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Everything posted by Lightbox

  1. I wouldn't say I'm a bad painter, I can with the time and effort have a lot of fun making really nice models. But I am a slow painter and I definitely find doing it often to be a chore, I like the idea of the contrast paints to help me get through my backlog and get those battleline units out quick and easy because boy do I have a lot of unpainted models. I have to say I am in love with how the browns and reds come out with the contrast paints they look really nice, vibrant and deep. I'm also interested in the new whites as I find corax often comes out a bit grey for my liking at times and doesn't have the nicest texture. Will be interesting playing around with these when they come out, I honestly can't wait because it might finally help me get a finished army out on the table.
  2. The first piece of my new idoneth project is coming along very nicely! Still not finished as i need to add more washes, highlights and then do my base. The idea is they're from outer realms of chamon and so the transmuting magics have begun to affect them, causing metal to seep into their bodies, replacing limbs and the like. Almost like a metallic infection.
  3. First thing I'll say is I wish the kit could do rider separate easily. Though was really hard to keep it separate with all my modifications. Anyhoo I'm quite happy with how this one has turned out. Even if my super thin drill bits are awful and a pain to use. I do plan to add some liquid drystuff onto her mechanical arm in order to make it fit in a bit better. Kinda figured it'd be a fun touch for chamon idoneth. Gonna paont metallic scales and bits of metal encroaching on the skin like tendrils of corruption as they live too far from the centre of the realm to be safe from its altering influence (which is also why mermaid tails are going to be a feature like on this model)
  4. I'd been considering looking into white lions. Maybe I should sometime.
  5. I was considering getting mistweaver for a conversion... That head would possibly be a good option. Though I do also like the idea of using her for a tidecaster. I think I'm leaning towards second one of those options too tbh!
  6. So I've been toying with some heads for my akhelian queen conversion. But I'm not sure on which one! Any help? A fourth idea is a melusai helmet with the snakes cut off.
  7. So anyone who knows me is going to read this title, let out a laugh and say "What? Lightbox paint to a deadline? That'll never happen!" and well... I mean I do have a track record that would prove them right but regardless I'm making this pledge. Even set myself twice a month phone reminders to keep up with it. THE PLAN: So I'm deciding to start a new conversion project for this one and that projects theme is going to be: SEA AELVES! And I don't just mean idoneth... i mean various aelves in blues, greens and turquoises led by a badass mermaid. Now I bet you're wondering "Lightbox how will you make a mermaid?" WELL BEHOLD MY AMAZING MICROSOFT PAINT SKILLS TO SHOW YOU THE MOCKUP OF HOW I PLAN TO DO IT!! May alternatively use a demonette head or greenstuff some hair onto it. Colours will of course be BLUE and frankly if I can build it with just the one fish tail I'd prefer that to the 7 billion. She will likely be joined by a mix of idoneth and wood aelves as I have some of the latter and I do actually plan on using semi-converted idoneth as the bulk of my force. But it should be fun to play with the colour pallette and get a really nice blue army as I haven't painted something like that in a long while I'll try and keep my progress updated on here and hopefully we'll see this project go from amazing MS paint edits to real life well painted models!
  8. Cheers both of you and yeah I am definitely thinking going idoneth with medusa ally for a lot of proper games but it would be nice to go mixed aelves sometimes too for fun more casual games. I'll check out the idoneth thread too for that side of things and keep an eye on this one for more mixed stuff. Will try and give updates sometime on how I find units play too.
  9. So I'm thinking of putting together a mixed aelf army with the theme of 'sea aelves' so mermaids, blue palette and skin etc. Does anyone have any experience on how the deepkin units function outside of their book? I'm wanting to have some for the nautical theme but don't think I want to go whole hog into them (though the option to do deepkin or mixed could be cool) My set in stone idea is taking a medusa and converting her into a mermaid which would be a really cool hero. Because of the more undersea theme I'd ideally like to stay away from some of the pheonix guard or heavily armoured looking models. Though is this shooting myself in the foot too much?
  10. Base for mine was super easy. Top half of the eldar webway portal to support it as well as a pin or two in the bottom for more support. Hidden with clouds made from toy stuffing. I didn't have a flight stand myself though, but things like rocks or pillars to attach to it as it flies over them are good for extra support. The azyrite ruins box could be good for that.
  11. So I can happily confirm that blood sister chest plates (with a little bit of cutting for some legs like this) and heads fit very nicely on witch elf bodies to make some great looking squad champions! May try them on a spare hag I have too to make her look interesting.
  12. Ooh awesome! Didn't see this one. Thanks a bunch!
  13. When it comes to wych Aelves the general use is max unit with dual knives right? What about sisters of slaughter though? Are they usually more useful with shields or knives and minimum units or large units to make use of the 2" range?
  14. Helmet / armoured head plates for zombie dragon / terrogheist? Tattered fleur de lys banner for an allied corpse cart / mortis engine? (fit in with the theme of fleur's on the thrones floor and the barricade endless spells shields) Crown or helmet head for kings/archregents?
  15. Hi All, I'm considering dusting off my DoK soon and bolstering my force somewhat as currently I only have: 3x Witch Hags 1x Hag Queen on cauldron 1x Bloodwrack Shrine 2x Avatar of Khaine 1x Bloodwrack medusa Morathi 10x Witch Aelves (dual knife) 10x Sisters of Slaughter (Whip & shield) 10x Blood sisters 5x Doomfire warlocks I really like the idea of going snake heavy rather than hordes of witches and my local meta is a mix of casual to casual-competetive. I think the toughest list I've seen in our group so far is Idoneth Eel based but with a leviodon and eidolan, so pretty tough but not super optimised. Anyway I know blood sisters are a good bet, I'm also thinking Khinarae with javelins for a fast flyer who can threaten backline heroes and maybe a unit of whip/knife sisters of slaughter to try out. I've considered looking into the temple nest batallion for the extra command point and relic but I'm unsure if it would be worth the blood stalker tax. That being said I do love the models for blood stalkers so may get some anyway, how terrible are they in more casual environments or can their alright melee stats and shooting make them nice for holding objectives? I haven't really played DoK since AoS1 so no idea whether they've changed much or if people have found more fun playstyles besides mobbing witches or snakes with witch brew and mindrazor?
  16. @Azamar this sounds like a good thread for you to give some input in.
  17. Oh buddy with my mixed race shadow pirate theme I am waaaay ahead of that already
  18. Considering warband costs it'll be a more cost efficient way of me getting a khemist. And more arkanauts for my mixed squads. Also don't tempt me to make anyore weird conversions...
  19. We can hope! I'd mostly just like to see the admiral and endrinmaster get more killy as i doubt we'll get new models since we already have a good range but never lose hope! Will be interesting to see how the new shadespire warband look in AoS. It's at least a nice new khemist sculpt.
  20. That's so awesome! I love the wings!
  21. Cheers! Unfortunately I don't have a steamtank to compare. The servohauler is definitely smaller and thinner than the tank would be which is why it has the armiger body as the turret. Generally as long as the base size is correct and it's at least tall enough you should be okay. I wouldn't recommend the servohauler bits I used on their own though as I used the small section however if you can have it pulling along a carriage or something with a turret on that'd probably work very nicely. The kit itself comes with lots of cool bits if you want the more industrial mechanical feel.
  22. Brb buying 70 billion pots of GW grey & white to drybrush my scheme with that pot. Those all sound like terrible options! But I have 30 made and figure I should use them because apparently 3 terrorghiests and a zombie dragon can't take objectives (obviously the rules were written by losers who don't understand that monsters are way cooler than puny people) I might need to get a dice shaker for all those ghoul attacks.
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