I'd like this too. They're kind of in a weird spot right now where the games are very similar but 40k just has cleaned up rules. Either make them significantly different (ex. ranks vs freeform) or make the rules the same, IMO.

Nah, keep them different. Makes not only the most business sense. But also allows the rules to be more fitting to the setting. Otherwise rules for flying must fit everything from Terradons to space rockets. But also shooting, mortal wounds, damage spill over and more. 

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Agreed. I'm in the same boat in a different sense, in that I've never jumped into the game of 40k at any point as its been too convoluted, and really until aos I didn't play fantasy either, just liked the hobby and story. But now, the big thing with 8th is that the factions are like are no longer garbage in the game (orks and dark elder) which is massive for me, I don't want to collect an army I can't use and actually sometimes win. That and I love combined forces and ynnari are cool. Really has slowed down my aos though, but I real life got in the way there too. And honestly, I think Tzeentch just grabbed me as a passing fancy. They're great fun to use but I think I'll not be buying anymore til further down the road. Destruction will always be my aos home.

Sent from my HTC One using Tapatalk

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i know many people who were bored with AOS and it's overthetop bullshit competitive list, so they decided to try 40k because it looked more balanced (about shooting especially)

now that they saw the broken ****** you can see in 40k V8 (spam razorback, wave serpent or stormraven), i think they will come back fast :D

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The new fluff is slowly killing 40k for me.

I'm actually more interested in AoS now, but it's been a slow couple months...

Pls Geedubs I hate Primaris and don't have interested in nurgly stuff, gimme aelfs, vampires or humans.?

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