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Warhammer - The Old World

Gareth 🍄

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Are there any plans on creating a sub-forum or sub-section for Old World-discussions here on TGA?
I think it would be good, because having all TOW-related discussions in this thread could be problematic and making several threads in an AoS-section is problematic too.

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I need some inspiration:

I want my AoS Models to be Cross-Compatible with the old world (hence playing as border Prince (Exiles), since CoS Models look the part)

What models could I use for Questing Knights, Grail Knights, Pegasus Knights? (I won’t be buying any old models, but the new Bret. heroes)


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54 minutes ago, Beliman said:

@Clan's Cynic Thanks for the advise.

I've recently bought a bunch of metal, resin and plastic models, my main issue is what it's a good list to start playing (and learning) the game.

Based on previous editions vaguely... 

Dwarf Lord

Battle standard bearer hero


Slayers or Engineers to taste

A block of Dwarf warriors, aim for 20? You can always add more later. I suspect great weapons might be the best choice in this I dominated melee? 

Thunderers or Quarrellers as you prefer

A couple of blocks of the various more elite warriors IE slayers, hammerers, iron breakers. They are all pretty fun, go for the ones you like the most.

A fistful of field guns, again, lots of variety and theyve all changed in the new rules anyway, grab the ones you like the look of :D

One of the Gyrocopters so you can see a bit of mobility.

Hope that helps, its a whole new edition rife with changes so its hard to be specific in any useful way..


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1 hour ago, JackStreicher said:

I need some inspiration:

I want my AoS Models to be Cross-Compatible with the old world (hence playing as border Prince (Exiles), since CoS Models look the part)

What models could I use for Questing Knights, Grail Knights, Pegasus Knights? (I won’t be buying any old models, but the new Bret. heroes)


Do you mean from the AoS range or Stls?

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1 minute ago, JackStreicher said:

Can be any range, preferably AoS. No stls (too brittle models)

Oeh, than it's not so easy. I have to think about it :-), I use elegoo ABS like 2.0 and I am extremly impressed by it. Ver flexible and strong. Imo not weaker than plastic.

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1 hour ago, JackStreicher said:

I need some inspiration:

I want my AoS Models to be Cross-Compatible with the old world (hence playing as border Prince (Exiles), since CoS Models look the part)

What models could I use for Questing Knights, Grail Knights, Pegasus Knights? (I won’t be buying any old models, but the new Bret. heroes)


New Cities is pretty range limited with Bret. outside of the human stuff. Of course they do make a very cool Border Price army and I plan on doing that as well lol!

You may have better luck going with an Empire army and using everything from Cities and having a mix race force in both games. That what I am doing anyway............. of course with the understating that its not lore accurate and all the non human stuff is most likely gone in the near future for Cities.

3 minutes ago, JackStreicher said:

Can be any range, preferably AoS. No stls (too brittle models)

I would recommend Highland Miniatures on Etsy. The Gallia line gives you everything you need for regular Bret, while the human Cities gives you everything for the Boarder Prince forces, Pretty cheap as well and can be used for some Cities stuff.

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3 hours ago, Sabush said:

Are there any plans on creating a sub-forum or sub-section for Old World-discussions here on TGA?
I think it would be good, because having all TOW-related discussions in this thread could be problematic and making several threads in an AoS-section is problematic too.

Don't get me wrong, I'll be the first to participate in such sub-forum and enjoy it, but I won't hold it against them if they refuse to go though that. It's clear not everyone will be comfortable with the idea and in the end this is an AoS forum.

But this is probably best discussed here:


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2 hours ago, Skreech Verminking said:

So first ten black orks with hand weapon and shields are build.

also 2 are converted.

can’t have a black ork unit with out a banner bearer and musician

even orks have their standartsEADC24DA-51D8-4302-B59C-1E23D26C4D5C.jpeg.95029fa4fdc528a4692b9dcb91c05654.jpeg

Love the conversion for the musician!

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Was discussing this on the spanish TOW telegram: about what type of ranks will be most popular going on

I really thought it would be a 7-10 front, but true, pivoting in this edition seems most important than ever

Also, seems like horde is now a type rather than a formation, and it also seems like some units have this rule for the suculent +1 on result (that would compensate how harders this units have for hurting)

I'll wait for the pdfs to drop because I need it to know which movement trays to buy for the screaming bell/pebeteiro and it's carriers

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18 hours ago, Noserenda said:

Interestingly i was looking at the GW website to try and choose between a general or wizard lord on big griffon (advice welcome) and all the Dwarves and Dark Elves are currently sold out for soooome reason lol

I believe the wizard lord and general on griffon are both in the same kit together. It's different head and rider options. (Also whichever one you go with you can probably build the other as a foot option if you sort some legs). As for which to go for in lists... magnetise the head and riders so you don't have to choose? ;)

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26 minutes ago, Jefferson Skarsnik said:

Test successful imo.

Age old question: how are you doing the cloaks?

It's black drybrushed thunderhawk blue and then a lighter drybrush of fenrisen grey. It's a bit darker than shown in the pic. Nice and simple, can't be spending to much time when you have 100+ gobbos to do lol. 

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51 minutes ago, Ejecutor said:

What I don't understand is why it wasn't released with the other ones during the 40th anniversary (same with not announcing the new novel during the Black Library event).

In any case I don't find it appealing at all. Good for my wallet I guess 

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4 hours ago, Ejecutor said:

Warms my heart to see another gargantuan map of the Old World where the Dark Lands are clearly visible yet absolutely nothing from the Chaos Dwarfs are labelled as even existing at all

Won't have too many releases like that left in the grand scheme of things, with Chaos Dwarfs set to actually get into Age of Sigmar they likely won't be forever in the margins for much longer!

Also it makes the expensive blanket easy for me to swerve!

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