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Everything posted by Cambot1231

  1. My local store has been sold out of the battle tome, but according to podcasts and YouTube reviews I was under the impression that the Archaon force was barred from taking artifacts.
  2. For legions of the everchosen I just wanted to confirm that you are not allowed to take any artifacts on your heros as a legion restriction. Not even those offered with malign sorcery artifacts
  3. Word of Caution for players using Varangaurd and going up against Bonereapers! IF they are running the catapult never deploy your Varanguard in a straight line during setup. The catapult has a shot that can target the center model, kill it and you lose coherency thus losing 200 points of Varanguard first turn. It happened to me. Be sure to stagger or set them up in a "zigzag" formation so that if one is shot neither of the others must be killed to coherency.
  4. I've been hearing a lot of groans about Darkfire demonrift being bent from podcasts, forums, etc. People saying that this spell takes entire ARMIES off the table. is this really justified? I look at it on paper and think okay on the higher average you have 4 wizards in range? The spell moves over one enemy unit and ends within an inch of another enemy unit. So Bam two unit take 6 mortal wounds. That is powerful but not unlike other tzeentch mortal wound spells.
  5. All this talk of flamers being glass cannon ... I think we are forgetting the -1 to hit locus buff from your horror hero nearby.
  6. A little food for thought... Flamers get buffed by an Exalted flamer nearby.... The burning chariot of Tzeentch has the EXALTED FLAMERS Key word. Would it be better to just upgrade the exalted to the burning chariot for buffing your units of flamers? The extra movement , fly over abilities, and ray bites might be worth it
  7. Looking for X10 Wildwood Ranger hooded heads the ones that come opposite the eternal guard. Willing to buy or trade!
  8. Do you have any of the wildwood Ranger head bits for sale by chance? (The hooded heads)
  9. Why would anyone paint 60 of those horrible old Chaos marauders when you have the beautiful elite option of Archaon, Varangaurd, and the new start collecting? Add a sorcerer and you're pretty close to something competitive without having to hide your army when guest come over 😆
  10. Not too much size difference once you add the houda on
  11. I'm happy to hear that you will be able to still use your Halberd/ great weapon chaos warriors. They said base sizes will stay the same too for everything though I feel in the pictures with the chaos lord show him on a bigger base now 🤔. Chaos Chosen are getting a big buff apparently. occular visions from sorcerer allows reroll saves. There is a spell on a 7+ that makes a unit nearby fight at the end of the combat phase. Archaon's new command ability is to let any Chaos unit on the board fight when it dies.
  12. Word on the street is the Chaos lord warscroll previewed has been translated and his command ability is to allow a unit nearby to pile in and attack again
  13. I've got my fingers crossed for an updated Gorebeast chariot Warscroll. Would be great to see more of those guys tearing across the battlefield!
  14. I'm a little nervous that chaos warrior's halberds and great weapons will go by the wayside. The shuttering of more forgeworld stuff has me thinking weapon upgrades won't be supported with the new kit. Great looking new sculpts though
  15. What would be some of the weaknesses of this list? Do you think that the the artifact/ commander Durthu and fulminators would be worth their weight for the pop up alpha strike? Also would something else be better than sisters of the thorn or are they okay just sitting backfield in a support role?
  16. The real trick will be to see if these are match play/ tournament legal battalions. A little sad that these mortal battalions are most likely the rose on the grave for new mortal slaanesh models
  17. Those Gorebeasts in the battalion are almost always going to be making their 6 attacks of brutal fists with 2 damage each
  18. Anyone have any good ideas on the best Wizard to pick up for freecities and casting the empowered endless spells? I don't see many dual casters and so far the wizard on Griffon and hurricanum have a plus one to cast native on their warscrolls ( both of which might change)
  19. Hmmn I think I may have found a model to replace the 500 points of squatted models for my order army
  20. RIP my 40X beautiful Glade Guard 5X Waywatcher Lords. This just might break me out of the hobby ☠️
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