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Everything posted by herohammer

  1. Got the daemon princes mostly done. Need to finish the chariot pulling hound, 13 fiends, and a KoS. Not sure if I will make it since I started a DoK army and a I may soon be starting an IDK army too...
  2. Ogors can ally them. The app is wrong if I remember right.
  3. Here is my progress so far on my slaanesh stuff. first off is a 90s fiend who is done except for the pink edging on his base. Next up is the Prince of Steeds, daemon prince ruler of slaanesh’s stables and a variant of realm of chaos steed model who is done other than the edging on the base Then the Prince of Perverse Penetration (and alliteration) who is also done other than the base edging. He is a fiend factory 1970s model and one of GW’s very first releases. Then is the Prince of Lies, the Serpentine Lord who is WIP. He is an old mount for the 6th edition slaanesh lord. Next up is the first of 3 WIP seeker chariots. The rider is a Juan Diaz daemonette, the chariot is a late 80s goblin king’s chariot. It will eventually be pulled by a realm of chaos era hound. Next is a finished model that I include just for reference even though I worked on it awhile ago. It is also a daemon princess. The Princess of Entanglement is a pre-Realm of Chaos chaos daemon from around 1985. The last 2 pics are my WIP keepers. The first guy is done except for the base and the next one I just started. I am trying to have this army done before I move to the UK in January so I can take it with me and not have to rebuy paints over there.
  4. I plan on finishing the following. 1. Realm of Chaos era Keeper of Secrets. 2. My 3 unfinished daemon princes of Slaanesh. 3. Two 90s fiends. 4. 12 Realm of Chaos era fiends 5. one of my converted seeker chariots
  5. I meant to ask if warshrines lose behemoth and just become leaders. Don’t leader/behemoths still count towards the behemoth limit? I thought it was just battleline/behemoth that ignore behemoth restrictions.
  6. My bad. You are right. I was thinking of vargheists I think. Still wouldn’t be surprised if it is an error. The cities of sigmar factions in the Marathi book have no spell lores and the chaos faction has no artifacts so mistakes have been made in the new rules more generally.
  7. Interestingly the Idolator Lord is a hero but not a leader so does carry auras but does not count towards leader limits
  8. I actually kind of think hellstriders "lost" battle line status because the folks who made the new pitched battle profile page copy pasted from the battle tome instead of the GHB which is what made them battle line. I don't think anything has ever lost battle line status in AOS as far as I can think.
  9. I actually quit like the idea of Sigmar loyalist privateers sailing the unforgiving seas seeking revenge on Morathi so I will stick with Anvilgard. Also Har Kuron doesn't get sea monsters or sneks as battle line.
  10. Am I alone in thinking the cow spirits are the best lumineth models? I honestly was not interested in the release at all until they were revealed. The hammerers are pretty cool too. The basic troops just seem like nothing new to me and not very distinct from high elves from old WHFB. I am personally very glad this faction is not just shaping up to be a rerelease of high elves.
  11. Quick question about the Mortek Guard box. Does it come with 2 standard bearers, 2 champions, and 2 big sword guys? or just one of each?
  12. They put out an errata to the core rules for matched play that battle line behemoths don't count towards the behemoth limit.
  13. I am thinking of trying this out for a hosts arcanum army Fateskimmer Fateskimmer Fateskimmer Fateskimmer Fateskimmer Fateskimmer 12 Screamers 12 Screamers 12 Screamers Aether Eater Host 1 extra command point Its one drop, everything flies, and all the fateskimmers get to heal off of the free unbinds.
  14. I also use hobbit goblins as ghouls. I love their deformed shriveled look. Never met anyone who had a problem with it.
  15. The doom wheel disappeared from the skaven army for almost a decade from after 5th edition to the very end of 7th edition. Who know if and when the mortar will be back.
  16. But it has a pitched battle point cost. I don't see why it would not be legal in matched play therefore.
  17. It is true that the throne isn't great if you don't have a GK on foot or arch regent since it doesn't work with the mounted GK's command abilities.
  18. Honestly, nighthaunt have multiple viable builds. Most people considered the UK masters list very atypical although I expect to see copycats after this. Common points of successful nighthaunt lists IMHO are making good use of synergies between units and taking one or two battalions.
  19. Search yeti on the Reaper miniatures site. They have several plastic Bones series models that would work fine as yetis.
  20. Also helps censer bearers if they are not near monks
  21. I think Skyre is a kind of Icelandic yogurt.
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