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Everything posted by Doko

  1. I know that many people dont care for top list or tournaments. But here we were speaking about tournaments. Myself never have played a tournament with more than 25 players. Also i never have played a top list because im a perfectionist builder that need per example 50 hours to build the hurricanum or 5 hours to build one single model of one unit (i use xacto knife to clean joints of the matriz,then file with 1200 sandpaper and then 2000 sandpaper,and i use this same method in the 100% of the mold lanes of the every model untill the model have 0 mold lanes,also i fix every joint so be invisible with thin glue and sandpapers or if it is big with green stuff but i cant have a model with any visible gap) Per example i started a dispossesed army 2\3 years ago with the tempest eye boxes and when i had around 1300 points built then citys came and my dispossesed were dead,then i started to finish my army with some citys model as hurricanum together my old disposeseds. It isnt a competitive list because i only bougth models that i allways loved after play as kid at age of reckoning and i didnt cared for rules. So it is imposible to me play any competitive because i need maybe around 3\4 years only to build my army(unpainted,paint takes more ages) Whats my point,i am not play competitive lists and i dont care about competitive because i cant follow the meta,but i like know whats good, theoeycrafting etc and it is fun so i know that hallowhearth per example isnt top 10 rigth now but as i say this i play and win and have fun with my halowhearth dispossesed army and i dont care if it is top or not. Other reason that is hard that i follow the meta is because i dont like aos models,i love fantasy models and i just buy fantasy models. I tried start fyreslayers but after 1000 points i came back to my citys because i dont feel nothing seeing aos models but every fantasy model give me buterflies in my belly when i see it. Lol long post with no sense sorry guys Btw this is my list after 4 years building it: Allegiance: Cities of Sigmar- City: HallowheartMortal Realm: AqshyLeadersBattlemage (110)Celestial Hurricanum with Celestial Battlemage (280)Runelord (90)Runelord (90)Warden King (100)Knight-Incantor (120)Battleline10 x Darkshards (100)30 x Ironbreakers (270)10 x Longbeards (100)- Ancestral Weapons & Shields10 x Longbeards (100)- Ancestral Weapons & ShieldsUnits1 x Gyrobombers (80)1 x Gyrobombers (80)20 x Irondrakes (300)3 x Aetherwings (40)BattalionsWhitefire Retinue (140)Total: 2000 / 2000Extra Command Points: 1Allies: 0 / 400Wounds: 132 I gonna try anvilguard lists when i build the black dragon from the new boxe together my dragonlord of high elf
  2. It is a fact at tournament lvl where players both have top lists,top skills etc the numbers show that hallowheart have dissapeared from the top 10. Only the list of karl franz and cavalry show in the top 10 Everyone can post here and says that i win with this or that but nobody cares low lvl games or casuals, at tournaments is a fact that hallowheart is dead It is obvious that it was a exageration says 100% autoloose because it is imposible,but at tournament level are hard matchups that likely are lost and it is the reason that hallowhearts cant get to top 10 anymore because it cant win 5 games in a row due to all these likely lost machups that moreover are all meta armys.
  3. Malekith have merged with his dragon (seraphon) and they are now one person named malerion,so yes the deagon is gone and now he is a human with dragon parts(as morathi with serpents)
  4. I know it,but dont matter what gonna be the others drugs,even if it is a inmune to damage(that wont happen) all is useless if it is only for one use in all the game and only for the hero(no mount) And so it is useless the rules,because anvilgard have bad alegiance but the spells and mount traits are great,if this new alegiance is allready worse than anvilguard then it is pretty 100% for sure that gonna be worse because it havent mount traits and it is hard have a better spell than anvilguard have
  5. The immediate answer is 100% useless rules..... Only a bad buff to a hero one time per game? Sorry but i am better with anvilgard if i want field a thematic dark elf army
  6. Hnnnnn these rules are meh(i dont wanna say the worst rules ever written because gw history is long but they qre close) A +1 ld only to serpents and harpies as sub faction rules? A 2\10 The warden king comand ability copy pasted? Great a 10\10 but i dont think be worth with that useless faction rules Citys alegiance is a big useless piece of junk,one time per game ignore rend a hero or a +1hit that dont affect to mounts? A 0\10 and the worst alegiance never done. I would take anvilgard everyday before this ****** Stormcast getting some citys units?with allys are more or less the same so no big chance,and only comand ability working is useless, if every ability relic etc would work in citys as stormcast would be ok but only comands is useless 2\10 Idoneths is only the battallion that only for less drops and extra comand point etc worth but also it isnt so bad 7\10 Khaos is the good,i think is convert a hero in a prayer? If it is then it is a 8\10 In general seems very lacking and a book 100% useless for tournaments or competitive gaming. I hope be better in lore
  7. These prices are great and also a bad news. After 3 years buying and building my citys of sigmar finnally i had all my 2300 points built and rdy to paint(also only gotrek in my pile of shame that gonna be build soon) but now i gonna order the next week this black dragon box and as allways i need get to 100€ for free shipping in my regular web so im getting also a box of hammerers and pistoliers.......allways the same,im a slow builder(50 real time hours to build the hurricanum that took me two weeks) and everytime that im close to finish my pile of shame i must get more boxes due to battleforces or any new disscount boxes lol Btw we know if this bugman gonna be plastic or finecast as the others special christmass heros?if he is plastic i guess i gonna get him and use him as any city hero
  8. So sad see a old hero as bugmann back but he isnt a dispossesed.........i guess if ungrim come back gonna be as a fyreslayer lol Whats the points in dispossesed then if we never gonna get models new and only get our roster deleted little a little in each general handbook
  9. Seeing how popular is city of sigmar in tournaments and how it have double players than fyreslayers per example it is obvious that the people prefer old fantasy models to the weird and"ugly" aos armys. Myself started to play to aos with cheap stormcasts,then i started a fyreslayer army and when citys was released i stoped all my aos armys and only focused on city because fantasy models are so much more beautifull than these weird aos models and moreover have a decent price tag and not the rip off that are aos new models. Btw i have 1600 stormcast,700 fyreslayers and 3000 citys points even when i started citys the last by some years lol Karl franz-phoenyx-hurricanum-black dragon etc all around 45-50€ but similar models of aos as magmadroth,maw krusha,alarielle etc are 90-120€.......even if someone se aos models as beautifull(hard to me) it is tastes what are personal but the price dont lie and for me it is a big factor so i never gonna buy a aos model when i can buy 3 same models of citys with that money
  10. I dont want new models,i only want old models back as white lions,dragonlords,quarrelers etc
  11. I heard rumours about boxes with these new battallions,and dont seem be false when every boxes would cost 105€ only stormcast is 109 so it is veeery rare see how those battaliins have the same money cost if it isnt because they gonna be a bundle each. Myself hope be true because if it have a discount i gona buy for sure the black dragon
  12. I started with dispossesed tempest eye box some years ago,then i got some high elfs because they were cool and now with citys i got some humans because they are cool and cheap,never tougth get nothing out of dwarfs lol but citys have been a ruin for my wallet and for sure i gonna get some dark elfs if we get any bundle with this dragon
  13. Yes,new meta are armys that delete heroes at ramged so halowheart is 100% rip for tournamemts. No way to win vs kroak,teclis,alpha strike kharadrons,one drop shooty stormcast or bonereapers catapult. Its a 100% autoloose vs these armys so halowhearth have dissapeard from every top 10 tournament since this new meta. Rigth now citys only have one viable list and that it is kfc list of karl franz and cavalry
  14. I think only kroak who need a 100 points increase is overpower. Yes there are strong armys but only kroak is really overpower
  15. My problem is how bravery have been done in aos. Ld problems must be a problem for hordes and not for elite armys. But in aos is the oposite,hordes have huge bonus to ld and almost every horde army have something to do them inmune to ld while elite armys have poor ld and nothing to avoid it(out of inspiring presence) Per example how is posible that armys that were almost imposible to faill one ld as dwarfs now flee so easy vs clasical flee armys as skavens??? To me,every inmune to moral must go away and horde armys must get a penalty and not a bonus,rigth now aos is all about hordes and free sumon, remove the reduction of points to full units and the bonus to hordes ld and inmunes ld would help to this
  16. I usually try get one of each unit of the army and then if i havent 2000 points i get more(with 40k i got as 350 points only getting one of each unit lol) Also i usually start new armys due to battleforces or others cheap boxes and then i only add one of each unit untill 2000 . But now that im finishing my 2000points of city of sigmar its a problem because i only have all tye dwafs and high elfs,i havent any human yet lol i think city gonna be a problem for my wallet due to have so many units and my "catch them all" symdrome
  17. Any info about what armys gonna get battleforce? I would love a city of sigmar or fyreslayer
  18. I feel bad when i started a 1500 points of full new buy of dispossesed only months before city of sigmar came and killed 40% of my new non used units.... Now i feel happy because im buying big models as karl franz or the celestial hurricanum for only 45€ when those same models in others armys cost 80\120 € lol The problem is that my only dwarf army is starting to have too much humans and elfs haha In my opinion any model with more than 80€ price is a rip off and i wont buy it,if everyone do the same gw gonna learn and change. But seeing the trend of teclis and gargants.... I know that thys hobby is expensive but take you time,per example i spend around two weeks(4 hours daily) building my celestial hurricanum and spend 45€ for two weeks of hobby isnt too much when one movie is 7€ or a ps4 game around 50
  19. The little giants seems ok,not top level but good. The gargants are a joke,that damage output is from 350 points models and not 450\480 as these cost. They are cool looking but the rules are underpower and 150€ is way way too much overpriced(120 was the limit) i dont know who gonna buy them if they arent rich. I can buy 3 black dragons for that price lol
  20. I agree that monsters need a buff,but a decrease in points is enough. I hope this s vs t never get to aos, i hate play a 40k game and asking 999999 times per games and answer the"what toughness have that model* Its is so stupid and tiring,i really really hope that aos never get it and be 40k who get replaced that system for the aos
  21. With the release of citys of sigmar dispossesed were killed and with next general handbook they wont be tournament legal so all the dissposesed player are in city of sigmar now
  22. Any dispossesed old unit as warriors,quarrelers,smiths.....but i know they are gone forever. Not updated but i want any new fyreslayer unit that dont be another nude slayer lol maybe a armored dwarf,or a mini magmadroth cavalry
  23. Free sumon gone. Again back to the balanced concept of everything free is umbalanced and back to sumons with point cost. Also double turn gone. The look out sir as 40k where heroes with less than 5\8 wounds cant be targeted if they arent closest unit(as we have seen any armys as bonereaper or new lumineths can kill many weak heroes each turn with 0 counterplay because they ignore vision)
  24. Many elites got decrease but they forgot hammererz. Also longbeard and ironbreaker is good the buff,but even they are bad. Battlemage nerf is a joke,only 10 less than a incantor for 3 less save?..... Also black dragons didnt get any buff,i guess these changes are rushed and forgot many units
  25. And who cares??? So now i gonna cry about how underpower are the battlemague playing as general order,or how pistolliers playing as free people are underpower.......nagash is one or maybe the most broken unit of the game rigth now playing as bonereaper so he never gonna get any buff untill nagash in bonereaper be nerfed. Was the same than the reapers,broken in lon and balanced in nighaunt,what hapened?only nerf to balance them,i hope nagash players be rdy for no buff or even a nerf to nagash following the gw logic
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