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Posted (edited)
37 minutes ago, HorticulusTGA said:

The old Lord-Veritant had a 40mm base Gryph-hound (only the Lord-Imperatant has a 32mm one and the Excelsior Warpriest from Silver Tower a 25mm one), so 1:1 proxy is 100% possible.

In spearhead at least, it appears that the Gryph-hound is a token, so the base size doesn't really matter.

Edit: and in double checking, I find out that it's actually called a "Gryph-crow". That's... a choice.

Gryph-crows are sensitive to spiritual corruption and immediately alert their masters whenever unholy energies are nearby.

Edited by LordSolarMach
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A small comment regarding Grimdark. Warhammer IS GRIMDARK, Grimdark is WARHAMMER. As far as I'm concerned, Warhammer has 4 distinct settings, with a marbling of Warhammer troupes throughout each. Warhammer has always been a setting that laughs in the face of "bad". There is no such thing as thing as "things are so bad they can't get worse". Warhammer is all about taking the worst, most terrible situation and dialling it up to 1000. I am a big proponent of GW keeping and pushing the grimdark "aesthetic and narrative" across 40k, AoS, HH, ToW. It's what makes Warhammer Warhammer. 

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2 hours ago, Rachmani said:

Don’t be sorry!

I much prefer longer, well thought out posts. 
And as you rightly guessed, we’re actually not far apart at all in our preferences. 
I, too, prefer the stakes to be high, darkness so that „the light“ can shine brighter etc.

So I guess we’re pretty much aligned, after all. 
I also much prefer the current tone, of AoS & do think that SCE as tragic heroes instead of supermen are chef‘s kiss.

Still I want to try and bring my point across when it comes to grimdirk and … let’s say nobledark.

And for the lack of a better example I‘ll still use 40k, even though I think you have a point in that it gets remembered worse than it’s actually currently portrayed.

Anyway. To me the core question is: 

Who cares? Literally. Who does care? 
Much of the Imperium in 40k is described as a moloch that does not care for its people. It cares very much about its own survival, sure, but it‘s ready to sacrifice basically everything should the need arise.

That’s not the Grimdark (or whatever we want to calI it) I‘m looking for in AoS. 
I much prefer tragic stories of sacrifice and loss *because* people care. 
Even Sigmar, the great Deceiver appears to care. He doesn’t not eat the souls of psychic children to stay alive (or is forced to, to be kept alive).

I hope thar brings across my differentiation better!

Yep, that‘s a great post and I agree with the points you’e raised, I do think your image is 40k is a bit gloomier than it actually should be these days - they’ve injected quite a bit of hope into the Imperium’s situation with Roboute coming back and Primaris etc. While I find the big Emp‘s habit of eating souls less problematic in regards to the overall mood, I think your „I much prefer tragic stories of sacrifice and loss *because* people care.“ is a nice mantra for AoS and a powerful statement in general 👍. I do believe such forces exist in 40k as well (Salamanders e.g.) and frankly, I believe the stakes are in general even higher in 40k, as there are so many - constant - threats that the Imperium basically can never take a step towards normalcy on most systems (there are a few really nice worlds too actually) but I‘m getting into details here. I guess what I like about grimdark is the grown-up, dark tone, but not relentless nihilism. A bit can be fine if it suits the story (e.g. a hopeless situation before reinforcements arrive, we all know those situations from movies (called plot point 2 in scriptwriting, sorry, I studied Film, I gotta do sondthing with that useless knowledge) but too much nihilism is only good if you‘re Kefka. Else it‘s tiring and lose its effectiveness. 

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21 minutes ago, Hollow said:

A small comment regarding Grimdark. Warhammer IS GRIMDARK, Grimdark is WARHAMMER. As far as I'm concerned, Warhammer has 4 distinct settings, with a marbling of Warhammer troupes throughout each. Warhammer has always been a setting that laughs in the face of "bad". There is no such thing as thing as "things are so bad they can't get worse". Warhammer is all about taking the worst, most terrible situation and dialling it up to 1000. I am a big proponent of GW keeping and pushing the grimdark "aesthetic and narrative" across 40k, AoS, HH, ToW. It's what makes Warhammer Warhammer. 

I absolutely agree that GW should stick to grimdark stuff, as it‘s the house brand. I think - if I got it right from replies to my posts and reactions - that people don‘t necessarily have a problem with some aspects of grimdark but they do mind others, which might be down to 40k (and WHFB to a lesser extent) having been a fully stagnant narrative for a long time (over 20 years!) where nothing moved. I ferl that fed into the whole grimdarkness of it as well. 

What I don‘t want to see is a tone like in typical bright high fantasy, where things usually work out fine and the tone is kinda light and you got a single clear villain. I don‘t need another 40k but I enjoy AoS as a setting much more now that we got the right kind of grim into it. And that‘s not people being forced to be cannibals or something, it‘s a certain kind of darkness/bleakness, that stands in opposition to heroism… it‘s a long discussion. I think people will likely agree on quite a few things in general though but perhaps we could make a thread for it? Would be kinda useless (GW won’t be influenced either way) but an interesting discussion nonetheless!? 🤔

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The models, both for the Ruination Stormcast and the Skaven, are absolutely awesome. 

I really love the lore revealed here, even if it's only snippets of it, which seems to reveal some rather important stuff that, from the look of it, most of you missed.

(The concept of a warrior executioner is so over the top, and I love it!) It seems a little retcon has just happened here; it was mentioned in past lore that after many reforgings and losses of humanity, a stormcast would end up being a mindless robotic thing. But according to the information from the Lord Terminos, the Reclusians, and the Memorians, a Stormcast seems to be able to somehow resist that fate, and if he can't, he's executed. (Which is probably seen as a mercy kill.) Also, the Clawlord is mentioned to belong to Clans Verminus, which is rather weird since, after the reveal of the clanrats, we thought that the segregation of the clanrats from the other clans thanks to Verminus was a thing of the past. This is rather odd to me, and I don't know how to interpret it. Are the Skaven clans now treated like Kruelboyz tribes, where they are just subcultures inside a larger clan? I really don't know. 

think we can say with full confidence now that out of all the squated Stormcast units, not all of them will come back. I highly doubt that we'll be getting new decimators now after Lord Terminos showed up.

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1 hour ago, HorticulusTGA said:

3 hours sleep to watch the Preview. 100% WORTH IT :P

  • Models : I did NOT expect that much models in the box. Every one of them is great. If it is 160£ / 210 euros indeed, I'll get it no problemo (including 3 books and a mat!) : 
    • For Stormcast, the mix between new (Lord-Terminos and Mortisans), upgraded (Knight-Questor) and/or ruination-ized (Lord-Vertitant and Gryph-crow) units is very well done.
    • Didn't think it was possible to have a cooler Skaven Starer Set than Island of Blood. Yet the Studio did it.
    • Too bad for the 1. ruined and 2. skavenized scenery not being intact Azyrite buildings, but it's still cool looking and thematic while not taking too much space in the box. 
  • Lore : the expandable map of the Realms is really nice (even if I prefer the Star Charts design of AOS2). Having the points of view of Mortals to present the Realms is a great idea, I guess inspired from the quite flavorful WHQ : Shadow Over Hammerhal booklet (cf. also the recent Callis and Toll video) : 
    • Speaking of little details, the inside of the Dawnbringers walls bears small nods to its inhabitant like the door keys or a jar. Very nice. 


A few precisions : SoB having a 3 Mancrushers Spearhead is great. The old Lord-Veritant had a 40mm base Gryph-hound (only the Lord-Imperatant has a 32mm one and the Excelsior Warpriest from Silver Tower a 25mm one), so 1:1 proxy is 100% possible. Looking forward for the faction focus and more Dawnbringer stories next week ! (While waiting for a roadmap and more informations on the future SCE and Skaven ranges updates).

One last cool things about Skaventide : the few options on the models. Clanrats have different commands, apparently Rat Ogors have variants, and in the 35min Mortal realms reforged video between 29:37-30:08 you can see the Stormcast in traditional HAMMERS OF SIGMARS colors with a bar head option on the Lord-Vigilant xD


3 Books? Which one is the 3rd Book? Core, Fire and Jade, and?

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1 hour ago, Snorri Nelriksson said:

Some tidbits about the ruination seems to imply there's more.
Other than "thunderstrike paladins" what could we expect for the stormcasts other than the box new minis?
Skaven seems already known by the rumor already posted and proved "right" about what's to come but i feel  difficult to imagine what stormcasts could get ?
Considering the various squatting of their ranges other than thunderstrike old units i can't see much.
Hoping for some "extreme" ideas for "un-reforgable" stormcasts like lightning geists\dreddy styled golems.

Judicators for sure. Maybe a replacement for Paladins. I think with that all/ most of the removed stuff from 1st editions is covered. So the rest will be new stuff.

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1 hour ago, Snorri Nelriksson said:

Some tidbits about the ruination seems to imply there's more.
Other than "thunderstrike paladins" what could we expect for the stormcasts other than the box new minis?
Skaven seems already known by the rumor already posted and proved "right" about what's to come but i feel  difficult to imagine what stormcasts could get ?
Considering the various squatting of their ranges other than thunderstrike old units i can't see much.
Hoping for some "extreme" ideas for "un-reforgable" stormcasts like lightning geists\dreddy styled golems.

I'm guessing new Judicators, if outside of Ruination.

Maybe a character that allows Stormcast on their last legs to "go all out this one time", supercharging their souls and making them explode on death.

Or maybe a character that can absorb the pain/deaths of nearby Stormcasts, trading their own life for their comrades. 

Unstable lightning ghosts would be awesome.

Crow cavalry?

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3 hours ago, Sahrial said:

Does… god I don’t want to get my hopes up… does that look like a Thanatar Siege Automata to anyone else?


It definitely is.

I think between that and the not-so-subtle teaser they put out the other month, it's definitely looking like plastic Mech.


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Posted (edited)
7 hours ago, Gaz Taylor said:

I’m not quite sure how to express my feelings to be honest about the preview. The new version of the rules looks great and from what I’ve seen of Spearhead it looks amazing. But I’m not excited about the box. It might be I’m past FOMO or just see other ways of spending £160, or I’m just not the target audience any more for these sets. The models look great and there’s loads in there but it just hasn’t made me really excited that I need to have a copy.

You're not alone on this boat. To me, I already felt like that with 40k's 10th edition and I find a lot of similarities with this new edition of AoS. There are lot of players who enjoy 10th edition, don't get me wrong, but...at our club, a lot of old players gave up and didn't bother to keep going.

I think it's linked with the high engagement GW asked for us in the previous edition ("here's the new meta balance ! Here's the new FAQ ! Here's the new season rules ! Here's the new point updates !") and we feel it keenly now that we know everything we bought in rules can't even be used for a short time in the new and we'll have to start from scratch once more (again, talking about the rules part).

It feels like something similar to a burn out.

Edited by Sarouan
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1 hour ago, Sarouan said:

You're not alone on this boat. To me, I already felt like that with 40k's 10th edition and I find a lot of similarities with this new edition of AoS. There are lot of players who enjoy 10th edition, don't get me wrong, but...at our club, a lot of old players gave up and didn't bother to keep going.

I think it's linked with the high engagement GW asked for us in the previous edition ("here's the new meta balance ! Here's the new FAQ ! Here's the new season rules ! Here's the new point updates !") and we feel it keenly now that we know everything we bought in rules can't even be used for a short time in the new and we'll have to start from scratch once more (again, talking about the rules part).

It feels like something similar to a burn out.

I feel like 40k 10th took way too long to start releasing codexes at the rate which they are now, I really hope it doesn't take months into 4th to get the full stormcast and skaven books

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Finally caught up on all the posts!!

Where to begin!!

The SCE characters are absolutely dripping with, well, character!! I especially love the Knight Questor.

The Skaven? Rat Ogors. Enough said. Love it. 

Plus Dawnbringers and a new Edition novel!?

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26 minutes ago, KingBrodd said:

Finally caught up on all the posts!!

Where to begin!!

The SCE characters are absolutely dripping with, well, character!! I especially love the Knight Questor.

The Skaven? Rat Ogors. Enough said. Love it. 

Plus Dawnbringers and a new Edition novel!?

Just wait @KingBrodd, soon GW will turn their designers to working on the great Ogor kingdoms, and that day will be amazing….

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Posted (edited)

Noticed Blades of Khorne and Maggotkin of Nurgle Vanguards missing from the store. The next armies in for an update with a new Spearhead box? 

What other armies boxes are missing from the store?

Edited by Gitzdee
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5 minutes ago, Gitzdee said:

Noticed Blades of Khorne and Maggotkin of Nurgle Vanguards missing from the store. The next armies in for an update with a new Spearhead box? 

What other armies boxes are missing from the store?

Or maybe the other way around. The ones getting a new packaging as they are the ones that will be waiting longer to get a replacement.

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So it is just one sprue of terrain:


Do you expect more terrain on the Start Here boxes? They tend to go a bit bigger than that for the scenery, and it should be AoS focused rather than Spearhead focused.

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Really into what was shown here!

Rats are neat; great sculpts all around

Stormcast are real cool, going to try to pick up a couple of the older kits to bash with them; don't love the helmets too much on most the new stuff

New terrain sprue is.... Alright I guess; probably couldnt put more than two spruce's worth on a table without seeing things repeat and I don't love that we went from "under construction" to "full of rats" with no kit for "in tact buildings" in between

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Posted (edited)

It's kind of a bummer reading some of these comments simply because my own hype is pretty much through the roof. It's early days still but I'm starting to think this might become  my favourite box GW have ever made. Let me explain my feelings about this. 

Firstly the models. The Stormcast side is spectacular. I've always loved the art of Stormcast with human priests or servants accompanying them, so the memorians is a massive win for me. There's a lot of talk about grimdark but what we can really see in these models is character. There's something about a model carrying a sword and a torch that just speaks to me. I loved the old silver tower model but the new version is a much better representation of a lone hero exploring ancient ruins looking for treasure or heading into the depths of a Skaven infested ruin. 

The blind Veritant with her guide wolf is just an awesome concept. And a  truth seeker being blindfolded is surely a reference to Lady Justice. 

The executioner who is also a mercy killer is pretty dark but somehow still comes across as a compassionate version of a commisar. 

The lord vigilant is an improved version of the second edition model that doesn't have the massive unsculpted section that rather ruined that model. 

The liberators we've talked about before. The only heads I actually dislike is the leader. There's something about the plume that is odd. Fortunately there are plenty of awesome looking bare heads in the set. 

The more I see of the prosecutors, the more I like them. The have real presence. Even in the poorly videoed live stream, they stood out. 

Now for the Skaven side. The big debate seems to be about the clan rats. I was definitely on the side of hoping for 20 clan rats and 10 stormvermin but seeing the full clan rat kit has changed my mind somewhat. Firstly there are two completely different command squads and most importantly two completely different banners. This is a bit of a pet peeve of mine. The steelhelms only have one banner for each unit and they really stand out in a bad way. The Skaven box is much better. It looks like you can build 20 regular clan rats with six of the models having options to turn them into command models. That makes for a total of 26 different poses which isn't bad. The rats themselves are full of character with some obviously having visual nods to particular clans. The comment Sergie made in the video about the different heights if models representing the way a horde of rats move really does come across. 

Finally some rat Ogors that live up to my imagination. Just an awesome kit and I'm really curious to see the customisation that was mentioned. I'm guessing head and weapon options?? The jezzails are a great update and I love the option for the double barrelled gun. 

Tubes, pipes, gears and dials. A ramshackle collection of advanced but poorly made tech, pushed along by Skaven because that's easier than building an engine. The ratling warpblaster pushes all my buttons. Very excited to see more Skyre tech in the future. 

We've already talked about the engineer. It's a cool sculpt but I think I prefer the wackier look of the leaked one. 

As others have said the grey seer is a fantastic concept perfected. Just a great sculpt all round and the tactical bell is a fun addition. 

Finally we have the warlord. I understand that some people were hoping for a bulkier beast but the emaciated frame with the fur hanging off is just horrific in the best way. It sells the horror of the faction really well. It also makes a nice contrast with the well armoured and equipped rider. I love both the weapons. The gun loaned from Skyre that looks more advanced than any cities weaponry and the warpstore blade on the glove looks suitably nasty. 

I'll save the rest of the box for another post as this is getting long but in terms of minis, this box is a very solid win. The only thing dislike is a single helmet which is easily changeable. Compared to Dominion (not a fan of the hobgrots especially the helmets) , Soul wars (a great box let down by odd unit sizes and too many repeated sculpts) and First edition (don't like the bloodreavers or the khorgorath) it's definitely my favourite set so far. 

Edited by Chikout
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18 minutes ago, Chikout said:

It's kind of a bummer reading some of these comments simply because my own hype is pretty much through the roof. It's early days still but I'm starting to think this might become  my favourite box GW have ever made. Let me explain my feelings about this. 

Firstly the models. The Stormcast side is spectacular. I've always loved the art of Stormcast with human priests or servants accompanying them, so the memorians is a massive win for me. There's a lot of talk about grimdark but what we can really see in these models is character. There's something about a model carrying a sword and a torch that just speaks to me. I loved the old silver tower model but the new version is a much better representation of a lone hero exploring ancient ruins looking for treasure or heading into the depths of a Skaven infested ruin. 

The blind Veritant with her guide wolf is just an awesome concept. And a  truth seeker being blindfolded is surely a reference to Lady Justice. 

The executioner who is also a mercy killer is pretty dark but somehow still comes across as a compassionate version of a commisar. 

The lord vigilant is an improved version of the second edition model that doesn't have the massive unsculpted section that rather ruined that model. 

The liberators we've talked about before. The only heads I actually dislike is the leader. There's something about the plume that is odd. Fortunately there are plenty of awesome looking bare heads in the set. 

The more I see of the prosecutors, the more I like them. The have real presence. Even in the poorly videoed live stream, they stood out. 

Now for the Skaven side. The big debate seems to be about the clan rats. I was definitely on the side of hoping for 20 clan rats and 10 stormvermin but seeing the full clan rat kit has changed my mind somewhat. Firstly there are two completely different command squads and most importantly two completely different banners. This is a bit of a pet peeve of mine. The steelhelms only have one banner for each unit and they really stand out in a bad way. The Skaven box is much better. It looks like you can build 20 regular clan rats with six of the models having options to turn them into command models. That makes for a total of 26 different poses which isn't bad. The rats themselves are full of character with some obviously having visual nods to particular clans. The comment Sergie made in the video about the different heights if models representing the way a horde of rats move really does come across. 

Finally some rat Ogors that live up to my imagination. Just an awesome kit and I'm really curious to see the customisation that was mentioned. I'm guessing head and weapon options?? The jezzails are a great update and I love the option for the double barrelled gun. 

We've already talked about the engineer. It's a cool sculpt but I think I prefer the wackier look of the leaked one. 

As others have said the grey seer is a fantastic concept perfected. Just a great sculpt all round and the tactical bell is a fun addition. 

Finally we have the warlord. I understand that some people were hoping for a bulkier beast but the emaciated frame with the fur hanging off is just horrific in the best way. It sells the horror of the faction really well. It also makes a nice contrast with the well armoured and equipped rider. I love both the weapons. The gun loaned from Skyre that looks more advanced than any cities weaponry and the warpstore blade on the glove looks suitably nasty. 

I'll save the rest of the box for another post as this is getting long but in terms of minis, this box is a very solid win. The only thing dislike is a single helmet which is easily changeable. Compared to Dominion (not a fan of the hobgrots especially the helmets) , Soul wars (a great box let down by odd unit sizes and too many repeated sculpts) and First edition (don't like the bloodreavers or the khorgorath) it's definitely my favourite set so far. 

Isn't the silver tower Questor still going to be around? I thought this one is replacing this questor?

Warhammer Stormcast Eternals Knight-Questor Larissa Shadowstalker

The Veritant is possibly one the best model of the reveals with only the Terminos beating it just for the helm (just personal preference). It definitely the best sculted with the Sigmar-reaper shield, flaming sword, the hellhound skull pauldrons


Don't know if this was discuss and/or confirmed but the Ratling warp blaster is not the Ratling gunner replacement? It the new artillery that SG warhound mention separate from the weapon team complete reamake?


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1 hour ago, Chikout said:

It's kind of a bummer reading some of these comments simply because my own hype is pretty much through the roof. It's early days still but I'm starting to think this might become  my favourite box GW have ever made. Let me explain my feelings about this. 

Firstly the models. The Stormcast side is spectacular. I've always loved the art of Stormcast with human priests or servants accompanying them, so the memorians is a massive win for me. There's a lot of talk about grimdark but what we can really see in these models is character. There's something about a model carrying a sword and a torch that just speaks to me. I loved the old silver tower model but the new version is a much better representation of a lone hero exploring ancient ruins looking for treasure or heading into the depths of a Skaven infested ruin. 

The blind Veritant with her guide wolf is just an awesome concept. And a  truth seeker being blindfolded is surely a reference to Lady Justice. 

The executioner who is also a mercy killer is pretty dark but somehow still comes across as a compassionate version of a commisar. 

The lord vigilant is an improved version of the second edition model that doesn't have the massive unsculpted section that rather ruined that model. 

The liberators we've talked about before. The only heads I actually dislike is the leader. There's something about the plume that is odd. Fortunately there are plenty of awesome looking bare heads in the set. 

The more I see of the prosecutors, the more I like them. The have real presence. Even in the poorly videoed live stream, they stood out. 

Now for the Skaven side. The big debate seems to be about the clan rats. I was definitely on the side of hoping for 20 clan rats and 10 stormvermin but seeing the full clan rat kit has changed my mind somewhat. Firstly there are two completely different command squads and most importantly two completely different banners. This is a bit of a pet peeve of mine. The steelhelms only have one banner for each unit and they really stand out in a bad way. The Skaven box is much better. It looks like you can build 20 regular clan rats with six of the models having options to turn them into command models. That makes for a total of 26 different poses which isn't bad. The rats themselves are full of character with some obviously having visual nods to particular clans. The comment Sergie made in the video about the different heights if models representing the way a horde of rats move really does come across. 

Finally some rat Ogors that live up to my imagination. Just an awesome kit and I'm really curious to see the customisation that was mentioned. I'm guessing head and weapon options?? The jezzails are a great update and I love the option for the double barrelled gun. 

Tubes, pipes, gears and dials. A ramshackle collection of advanced but poorly made tech, pushed along by Skaven because that's easier than building an engine. The ratling warpblaster pushes all my buttons. Very excited to see more Skyre tech in the future. 

We've already talked about the engineer. It's a cool sculpt but I think I prefer the wackier look of the leaked one. 

As others have said the grey seer is a fantastic concept perfected. Just a great sculpt all round and the tactical bell is a fun addition. 

Finally we have the warlord. I understand that some people were hoping for a bulkier beast but the emaciated frame with the fur hanging off is just horrific in the best way. It sells the horror of the faction really well. It also makes a nice contrast with the well armoured and equipped rider. I love both the weapons. The gun loaned from Skyre that looks more advanced than any cities weaponry and the warpstore blade on the glove looks suitably nasty. 

I'll save the rest of the box for another post as this is getting long but in terms of minis, this box is a very solid win. The only thing dislike is a single helmet which is easily changeable. Compared to Dominion (not a fan of the hobgrots especially the helmets) , Soul wars (a great box let down by odd unit sizes and too many repeated sculpts) and First edition (don't like the bloodreavers or the khorgorath) it's definitely my favourite set so far. 

I think it‘s unfortunate timing for people to feel less hyped right now but I understand why. The new minis are great but it‘s a bit much as well - not the minis but another edition with new rules/expenses in a rather short time. 

GW never released new editions as fast as they do now. I guess it‘s to mimic patches from video games but GW usually does a lot more than just rebalance a couple of things, so it gets „overwhelming“ in a way. 

I hope the new rules are good ultimately and that the new edition will be around for a long time or that 5th won‘t change much. I might be one of few but to me 2nd ed was already pretty damn good and I wasn‘t big on 3rd. I hope 4th will stay longer so that my group and I can enjoy it longer. It‘s funny how a good thing can also be a bad thing. 

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