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Skreech Verminking

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Everything posted by Skreech Verminking

  1. Well I do have a list (which I’m hoping to be competitive) but I haven’t tried it out yet. never really had the time. well the lists consists of: heros:550 Beastlord:90 (gnarwlblade) dragon ofre shaggoth:180 (Horn of the tempest, spells: sundering blades) great bray shaman:100(spells: wild rampage, General) Tzaangors shaman:180(vicious stranglethorn) battleline:630p 10Bestigors:120p 10Bestigord:120p 10Bestigors:120p 30Gors:210p (shields) 10ungors:60p (spears) others:360p 3dragon ogres:140p 3Tzaangor enlightenment:140p (on discs) 10ungor raiders:80p Behemoths:200p 1Ghorgon:200p Endless spells:60p 1cogs:60p battalion:190p brass despoilers:190p (or phantasmagoria of fate) total:1990p (or 2000p when taking the phantasmagoria of fate) oh by the way the greatfray I’ll be using is gavespawn (the lore behind it is just fantastic).
  2. Well at least he got the change to eat a packmasters from Queek headtakers army befor he dies. (sadly it’s exactly the same who stabs him from the inside.)
  3. You must be mistaken my friend, clearly the skaven destroyed the old world. Also who’s archaon never heard of him. is he one of those chaos-things claiming to be chosen by the chaosgods known as tzeentch, Slaanesh, khorne and Nurgle? because that would be just hilarious, afterall everybody knows that the horned rat is the only true chaos god.
  4. Just watched the trailer. from my understanding, Gloomspite gitz aren’t really a faction but more a kind of army which many grots and troggoths follow a mighty king. sounds somehow similar to the firestorm allegiances like gutstompas mighty Whaaaag and the fists of the everchosen, which is a army of all chaosthings, (excluding skaven and others (no skaven in his right mind would ever follow a chaos-thing for the horned rat is the only true chaos god)) United under the banner of a certain daemon prince who’s name i forgot. edit: it’s funny I never expected Gw to take that kind of road. but I actually like the idea. give every faction some kind of allegiance ability magic etc. And for an excuse, unit them in 1book, and say that they all folllow a certain mighty Git.
  5. I’m so stoked for the battletome coming out soon. say does anybody know what grotsfaction are going to be a part of the gloomspite gitz army
  6. Same I only just started with boc, and now our beloved gitz are coming back. Well my Just earned Christmas warptokens will be gone.
  7. Sadly I only own about 860models right now. (From which 280 of them are clanrats)
  8. Oh god and there I thought I would be finally done with the French language.
  9. Finally a white dwarf who hase some beautiful skaven models. (hopfully this’ll mean that a release is coming soon)
  10. Well enlightenments will do a massive amount of damage as long as the unit they’ll be facing has a 4 or less save. anything better and well bullgors might do the trick.
  11. Well we do have summoning. but I wouldn’t see it as a “you must get the best out of it situation.” use summoning as a tool which is meant to help you take objective from the enemy. be sure that they are a key element in taking objective, afterall you want your foe to hit and kill them and not your main army. they are meant to die so don’t worry about your summoned units. and when your foe/ opponent is distracted, hit him hard with your main army. But should he not give a ****** for your summoned units, and still be at the tail of your main army, then well you won anyways.your mission is to only hold the objective and hope to gain more victory points then your opponent and with the ignorance of your foe acknowledging what Ungors are really capable of doing, that’ll be easy.
  12. Sounds great Well I can send you a picture when I get to my goal. but this might need some Time 😅
  13. Of course, a skaven army just feels naked if it doesn’t have a core of at least 800-1300clanrats. (but sadly that’ll have to wait until I’ve finished painting most of my skaven stuff, so maybe a possible goal in 2years)
  14. Well that of course is the perspective of every not skaven player on the world. truth be told the great horned rat is the only true chaos deity in aos. anything else you might have heard of, are lies. Yes-yes lies, all things lie to you-you, truth can only be found by joining the pantheon of our great god the horned rat.
  15. Well, without the horned rat, who wouldn’t be incomplete?😂 edit: also wasn’t the chaos god Malal a 40k thing? thought he was some sort of a god written by fans for the 40k universe. didnt know that he also existed in the fantasy now known as the age of the horned rat (definitely not Sigmar). but hey love the idea of an existing stormcast army worshipping such a god who seeks to destroy all chaos deity’s.
  16. My name may be mentioned a lot in the book of grudges, but we all have to stay together and hope that our beloved beard-things get a book. my skaven army needs afterall a real foe to fight. all those stormcast can not compete with the might and stubbornness the beard-things bring to the fight.
  17. And don’t forget the skaven race. against who should the nightgobbos fight for the bear-things burrows if not against our beloved raties ?
  18. It’s funny i still won, thanks to the many meatshields I owned on the table, but my 500p if 40stormvermin, didn’t do anything. i overbuffed them with spitetail so they’d be able to dish out 4attacks per model. sadly he had his buffs out, in such a way, that i was only hitting on fours and had to reroll all hit roles of 6. in the end I only killed 3and a half blight kings from his twenty man unit. if it weren’t for my buffed stormfiends with shock gauntlets, his death star would have probably done a lot more damage.
  19. They are one of my favorite army’s in the game. Although nothing can beat the faction known as the undervermin (skaven).
  20. Well my main goal for 2019 will be to finish of, painting my 2000p boc army (and maybe some skaven models). as a secondary objective, I’ll be aiming to add another 13’000 to my skaven collection. although that might need more than just a year. for a third and possible objective (rather than the second one) I’ll be aiming to rebase my skaven army.
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