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5 minutes ago, EonChao said:

Plenty of them start off that way but the biggest ones like Valrak and a few others do have genuine sources. The ones who don't quickly disappear as they start making incorrect guesses based on community hopium.

Valrak is as reliable as the dog I don't have. He was horribly wrong in the past, but he got a few hits more recently and people seem to suddenly forget his erratic history. I don't, personnally. As far I'm concerned, he doesn't actually have "genuine sources", he's just lucky with guessing and good with fishing the right info from elsewhere.

Edited by Sarouan
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1 minute ago, Jagged Red Lines said:

Whitefang never confirmed this. The only indication we had was that SG Warhound cry reacted to someone asking if beasts were staying. 

That's not entirely true. They liked the post from @Whitefang back me upwhich said beats were getting cut. It's natural not wanting to believe it. I certainly didn't. 

Despite having quite a lot of minis affected by this change none of it upsets me too much except the beasts thing. 

It is an undeniable truth that GW is struggling to manage it's huge range of miniatures. You only have to look at the state of the web store. With third edition they hit upon a design of Stormcast that was very well liked. It wouldn't suprise in the least if Sacrosanct sales dropped off a cliff during third. Of course the weak rules haven't helped. The writing has been on the wall for Bonesplittas for a while, especially now that Kruleboyz has been eating into their territory. 

With Underworlds I think they want to keep the whole range available for two or three years then drop them. That way they can keep the overall stock level constant. I don't think we'll see underworlds warbands in battletomes again. 

I think that warcry is moving to a kill team model with units like the chameleons and gorgers that can be easily integrated into mainline AoS without leading to bloat. Warcry plague monks and gutter runners here we come. I absolutely love those cultist models. The corvus cabal might be my favourite infantry unit ever but I do understand why they are going. So long as I can still play them in Warcry, I'll be happy. 

The BoC change is meaningless and isn't good for anyone except people in the studios who want to have **** measuring contests about which game sells more. 

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6 minutes ago, Ejecutor said:

I think it was Whitefang Jr rather than the main Fang.

12 minutes ago, Jagged Red Lines said:

Whitefang never confirmed this. The only indication we had was that SG Warhound cry reacted to someone asking if beasts were staying. 


Whoever it was, I remember the evidence was reliable and concrete enough for me to change my mind about it, even though I was initially skeptical that BoC would be removed and argued against mentioning all the points that make their removal so shocking right now.

3 minutes ago, Ejecutor said:

Ok. Let's think about a different start on AoS where everything which has and will be removed was removed from day one. How many armies would leave that on the game? Less than... 6? I don't know. I recently listened to a video that mentioned 3 full AoS armies at the beginning of the game and 6 by the end of the first edition.

You cannot start a game with 3 factions making the player base wait for another 3 years to get another 3 armies and so on. The game would have died, especially considering how it was born.

If it is a pretty poor decision? Yes. Was it also the lesser evil and the best for AoS as a game? Yes.

There is a big difference between High Elves being phased out for Lumineth and BoC being phased out for nothing.

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Just a thought, what if the reason the Plague Monks aren't being replaced is because there'll be a big focus on Nurgle in the end of 4th edition's campaign. Of the four Chaos Gods, their faction needs the most attention in terms of expanding it, and a major plague would be something that Death can take advantage of and push back against which leads to the rumours of Death being a protagonist part of the new narrative. It wouldn't be difficult to do an Ironjawz size release with a new priest, new monks, new censer bearers and a couple brand new things. They just need to keep the few plastics in circulation to keep them relevant, like with the old 'ard boyz.

4 minutes ago, Sarouan said:

Valrak is as reliable as the dog I don't have. He was horribly wrong in the past, but he got a few hits more recently and people seem to suddenly forget his erratic history. I don't, personnally.

I don't like the guy, and he was wrong plenty of times in the past, but the last time he got something wrong was the Black Templars Ancient and that was based on a photo of a conversion in the codex that was leaked to him so would have seemed completely credible. 

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3 minutes ago, EonChao said:

Just a thought, what if the reason the Plague Monks aren't being replaced is because there'll be a big focus on Nurgle in the end of 4th edition's campaign. Of the four Chaos Gods, their faction needs the most attention in terms of expanding it, and a major plague would be something that Death can take advantage of and push back against which leads to the rumours of Death being a protagonist part of the new narrative. It wouldn't be difficult to do an Ironjawz size release with a new priest, new monks, new censer bearers and a couple brand new things. They just need to keep the few plastics in circulation to keep them relevant, like with the old 'ard boyz.

I don't like the guy, and he was wrong plenty of times in the past, but the last time he got something wrong was the Black Templars Ancient and that was based on a photo of a conversion in the codex that was leaked to him so would have seemed completely credible. 


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1 minute ago, EonChao said:

I don't like the guy, and he was wrong plenty of times in the past, but the last time he got something wrong was the Black Templars Ancient and that was based on a photo of a conversion in the codex that was leaked to him so would have seemed completely credible. 

That's why I don't believe he has genuine sources, he just goes for fishing information on the internet and he's been better at detecting trolls than before. He certainly gets mails by his fans on his youtube channel, that lead him more easily towards certain hidden discord channels where first info is posted or simply use his own for that. That's all.

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7 minutes ago, Ejecutor said:

After doing a bit of renewal bingo for the removed SCE I think this is the list that would get something new either with Thunderstrike or as part of the Ruination Chamber:


I don't think we'll see new Judicators as the Vigilors are already new Thunderstrike bow Stormcast.

But otherwise this looks like a good guess.


Edited by Matrindur
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9 minutes ago, Ejecutor said:

After doing a bit of renewal bingo for the removed SCE I think this is the list that would get something new either with Thunderstrike or as part of the Ruination Chamber:


Wow can’t believe the launch box contents leaked so early

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Btw, GW just sent a mail with the newsletter to join a campaign where you pick 1 Vanguard and a Combat Patrol and you can win them both:

EDIT: Post on warcom: Win a Combat Patrol and a Spearhead When You Subscribe to Warhammer Emails - Warhammer Community (warhammer-community.com)


It feels like the sales team is tracking the interest for each army.

Edited by Ejecutor
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5 minutes ago, Ejecutor said:

It feels like the sales team is tracking the interest for each army.

I hope this isn't how they do it. Some Vanguards are just extremely bad in terms of model composition.

If it is, we could really mess it up by all picking the BoC vanguard.

Edited by Snarff
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2 minutes ago, Ejecutor said:

It feels like the sales team is tracking the interest for each army.

Stats for the Stat God ! Numbers for the throne of numbers !

That's their job, all right. ;) Soon they can put the BoC sales for TOW properly.

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5 minutes ago, Ejecutor said:

Btw, GW just sent a mail with the newsletter to join a campaign where you pick 1 Vanguard and a Combat Patrol and you can win them both:


It feels like the sales team is tracking the interest for each army.

Beasts of Chaos is an option so everyone should put it to show we want them in AoS

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2 minutes ago, Snarff said:

I hope this isn't how they do it. Some Vanguards are just extremely bad in terms of model composition.

I think it is the most likely scenario. You'd better vote for the factions you like the most.


Do you remember them? They are back!

Vulkite Berzerkers


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9 hours ago, GloomkingWortwazi said:

So stuff we know is going hasn't been marked as "last chance to buy" (at least on AU store), regardless of TOW re-use or not (e.g. Orcs). However, these 4 have as mentioned earlier in the thread... kinda weird they weren't noted on the list as well?




I think those models are going to leave the game in favour of 40k, with a demos refresh for them.

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2 minutes ago, Ejecutor said:

I think it is the most likely scenario. You'd better vote for the factions you like the most.

  Reveal hidden contents

Do you remember them? They are back!

Vulkite Berzerkers


mods please remove this post for including a jumpscare in the spoiler

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1 minute ago, Ragest said:

I think those models are going to leave the game in favour of 40k, with a demos refresh for them.

Not sure what you mean by in favour of 40k?


They're in last chance to buy in the 40k section too. 

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37 minutes ago, Jagged Red Lines said:

I don't care about how GW looks at sales figures. Quarter of a million dollars may look inconsequential to them.

But to the people who spent several hundred pounds on new armies since January (I'm one, and a mate recently started beasts), those numbers are not inconsequential.

Deliberately holding back the truth until a time it was convenient for them to communicate with their customers has left customers out of pocket. These aren't speculative assets, we didn't buy expecting to lose.

Ad 1.

Well, if you don't care about them, then why would they care about you? They are a business. They look for profits. That's the reality of it. 

Ad 2.

You do realise, that at whatever point they would have made the announcement, there would always be someone, who bought into that army only weeks/months prior, right? So, from that point of view, it really makes no difference whasoever as to when to make the announcement. They gave people more than a year heads up. How much longer would it have to be, for you to find it long enough? Give me a number, please.

Ad 3.

There's no way you can prove it.  At this point, it's just a baseless accusation.

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4 minutes ago, Ejecutor said:

I think it is the most likely scenario. You'd better vote for the factions you like the most.

  Reveal hidden contents

Do you remember them? They are back!

Vulkite Berzerkers


I'll vote for Fyreslayers any day to hopefully spare them from the BoC/Bonesplitterz/Sarcosanct fate (Squatted? Gor'ed? Reforged?)

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