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About Sactownbri

  • Birthday July 25

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  1. I am enjoying the warstomper myself. My opponents pucker and throw their entire army at him. Makes the objective game easy and it’s had nothing to do with effectiveness of the warstomper. It’s a dice game and the average dice generally behave as expected. It’s the unexpected omfg rule that’s been winning me games.
  2. Nah, not really interested in trying to make them work or buying more of a very bad model. I was simply commenting on how they work for me. I play for fun, they do okay.
  3. I was able to get in a game against Skryre Skaven. My list: Winterbite, FL Stonehorne w/Frostfang, Huskard Thudertusk, Icebrow, Beast Riders on Stonehore, 2x 4 Mournfang, 6 yheti, 4 Sabres. His list - all the Storm Fiends, Two Cannons, Warlord and Rocket Liutenant, Verminlord and the endless spells. I believe he won off the deployment and my decision for unit placement. We played Knife to the Heart. He dropped gnawholes on each site of my objective and kept his verminlord in the tunnels. I left my Beastriders back on my objective. I won first and pushed everything forward. I missed one critical charge with the Huskard on his right flank which left my Yheti's to deal with 6 storm fiends alone. My lord made his charge but his Mournfang support did not. That choke point in the third photo ended up being critical for my opponent. I couldnt get through the terrain to bring my full charge, and his shooting was great. Then he dropped his endless spell (the tri lightning) over the choke point and my hammer melted away. Very bloody game, we called it on turn 4, he won on the minors. My Beastriders stayed on my objective the full game, which I think was my first mistake. I should have left the Icebrow and sabres back to guard my objective instead and brought the two stonehorns to collapse his left flank by turn two. I am loving the Winterbite. Doesn't feel crazy overpowered, fairly straight forward list with some flexibility, and my oppponents have all said it was a tough but fun game. The relic is a bit silly, usually doing nothing but i've had a couple of games where it was stupid. The Yheti's have been surprising every game, getting work done and being able to bring one back a turn always generates groans. Sabres and Icebrow underperform every game so have become my throwaway harassers. I am really enjoying this army!
  4. I’ve played WFB and 40K since 1992. The complaining about price has never stopped. The only thing that’s changed is the people doing the complaining and the rise of the internet making the complaining seem louder. I’d suggest tuning it out if you are in for the long haul.
  5. We do have Blood Bowl new season coming and the very Halloween themed Necromancer team. I expect them to drop in October as well, towards the end. So then SoB has too be in the next few weeks or they won’t come until we start the holiday season in November.
  6. I couldn’t disagree more. The core problem is competitive organized tournament players, who make up the majority of the vocal internet active community but only make up a small portion of the customer base and fraction of all games played. For the rest of us, the books are optional and make the game more fun and the background and flavor of each army more rich. The narrative campaign books were always intended to be extra and not essential. The only thing stopping someone from playing from a single codex or battletome is themselves. Blame tournament players for wanting to use the unbalanced narrative rules to gain the min/max advantage and the organizers for agreeing to it to keep attendance up. I hope there is another Wrath of the Everchosen style campaign book coming soon. How about another Necroquake style box of spells for everyone and a campaign book and rules for everyone. Those are great, keep them coming. .
  7. Just passing on this rumor I got from my FLGS based on discussions with his distributor... preorder dates, apply salt liberally Psychic Awakening: Engine of War obviously pre-order 5/29 Lumineth 6/6 Psychic Awakening: War of the Spider 6/20 Sons of Behamat 7/4 9th ed 7/18 Psychic Awakening: Pariah August Necron release August AoS campaign book August (like Wrath of the Everchosen)
  8. As a Bretonian player, I just want to be able to lance charge again with modern rules. 8th Ed is creaky and complex, and End Times is just crazy unbalanced. Lance charges, they are coming back!
  9. Horus Heresy/30K popularity (during 8th / Alan Bligh specifically) demonstrates that a good narrative is critical for successful sales and can offset miniature diversity. GW has captured that narrative magic in AoS giving them more creative freedom on the miniature side. Please bring on Giants that can be added to any army! Bring on beasts that can be added to an entire Grand Alliance. And keep driving an interesting and engaging narrative. More Aelves on their way; Tyrion and Malerion's moment are approaching.
  10. Khorne demons have endless spells. Nothing is impossible.
  11. I think something along the lines of a shaman would make sense. Think Ork Shaman as reference, with the priest keyword. Rather than a traditional spell caster. But who really knows? They might finally be pushing towards the D&D style with realms driving the different gargant races. Azyr gargants throw lightning, Aqshy gargants spit lava I don't see why they shouldnt get something equivalent to endless spells too. A base covered with fleeing villagers that blocks movement, line of sight and reduces leadership. A base covered with rolling boulders that moves in a single direction, doing mortal wounds, until it leaves the table. Sky's the limit really.
  12. Chaos Knights with the Vampire shield/banner upgrades look really good. Maybe throw in a few after market vampire heads to taste. Ive seen the Black Knight mounts used for the Blood Knighs horses, with the Maurader bodies and Vampire upgrades too. That is a bit closer to the price of the Blood Knights though. I have a set of Metal Blood Knights and honestly the models are all kinds of garbage. Customization is way better.
  13. Squigs are single use. You charge with them, do a lot of damage, then you want them to run away to bravery and do mortal wounds. Don't worry about their bravery or waste a CP on them for inspiring presence. If you are getting shot before getting into combat you might be missing the more critical items for a squig army, boss on cave squig and boss on mangler, that should be higher target priority.
  14. Got a 2K game in over the weekend, tried a completely new list. Barak-Zilfin, Admiral, Navigator, Endrinmaster in Drigible, 2x3 Riggers, 2x Frigates, 2x Arkanauts 1x Thunderers (all rifles) Opponent was playing the new slaves. A max company of Warriors then all Cavalary. He was also playing the summoning battalion with 4 heroes. I left one Arkanaut company on the objective in my deployment zone then had the rest of the troops garrison the boats. I lined up refused flank to my right. He deployed cav heavy to his left to counter my refused flank, leaving his warriors and three heroes on his back objective. Turn 1 he moved all his cav forward to get in a turn two charge on my boats. My turn one I flew high with my boats and started my plan of crushing him from his weak flank. I ended up loosing but more due to distance and too effective shooting. I needed to make an easy charge on turn 5 to jump on an object to win. I split fire so I would just grind down his cavalry but I accidentally shot them off the board :(, immediate loss for me. Winning unit: my backfield arkanaut company sitting on the objective. They lasted until turn 4 and let me just roll up his backfield and shoot his army to death. At the end of the game the only unit I lost was that one arkanaut company. I did loose a few models in other units but I was still 100% combat effective and my Frigates ended at full wounds. The new battletome is all kinds of fun. Skyvessels finally feel right. Garrisoned, they are so good. Charging with my Frigate full of arkanauts with skypikes feels sooo good now, with riggers following up to throw on more pain and heal the boat. Thats what it should have always been like!
  15. KO not using magic is hilarious... after all what exactly is Aether Gold they use for their Skyvessels? I'm pretty sure its magic. I would have thought they could come up with some Aethermatic constructions that no one else can use. Like OB soul linked spells or Khorne prayers, where even after you "cast" them, they are not something you opponent can use or interact with. A magic siphon that kills other spells, make the (now worthless) Drillbill buzz around the board, an auto repair machine for sky vessels, an emergency collapsible hot air balloon that can pull a hero or squad up in the air out of trouble... possibilities are endless. But, clearly GW has different plans for KO. Hopefully this tome makes them uber popular and we get to see more / expanded units in the future.
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