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Warhammer - The Old World

Gareth 🍄

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14 hours ago, Ejecutor said:

Imo they are a come back of the old 4th ed Mummies. Kind of similar to the Foot Knights we saw. Here the hint:


While the flail is extremely reminiscent of that one classic Mummies model, the extreme angle of the hand makes me think its for a mounted unit/character.

We know from the flail's heads hanging down that it's in a vertical position, which means the bearer is either holding their arm (practically) straight up, or in that crooked pose we often see with mounted units (leaving the hand at shoulder height). 

I'll also note that the Liche Priest's Staff in the same article seems way too long to be being held by anyone unmounted. The blurb below the picture also starts "Tomb Kings and Liche Priests..." which, if one were to take literally, could be suggesting that all the images shown are options from a new kit for a Tomb King. (The wrist joint for the spear and flail seem to match with each other, as well as those for the halberd and khopesh, suggesting two "options" for single arms. All four have that extreme hand angle, so if all four are in the same pose then... yeah, mounted unit/character. Not a "definite" thing; just the way I'm leaning.)

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1 hour ago, Jator said:

I mean, many people think they didn't put a crazy amount of effort in this project, but saying the rules were done in an afternoon sounds like Great Taurus sh*t to me. 


The thing about the boxes sound reasonable and fits with previous information, so much in fact that I won't give him much credit for getting that right. But I don't know the guy, what's his track record?

I know it sounds weird, but this guy has proven to be right many times in the past... sadly.

Also it is worth to mention that this is not the kind of video you just make with this to catch attention. Was a little mention on a 3h stream talking overall about TOW.

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1 hour ago, Beliman said:

What's his name? I follow some spanish content creators, but I don't remember anyone with that type of knowledge

Miniature War. Before Votanns he was saying also somethnig big was coming for 40k. He has the info ahead of time, but cannot go into much details so his contact in GW is not fired. He usually drop info once overall there's more leaks about it and kind of complement it/ expand it.

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2 hours ago, Ejecutor said:

Miniature War. Before Votanns he was saying also somethnig big was coming for 40k. He has the info ahead of time, but cannot go into much details so his contact in GW is not fired. He usually drop info once overall there's more leaks about it and kind of complement it/ expand it.

Tbf Votann were pretty much confirmed well in advance by the big Bolter and Chainsword leak including them and everything else on that list having been proven right about half a year before the reveal.

For somebody who's allegedly reliable I've certainly never heard of him, which I realise is anecdotal but the "lol rules were written in an afternoon, TOW is bad AMIRITE???" seems to be a favourite "please clap" moment around some corners of the internet and makes me sceptical. 

Edited by Clan's Cynic
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9 minutes ago, Clan's Cynic said:

Tbf Votann were pretty much confirmed well in advance by the big Bolter and Chainsword leak including them and everything else on that list having been proven right about half a year before the reveal.

For somebody who's allegedly reliable I've certainly never heard of him, which I realise is anecdotal but the "lol rules were written in an afternoon, TOW is bad AMIRITE???" seems to be a favourite "please clap" moment around some corners of the internet and makes me sceptical. 

It would be surprising for me if in the forum we are aware of all the rumourmongers outside of the classic english speaker ones. Said that, he was not saying "rules are bad cause were rushed", just mentioning the team joined in a room for an afernoon and finished the rules. Maybe they were pretty clear about what they want and changed little bit from 6th ed, for example.

Also, he mentioned the whole 6th ed. range would be put for sale, but I cannot remember now if he was talking solely about bretonia.

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3 hours ago, Ejecutor said:

Said that, he was not saying "rules are bad cause were rushed", just mentioning the team joined in a room for an afernoon and finished the rules. Maybe they were pretty clear about what they want and changed little bit from 6th ed, for example.

I’m think this may have been a brain storming session around what they wanted to do and themes they wanted to try. For example the things they have said so far are stripping out the magic phase and having spells cast in certain phases as well as how combat resolves and units not full routing but bouncing (but like Warmaster). I’m fairly sure the actual mechanics took longer but I think the themes would be sorted in an afternoon. 

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23 hours ago, Ejecutor said:

His contact told him that there's a super cool army vs army picture showing Bretonia vs Tomb Kings. This illustration has been put in halfs for each army and they asked an illustrator to add a "hero" for each half of the pic.

So are these heroes the generic Bretonnian Duke on Pegasus and the rumored Tomb King on a Chariot, or are these potentially some named characters for both factions respectively? Did he say anything more specific regarding this point?

I still find it pretty weird to not include a major named character as a leader of the faction getting a release (in this case Bretonnia and Khemri).. :/

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1 hour ago, Sir Grimm said:

So are these heroes the generic Bretonnian Duke on Pegasus and the rumored Tomb King on a Chariot, or are these potentially some named characters for both factions respectively? Did he say anything more specific regarding this point?

I still find it pretty weird to not include a major named character as a leader of the faction getting a release (in this case Bretonnia and Khemri).. :/

Nothing specific characters whise. He has the theory that the bretonian is the pegasus one, but that was his personal opinion. Nothing from his contact.

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The one afternoon thing smacks of hyperbole. That's not just rushing the development. I think its physically impossible to write a rulebook in that short a time, even in draft. I'm sure it was a useful development excercise to all meet and try things. But I don't think for a moment that there was no iteration. You don't just write up your notes neatly and hit print after that sort of thing. You revise, iterate, explain and improve as you figure out how best to write it up. Even if they did no further playtesting, which I doubt, it couldn't have been "written in an afternoon" .


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I'm fine with no dedicated magic phase, but if spells are divided into subsets that are cast in different phases, then the names of those subsets should be the same as the names of the phases they're used in.  Like, instead of 'you can cast enchantment or hex spells in the strategy phase' it should be 'you can cast strategy spells in the strategy phase, you can cast shooting spells in the shooting phase', etc.

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So, all the chaos-y stuff that jumped from one army book to another, like Dragon Ogres, Chaos Trolls, Chaos Ogres, etc... where are they going to land in TOW?

Really undecided about the armies, all of them look awesome! Appart from Bretonia

Edited by Beliman
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1 hour ago, Beliman said:

So, all the chaos-y stuff that jumped from one army book to another, like Dragon Ogres, Chaos Trolls, Chaos Ogres, etc... where are they going to land in TOW?

Really undecided about the armies, all of them look awesome! Appart from Bretonia

They specifically mentioned most of the units from 8th being useable iirc, so I assume Dragon Ogres will remain the domain of Warriors of Chaos initially. Not impossible they might let Beastmen take them again, but that seems like a stab in the dark until FW themselves say otherwise. 


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On 10/29/2023 at 4:57 AM, Jator said:

I mean, many people think they didn't put a crazy amount of effort in this project, but saying the rules were done in an afternoon sounds like Great Taurus sh*t to me. 


The thing about the boxes sound reasonable and fits with previous information, so much in fact that I won't give him much credit for getting that right. But I don't know the guy, what's his track record?

Yeah. Anyone who has ever written rules knows that this just isn't true. My guess is that this person is majorly misunderstanding the information they have access to.

Edited by GhostShark
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7 hours ago, GhostShark said:

Yeah. Anyone who has ever written rules knows that this just isn't true. My guess is that this person is majorly misunderstanding the information they have access to.

Indeed. If we compare the famously rushed Gorkamorka rules, by all accounts multiple people spent two months solidly working on it. It was rushed because it lacked the robust internal playtesting that they'd given the other specialist games of the era. Physically writting the rules still took a ton of time and effort, by all accounts!

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Especially as the project has been openly ongoing for years, i cant imagine they only took one afternoon on rules for all that time, if anything id suspect there have been a few versions of TOW in that time that changed due to playtests or creative/corporate direction shifts.

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