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Best use of spare 20/30/40/50/60/70/80 points per alliance


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When I make lists using the models I want to, it often comes out with awkward left-over points. What is the best way to use up those spare points? Some factions/alliances have cheap units, cheap heroes etc. So which are the best ones and when are you best off just going for a triumph? e.g. Black Ark Fleetmaster - only 40 points, worth it?

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As discussed on an topic about Gryph hounds  both Gryph hounds (40pt) and Wood-elf hunting hounds (20pt) are great little objective grabbers and general nuisance units for mixed order armies. 

I guess if you want to minimise drops it might not be worth it (especially against opponent with ranged ability spare to pick it off without having to divert).

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For sure with 80 there are a lot of options - unless you've already chosen 6 heroes when it's a bit more limited. 60 is ok (clan rats etc I guess). The real problem is 40 - it seems like too much to waste but nothing that good to get for it

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I am not an experienced player, but hmmmm let's see...

20: Hunting Hounds
30: No clue.
40: Gryph hounds
50: No clue.
60: Skink Chief if you are using Skinks as cheap battleline, otherwise maybe a Razordon/Salamander
80: Skinks or Vulkite Berserkers. Cheap battlelines for order. But there are other good ones like those Wood Aelf battleline guys

The really cheap ones are probably all Grots, but Destruction has some nice things for 60 or 80, can't decide.
20: No clue...
30: Perhaps Grot Fanatics?
40: Nasty Skulkers or something
50: no clue.
60: Frost Sabres?
80: too many possible ones

Same as Destruction for the 60 or 80, so many choices.

20: No clue...
30: Giant Rats
40: Brimstone Horrors
50: Blue Horrors

A Cairn Wraith is pretty nice for 60 but you could also take Zombies or Dire Wolves I guess. Depending on what you need.
I don't actually recall something cheaper than 60...
For 80 you get lots of good stuff already. Can't choose one.

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8 hours ago, discoking said:

40/60 points left over is worth it for a roll on the Triumphs table imo

Fun fact, the vast majority of the NA tournament scene has said 'lol nope' to triumphs. I've been to a number of different tournaments of different sizes in different states and the only one that ever let triumphs through was one GW was actually at, and they comprimised by basically getting rid of terrain rules.

For whatever reason NA hates triumphs and Terrain rules.

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21 minutes ago, Furious said:

Terrain rules are a pain to keep track of without markers, and honestly whenever I play against someone who roll on the triumph table it never gets used, only forgotten.

Yeah this is the majority of it. There's also the fact that gw didn't just make triumphs purchasable, so people from the US see it as being 'free' and we all know how the US feels about getting things for 'free'.

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On 20/04/2017 at 11:21 PM, Furious said:

Terrain rules are a pain to keep track of without markers, and honestly whenever I play against someone who roll on the triumph table it never gets used, only forgotten.

I always keep a post it on top of my warscrolls and dice for the triumph table or global bonuses that affect everything.

but yes, 40 points is definitely hold back for a roll on that table rather than just take something for the sake of it.

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5 moar vulkites! ? Or I've been forced 20 under to take the triumph and made markers to remember to use it. Actually made a difference two games won from double activated hearthguard Berzerkers from battalion smashing the enemy. Rerolls to hit one combat Phase.

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The foot Bretonnian paladin is really good for a mere 80 points. Solid attacking stats, so long as he doesn't charge he has a 3+ save, and he can make an attack dealing D6 mortal wounds - better than most 100 point heroes IMO!

I kind of want to make a mixed order list that uses a bunch of them to fill out any unused leader slots, then just throw all them at something and deal as many mortal wounds as possible xD

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  • 4 months later...
11 hours ago, Iain said:

Resurrecting this thread because I still can't make my Stormcast list fit exactly 2000 points - always 40 points left over. Not sure if they were before, but Razordons are now just 40points - https://www.games-workshop.com/resources/PDF/AoS_Warscrolls/aos-warscroll-razordon-en.pdf - seems like some solid shooting!

Blimey, I'd never even looked at Razordons O.o - they're a bit good and a much better alternative to gryph-hounds in most circumstances. It's a shame they take up a sweet, sweet artillery slot otherwise I'd be loading up on them.

As it stands, Hunting Hounds are my favourite way to sponge up spare points. Who needs triumphs when you have a couple of cute doggies who can hold up a fast moving monster or deathstar for a turn?


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15 hours ago, heywoah_twitch said:

80: Grot shaman if you don't yet have a wizard, else roll on Triumph.

Beastclaw can't ally with Grots. That being said, Beastclaw have easy access to fillers in Frost Sabres if they want to fill in the points.


Personally I'd really like the option to purchase extra Artefacts for around 50~ points. I'm fine with my list being 20-40 points under, but I hate when it's more than that. I hate it even more when I have a list that I'm quite happy with that's 50+ points under, and rejigging it to get me closer leaves me a list I don't like as much.

I also try and always aim to fit in as much as I can since I always forget Triumphs. So yeah, just wish there was a little something you could spend your points on, as many factions don't have 'filler' units available to them (or they've used all their allies points up).

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