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Everything posted by Eldarain

  1. I am hoping for a new game in the spirit of Warmaster (Though I think it would suit AoS better, Godbeasts, Cogforts etc) If they do stay at GW 28mm scale I hope they fully embrace the Heresy dynamic and set it in the Time of Legends. Have it released in the same episodic Campaign style. War of the Beard Sigmar vs Nagash Skaven/Dwarf/Gobbo wars.
  2. As long as Hysh Hysh is my new Tyrion/Teclis army I'm happy How far out did the accurate order sheet go?
  3. I've played against almost nothing but OB since their release. Big takeaways. They hate quality shooting. Soulscream Bridge Cities shooting package has done very well. They don't hold up well against mortal spam. Fight at start of combat phase is worth it's weight in gold. If you can engage/negate the catapults Fanatics can decimate almost all their best options.
  4. The Nostalgia is strong with that Giant. Still a great model.
  5. Hey all. A friend recommended me getting a bunch of Shadow Warriors for my Living City to null deploy. Does that work? I'm confused by the Living City wording "for each unit you deploy on the battlefield" Wouldn't using the Shadow Warriors special ability mean I can't count them as deployed on the Battlefield for the Living City rule?
  6. He was the first model I recieved to start my 5th Vampire Counts army. I've always loved his lore. I'll be incredibly excited if they bring him into the new story with a new model and I'll immediately start a full Death army to celebrate. It wouldn't bother me any from a creative standpoint as I'm just enjoying myself during this Warcry campaign (cutthroat gaming had been killing my enjoyment) I have my own City of Sigmar to craft for a more personal creation in the Realms.
  7. Destruction Catapult/Trebuchet? AoS siege expansion ?
  8. Thank you very much. Had a brilliant day of gaming today. Just sat down once home and rattled that off in a stream of consciousness. About 20 mins. Excited for the next stage of the event. Using this idea as a jumping off point for my Deathcast converted Warband to join the story.
  9. First report from my narrative campaign: Heinrich Kemmler. A figure of dread from a world long dead had finally regained his strength. Finding himself in lands he could only describe as the eight winds given form it had been a struggle rivalling his wanderings of the Grey Mountains to survive. Gathering what corpses his weakened sorceries could master he eked out an existence far below what he had become accustomed to. Learning the only reason he existed at all was the towering arrogance and failure of Nagash and his Necroquake kept him warm during those desperate nights. Now confident in his marshalled strength he moved from his lair in the Ashen Spire to attempt to master the spirits dwelling to the north. He arrived to find naught but whispering gheists defended the lake. Sending what minions he could spare to defend the approaches he began to chant in languages long dead. As the ritual gathered strength a strange lightning wreathed bolt slammed into the stake nearest his head! Towering armored giants came rushing through the mists. Their ostentatious armor and ornamentation brought back hateful memories of the Grail worshippers who had constantly plagued his efforts. Kemmler cursed his luck. With the ritual in progress he would be unable to intervene in this struggle. His minions clawed and dragged at the armored titans. They were badly outmatched but cost the Knights precious time. Scores of bolts now slammed into the ramshackle platform he found himself in. As the Knights drew closer more and more began finding their mark. Black coagulating blood began dripping from the Lichemaster's wounds. As the ritual reached it's crescendo the Knight with what appeared to be a portable bolt thrower was struck by a towering bolt of azure lightning. His armor and weapon suffused with energy he took aim at the Lichemaster. Knowing he could not survive such a strike and maintain the ritual Kemmler made a last desperate gambit. Realizing it was time and not incantations that would see the task complete he reached out and clutched the pauldron of his hulking Wight bodyguard. As the empowered bolt struck home crumpling his wizened form to the ground he successfully tied the ritual to his minion. The knights who had come so incredibly close to both breaking his convocation and ending his long existence were driven from the lake by the furious gale of spirits now shackled to the great axe wielding champion of death. This first foray was a dire test of Kemmler's strength. These realms were populated by strange new threats and he would have to be more careful in the future. However he had succeeded and the spirits he gained dominion over were potent indeed. Inspired by these new foes he set to work on his next great work. (Great game against Matthias. I set a self imposed movement ban on Kemmler to represent his ritual. The mission we generated perfectly captured the narrative as Matthias had to kill Kemmler, Krell and a Wight to win. With Krell the only one left standing the Lichemaster claimed his first territory)
  10. Giant Indraugnir scale Dragon for the Twins to ride? Yes please.
  11. Given what they pulled off the last time they released a Giant in terms of model variety within one kit, I think with their superior kits now it could be a shockingly diverse army even from one kit.
  12. And with Gristlegore and Beastclaw a mostly/entirely Behemoth force isn't that unusual.
  13. @dmorley21 My first try out with it didn't go great but I made a ton of mistakes and my Battlemages had to hide from the two sniper murder Catapults the Bonereapers brought. Drastically reducing what they could do. I didn't have the Bridge in that list which really hurt me early as he could give me first turn and my list couldn't do much with it. Here's my newest alteration to give the Bone Bros another go. Hurricanum Blazing/Ignax. Sear Wounds/Warding Brand Lord Arcanum: Roaming Wildfire/ Sear Wounds Runelord 30 Ironbreakers 10 Bleakswords 5 Liberators Grand Hammer 10 Irondrakes: Torpedo 10 Irondrakes: Torpedo Gotrek Palisade Soulscream Bridge Gravetide Arcanum looks like a fantastic option in this list as: He saves on 3s and can easily make it 2s by popping him onto a terrain piece near the bridge (Damn Sniper Catapults) His super Arcane Bolt is far better with the kinds of + to cast the army can provide Unless I'm mistaken it seems I can keep his Murder Morteks tied up by resurrecting the final liberator after he one shots them. His Flasks are a welcome 3D3 Mortals I will definitely need against said Murder Morteks. So the plan is bridge in for an alpha, put up Palisade to block loS from catapults to Hurricanum/inhibit movement of units Turn two place Gravetide to further obstruct movement and dispel Bridge, cast it again to escape/ambush from a new angle (Can you dispel an existing Endless Spell and recast it?) Definitely open to suggestions though. As I said super new to the game.
  14. I'm super new to the game but I've been trying variations of this list. Hallowheart Hurricanum: Blazing Crusade/Ignax Battlemage Battlemage Runelord 10 Dreadspears 10 Dreadspears 30 Ironbreakers Gotrek 10 Irondrakes Torpedo 10 Irondrakes Torpedo Palisade Soulscream Bridge Mages to have a mix of damage and support. Sear Wounds for the Hurricanum and Gotrek seems great. Bridge to make the most of the shooting/be able to be more aggressive in missions that require it and make auto giving me first turn an actual consideration. Dreadspears for Battleline/screen the little orange deathball. Had a version that had 2x Sisters of the thorn instead of Battlemages (Those new catapults terrify my little heroes. Craziness) Happy to hear thoughts from more experienced players.
  15. They've had 8-11 a round so far against me. Plenty to make the Mortek terrifying on offense/defense on both turns.
  16. Yes please. Been hoping for this since the Teclis is Tyrion's eyes lore. Add in a bigger monster they're riding for good measure. Massive Indraugnir size Dragon for their lineage?
  17. Fyreslayers seem plenty strong to me despite being backwards naked little blighters
  18. And we will love it. Teclis was my first miniature and he's in contention for king of the silly giant hats.
  19. There was a mixup with my order and I didn't receive my cloud trays (Mini Mag fired some in the mail immediately after I contacted them) Was able to get my gobbos magged up and played a few games with the strips. They really are great. Bit unwieldy to use just the strips for now but the speed up in gameplay was super noticable and being able to pile in without removing the trays is fantastic. Looking forward to getting the workhorse trays as I can already see how much better my games are going to be.
  20. They could always do the old double the models for less than double the price adjustment
  21. I can agree with that but if it was the baseline, allegiance abilities would be a bit of flavour the way the moon is and not a giant element of faction/subfaction power.
  22. Gloomspite. Each subfaction functions nicely. A mixed army also does well. Few trap/awful entries. Nothing meta warping or excessively negative play experience (depravity, crazy mortal spam, activation abuse, Summoning spam)
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