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The Painting Contract- May 2017


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Hello folks and welcome to the Painting Contract for May 2017 

If you don't know the rules they are:

Each month you post an amount of models that you agree to try to paint/build/convert/sculpt. This can be terrain, models, silver tower or blood bowl as well as AoS of course. 

On the 28th of the month the contract closes and you can then post your progress images so that they can be critiqued, shared and boasted about. It is a great way to get involved in the community and to get inspiration.






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5 judicators, planning to magnetise both the bows and the crossbows, already have the extra bits to make this a reality. Additonally, 1 lord celestant with a custom head and blightking bit for the base.


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I aim to get done...

A 40k chaos terminator conversion I have made for a friend of mine's son. Gonna do it the highest standard I can.

Two skaven weapons teams (warpfire thrower and wind motar). Decent tabletop standard.

Some elves for my son. Whatever he wants me to do :)

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I finished last month challenge (hurrah) but I do want to revisit one of the models. Also a lot of work so a small challenge this month. 

1. Black dragon finishing touches. 

2. Paint 3 Chaos Warriors 

3. Built and finish Chaos warrior command squad. 

4. (If there's time) paint the chariot, convert a rider. 

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I pledge that My Gorebeast chariot will be ready to crush enemies in the name of Khorne.

After that I am not sure, one of the following

Skull cannon

Bloodletter herald

10 blood warriors


3 skull crushers

I also have a Neferata conversion to do for my son's friend who collects death rattle 



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On 5/2/2017 at 4:15 PM, Praecautus said:

I pledge that My Gorebeast chariot will be ready to crush enemies in the name of Khorne.

After that I am not sure, one of the following

Skull cannon

Bloodletter herald

10 blood warriors


3 skull crushers

I also have a Neferata conversion to do for my son's friend who collects death rattle 




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I've a small event locally at the end of the month and hoping to get some stuff built for that. I will probably aim at building rather than painting as I've only recently picked up the game. I have 1000pts built atm (not much painted though) and would like to get some variety in (so people can stop saying I'm running bent Tzeentch stuff!)

I'll aim at:

Balewind Vortex

6 Tzaangor Enlightened

30 Kairic Acolytes 

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