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Everything posted by Eldarain

  1. Alright so we should get the full reveal of the Death faction this week at Nova. Roll on Hysh Aelves reveals. Tyrion, Teclis as separate models or more of a Glottkin'esqe Giant combined centerpiece model?
  2. Hysh Aelves. For the love of Asuryan and my 12 year old self tell me what my first army is becoming!
  3. Intriguing. Two thoughts: 1: Are those units that will continue to exist in the setting (I admittedly haven't paid much attention to the pending Cities of Sigmar release) 2: Interested to see how you have that playing out as it seems entirely in the Skaven's favour as described.
  4. Both games have done a poor job of handling morale. One of the larger downsides to horde units in both games is supposed to be morale but there are far too many abilities that mitigate/ignore it. Most egregiously a core ability available to all factions. What really makes it a design flaw is that in both games the most horde based factions have more access to these abilities than the more elite armies. This has inversed the intended function and made morale more devastating to elite factions pushing those armies to an MSU playstyle further weakening them by the loss of economies of scale benefits (spells, Warlord Traits, Command Traits) that buff one target getting far more value out of the larger safer investment.
  5. They are my "counts as" Stormcast Warcry warband. They are the Elite Wights under Heinrich's command.
  6. Those are brilliant BT_Lad! Got my Stormvault set and my forces of the Lichemaster started. Today will be another good hobby day so hoping to have Heinrich's crew done.
  7. Anyone having success with the basic Squigs? They have been rather underwhelming for me. New list: Boingrot Boss 2x Boingrot 3x Netters 3x Shootas
  8. Eldarain

    Is SCE OP?

    I think Onslaught should be restricted to melee. Too devastating on ranged activations.
  9. Would not be against Onslaught going to melee only as it is making Stormcast Raptors nuts for just investing a double.
  10. Will probably need some kind of FAQ to be sure as there doesn't seem to be anything about how and when you clear activations. And it isn't clear what happens with dead models. The summon ability makes it seem like they keep their damage tokens. But if a model dies round 1 and you raise it round 3 is it's activation cleared or does it remain at the state it died?
  11. I can definitely see it being built around Reanimant.
  12. The Starter box is the only place to get the universal abilities card afaik. The rulebook has them though.
  13. A dramatic retelling is in order for sure.
  14. Played my first game with the Gitz. Our Boingrot Boss is very powerful but pro tip don't let an angry Ironjawz Brute Boss with a Quad ready to go get a hold of him. One shotted him from full health. Played the mission where you have to kill the Dagger to win. We both put one model in the Dagger! On Round 3 the Orc boss got my key Netter to 2 wounds but my Squig hunting pack took down the Ard Boy for the win.
  15. The more I play the more I think you want to out activate your opponent so you can use the Necromancer last to drop a resurrected Seneschal directly into double attack range. The added benefit of bodies to screen out threats to the Necro is nice too.
  16. I use the spider grots from Silver Tower as Netters (webbers?)
  17. In our games so far most turns are just about getting a good Waaagh. I find the basic abilities far better for us than the Warband specific ones other than that. A Brute Boss is terrifying with the generic Quad. One shotted a full health Boingrot boss. Also DinoTitanEdition BoingBoingBoing is super good but it only affects one model within 1" and it forces the Squig to forgo abusing the 2" reach they have.
  18. I chose the Vault over the graveyard because it offers some verticality and is far better about blocking LoS in the other games I'll use it for.
  19. Wondering if there are any pitfalls like this with the Stormvault set. Anyone had a look at the cards yet?
  20. Have they been keeping allegiance abilities/artifacts etc in GHBs for forces they no longer sell? Ie. Is this a year long farewell tour for the culled minis?
  21. Will come down to your local community and event organisers. Having said that LotR is easily GWs best ruleset so I'd definitely recommend collecting and playing it.
  22. Played my first game with my Undead using the leaked photos. Loving Warcry. Really cool mechanics and the thematic abilities for each gang really give them character. Having Krell use his cursed weapon at a crucial moment to claim the head of the enemy leader was very satisfying.
  23. Really hoping they give us some previews of what's to come to switch the script to excitement of what's to come.
  24. That's great news. Thank you. I have some over sized sleeves. Will take one to the shop to investigate.
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