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AoS and Old World cross over models

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with Warhammer the Old World I was thinking that, since  Bretonnia and Kislev returning we can assume they'll have new ranges. Also the Empire and Wood Elves might be getting back a bunch of its missing models (an educated guess not a current rumour that I'm aware of). This lead to the realisation that a Majority of the order aligned races in old world are solely represented by Cities of Sigmar in AoS. I wonder if this will lead to new Warscrolls in AoS based on miniatures from the Old World range like say:

Freeguild Knights: you can use all Bretonnian, Kislev and Empire Horse Knights as well as their weapon options (usually only lances or great weapons), maybe an upgraded variant like the inner circle rule from old Empire so you'd have an excuse to use Grail Knights and Gryphon legion (nothing stopping you using them anyway but you get my point). 

Freeguild Cannon/Mortar/Trebuchet: speaks for itself

Freeguild Light cavalry: That aren't pistoliers

Theres a ton more stuff that could happen but I'll hand it over to you.

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1 hour ago, Eldarain said:

Will depend on if they see that as a feature or something to be avoided. Scale being the most important question. I'd like to see them be compatible and return to the days when Daemons came with square/rounds for dual system compatibility.

I would think that they'd stick to the same scale as AoS.

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1 hour ago, Beastmaster said:

My guess is that they will keep the two games mostly separate in terms of models and rules. I wouldn’t count on new Oldworld models getting AoS warscrolls. Counts-as, however, may become very popular. 😃

This is the best I would expect from GW at present, with the scant details we've got. 

This is exactly what happens with Horus Heresy save that because its only FW and only Resin its market is much smaller. That said considering how easily marines swap over in general (its design differences, but the actual functional structure of the armies remains broadly the same) and how there's quite a few timeless models (eg titans or greater demons etc...) we might well see similar links within the Old World. 

The biggest question will be if GW actually uses square bases on the models. My gut feeling is they could use rounds but then have movement trays with round slots so the individual model base shape doesn't matter. If they don't then you can bet 3rd parties will make them and people iwll base them round so they can be used in both games. 

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I wonder how it will be handled the other way around: How many AoS models will get Oldworld rules? I mean, every single unit in my Mawtribes army originated in the old world anyway. But even most units specifically designed for AoS could easily fit in the Oldworld without too much of a stretch. 
Maybe the Lumineth, with their very traditional/high elven spearmen and riders and their more AoS high fantasy temples were specifically designed to be partially useable in the Oldworld?

Would also be clever saleswise, giving an AoS army owner something of a head start/incentive to build an Oldworld force based on his army, while still needing additional models

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I’m wondering if they intent for the players with an old world army to be able to play it in the new old world. 

because if they do, scale will become an issue. Take a dwarf warrior and put it next to an arkanaut. A khorne reaver next to a freeguild soldier. Etc. 

so they either will step a bit down in scale with the new Kislev models to make them match empire humans. Making it easier to mix with old collections. 
Or the scale will match the reavers and it will become interesting as models/proxy’s for AoS. 

both strategies will  have pro’s and con’s. But if I were a betting man I’m guessing new old world sculpts will match AoS scale.  

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(I suppose this belongs in the long-running OW thread, but hey when in Rome)

I think ultimately it depends on what sort of game they intend for this to be. 

If it's meant to be the #4 "big" audience game (after 40k, AoS, LotR) then there is some incentive to have people with existing armies ready to go on day 1, as a community building sort of thing.  They take the initial L on selling those people new models, to get the big W later as the new game is supported by a base community.

If it's meant to be another "small" audience game (Warcry, Necromunda, etc.), then there is a lot less incentive to welcome in players who don't buy the new kits.  If the community is expected to be niche anyway, they might not feel like that initial L is going to generate enough of a W later, so they do everything they can to keep out existing models and minimize direct AoS crossover.

Both of those are possibilities that I can see.  We don't know anything about what the intent is.

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19 hours ago, SeanMaguire1991 said:

with Warhammer the Old World I was thinking that, since  Bretonnia and Kislev returning we can assume they'll have new ranges. Also the Empire and Wood Elves might be getting back a bunch of its missing models (an educated guess not a current rumour that I'm aware of). This lead to the realisation that a Majority of the order aligned races in old world are solely represented by Cities of Sigmar in AoS. I wonder if this will lead to new Warscrolls in AoS based on miniatures from the Old World range like say:


Theres a ton more stuff that could happen but I'll hand it over to you.

Not sure you can use 15 mm Old World minis in AoS really.  The oldworld game isn't going to be anything that could compete with AoS.  The entire game will be a new range and nothing like Fantasy.  That game is dead and gone.  

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On 1/28/2021 at 12:04 PM, Kramer said:

True. It could even end up being a board game. We know nothing much yet. 

Exactly it.  There will be enough time in real life between the old world timeline change that the 8th ed Fanbois will probably buy into it not realizing the game could exactly be anything.  no one knows anything.  

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On 1/28/2021 at 1:35 PM, Popisdead said:

Not sure you can use 15 mm Old World minis in AoS really.  The oldworld game isn't going to be anything that could compete with AoS.  The entire game will be a new range and nothing like Fantasy.  That game is dead and gone.  

Is there any proof its going to be 15mm? Seen literally nothing about that, and knowing GW, it makes no sense that they would do such a thing. 15mm models is a tiny market. 28-32mm scale minis is a massive market by comparison, and one in which theyre heavily invested and which they know people will buy.

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I think one thing people are overlooking is that the vast majority of the Old World Range is still in use. I don't think they'd waste time with new sculpts where there are perfectly fine models already available. Plus it will probably help sell a load of their inventory. 

I imagine they will make new kits to replace the ones that were discontinued like the Orc Boyz and Empire Knights.

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22 hours ago, zilberfrid said:

Goblins (compared Zarbag's Gitz) have grown to the size of metal dwarves, so give it a few years and you can use your orcs as goblins.

Yep, that sucked for me. At the same time, can't help but think that maybe some of the old sculpts were a tad too small. I am thinking in terms of ease to paint.

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6 hours ago, Greybeard86 said:

Yep, that sucked for me. At the same time, can't help but think that maybe some of the old sculpts were a tad too small. I am thinking in terms of ease to paint.

I haven't found any issues there. The Escher heads are comparatively small, smaller than Frostgrave ones and I don't run into trouble with those (compared them tonight because I wanted the smallest head for a humonculus mini).

Making things bigger makes them easier to paint, of course, but we are painting miniatures, them being small is part of the point.

Making them even bigger than they are now makes them useless outside of Warhammer (they already stretch it for normal 28mm models), and pushes older Warhammer models to the edge of compatibility. Now sure, GW would love for you to replace all your models with new ones, but that is not the point.

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