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16 minutes ago, Killax said:

@shinros well, there is a lore reason as to why Slaanesh isn't that much present at war involvement. Then we also have this small sliver of lore that confirms that Slaanesh inspires decadence and wallows in the cacophony of it's own decadence. In addition to all of this, Slaanesh got curb stomped in a fatter non-warlike form ;).

My moral remains that Slaanesh is most certainly up for a large change, to the point where I certainly think he will return but much more in the form also seen in 40K, which most certainly differs a lot to what was Slaaneshi in WFB (in the later editions of WFB). 

Erm in AOS lore slaanesh IS present in various war stories and in Archaon's army in equal form like the other gods(Having their own battalion) and have their own short story and they have not changed in the slightest. A slaaneshi was the main antagonist in the last realm gate novel sacking neferata's city. Also a slaaneshi is the main antagonist in the new warhammer quest. Also slaanesh in 40k and fantasy act pretty much the same. Slaanesh has had more plot relevance in AOS than in the 30 years of whfb. 

I personally don't understand where you are getting the idea they are different or the fact that slaaneshi's have not been present in AOS lore when it's the opposite. 

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Just now, shinros said:

Erm in AOS lore slaanesh IS present in various war stories and in Archaon's army in equal form like the other gods(Having their own battalion) and have their own short story and they have not changed in the slightest. A slaaneshi was the main antagonist in the last realm gate novel sacking neferata's city. Also a slaaneshi is the main antagonist in the new warhammer quest. Also slaanesh in 40k and fantasy act pretty much the same. Slaanesh has had more plot relevance in AOS than in the 30 years of whfb. 

I personally don't understand where you are getting the idea they are different or the fact that slaaneshi's have not been present in AOS lore when it's the opposite. 

Wait and see, I can't spoil it all for the Slaaneshi fans ;)


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10 minutes ago, Killax said:

Wait and see, I can't spoil it all for the Slaaneshi fans ;)


Spoil what? In all instances of the lore that I have actually read dealing with slaanesh in AOS they haven't toned it down in the slightest. In my opinion as Marius said beforehand the toning down has already happened ages ago. Since when they do appear they are obsessed with spreading pain and killing people slowly over sex and drugs just like 40k, which somehow people think slaanesh focuses on sex and drugs when that's not the case. 

edit:Most likely when they DO update it GW will now just beat us over the head about it and be blunt than subtle. 

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Slaneesh its the prince of excess. He represents the worst part of the search for perfection. Thats its applied to all things: Music, Art, War, etc... 

Thats for example the diference in Slaanesh warriors and Khorne Warriors. Slaanesh followers fight because its an art and they do in the most beautiful and perfect way. Khorne warriors don't rejoice in their killings, they kill because thats what their god demand and want. Blood and skulls.


Internet its full of "SLAANESH LOL SEX AND DRUGS !!111" but because thats how things work.

Edited by Galas
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12 minutes ago, Galas said:

Slaneesh its the prince of excess. He represents the worst part of the search for perfection. Thats its applied to all things: Music, Art, War, etc... 

Thats for example the diference in Slaanesh warriors and Khorne Warriors. Slaanesh followers fight because its an art and they do in the most beautiful and perfect way. Khorne warriors don't rejoice in their killings, they kill because thats what their god demand and want. Blood and skulls.


Internet its full of "SLAANESH LOL SEX AND DRUGS !!111" but because thats how things work.

People love flanderizing characters. Hell, even some authors do that!

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18 minutes ago, xking said:

That is the problem with how people view Slaanesh "Slaanesh is the fun god of sex, if I was a chaos worshipper that is who i would worship". But they seem to forget that any sex that Slaanesh is into, is so alien and vile that it would disgust even some of the most liberal hedonist in real life.

I find such a simple-minded view of Slaanesh to be, well, tunnel-visioned, in a way...

The lore has pretty much always said that Slaanesh's followers crave extreme stimuli because they just can't feel anything else anymore; in their pursuit for more extremes of pleasures, they get desensitised (sp?) to the point where unless they experience the most grueling of pains or the most extatic forms of pleasure, their life feels like that of a bland monotonous drone. They don't actually crave extreme pleasures for the sake of depravity, they crave depravity because Slaanesh has deadened their senses to a point where the only way for their pleasure centers to feel the slightest tingling of sensation is by engaging in some form of extreme sensory overload...

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Getting the thread back on track, here's a review of the new Khorne book with a little bit more information than War of Sigmar's courtesy of the always excellent [mention=29]Mengel Miniatures[/mention]:

Always found Slaanesh to be a hobby Rorschach. What you think about it says more about you. [emoji6]

Any news on next week's preorders?

Sent from my Nexus 5X using Tapatalk

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Judging by the recent posts it must be a break in the spoiler season. :)

I just hope to see something about the Aelves soon. As and old Dark Elf player, I wouldn't mind the sea raiding theme with a touch of horror, but on the other hand, I'd like to see something completely new regarding the Aelves. I don't wish them to end up being the Dark Eldar of AoS.

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15 minutes ago, Lysandestolpe said:

That pic suggests high aelves, the mark on the shield is not spireguard, unfortunately. I want a battletome for swifthawk agents almost as much as I crave one for "Orruks" (both Greenskinz, and Ironjawz). Likely won't happen, but a boy can dream ^^

I can't wait for the ships to get in!



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2 hours ago, Lavy said:

^ I need moar chaos Dorf in my life.

I'm sure Forgeworld will continue their line, just slowly, as usual. Though I really like the He-man vibe AoS seems to go into. 

Still not an overly huge fan of the lore but I do not mind flying magical ships too much, the possible blend of 40K and Fantasy is actually quite cool if you think about it. As conversion options would know no limits.

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