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On 26/12/2016 at 10:26 AM, Percivael said:

I'm really excited about the new Duardin faction. With this new Tzeentch picture we can make a more solid speculation of what the Steamhead will include:

Iron Breakers

Iron Drakes


Battlesuits - Ogor sized steam punk robots - Hellboy 2 the Golden Army?

A behemoth robot - also builds a big bad Alarielle level character


Steam tank/Iron Daemon type thing?

So what will the battle suits/robots look like?

Like this?


Or more like this?!


Tic Toc Duardin! I called it back in December!

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I rather hope they have decent mobility in the ships but the usual lack of mobility in the infantry. even the flying balloon troopers look pretty ungainly and slow. Certainly slower than cavalry. I would be fine with them having decent firepower if it's short range, I mean most the guns look like blunderbuss!

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7 hours ago, Iradekhorne said:

Well, anyway probably my experiencie was with my country dwarfs players (Spain). They are a lot flamers, like longbeards xd.

I have four of them in my grup and i'm waiting for his quit. They are really annyoning and all days we have discussions with him cause they never say any good from AoS xd.

Paradogicalli they dont have read any Aos book, but they say (the lore of Aos is a ******). And one of them never played, but say "Aos is unbalanced". Is really annyoning. Thats my experiencie, and thats why I say don't deserve it.



They seem rather negative.  I've been playing dwarves since the late 90's and I rather like this stuff.  But I'm sort of a fanboy :D

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I like them a lot. I think they are great fun and fill me with optimism regarding the future of AOS. I really like the idea of having multiple smaller factions with different aesthetics and play styles derived from the same race. What I wouldn't give to see some of the bigger picture plans regarding the game, it's background and future. 

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So if I'm thinking this out correctly in my head, depending on flying stand size, the gunships can't/won't be able to engage in close combat based on GW FAQ?  So they will fly around and pound people with guns and can only be countered by spells or other shooting. Is this correct?  

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3 minutes ago, Hyperion said:

So if I'm thinking this out correctly in my head, depending on flying stand size, the gunships can't/won't be able to engage in close combat based on GW FAQ?  So they will fly around and pound people with guns and can only be countered by spells or other shooting. Is this correct?  

Pretty much, until you play with the base-to-base house rule.

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1 minute ago, Hollow said:

I like them a lot. I think they are great fun and fill me with optimism regarding the future of AOS. I really like the idea of having multiple smaller factions with different aesthetics and play styles derived from the same race. What I wouldn't give to see some of the bigger picture plans regarding the game, it's background and future. 

I agree. Especially also the fact that they make up these smaller factions by cranking a few aesthetic and mechanic aspects of an older faction up to 11. As in Fyreslayers: Troll Slayers and runecraft cranked up.
         Kharadron Overlords: Gyros, Irondrakes, Cogsmiths cranked up
         Ironjawz: Black Orcs -"-

         Sylvaneth: Dryads/Treemen -"-


I also gives us plenty of inspiration for further speculation! Is any aspect of duardin culture still missing for a possible third faction?


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49 minutes ago, Soulsmith said:

I rather hope they have decent mobility in the ships but the usual lack of mobility in the infantry. even the flying balloon troopers look pretty ungainly and slow. Certainly slower than cavalry. I would be fine with them having decent firepower if it's short range, I mean most the guns look like blunderbuss!


Imagine that rules allow only 4" movement for the airships!

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34 minutes ago, Hyperion said:

They seem rather negative.  I've been playing dwarves since the late 90's and I rather like this stuff.  But I'm sort of a fanboy :D

This release has my head spinning.  Oh, the IRONY!

The race MOST resistant to change has changed the MOST.  I gotta wonder what the "9th Age" Luddites are saying about this.  These new Overlords could be viewed as a metaphor for AoS vs. WFB in general. 

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19 minutes ago, roberto said:

This release has my head spinning.  Oh, the IRONY!

The race MOST resistant to change has changed the MOST.  I gotta wonder what the "9th Age" Luddites are saying about this.  These new Overlords could be viewed as a metaphor for AoS vs. WFB in general. 

Oh, boy, well remembered.


Time to lurk some forums and bathe myself in salt

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2 hours ago, Solvanic said:

I like everything but the Skyriggers, which is pretty good! What do you guys think are the odds there are more models to be released besides this?

I would have assumed so. However like the Tzeentch stuff alot of it may be the repositioning of older models aka Gyrocopters, Ironbreakers/Drakes and cogsmith etc

1 hour ago, DynamicCalories said:

I reckon we'll see a named hero, a multi-kit battlesuit and another battleline. 

Malakai, Malakai, Malakai!

ok it may be unreasonable to expect him as a character but they have to give him a hat tip somewhere in the knew lore.

That army looks like it came straight out of Makaisson heaven.

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47 minutes ago, Hyperion said:

So if I'm thinking this out correctly in my head, depending on flying stand size, the gunships can't/won't be able to engage in close combat based on GW FAQ?  So they will fly around and pound people with guns and can only be countered by spells or other shooting. Is this correct?  

If you measure base to base there's no issue.

If you measure model to model each of these ships has a pretty deep fin keel which means you just put models on the base and they reach that without much issue.

You cannot use any flying stand length that you wish. Whatever comes in the box would be official and should be reachable by infantry.

If they want units to be 'flying high' they give them rules on the warscroll I'd say.

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To those saying there are more kits coming...

I am not sure. It would be cool to see more but if we do this would be a pretty big faction release!

It looks like 3 ship variants, 3 types of troops, 4 or 5 characters on foot, 1 character dangling from a balloon.

If you add older kits that are speculated (gyrocopters, irondrakes - the like) maybe estimate another 3 or 4 warscrolls?

If no old kits are getting added that might change things.

Though they've had the prime time and the big stage to announce these, I'd be further surprised if they were hiding something else cool.



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I am winning the lottery and using this terrain as a mountain top duardin pirate base for AoS>


Also, the way this box set feels - Necromunda mixed with killteam - makes me think Shadespire is going to be the mordheim equivalent.

An official warband based ruleset with some minis and plastic terrain for the eponymous Shadespire (where warbands are sent to win glory or something).

Rules will have warband progression etc. Will be kind of like a proper sized path to glory (instead of rolling up a stardrake and 5 full stormcast units - hey this warband is 2000 points after 1 game).

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57 minutes ago, aquietfrog said:

So the cthulhu aelves are basically black ark corsairs cranked up to 11?  Kraken aesthetic and all?

I hope so! and I hope they encorporate the old figures, cos Cthulhu Maritime Aelves is basically what my army 'The Eldritch Voyage of the Kraken Lord' is now! 



Edited by Percivael
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12 minutes ago, Turragor said:

To those saying there are more kits coming...

I am not sure. It would be cool to see more but if we do this would be a pretty big faction release!

It looks like 3 ship variants, 3 types of troops, 4 or 5 characters on foot, 1 character dangling from a balloon.

If you add older kits that are speculated (gyrocopters, irondrakes - the like) maybe estimate another 3 or 4 warscrolls?

If no old kits are getting added that might change things.

Though they've had the prime time and the big stage to announce these, I'd be further surprised if they were hiding something else cool.



While not definitve the WH community thread did seem to make a big point of saying that these guys arent anything to do with the "Vanilla" Duardin and while their machines may have found routes from the gyrocopters they are very different and possibly arcane. So perhaps they really are leaving the "Vanilla" dwarves more or less as is. Like the regular orruks i guess??

Which i suppose is good as while the old school Duardin fans many not be getting a battletome (Yet?, They did sort bonesplittars out after doing the ironkaws) atleast the they not being removed entirely.

On the subject of their tech. I am curious as to those"baloons" clearly their is some focul source or material that their race is built around (Like the fyre slayers ur gold) im curious to know what that is.

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44 minutes ago, roberto said:

This release has my head spinning.  Oh, the IRONY!

The race MOST resistant to change has changed the MOST.  I gotta wonder what the "9th Age" Luddites are saying about this.  These new Overlords could be viewed as a metaphor for AoS vs. WFB in general. 

I've singled you out @roberto but this does apply to others - Can we please have less 9th Age bashing please. People are entitled to their opinions, but it's not something we want on this forum. ;) 


Back on topic....

I love it. Steampunk, Pirate, Magic Space Dwarfs in exoarmour is something I never knew I wanted but looks like I will have! I think this is a great release and great step away from the 'traditional' fantasy to make Age of Sigmar special!

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1 minute ago, KHHaunts said:

While not definitve the WH community thread did seem to make a big point of saying that these guys arent anything to do with the "Vanilla" Duardin and while their machines may have found routes from the gyrocopters they are very different and possibly arcane. So perhaps they really are leaving the "Vanilla" dwarves more or less as is. Like the regular orruks i guess??

Which i suppose is good as while the old school Duardin fans many not be getting a battletome (Yet?, They did sort bonesplittars out after doing the ironkaws) atleast the they not being removed entirely.

On the subject of their tech. I am curious as to those"baloons" clearly their is some focul source or material that their race is built around (Like the fyre slayers ur gold) im curious to know what that is.

I'm going to guess multiple materials and chemical processes.

There'll be an "antigravity" metal from the realm they've hidden in?

There will be at least 2 other variants powering different weapons.

They'll probably just call some of them 'aetherstones'.


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As a long time dwarf player and heart broken by ET: Thanquol I take this as an in your face army for skaven. So they owned us because of technological boldness, incarnated on Stormfiend weapons? Just look at the weapons the heavy guys have!! It's glorious!

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