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Hedonites of Slaanesh Discussion


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Just finished the Sylvaneth game - it got to the end of my turn 2 and they surrendered. They had gotten abysmal luck in all honesty, and it seemed a struggle to come back from. 

At the beginning of the turn, the Keeper cast Flaming Weapon on their claws,  as well as arcane bolt, and the Sylvaneth player couldn't unbind. The Contorted Epitome cast Overwhelming Acquiescence on the Treelord and Lady of Vines, as well as Mystic Shield on the KoS. Glutos failed Crippling Famishment but successfully cast the Mesmerising Mirror.

My battle tactic was Grand Feast, with a plan to kill the Treelord. 

I moved the Blissbarbs to target the lil Treelords with Scythes and they killed 1, despite the 3+2 save. Glutos moved up closer to the Treelord, Lady of Vines, and Bow lil Tree men and tried to pot shot the last Scythe one but it failed. The Twinsouls moved in to debuff the Treeman and the Painbringers moved in to start contesting an objective. The Mesmerising Mirror triggered on the Treelord Ancient and the Little Treemen with Scythes, netting me 2 depravity. The Masque moved to kill the last Dryad.  

All charges were made, and the Keeper failed to roar and the Treelord made it strike last. The Keeper used Hurler of Obscenities at the Treeman, who was still suffering from a -1 from Glutos + Depravity. Glutos tried to kill one of the bow lil treemen but only did 3 wounds (healing the 3 he took back). With an overall -1 to hit and attacks (from the Twinsouls), the Treelord did nothing, and was killed by the Keeper. In a mocking gesture from Slaanesh, the single Dryad rolled all 6s on their saves. 

I was impressed by everything in my list in all honesty, with the Mesmerising Mirror being a bit of a smash hit. The Keeper was, in my opinion, really good when all buffed up with the shield to keep them safe.

The Sylvaneth didn't know how to come back from it, so decided to concede and we'll be playing a Gargant vs Slaanesh game very soon!




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Just finished my last pre-tourney match against Belakor Slaves. He had a huge block of Slaanesh knights, 10 warriors with the usual Nurgle/Banner tankiness, Belakor, a Nurgle Daemon Prince, a Soulgrinder (never even seen one before) and some little Warcry units (Untamed Beasts and Raptoryx something or other). He also had a foot Clord, some Khorne daemon thing that healed a wound for every model it killed, and a caster. He was in the Cabal thingy that lets you cast on 3D6. 

My opponent was the saltiest man of all time, and took every failed dice roll as a personal slight. He also took offence at the fact that I rolled my own temptation die DP generation without asking him as a "courtesy", which OK? This just meant he was saltier when he gave me a bunch of DPs off accepted temptation dice. 

My list wasn't super optimized -- I had too many heroes -- but I just finished the Lord of Hubris and really wanted to field him. I had:


LoP (general, Crown of Dark Secrets, Strength of Godhood)




11 Blissbarbs

5 Painbringers

5 Twinsouls 

5 Slickblades 

5 Barbseekers 



He had way fewer drops, I plopped the Masque in front of his huge unit of knights because he screened his foot heroes out. He took first turn and the Masque died at the hands of the warriors/Clord/Khorne daemon. I didn't care because she held up like 60% of his army. 




In my turn, I pinged the Soulgrinder (off alone on his flank) for a few wounds with the Barbseekers and charged the Slicks in. I had chosen the Grand Feast battle tactic, which mean the Slicks needed to do 12 damage to a saveless Soulgrinder with no ward. They did 11. 



I won priority but gave him the turn. His knights had got all snarled up and charged my Painbringers in the middle, but I was already at -2 there (global debuff plus Glutos) and couldn't get many in. He killed like 2 Painbringers nonetheless, and I killed one back maybe. 


Elsewhere he failed a charge onto my Soulgrinder-engaged Slicks and nearly rage-quit (not for the last time). He also failed a charge with his warriors onto my engaged Painbringers. 


In my turn 2 he popped Belakor's Dark Master onto Glutos. Glutos failed every roll to do anything that turn, but he was putting in work with his -1 so I didn't mind. (At this point my opponent also tried to claim Dark Master shut off Glutos' -1 to hit aura, which nope.) 

My Twinsouls and Lord of Hubris charged his knight block in the middle, and my Slicks charged his Daemon Prince in his central backfield to try to kill him for Gaining Momentum. The Daemon Prince, weakened by Blissbarb and Barbseeker shooting and with his save largely neutered, died pretty quickly. 


In the middle, my Lord of Hubris did his best "are you not entertained?" impression at the Chaos Knights, who, with -1 attack from Twinsouls and not being able to fully pile in, did only 2 wounds to him. Painbringer, Twinsoul and LoH attacks back (all with the LoP buff, and now with mortals on 6s) reduce them to 7 left. 


He won priority and opted to take the turn despite the fact that he would have messed Glutos up by forcing another Dark Master turn on him. He made a bunch of charges and bounced off my Lord of Hubris (who was still tanking his knights) with his Khorne daemon dude. Belakor and 7-8 warriors killed one Barbseeker, suddenly very tanky behind their 5++. My Slicks put 5 wounds on his chaos lord. He failed his tactic to wipe a unit out (praise be to the Lord of Hubris again, keeping wounds off my 2 remaining Painbringers) and at this point it was saltiness overload; he quit before I got to take my turn 3. 



Still extremely impressed with the book 3 games in, and after my mini-tourney on Saturday I'm gonna start mixing it up and moving away from Pretenders with a LoP general. I'm still finding DP generation insane (I generated 46 tonight in 2.5 turns) and can honestly see there being some major changes to our DP thresholds for buffs and summoning going forward. Also the LoP is genuinely too strong, and I agree with whoever said upthread that we can expect a nerf to his ability to that it only affects melee -- or even that he can only pick one unit to affect with it. Even just affecting Glutos with it is crazy powerful. 


Edited by LeonBox
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It's never pleasant when people behave like that, a shame you had to put up with it. Nonetheless, thanks to you snd others for sharing your experiences with the book. 

I played a game yesterday against a cool Gitz list with 2x10 Boingrots, 6 rockgut troggs, 20 Shootas and a lot of characters and usual techy stuff like the 5+ ward-giving dudes. I gave the Pretenders a try to see if I liked how it functioned versus Invaders, and I found I quite liked it. I lost in the end due to forgetting rules, taking first but deploying as if to go second because I wanted to try stuff out before potentially losing anything, not really making the most of my moves, etc. It was very sloppy on my end but as far as playing to get a feel for things it was great.

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Sorry you had such a frustrating opponent @LeonBox. I know it can be hard not to get salty when dice rolls go against you badly, but I still always try laugh about my bad luck rather than make the game miserable for my opponent.

As for you rolling the DP dice, where did he get the idea that he did he rolling them? I mean, ultimately it makes no difference, but it feels weird that he'd get that idea. It feels a bit like assuming the attacker weird get to roll the defenders saving throws: they're the defenders saving throws so the defender gets to roll them, and they're your DP so you get to roll them.

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53 minutes ago, JerekKruger said:

As for you rolling the DP dice, where did he get the idea that he did he rolling them?

maybe he just rolled 1's and want the "Luck" give back :);) 

Question: Some of u say maybe there are some changes for Dp or the LoP, but there is already a FAQ online (Date 24.03.2023). DO u really think there is another soon ?!?!

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Thanks for the write up @LeonBox

I had a game against Gargants - no pictures as there were a lot of proxies and blank bases so not the easiest to follow with a visual aid! 

My list was:

 - Army Faction: Hedonites of Slaanesh

  - Army Type: Godseekers

  - Grand Strategy: Glutton for Depravity


Lord of Pain (135)*

Keeper of Secrets (400)*

  - General

  - Command Traits: Master of Magic

  - Ritual Knife

  - Artefacts of Power: Girdle of the Realm-racer

  - Spells: Progeny of Damnation

Shalaxi Helbane (420)**

  - Living Whip

  - Spells: Paths of the Dark Prince


Blissbarb Archers (150)*

Seekers (140)*

Seekers (140)**


Fiends (200)*

Fiends (200)*

Slickblade Seekers (200)**


1 x Fane of Slaanesh (0)


*Battle Regiment

**Battle Regiment

TOTAL POINTS: 1985/2000

My aim was to test out Shalaxi, the Fiends, and the KoS without the Aegis, so I won't go through the game step by step and instead will just comment on them. I'll also comment on Godseekers.


With a prime target in their sights, Shalaxi should have been right at home killing gargants, and in many ways they did a good job! Armed with a while rather than the Aegis (wanting to test it out), they did 1 damage in shooting and failed to reduce attacks by one. They did however do 17 damage in combat vs the Gargant, which certainly helped depravity generation. Unfortunately I didn't realise that gargants had an ability to do 4d6 mortal wounds, which quickly squashed Shalaxi flat. 

Overall, their damage (with their spell) seemed very good against heroes, but I wouldn't take them without the Aegis again. Even with their high save vs heroes, that mortal wound and bad luck protection is just too important to miss out on, especially as the Whip doesn't always work. With the Aegis, they may well have lived to fight another day. 

The ritual knife Keeper 

I was a bit more worried about the KoS, though the Girdle should theoretically protect them a little in my turn (when it comes to choosing safe combats). The KoS did good damage, killing a unit of small gargants (and doing 6 mortal wounds with the ritual knife, and another 3 later), but again I just don't see any argument convincing enough to take the knife over the shield. The amount of damage the KoS took was unsustainable, no matter the damage it did in return. 

The Girdle was, as expected, fantastic and I would definitely consider it again combined with the Aegis. While I can definitely see the KoS being swingy, I did pretty well with them so no complaints here! 


In a gargant game, fiends are bound to shins, and my two units did do some decent work, though perhaps not quite as much as I'd have wanted! Their big bonus was actually their -1 to hit and wound, which sometimes had the gargants doing no damage at all. 

I'd be fully up for taking another unit of 3 for just this sort of match up.


While not the ideal army to use Godseekers in, it did get me out of being first turn charged so that's a bonus! Other than that, I tended to be in combat with all units after turn 2, so I couldn't use it. The Girdle was great though, so I'd be up for using it again.

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Sorry you had such a frustrating opponent @LeonBox. I know it can be hard not to get salty when dice rolls go against you badly, but I still always try laugh about my bad luck rather than make the game miserable for my opponent.

He was quite stressful to play against simply because I was dreading him rolling 1s/failing charges etc. Also it quite annoyed me that he decided to concede halfway through a battle round, rather than letting me play my turn, which is just bad sportsmanship. 

The writing was on the wall quite early when he declared (despite having not played against Hedonites yet) that our book was broken and DP generation was too easy. He continued to harp on about this throughout the entire battle, as each one of my buffs came online. 

Other "this is it, I'm sick of this" almost rage-quitting moments: 

- Rolling a 4 on a Daemon Prince charge

- Rolling a 1 on a run roll to fail to get onto an objective 

- Rolling 3s on mortal wounds from refused temptation dice 

- Failing a save roll on his knights from Gluto's unleash hell to take 6 wounds 

- Anytime he rolled a 5 or 6 to give me depravity points 

He also: 

- Griped about most of his knights not getting to attack when the LoH taunted them, and claimed that their wasted attacks would get to go into other units (uh no)

- Illegally charged his Khorne daemon into a space he wouldn't fit and had his base overlapping with his knights

- Got super salty about me pinning his knights with two different units on either side after I pointed out that he couldn't pile away from either unit (which was the point). 

He's actually at the mini-tourney tomorrow, so I'm really hoping I don't get paired with him. Easily the worst opponent I've had since I moved here. 

Edited by LeonBox
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11 minutes ago, Enoby said:

Thanks for the write up @LeonBox

I had a game against Gargants - no pictures as there were a lot of proxies and blank bases so not the easiest to follow with a visual aid! 

My list was:

 - Army Faction: Hedonites of Slaanesh

  - Army Type: Godseekers

  - Grand Strategy: Glutton for Depravity


Lord of Pain (135)*

Keeper of Secrets (400)*

  - General

  - Command Traits: Master of Magic

  - Ritual Knife

  - Artefacts of Power: Girdle of the Realm-racer

  - Spells: Progeny of Damnation

Shalaxi Helbane (420)**

  - Living Whip

  - Spells: Paths of the Dark Prince


Blissbarb Archers (150)*

Seekers (140)*

Seekers (140)**


Fiends (200)*

Fiends (200)*

Slickblade Seekers (200)**


1 x Fane of Slaanesh (0)


*Battle Regiment

**Battle Regiment

TOTAL POINTS: 1985/2000

My aim was to test out Shalaxi, the Fiends, and the KoS without the Aegis, so I won't go through the game step by step and instead will just comment on them. I'll also comment on Godseekers.


With a prime target in their sights, Shalaxi should have been right at home killing gargants, and in many ways they did a good job! Armed with a while rather than the Aegis (wanting to test it out), they did 1 damage in shooting and failed to reduce attacks by one. They did however do 17 damage in combat vs the Gargant, which certainly helped depravity generation. Unfortunately I didn't realise that gargants had an ability to do 4d6 mortal wounds, which quickly squashed Shalaxi flat. 

Overall, their damage (with their spell) seemed very good against heroes, but I wouldn't take them without the Aegis again. Even with their high save vs heroes, that mortal wound and bad luck protection is just too important to miss out on, especially as the Whip doesn't always work. With the Aegis, they may well have lived to fight another day. 

The ritual knife Keeper 

I was a bit more worried about the KoS, though the Girdle should theoretically protect them a little in my turn (when it comes to choosing safe combats). The KoS did good damage, killing a unit of small gargants (and doing 6 mortal wounds with the ritual knife, and another 3 later), but again I just don't see any argument convincing enough to take the knife over the shield. The amount of damage the KoS took was unsustainable, no matter the damage it did in return. 

The Girdle was, as expected, fantastic and I would definitely consider it again combined with the Aegis. While I can definitely see the KoS being swingy, I did pretty well with them so no complaints here! 


In a gargant game, fiends are bound to shins, and my two units did do some decent work, though perhaps not quite as much as I'd have wanted! Their big bonus was actually their -1 to hit and wound, which sometimes had the gargants doing no damage at all. 

I'd be fully up for taking another unit of 3 for just this sort of match up.


While not the ideal army to use Godseekers in, it did get me out of being first turn charged so that's a bonus! Other than that, I tended to be in combat with all units after turn 2, so I couldn't use it. The Girdle was great though, so I'd be up for using it again.

Interesting, it's nice to see Keepers not with Aegises getting tried out. I'm really eager to try Godseekers myself too; their spells are fantastic and well worth it alone. 

My Shalaxi game was also against Gargants, and they also got smushed (and I rolled double 1s for their spear in their one round of combat). It would, on the surface of things, appear to be the perfect match for them, but Gargants have a lot of anti-monster tech so it can also be pretty rough for them. 

Edited by LeonBox
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59 minutes ago, Enoby said:

Thanks for the write up @LeonBox

I had a game against Gargants - no pictures as there were a lot of proxies and blank bases so not the easiest to follow with a visual aid! 

My list was:

 - Army Faction: Hedonites of Slaanesh

  - Army Type: Godseekers

  - Grand Strategy: Glutton for Depravity


Lord of Pain (135)*

Keeper of Secrets (400)*

  - General

  - Command Traits: Master of Magic

  - Ritual Knife

  - Artefacts of Power: Girdle of the Realm-racer

  - Spells: Progeny of Damnation

Shalaxi Helbane (420)**

  - Living Whip

  - Spells: Paths of the Dark Prince


Blissbarb Archers (150)*

Seekers (140)*

Seekers (140)**


Fiends (200)*

Fiends (200)*

Slickblade Seekers (200)**


1 x Fane of Slaanesh (0)


*Battle Regiment

**Battle Regiment

TOTAL POINTS: 1985/2000

My aim was to test out Shalaxi, the Fiends, and the KoS without the Aegis, so I won't go through the game step by step and instead will just comment on them. I'll also comment on Godseekers.


With a prime target in their sights, Shalaxi should have been right at home killing gargants, and in many ways they did a good job! Armed with a while rather than the Aegis (wanting to test it out), they did 1 damage in shooting and failed to reduce attacks by one. They did however do 17 damage in combat vs the Gargant, which certainly helped depravity generation. Unfortunately I didn't realise that gargants had an ability to do 4d6 mortal wounds, which quickly squashed Shalaxi flat. 

Overall, their damage (with their spell) seemed very good against heroes, but I wouldn't take them without the Aegis again. Even with their high save vs heroes, that mortal wound and bad luck protection is just too important to miss out on, especially as the Whip doesn't always work. With the Aegis, they may well have lived to fight another day. 

The ritual knife Keeper 

I was a bit more worried about the KoS, though the Girdle should theoretically protect them a little in my turn (when it comes to choosing safe combats). The KoS did good damage, killing a unit of small gargants (and doing 6 mortal wounds with the ritual knife, and another 3 later), but again I just don't see any argument convincing enough to take the knife over the shield. The amount of damage the KoS took was unsustainable, no matter the damage it did in return. 

The Girdle was, as expected, fantastic and I would definitely consider it again combined with the Aegis. While I can definitely see the KoS being swingy, I did pretty well with them so no complaints here! 


In a gargant game, fiends are bound to shins, and my two units did do some decent work, though perhaps not quite as much as I'd have wanted! Their big bonus was actually their -1 to hit and wound, which sometimes had the gargants doing no damage at all. 

I'd be fully up for taking another unit of 3 for just this sort of match up.


While not the ideal army to use Godseekers in, it did get me out of being first turn charged so that's a bonus! Other than that, I tended to be in combat with all units after turn 2, so I couldn't use it. The Girdle was great though, so I'd be up for using it again.

Why did you go for 2 units of 3 fiends instead of 1 unit of 6?

I think Godseekers have some more potential tech with the ritual knife, since hunter supreme can prevent pile ins to lower the return damage the keeper will take. But that wont work against gargants of course, and it's not easy to wipe out a gargant in one turn to use heroic recovery (to the extent it or emerald lifeswarm would help).

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25 minutes ago, JackOfBlades said:

Why did you go for 2 units of 3 fiends instead of 1 unit of 6?

Just to test out Fiends - I think one Glutos would be better, but I wanted to double check :) The -1 to wound did actually help a lot, but not compared to the 3+ save and 5+ ward. Their damage was good when the D6s were hot! 



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I love the idea of GalleVet Fiends (if you want to reinforce them) sitting just behind a screen and using the season command for +1 attack to shred high wound targets with their stingers. The -1s, especially if any other -1 to-hit is active to fully deny AoA, can really mess with stuff like gargants, who +1 attack Fiends will absolutely shred. It's a cool unit, not quite as powerful as Slaangor with the same vulnerability to shooting but definitely more annoying for yoir opponent in melee. 

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10 hours ago, LeonBox said:

He was quite stressful to play against simply because I was dreading him rolling 1s/failing charges etc. Also it quite annoyed me that he decided to concede halfway through a battle round, rather than letting me play my turn, which is just bad sportsmanship. 

The writing was on the wall quite early when he declared (despite having not played against Hedonites yet) that our book was broken and DP generation was too easy. He continued to harp on about this throughout the entire battle, as each one of my buffs came online. 

Other "this is it, I'm sick of this" almost rage-quitting moments: 

- Rolling a 4 on a Daemon Prince charge

- Rolling a 1 on a run roll to fail to get onto an objective 

- Rolling 3s on mortal wounds from refused temptation dice 

- Failing a save roll on his knights from Gluto's unleash hell to take 6 wounds 

- Anytime he rolled a 5 or 6 to give me depravity points 

He also: 

- Griped about most of his knights not getting to attack when the LoH taunted them, and claimed that their wasted attacks would get to go into other units (uh no)

- Illegally charged his Khorne daemon into a space he wouldn't fit and had his base overlapping with his knights

- Got super salty about me pinning his knights with two different units on either side after I pointed out that he couldn't pile away from either unit (which was the point). 

He's actually at the mini-tourney tomorrow, so I'm really hoping I don't get paired with him. Easily the worst opponent I've had since I moved here. 

I personally do think generating depravity is a bit easy but why dread playing him in the tourney when you know you'll stomp him.  Oderint dum metuant! 


Seriously though I know how unfun a rude opponent can be.

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Lost my first game with the new book, how awful, woe, woe, throw it in the bin! 

I jest, of course, I was using a Godseekers list with mesmerising mirror and a little teched into the magic side of things, but my opponent was Khorne with the hexgorger skulls, so I wound up casting as few spells as possible (and certainly I couldn't dream of casting the mirror versus Khorne, they'd be swimming in blood tithe by the end of the first turn!) so depravity gain was a little slow.  I'm not especially sold on temptation dice as a mechanic yet, there's no real way to employ them without slowing down the game mid-phase, often multiple times per phase, and, as a canny sort, my opponent naturally turned them down at every opportunity, so it was a lot of extra slowdown for a scattering of mortal wounds, which isn't nothing, granted, but I can't help but feel there's a more elegant system which could've gone in their place.

After hearing so much praise for the old Painbringers I was a little surprised at how quickly they wound up folding to a unit of Blood Warriors, even after striking first with the Lord of Pain buff!  Much less damage and resilience than I was expecting from them, I must say, though the Khorne subfaction was working to negate the -1 to hit, and they were getting chipped at by murder rolls and mortal wound rebounds on 6s to save.  Conversely, combo-ing 10 Twinsouls with a whip Keeper worked better than I'd imagined, proving tough enough to keep Skarbrand from wiping out that flank and finishing him off in return (though the Keeper themself fluffed almost every attack they had to make, even if the sword had 6 attacks (y'know, for theming...) they'd be in a much better spot, I think.)  Despite the value of the whip in this game, I'd say I'd still be hard-pressed to take it over the shield, the extra reduction in chip damage from, eg., Skarbrand's roar or errant Blood Boils, would've gone a long way.

I underestimated the Blissbarbs ability to completely remove cheap screening units, I'm too used to the previous book where you'd often want them splitting shots off here and there, I was surprised when the 5 or so archers in range fully picked up a Bloodreaver screen, had I thought about that properly I should've played turn 1 differently, as that would've let me get the Slickblades into the Blood Warriors safely and, ideally, have them pick up more DP than the Masque was able to.

I'm not sure that Godseekers quite have it, strong spell lore, and the Girdle is a great artefact, but the battle traits are fairly middling, I got limited utility out of the D3 redeploy, it would be more appealing as either a flat 3 units or a flat 6" move, perhaps.  And the re-roll charges are obviously quite nice to have, but doesn't exactly open up tactical plays like the other subfactions abilities.

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On 3/31/2023 at 9:59 AM, LeonBox said:

He was quite stressful to play against simply because I was dreading him rolling 1s/failing charges etc. Also it quite annoyed me that he decided to concede halfway through a battle round, rather than letting me play my turn, which is just bad sportsmanship. 

The writing was on the wall quite early when he declared (despite having not played against Hedonites yet) that our book was broken and DP generation was too easy. He continued to harp on about this throughout the entire battle, as each one of my buffs came online. 

Other "this is it, I'm sick of this" almost rage-quitting moments: 

- Rolling a 4 on a Daemon Prince charge

- Rolling a 1 on a run roll to fail to get onto an objective 

- Rolling 3s on mortal wounds from refused temptation dice 

- Failing a save roll on his knights from Gluto's unleash hell to take 6 wounds 

- Anytime he rolled a 5 or 6 to give me depravity points 

He also: 

- Griped about most of his knights not getting to attack when the LoH taunted them, and claimed that their wasted attacks would get to go into other units (uh no)

- Illegally charged his Khorne daemon into a space he wouldn't fit and had his base overlapping with his knights

- Got super salty about me pinning his knights with two different units on either side after I pointed out that he couldn't pile away from either unit (which was the point). 

He's actually at the mini-tourney tomorrow, so I'm really hoping I don't get paired with him. Easily the worst opponent I've had since I moved here. 

Sounds like someone that will blame everything on bad luck too when I'm sure a lot of it could have been a learning experience to better position/screen, learn the opponents rules and scrolls, save commands for a 6 to run if it means getting an objective (which could change the game sometimes) etc.

I'd imagine he will continue this trend until he gives up the hobby. Hope he's not too bad at your tournie.

Edited by MotherGoose
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8 hours ago, Unit1126PLL said:

Played my first game against Seraphon tonight (first non-stormcast). Went extremely well. Ended the game bottom of BR2.

We are playing path to glory so it is a bit different than most. I have had no problem getting 15-20 depravity top of Turn 1. Some pictures:







What's that big pink orb? looks great!

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On 3/31/2023 at 10:59 AM, LeonBox said:

He's actually at the mini-tourney tomorrow, so I'm really hoping I don't get paired with him. Easily the worst opponent I've had since I moved here. 

Ask the TO/judges to keep an eye out. Players who cross the line need to quickly learn that stuff is not acceptable or they'll go on to ruining several player's day (and future events).

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