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5 minutes ago, Clan's Cynic said:

Those almost look like pages pulled from the rulebook, like 'test prints' or something,

Or just in-store promotional magazines. 

The title "The Mortal Realms" looks like a new edition starter freeby for introducing the setting 

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18 minutes ago, DD-Lord said:

It's interesting to see that this applies to the Darkoath too, although the wording in the interview is a little vague, like do they also have their own names for the chaos gods or do they just treat them as just a collection of nameless entities like the Northmen in A Song of Ice and Fire do? Also, I really love that one detail that they are distrustful of people who claim to be more knowledgeable about chaos because that gives them a unique dynamic among the chaos factions and distances them from the marauders of old because, unlike them, they probably won't be so willing to just flock to the closest chaos warlord.

I imagine it depends on the darkoath tribe in question, darkoath isn’t a specific culture as much as just a way of living that a lot of tribal peoples from across all the mortal realms participate in, the intricacies of that are different for all of them.


You see a bunch of the faces the chaos gods wear in random bits of fluff (like Khorne being the Great Kraken to seafaring marauders in ghur, who sacrifice the skulls of their plundered victims to the seas) and in stuff like the Rotmire Creed knowing Nurgle only as the Plaguefather, or the Jade Obelisks worshipping a tzeentchian daemon that trapped them in a devils bargain rather than tzeentch himself.


Same is true for some of the Warcry cultists, where a bunch of them worship their own gods that exist on some level of ambiguity as to whether they’re faces worn by a chaos god, a particularly powerful daemon, or even a minor chaos diety of some description. Others like the Tarantulos Brood just worship chaos itself, seeing the amorphous collection of gods and power as just part of a great eight-legged whole. I think darkoaths probably have the same variance, especially since monogod marked darkoath have existed pretty prominently before and even been mechanically possible throughout 2nd and 3rd Ed, prior to the latest book.

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Just now, HorticulusTGA said:

Or just in-store promotional magazines. 

The title "The Mortal Realms" looks like a new edition starter freeby for introducing the setting 

Yeah, there's no way they'd be indexes. If they did indexes they would probably be in softcover books divided by Grand Alliances (like the Ravening Hordes and Forces of Fantasy books for ToW) or come on datacards like the 10e 40k indexes. 

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A compilation of all the skaven leak-pics so far:





The only thing we're missing now it's  @SG Warhound post or @Whitefangposting something exciting to have me having a hearth attack (yes, this is totally bait, and I don't care, hospital number is already at hand)

Edited by Garrac
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10 minutes ago, HorticulusTGA said:

Or just in-store promotional magazines. 

The title "The Mortal Realms" looks like a new edition starter freeby for introducing the setting 

Yeah it's definitely this and not indexes. Indexes would either be cards or much thicker books. A free magazine to introduce the lore is a really good idea though. Even after 3 editions, there editions there are still loads of people who can't wrap their heads around the setting. A free magazine with some cool art and lore is exactly what is needed. 

It's a funny leak really. It tells us exactly nothing we didn't already know. The clearest Skaven picture is of a hellpit abomination which we already have. 

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