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4 minutes ago, Snarff said:

It feels like even GW doesn't want the two systems to peacefully coexist (not to mention the animosity from a set of WFB/TWW players that already exists towards AoS), they're just driving an even deeper wedge between the communities by this obsessive separation of games.

It's a design philosophy that isn't restricted to fantasy. They're doing the same thing with HH and 40k. There was a lot of outrage when GW annouced all the HH plastic vehicles (contemptors, leviathans, fancy tanks) were only gonna be Legends (especially from CSM players). 

They're separating 40k and HH, AoS and TOW, AoS and WHU, 40k and Necromunda (there's Necromunda stuff you should be able to play in normal 40k...), BB and Epic doing their own things in the corner. We gotta accept range overlap between games (Demons, Custodes) is not the order of the day at GW.

As for "AoS vs TOW", I hope it doesn't devolve into an "us vs them" situation. They're different design teams in different divisions of GW, different styles of minis, looks like they're not competing. But if it does, I already have my side. 

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14 minutes ago, The Lost Sigmarite said:

/shows how little self control you have.

Oooo get a load of the stoic who hasn't actually read Zeno. You're very cool dude.


You want to be a capitalist about it you go right ahead. But I'm going to be consumer and go ahead and stop buying from a company that doesn't deserve my loyalty or trust.


Unrelated to chuckles here above but the fact that BoC "can't be supported" anymore but only in AoS is absolute horse ******. They couldn't be assed to make one more copy/pasted pile of reused art called a battletome and sell it for 50 bucks?

Edited by The Red King
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I agree Grungnisson. Not showing emotions is inhuman and equally immature and people shouldn't be told to bottle it up because they are over reacting or have no self control. The hobby is built with strong memories and passion for the world(s) we love to be part of, factor in money and most importantly time, anger and sadness is the just emotion to feel.

People can still be angry, vent and still be in control. We aren't rage punching monitors and flipping tables, we are voicing our hurt and displeasure, a natural response. 

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Call me an Old Grumbler, but I feel that such sour announcements of removal of so many miniatures should be done AFTER showing all the shiny things that will replace them. 

And ehile we’re in this negative territory, I can’t believe we’re seeing an entire generation of stormcast come and Go before we even get Malerion and his Shadow Aelves. Umbraneth Vs Skaven should have been the starter box.


Maybe an early Glimpse of the Rumoured Grombrindal might cheer me up. But otherwise I can’t say I’m feeling the hobby at the moment. 

Edited by Kronos
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8 minutes ago, The Lost Sigmarite said:

Because acting out of anger is a show of immaturity and lack of self control.

Your army is getting cut from the game, which is a sad news. Can you do anything about it ? No, because you have no control over GW. Can you control how to respond to it ? Yes, you can control to not be aggressive, angry, and throw curse words on forums like some of you have done in this thread, because it 1/does nothing and 2/shows how little self control you have.

I don't mind people showing an emotional response to something they've put so much time in. In fact, I completely empathize with everyone who just lost one of their armies no matter how they respond. Of course nobody can change anything except for GW, but people are well in their rights to show their dissatisfaction with a decision by GW.

Calling people immature and lacking self control just because they're angry is more than just a little patronizing. Everyone here is a fan of the game, the least you can do is show a little empathy to those who just got quite ****** news. And quitting the game as a result of news like that is not immature. We've just been told: 'We won't continue to support these factions we've supported for 10 years, if you want to play with them go play another game.' Do you expect people to just happily continue playing the game when they played one of those factions?

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42 minutes ago, Garrac said:

Ummm GW, how am I now suposed to field a clan Pestilens army? GW?????????????????


The AoS companion app uses a picture of the plague priest from the plague furnace, so they probably expect you to use that.

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7 minutes ago, The Lost Sigmarite said:

As for "AoS vs TOW", I hope it doesn't devolve into an "us vs them" situation. They're different design teams in different divisions of GW, different styles of minis, looks like they're not competing. But if it does, I already have my side. 

This. So much this. I find myself more interested in TOW these days, but I want AOS players to have their cool stuff and enjoy their game!

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1 minute ago, Snarff said:

Calling people immature and lacking self control just because they're angry is more than just a little patronizing. Everyone here is a fan of the game, the least you can do is show a little empathy to those who just got quite ****** news. And quitting the game as a result of news like that is not immature. 

This is the exact same mindset the guy who burned his Dark Elf army because they weren’t a TOW core faction must have had. 

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2 minutes ago, pitzok said:

The AoS companion app uses a picture of the plague priest from the plague furnace, so they probably expect you to use that.

That's actually fair enough, but bruh is it gonna suck for all the guys that put it together as a screaming bell and separated the plague priest

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4 hours ago, The Red King said:

or 50 bucks?


Nah, that'll be 65, also it will has less pages and reused cover. 

And people here will still call it "what a great release, i love it“

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I'm kind of shocked by the extent of the Stormcast range being removed, mainly because I really like the Sacrosanct sculpts but not the Vanguard ones and they're the ones that survived! That said I'm fine with getting Legends rules for them, I mainly play casually and I've no problem with playing against or using Legends stuff, plus the models will still look good on my shelf. Gonna have to weigh up if there's any characters I need to pick up from the 1.0 range to round out my collection but I think the main things, Paladins, Judicators etc will be getting updates in the new edition. The big kicker is the Errant Questor as he's been out of stock every time I've gone to Warhammer World in the last few years so I've not been able to grab one.

The Beasts of Chaos thing is depressing. I'm still of the belief that they have a future in AoS, but it's just further out than 4th edition, but it's still sad to see them go. I might need to pick up the Herdstone if I can as it's the coolest piece of faction terrain in the range. I could see the Bonesplitters making a return in future too, either as part of Ironjawz or their own thing but they clearly need a bigger update than there's room for in 4.0 alongside other factions.

Skaven wise I suspect most of those things will get replaced in 4th anyway, with a few being held back to get redone through Warcry or future editions. 

The Warcry one is the biggest blow to me though, they're just really neat models. At a guess I'd say the Horns of Hashut will be coming back alongside the Chaos Duardin, they're the only 2.0 band removed. I had plans for a few boxes of Spire Tyrants and Corvus Cabal so I might have to pull the trigger on them before anything else though.

For those talking about Ogors, I think they're safe. We just had the Gorgers get released and if they were going to give them the chop it would be this edition. They also make sense, now Bonesplitters are gone as the main Destruction faction to give some love to for 4th. The Spiderriders and Arachnok not being removed does give me some hope for some Spiderfang love in the near future too.


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1 minute ago, RuneBrush said:

It isn't unreasonable, but it is an assumption made on our part.  GW has given us a year's warning of when these warscrolls/models will be gone which is a lot more than many companies would in the same situation.  That's only competitive play too - the article does say that Legends will be updated and balanced for the duration of 4th edition.

So much this.

It is still sad to see miniatures go, I have been there so many times and it still hurts the same. But I can at least relativise more easily with so many similar experiences I had in the past.

Yet, rules will still exist for a while to play if you wish it so. Damn, before The Old World was actually released, I still played Warhammer Battle with my old collection of greenskins for a decade since GW support officially ended. And if the rules and miniatures disappear, people still manage to find a way...finding rules online put there by true fans (Sigmar bless them), buying second market / competitor miniatures or use new technology to have pretty damn equivalent miniatures for your needs.

Players always find a way. Even if a new edition comes, that doesn't mean everything you collected vanishes from existence tomorrow. You still have all these books, all these miniatures...and you likely are still in touch with all these players you had fun with. Use them, ask people. You'd be surprised how many of them will be more than happy to play "no longer supported miniatures" / "dead games" with you for still a long, long time.

And to hell with tournaments and "official balance", they were never needed to have fun in games. Only you, your game partners, and all the lovely miniatures you have.

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There is a difference between being upset at the decision and burning your army. I'm done with AoS, I am not going to burn what I already have, I just won't buy new stuff (unless to put it on square base).

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As someone with more Bonesplitterz than Ironjawz and Kruleboyz, I am gutted.

I am double gutted that I cannot easily port them to old world because of the restrictions on savage orcs in old world list building.

(Think it's one unit of each type per 1k points?)

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1 minute ago, The Lost Sigmarite said:

This is the exact same mindset the guy who burned his Dark Elf army because they weren’t a TOW core faction must have had. 

Quitting a game and burning an army is not the same thing. People don't have to blindly support a game that cuts their faction, and quitting a game is not a sign of 'immaturity' or 'lack of control'.

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2 minutes ago, michu said:

There is a difference between being upset at the decision and burning your army. I'm done with AoS, I am not going to burn what I already have, I just won't buy new stuff (unless to put it on square base).

Go play OPR! It's as flavourless, but it's fun and surprisingly quick af. A normal match takes like half the time of a GW match, and you dont require as many minis to field (no point shrieking happening any time soon btw)

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Far out.

That much Stormcast is insane, the only silver lining is quite a bit will be updated.

Warcry Warbands such as Hashut seems so sudden!! Maybe theyre being folded into Chaos Duardin?

Bonesplitterz is so sad I was really hoping that they would get updated. I also think this means Kruelboyz stay as part of Warclans and dont get their own book.

Beasts of Chaos. Im so sorry @The Red King truly this must be quite a blow to take.

Personally I am quite angry at this decision, that unless they get revamped in a few years seems like stab in the back to players. Sacrificed for TOW.

I swear if BOC recieves updates in TOW after being cut from AOS Ill lose my mind.

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2 minutes ago, The Lost Sigmarite said:

This is the exact same mindset the guy who burned his Dark Elf army because they weren’t a TOW core faction must have had. 

Not really. The issue with the door burning was never that he was quitting the game, it was burning the models he’d spent so much time and money on rather than selling them.

Its completely understandable to stop playing, just don’t cut your nose off to spite your face.

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1 minute ago, trolemon said:

As someone with more Bonesplitterz than Ironjawz and Kruleboyz, I am gutted.

I am double gutted that I cannot easily port them to old world because of the restrictions on savage orcs in old world list building.

(Think it's one unit of each type per 1k points?)

At 2k you could have 2 units of savage boyz and 2 of savage boar boyz.


Which is limiting but also considering the size of armies in the game that's honestly going to be most/the core of a 2k list so it's not too bad. 

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Just now, Garrac said:

Go play OPR! It's as flavourless, but it's fun and surprisingly quick af. A normal match takes like half the time of a GW match, and you dont require as many minis to field (no point shrieking happening any time soon btw)

I have no interest in playing any OPR game

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Just now, JerekKruger said:

This. So much this. I find myself more interested in TOW these days, but I want AOS players to have their cool stuff and enjoy their game!

I used to LOVE old fantasy and it's setting and I mean love. Had all the lizardmen/lustria related novels even if it was Thanquols perspective, had massive themed armies; red crested skins of Tehenhauin, Lustrian Jungle Hunter empire, Savage Orcs of the badlands. But I will never go back to ToW because simply put the models just aren't up to date with the modern age. Nostalgia only goes so far, whyd I pick up Orcs and Goblins when Ironjawz blow them out of the water in design and not only that, cost. 

Paying modern day prices for sculpts from 6th ed fantasy doesn't tickle my loins to run and play the game even though I have fond memories of The Old World as a kid and young adult. The ship has sailed to the golden realms of updated sculpts and scale. 

My beastmen will most likely stay in a box in the garage until the day I throw them out or die of old age. I have no incentive to play ToW, not to mention no one actually plays it in my county when AoS and 40k are vastly more accessible to get a game in. 

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24 minutes ago, The Lost Sigmarite said:

As for "AoS vs TOW", I hope it doesn't devolve into an "us vs them" situation. They're different design teams in different divisions of GW, different styles of minis, looks like they're not competing. But if it does, I already have my side. 


Yeah, let's not do the uno reverse card of misplaced anger. Be upset all you need to, but let's not start that kind of stuff, please.

Edited by Gaz Taylor
swearing removed
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3 minutes ago, The Lost Sigmarite said:

This is the exact same mindset the guy who burned his Dark Elf army because they weren’t a TOW core faction must have had. 

No, it’s not. That was throwing up stuff for views and actually destroying mini. Folks here are signalling their disappointment and anger by saying that they don’t want to play AoS anymore.

This is a really lazy, thoughtless comparison, and moreover actively inaccurate because that incident was back at the WHFB/AoS transition, years before TOW even existed.

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4 minutes ago, michu said:

There is a difference between being upset at the decision and burning your army. I'm done with AoS, I am not going to burn what I already have, I just won't buy new stuff (unless to put it on square base).

I'm in the same boat except I won't even give GW money for the old world. 

But I guess if you're emotionally stunted then we're just "being hysterical" lol

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