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Warhammer - The Old World

Gareth 🍄

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27 minutes ago, Magnusaur said:

Hiya, first time posting here.

I think The Old World bug is getting to me, but I have a question I'm sure has been discussed endlessly already. It's about the Legacy Factions.

Now, I'm not particularly surprised (or upset) that some armies won't feature in The Old World, but I'm curious to hear speculation on how this list of excluded armies was decided on. Lore being malleable (even if the setting is fixed on the old continent), I figure it has more to do with logistics or with certain army ranges having been replaced.

Lizardmen & Vampire Counts have both seen pretty direct successors in Age of Sigmar, in terms of model ranges (Saurus Warriors, Skeletons, etc.) Chaos Dwarves and Skaven are not all-but-confirmed to make a proper re-appearances in the Mortal Realms as well.

Ogre Kingdoms, on the other hand, have not received this treatment. A lot of Dark Elf kits still for sale as part of CoS - and these were some of the final releases of WHFB.

I'm just really curious (again, not angry or frustrated) to hear some educated guesses on how this was decided on? Do you figure that GW doesn't want to sell both old and new versions of what is practically the same kit (Saurus Warriors, zombies, future Skaven updates)? But then, the Empire will obviously make a return, presumably with the models that were only just now replaced by the new Cities of Sigmar stuff?

You can check the last pages of this thread or the rumours thread. There's plenty of talk about this topic over there. In the end, I think the agreement is TOW is featuring a miniature range that is not being used in AoS anymore. Those that overlap are the ones trimmed down.

Edited by Ejecutor
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Would make sense that if the next "edition" or cycle is going to focus on onset of the Great War Against Chaos, that daemons start to feature more heavily, and it potentially also makes sense for a Dark Elf comeback at that point to invade Ulthuan and give Young Teclis somebody to throw down against at Finuval Plain. Give me Urien Poisonblade, give me that legendary jobber to the stars Korhien Ironglaive, give me my man Fearghal of the Iron Spear. If by that time Malerion actually has some AOS models that are to Dark Elves what Lumineth are to High Elves then the range crossover stuff goes out of the window.

Not saying that will actually happen, but somebody on the WHFB discord (that's obviously gone into overdrive this week) did say that they know a playtester and that Kislev and Cathay rules are written (we already knew from Total Warhammer 3 marketing that they'd had quasi-8th ed rules written for them by GW) and that the miniatures are designed but not in production, and that if the game succeeds enough they'll be  a major focus of the second edition. I have no idea if that has any credibility at all, but I presume if there was a wave 2 not every "legacy army" would remain completely off the table while Kislev/Cathay/Norsca got brand new ranges.

There's a lot of picking through the aggregated bones of every Youtube review of the army books going on right now;  I'm seeing a lot of general enthusiasm for the game, though with a general emerging feeling that infantry is a bit gash this edition and that Warriors of Chaos have been hit with the nerf bat (in a 6th kinda ed way? idk 6th ed) and in a lot of places have some fairly arbitrary-seeming missing rules like plate armour and counter-charge that equivalent units from other factions have (Black Orcs and Phoenix Guard are more heavily armoured than Chaos Warriors). The wait for a Chaos Warrior army where it's fun to take lots of actual Chaos Warriors may  still be ongoing


There is a batrep featuring Empire for the first time here which I haven't watched yet because the two TK vs bret ones are so long



Edited by Jefferson Skarsnik
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Is there any word on the stuff for Tomb Kings that are not yet on pre-order (eg Casket, Catapult etc)? Wondering if they are going to be released later - maybe in FW resin as I remember GW saying something about old models being done in resin.

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3 hours ago, silverstu said:

Ooo I thought they were months away! Excited and nervous!! 

loving the return of dwarf runes. I always felt making your weapons/armour etc really made your characters your own! 

Back to the good old days!


That book was probably the peak of army books, with customizable runic weapons and a dwarf dictionary. Lovely stuff.

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3 minutes ago, silverstu said:

These look awesome mate! I'm hoping to take the opportunity of rebasing to add extra character to my old dwarfs.Love the unit fillers! 

Thank you! Having so much fun build rank and flank units again! 

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14 minutes ago, JerekKruger said:

I'm surprised by the exclusion of the Vampire Counts, they're very much in the Old World area, and would fit the setting perfectly. Hopefully we'll see them added in if days go well.

It could be that they didn't include them because they have such nice new minis and some of the races they did include weren't getting much/any mini love in AoS. Like I doubt dwarfs are getting anything soon in AOS so resources can go to them in TOW. Skaven ae getting a big revamp in AOS, so obviously they don't need new models in TOW as well just yet.

Hopefully the missing factions will come back via an expansion or second edition if the relaunch proves successful [and judging by the sold out nature of the release I'm guessing its got off to a. very good start]. I'm fairly sure I read early on when they were talking about bringing Fantasy Battles back they said it could let them explore different eras and settings - "The Old World " could just be the first.. 

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There seems to have maybe been a decision to separate AoS and tOW ranges?  Maybe?  Beastmen and Chaos Mortals kind of contradict that, at least for now, but if that's the case it could explain why no vamp counts in tOW.  Regardless of the reason, it's sad, because an awful lot of TK players would love to be able to buy up some of those seventh edition vampire counts skeletons if they were made available again.

That said, I wouldn't make too much of the decision to exclude the legacy factions.  It wouldn't surprise me if it takes 2 to 3 years just to get all the arcane tomes out for the supported factions, and that's long enough for GW to change their minds.  After all, it was only about a decade ago that GW told us that the old world was gone forever and rank and flank square base fantasy would never ever come back, and here we are.  I remember when settra was on 'last chance to buy' and you were never going to be able to get that model again, they were tossing the molds, forget about it, and then a couple years later I bought one on a limited one time made-to-order and yesterday the very same model was up for pre-order again.  Even decisions that are set in stone can erode with time, and stupid decisions tend to erode faster.  The more we play with the legacy factions and post instagram pics of the armies and youtube videos with them in battle reports and host tournaments that allow them, the more and sooner legacy factions will be officially back.

Maybe not all of them at once, and maybe which faction lines are available to buy will have to go into a rotating cycle, because 20+ factions ~is~ kind of too much for a specialist game, regardless of the stated or implicit decisions around which factions were kept and which were kicked to legends.  Warehousing products costs money - maybe the entire game will have to go on 'made to order', and 6 to 12 months waits for minis to arrive, with an ever-present possibility of cancellation, will have to be the standard.

But yeah, as long as the Old World doesn't just shrivel up and die I doubt oldhammer staples like dark elves, lizardmen, skaven, and vamp counts are gone forever, regardless of the current plans of GW execs and studio devs.

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Yeah theyve pretty clearly excluded based on AoS ranges, the only reason they couldnt do Chaos is because the setting would be an outright joke if they excluded it, not to mention Chaos Warriors being the biggest selling faction since they existed, thats too many grogs to exclude. So they got a crappy armylist to discourage them in the meantime, and i suspect they may be the last book, but watch them still crop up more than you might expect :D

The fluff can always do whatever you want it to, just look at the Tomb kings who famously spend 99% of their time minding their own business in Khemri, far away from the Old World placed front and centre in the new edition :D Even the Brets arent exactly outgoing aside from the odd Border disputes with everyone.

(And yes im aware of both Crusades and Settra, this is speaking in obvious generalities on the level of "All Skaven are juuuusssst offscreen right now" and "Vlad/Manny died so all the Non Von Carstein vampires fell down a plot hole") :P 

Edited by Noserenda
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The thing i actually came here to share is that some influencers have let slip they have the PDF lists already, so at least we wont be waiting an age for them hopefully, for those concerned by the language slip from "On release" to "soon". 

So thats good! 

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1 minute ago, Noserenda said:


The thing i actually came here to share is that some influencers have let slip they have the PDF lists already, so at least we wont be waiting an age for them hopefully, for those concerned by the language slip from "On release" to "soon". 

So thats good! 

Hum... if things are moving so fast maybe the rumour about Orcs and Goblins vs Dwarfs content being seen at the end of the month could be true.

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4 hours ago, Goatforce said:

Is there any word on the stuff for Tomb Kings that are not yet on pre-order (eg Casket, Catapult etc)? Wondering if they are going to be released later - maybe in FW resin as I remember GW saying something about old models being done in resin.

I was just mulling over this as well. The way I read this article is that we will indeed see more - presumably old stuff? - released for Tomb Kings in the future: 


I'm not sure if "much more" implies new stuff as well. Would love to know...

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5 hours ago, Noserenda said:

I think end of the month might be pushing it, its not this week, and we have a confirmed week for Epic too, then we are out January unless the reduce the preorders again? 

Doesn't necessarily have to be tied to a pre-order. Just showing something up.

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5 hours ago, Noserenda said:

I think end of the month might be pushing it, its not this week, and we have a confirmed week for Epic too, then we are out January unless the reduce the preorders again? 

Did GW confirm the Epic expansion for January? I thought they just announced it was coming(tm).

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14 minutes ago, KingKull said:

To anyone who's taken the time to read the rules in a more detailed manner: can Dwarf units charge with the conveyance rune from the Anvil of Doom or not?

 Still trying to read the whole book. But I don't think so.

The Rune of Haste and Urgency is after the unit has moved for the first time. Declare a charge is at the begining of the movement phase, before your unit has moved.

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