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Everything posted by JackStreicher

  1. Cutlass: (40 Corsairs) = 27 wounds before armor (81*0.5*4/6) vicious blade: 18 wounds = 44 which results in 22 wounds against 4+ the only issue: 1“ which means you will have at max 20 striking so the resulting dmg is 11. nice waste of a command point. 40 FGG with spears and hold the line) deal 11,388 dmg
  2. How the heck are you going to get 40 to actually be able to attack? realistically you would have to count 20 Corsairs striking which are exactly as good as 40 Freeguild Guard with spears (2“ range) but those guards Are unbuffed. With the Freeguild General on foot buff they‘d do 22,22 wounds. corsairs are simply bloated. They should only have two weapon profiles: sword or crossbow. only sword grants +1 attack. In addition an suddenly the while unit would not be as tedious as it is.
  3. I tried (thrice now?). I plainly hate them though I love the models. At 60 pts per 10 or 50pts per 40 they might be ok.... apart from that they‘re just bad, who designs such a Warscroll?
  4. 🤷🏼‍♂️ It‘s just a mess. GW should release a chart for each battallion which simply shows who can take it. Or they simply allow every battallion of the same Grand Alliance to be taken in each subfaction of the Grand Alliance.
  5. The rules for it are just bad because they don‘t buff or synergise with any of your units. If you play Anvilgard you can consider yourself handicapped (it is also my fav. Faction lore-wise...). I‘d even advise against AG in friendly games since I don‘t think you can win against any newer army. Still if you like them just play them, maybe you even discover a way to play AG so it becomes strong getting back to the question: You can add a mercenary company consisting of Fyreslayers (no runefather) to your Anvilgard force which follows the rules for allies and costs you the Command point you generate at the start of your first turn. example list:
  6. Actually I see mostly arguments about how unfun the ossiarchs make a game. I haven’t read anything about OP in quite awhile so your talking of counters is redundant.
  7. The thing is: for you it is detail, for me it is noise left by the hand sculpting. Imo the GW plastic can achieve this, but it won’t since it‘s 3D sculpted and therefor won‘t add details in a traditional manner.
  8. Wait what? I‘d argue that plastic is superior in every way. The Forgeworld gimmick with resin is however that moulds are freakin cheap to make and the material is also rather cheap (as is their quality but not their price).
  9. GW stole the Shieldwall rules of the pre-CoS Ironbreakers, made it better (reroll all saves not only failed ones) and made it unconditional (Ironbreakers weren‘t allowed to move or charge in order to use it), then they slapped Petrifex on top of it. Ironbreakers were nigh unkillable if they didn‘t move and they only had a 4+ save while lacking dmg output. I had 20 tank 30 Ungors and 6 Bullgors an entire game xD. Imo they should change some rules just for the fun factor, not due to power or anything: Mortek: Shieldwall only if they didn‘t move. Any way really so the opponent can actually try to outplay them. Exploding 6s only if they charged or have been in combat the previous turn (this way they‘re not a no-brain „I get all the buffs all the time“ push forward unit. Petrifex: A Second 6++ deathless minions but losing the +1 save Crawler: 8 shots, 3+, 3+, -1, 2dmg
  10. I did not say it is OP I said it is utterly fun destroying.
  11. Corsairs can shoot (a little). In case of a Part-Time-Screen I guess Mass of Models is key (objectives), so I‘d go for either skinks (Bravery 10!) or Corsairs (they‘re rather meh xD)
  12. On spot. Undying units and killing your infantry heroes at range with a single unsaved wound. - S-O mUcH fUn! 👏🏼 I am painting mine up and then they go on eBay ^^ (Slaves to Darkness DOn‘t you dare to disappoint me!)
  13. That Anvilgard would lose was a given from the start. I still think the Crawlers Rules are bs and ruin the game (which they did turn one for your opponent). apart from that: well written and keep up the fun =}
  14. Why don‘t you ally a block of Corsairs as screens?
  15. Orruks are the O Tier, I am rather certain they‘ll soon be Slaanesh 2 ^^
  16. That’d be boring especially since Archaon is nothing but a whiny twisted (by Be‘lakor), bitter Sigmarite Priest that had to fulfill his Sigmar-Daddy-Issue dreams by trying to blow up the old world (and actually failing if it wasn‘t for Mannfred). Imo Archi could just die and be replaced by a cool new overlord. Or you let him die but then come back - melted with Be‘lakor into one twisted being (still riding his super mount).
  17. I hope he actually conquers the varanguard and Archaon must flee to chamon. This way the narrative would not be stuck again (I hate when they only ever have MCGuffin wars that change nothing, more courage GW!)
  18. Kirioth on YouTube Said that there might only be a new Giant Multi-Part Model.
  19. 36*30€ = 1080€ I am also rather certain that that many would fit into no deployment zone. they‘d require 331,2cm in width or in two lines with 165,6cm x 25cm in depth. So if your deployment zone has no terrain you‘ll be fine - which means you will never be fine. they‘re good but really far from op.
  20. why didn't you just say taht it is THE MANDALORIAN RELEASE all over again but with WARHAMMER ;( ;( ;( ;( ;( ;( ;( ;( ;( ;( ;( ;( *cry* *cry* *cry* *cry* XD
  21. I am really getting upset now (https://www.warhammer-community.com/2019/11/20/enter-the-mortal-realms-in-2020/). Everytime there is some subscription model like this it is restricted to Spain, the UK and America. WTF!?
  22. Actions of Week 03 (Sorry for the Delay, the Map Save-File had been corrupted and I had to do it all over again). Total War! Due to the amount of battles taking place this turn will last 3 weeks until December the 5th! Until then I'll update the mapevery Weekbut heir won't be any surveys apart from the Victory & Defeat Survey. I'll also do a short write up about the state of each Province.
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