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I get the feeling we should take this to another thread so as not to clog up the rumour thread with stuff that isn't rumours. I'm putting all my images behind spoilers so people don't think they're new models. ;) 

9 minutes ago, Killax said:

Yes, I absolutely read into the books from 4th and onwards. Whats important to understand while reading my post is that I'm largely not talking about the lore of models but the visual designs and the visual lower fantasy designs that Warhammer incorporated from 6th and 7th while 8th brought that fantasy design back with monsters and eventually End Times, better put the beginning of Age of Sigmar.

I'd call the aesthetic brought on by 6th edition Warhammer more grimdark than fantastical, with WFB with Gav Thorpe at the helm the minatures, art and background took on a darker, moodier tone (with much more skulls) than had come before, likely taking inspiration from the Bosch/Goya inspired religious horror pioneered by Mordhiem, developed and released a year earlier.


When you look at Empire designs from 6th through 8th you will largely see models who are infact largely drawn from historical inspiration. While true that they eventually gained their war-wagons and monsterous cavalry this wasn't until much later into 8th edition that this was applied to the Empire. No, most of the older designs made semi-sence, as a historical fantasy depict

7th edition Empire here. Definitely not more fantastical than what came before, no siree:







No, most of the older designs made semi-sence, as a historical fantasy depicts. No Stormcast eternals, no Gladiator warriors wielding Anvils as weapons. No Elemental Dwarfs made up of fire and gold...

There were no Stormcast, guys swinging anvils or elemental dwarfs in 80s/90s Warhammer. I don't see your point.



There is most certainly a visual cue going on from several areas, simply made anew. Design that largely didn't get reflected into models (up until AoS). To give you another example from Liber Chaotica Khorne:

The sketches you're referencing were concept art created for the 6th edition chaos range who they match the asthetic of. A couple of character models from this range have even survived to join the Bloodbound and Slaves to Darkness ranges, the overall aesthetic of Chaos not having changed much from 6th edition to the present day.








However the point remains that for every 'unique' design that has come out in true fan-style GW and books that only focus on the flavour of a specific faction GW likes to refer to the 1st to 4th edition artworks. What we see now is that GW is finally able to re-create this in plastics completely. 

You've just contradicted what you previously said, you just described the Bloodbound releases and End Times Nurgle stuff as having been inspired by the concept art for the 6th edition Chaos range. Are you saying that the new ranges designed specifically for Age of Sigmar (Stormcast, Ironjawz, Kharadron, Fyreslayers, Arcanites) have been directly lifted from GW artwork from the 80s and 90s? The strongest similarity I can find is the arcanite stuff and the Tzeentch art in Realm of Chaos: The lost and the Damned, none of the other new ranges look anything like the characters depicted in any piece of 80s or 90s GW art I can name.



Sword and Fantasy genre grew, so the suggestion that this fantasy setting is definitive and not grew throughout the years is completely incorrect. We also have our new Conan, He-Man or however you want to call them now, they are the Stormcast.

This baffles me. Apart from an urban legend about the original He-Man toy range having been designed as tie-in toys for the 1982 John Milius Conan movie, only to be hastily rebranded by Mattel when the movie proved to be too violent for the kids they would have been aimed at, Conan has nothing to do with He-Man, and apart from fashion sense (which neither share with Stormcast!) very little in common. If you're going to draw comparisons between Conan and something from AoS, he's got much more in common with the Darkoath Chieftain from Silver Tower, created as a homage to the original Heroquest and Warhammer Quest barbarians, who date back from a time when GW was much less interested in the uniqueness of their IP and were lifted from/created as a homage to the original Conan/fantasy barbarian archetype.

Stormcast are a funny one in that they're almost directly lifted from Space Marines and all the traits that made them the most popular 40k range, given a solid fantasy twist. Space Marines were in turn early 40k's answer to the popularity of Chaos Warriors with gamers in the 80s; Chaos Warriors originally debuted as a bad guy inversion of the DnD paladin archetype, who were in turn inspired by the Knights of the Round Table as depicted in Le Morte d'Arthur, bringing the archetype almost full circle.

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5 minutes ago, Double Misfire said:


I get the feeling we should take this to another thread so as not to clog up the rumour thread with stuff that isn't rumours. I'm putting all my images behind spoilers so people don't think they're new models. ;) 

Please do.

Don't mind people getting excited about the cool new toys but design aesthetics deserve a topic to themselves ;) 

Back on topic.

Looks like the new Shadespire Warband is seven models, so I'm guessing these will be sold in a set all together rather than individual packs. Be interesting to see if this is the case and if you can get add on models. Also I'm guessing we will see some activation shenanigans which have them somehow get round the four activations a player turn limit.

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Excerpt from Ironclad rules. They can hold 20 models normally, or more if they're willing to suffer some penalties (to movement, I guess). Skyriggers as we knew do not count for this max, as they float behind tailgating the ship. Skyhooks (Skyriggers and some ships) can pull their units towards the target, Skyriggers up to 24" sounded like and ships D6". Endrinmasters can heal their ships, which also heal natively.

2017-04-13 18_42_16-(1) Warhammer TV - Home.png

2017-04-13 18_48_24-(1) Warhammer TV - Home.png

Edited by Bjarni St.
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They feel a lot like Space Marines to me and I'm not saying that as any kind of diss. Zooming about in transports and unloading short to medium ranged shooting with infantry.

I was expecting the Thunderers to have two wounds each. They look pretty fragile and I can't really see them being at a disposable points cost. A unit of five has the same number of wounds (and the same save) as a single Kurnoth Hunter. You'll have to be very careful with that unit.

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What do you guys think about some possible releases for NURGLE  army? Earlier on adepticon we've had announcing movie for death guard for 40k. Imo its possible to get some love for nurgle rotbringers compressed to 1 book just like tzeentch or blades of khorne after 40k release. Before Tzaanuary we had a tzeentch deamon primarch and 1k sons so it could happen.  

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8 minutes ago, Knopers said:

What do you guys think about some possible releases for NURGLE  army? Earlier on adepticon we've had announcing movie for death guard for 40k. Imo its possible to get some love for nurgle rotbringers compressed to 1 book just like tzeentch or blades of khorne after 40k release. Before Tzaanuary we had a tzeentch deamon primarch and 1k sons so it could happen.  

I think it's extremely likely. A Death Guard release closely tied with a Daemons of Nurlge release updating Beasts and GUOs. Makes sense from pretty much every business angle. 

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Yeah but the old ones are no longer available. 

I doubt the (assumption coming) new skellies will have these monopose included. They are clearly meant for shadespire like the AoS and Khorne.

Could it be a reboxing?

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44 minutes ago, Sete said:

Yeah but the old ones are no longer available. 

I doubt the (assumption coming) new skellies will have these monopose included. They are clearly meant for shadespire like the AoS and Khorne.

Could it be a reboxing?

I would guess a rebasing and reboxing

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24 skelletons for 30€ like the Skinks its the repackage I'm expecting. Maybe they put 20 for 30€ like Saurus Warriors and let the 24 for 30€ for zombies, but I don't think those ugly and old zombies of GW are gonna stick for long without a re-done.

Aren't those guys ugly and expensive for a bunch of 3 points zombies.... o.O

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