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15 minutes ago, Garrac said:

Oh, it's not that I didn't expect it, but it took me for suprise that they would erase such an iconic unit of the army (vespids) when the update is around the corner. Just had to hold on resin for, what, like 6-10 months?. Makes me suspect clan Pestilens lists will have to use botafumeiros, and Moulder clan lists will be characterless if the rumours are correct.

The rumour list from @SG Warhound said the arch warlock, warlock and master moulder would all be getting new kits so Skaven probably won't be losing any characters. If anything the character roster will be getting bigger. If the rumour is to be believed, we're losing the smaller rats but gaining wolf rats. 

The real question is about gutter runners (and night runners) and plague censor bearers. Clan Eshin could be looking pretty low on units in the new edition. 


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18 minutes ago, Chikout said:

The rumour list from @SG Warhound said the arch warlock, warlock and master moulder would all be getting new kits so Skaven probably won't be losing any characters. If anything the character roster will be getting bigger. If the rumour is to be believed, we're losing the smaller rats but gaining wolf rats. 

The real question is about gutter runners (and night runners) and plague censor bearers. Clan Eshin could be looking pretty low on units in the new edition. 


Plague priests are resin tho...

(I keep doing a gw and forgeting the whole list, can someone copypaste it again?)

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15 minutes ago, BarakUrbaz said:

If you build the Plague Furnace/Screaming Bell dual kit as a Bell you can make the Plague Priest from the Furnace on foot. 

Yeah, I know, that's what I allways do with my kits.

But GW executives are dumb and can see it either way. They can go like "What you see in the manual goes to the church" and then only allwing the botafumeiro. The botafumeiro kit itself its a remnant from an age long past gone.


Isn't there a plastic plague priest in the Screaming Bell kit?  Or does he have weird feet that won't stick on a base?

DoK have multiple hero models stuck in the cauldron kit in a similar way.

Nah, its very easy, his feet are plain and fits very well on a 32mm round base.

Im too lazy to post a photo of mine, but i can then even fit him back again on the botafumeiro.

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Ok, gonna summon now the oracle @Whitefang back me up if he wants to iluminate us again, let me grab my farsqueaker:

Captura de pantalla 2024-03-14 140258.png

Oh, in the name of the Great Horned One! I summon you, oracle-seer! Yes-yes! What do you see-smell on the tunnels-to-come-be? Will all superior and mighty skaven clans be able-ready to field-field with own-own new plastic leaders, yes-yes? Or will there be-be at least one clan no leader, no character, no-no? What is your wisdom today for, yes-yes?

(I need more hobbies)

Edited by Garrac
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Could the Clans work similar to (although more limited in scope) Marks of Chaos for Slaves to Darkness?

You have Clanrats as your main unit, they can either be Marked: Eshin, Pestilens, Moulder, Skyre or Masterclan with each mark giving the unit a benefit

Each of the "marked" characters (Assassin, preist, ?, Warlock or Clawlord) can join their specific marked unit to boost that benefit etc


I could be way off with that though 😅

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2 hours ago, Elarin said:

This event will last until the end of June in all Warhammer Stores. The participants might get a really nice Coin Malleus.

In other news, a certain winged aelven prophetess told me that the city in the teaser video is Embergard

Not surprised with both the lava in the background and knowing there is a way up from underneath. One thing I do wonder though is Sigmar and the Stormcasts view on Zenestra and her cult plus the location of Emberguard the original destination or did Zenestra divert to there for some reason especially after the latest short story. 

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2 minutes ago, TrawlingCleaner said:

Could the Clans work similar to (although more limited in scope) Marks of Chaos for Slaves to Darkness?

You have Clanrats as your main unit, they can either be Marked: Eshin, Pestilens, Moulder, Skyre or Masterclan with each mark giving the unit a benefit

Each of the "marked" characters (Assassin, preist, ?, Warlock or Clawlord) can join their specific marked unit to boost that benefit etc


I could be way off with that though 😅

Thats precisely how it used to work, but they kinda killed that idea with the very dumb Verminous Clan.

Wouldnt be surprised if it gets eliminated.

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I think next edition is going to be full of minis because:

A) old minis have to go back to fantasy to not share space. (Seraphon/sbg/cos final refresh, ogors refresh, maybe ugly demons replacement coming from a release in 40k)

B) non plastic minis are going to get a refresh or disappear

C) first edition armies will follow the ironjawz path. (Idk, fs, dok (maybe with malerion)

D) New armies (chorfs, at least, maybe malerion, maybe silent people)



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You know it would actually be cool if instead of just killing off one of the cities at the end of the Dawnbringers, the campaign was actually to decide which one of them live. Order players would have to choose which city their army is going to protect, while non-Order players have to chose which city they're attacking, with whatever city fairing worse being destroyed. But that's not going to happen. 

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6 minutes ago, Ragest said:

I think next edition is going to be full of minis because:

A) old minis have to go back to fantasy to not share space. (Seraphon/sbg/cos final refresh, ogors refresh, maybe ugly demons replacement coming from a release in 40k)

B) non plastic minis are going to get a refresh or disappear

C) first edition armies will follow the ironjawz path. (Idk, fs, dok (maybe with malerion)

D) New armies (chorfs, at least, maybe malerion, maybe silent people)



i'm very curious as to what they will do with ogors.  they've never been unpopular per say but it seems like as of 3rd they've had a bit of a growth spurt in player count and now i'm consistently seeing them as a top 10 (if not top 5!) most played army in tournaments, and they're nothing special power-wise.

they've also been very bare with the lore for them, and they've had essentially zero impact on anything since day one.  they are also an army that needs 50% of it's kits refreshed as a bare minimum, or 35% if you make some cuts.  all that, and they're one of the armies that has significant overlap with ToW.  i don't imagine they'll get rid of them, but they do have quite a ways to go on most fronts.

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1 hour ago, Garrac said:

Plague priests are resin tho...

(I keep doing a gw and forgeting the whole list, can someone copypaste it again?)

Spaces Marines, Dark Angels, Necrons and Tyrannids still have resin models and have new codexes

Edited by Nezzhil
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11 minutes ago, bethebee said:

i'm very curious as to what they will do with ogors.  they've never been unpopular per say but it seems like as of 3rd they've had a bit of a growth spurt in player count and now i'm consistently seeing them as a top 10 (if not top 5!) most played army in tournaments, and they're nothing special power-wise.

they've also been very bare with the lore for them, and they've had essentially zero impact on anything since day one.  they are also an army that needs 50% of it's kits refreshed as a bare minimum, or 35% if you make some cuts.  all that, and they're one of the armies that has significant overlap with ToW.  i don't imagine they'll get rid of them, but they do have quite a ways to go on most fronts.

The problem with Ogors is that they basically removed the most defining feature of the Ogre Kingdoms from Warhammer Fantasy that gave them a unique niche in the universe: their neutrality. Sure they still have mercenaries, but that part is far less emphasized and 80% of the stories with Ogor Mercenaries end with them betraying and eating their employers making you wonder why anybody hires them in the first place. Ogre Kingdoms were pretty much the only guys who were tolerated by every other faction and were equally likely to work with the Empire as much as Orcs and Goblins, but that didn't really fit into the Grand Alliance scheme. Without that neutrality, they're just Orcs but hungry. 

Edited by BarakUrbaz
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3 minutes ago, BarakUrbaz said:

The problem with Ogors is that they basically removed the most defining feature of the Ogre Kingdoms from Warhammer Fantasy that gave them a unique niche in the universe: their neutrality. Sure they still have mercenaries, but that part is far less emphasized and 80% of the stories with Ogor Mercenaries end with them betraying and eating their employers making you wonder why anybody hires them in the first place. Ogre Kingdoms were pretty much the only guys who had a "good" relationship with every other faction and were equally likely to work with the Empire as much as Orcs and Goblins, but that didn't really fit into the Grand Alliance scheme. 

There are three factions now.
- Mercenaries that even can stablish in Free Cities
- Nomadic force of nature of Gutbusters or Beastclaw
- Fanatics of the Gulping God that are terraforming the Realms

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9 minutes ago, Nezzhil said:

Spaces Marines, Dark Angels, Necrons and Tyrannids still have resin models and have new codexes

Tyranids are full plastic, if I'm not mistaken (excluding FW). However, there are still a few Finecast references in SM/DA/Necrons ranges.

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1 minute ago, BarakUrbaz said:

The problem with Ogors is that they basically removed the most defining feature of the Ogre Kingdoms from Warhammer Fantasy that gave them a unique niche in the universe: their neutrality. Sure they still have mercenaries, but that part is far less emphasized and 80% of the stories with Ogor Mercenaries end with them betraying and eating their employers making you wonder why anybody hires them in the first place. Ogre Kingdoms were pretty much the only guys who had a "good" relationship with every other faction and were equally likely to work with the Empire as much as Orcs and Goblins, but that didn't really fit into the Grand Alliance scheme. 

completely true.  i don't think the Grand Alliance system hurts the game as much as some people make it out to but for ogors (and fyreslayers, to a lesser extent,) it does really limit their flavor.


it's really funny how in this article they have to specifically mention that you can homebrew an exception to the GA-only rule for the mercenary factions.  why isn't it just written so factions can work together for whatever reason they please?  wasn't faction interaction without restrictions one of the primary writing draws of AoS initially?  of course it's not like GW will hold you at gunpoint for pairing Gitz and Sylvaneth, but it's silly that this is something that even needs to be changed.

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15 minutes ago, bethebee said:

i'm very curious as to what they will do with ogors.  they've never been unpopular per say but it seems like as of 3rd they've had a bit of a growth spurt in player count and now i'm consistently seeing them as a top 10 (if not top 5!) most played army in tournaments, and they're nothing special power-wise.

they've also been very bare with the lore for them, and they've had essentially zero impact on anything since day one.  they are also an army that needs 50% of it's kits refreshed as a bare minimum, or 35% if you make some cuts.  all that, and they're one of the armies that has significant overlap with ToW.  i don't imagine they'll get rid of them, but they do have quite a ways to go on most fronts.

With that desciption, they sound like they're in the same spot as FEC were before their refresh. They're such a cool faction too, hopefully they get redone soon! 😊

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29 minutes ago, Nezzhil said:

Spaces Marines, Dark Angels, Necrons and Tyrannids still have resin models and have new codexes

Nids are full plastic now, but I'll take the L on the rest. I really thought that necrons were already on plastic, but seems like they still have remnants.

I guess then a few resin miniatures more could hold on the catalogue for a few years more. Mostly plague priests and máster moulders.

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He may be good but I wasn't a fan of the seeming arrogance displayed. I also appreciate it was a discussion in the "meta" but I despise the obsession with it. You don't see them giving reviews of narrative forces or events half as much :(

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21 minutes ago, 01rtb01 said:

He may be good but I wasn't a fan of the seeming arrogance displayed. I also appreciate it was a discussion in the "meta" but I despise the obsession with it. You don't see them giving reviews of narrative forces or events half as much :(

You can really blame Rob for that. I'm really not sure GW would be focusing on it this much, had it not been him to wage his private little war on the lack of balance in competitive AoS.

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1 hour ago, bethebee said:

i'm very curious as to what they will do with ogors.  they've never been unpopular per say but it seems like as of 3rd they've had a bit of a growth spurt in player count and now i'm consistently seeing them as a top 10 (if not top 5!) most played army in tournaments, and they're nothing special power-wise.

they've also been very bare with the lore for them, and they've had essentially zero impact on anything since day one.  they are also an army that needs 50% of it's kits refreshed as a bare minimum, or 35% if you make some cuts.  all that, and they're one of the armies that has significant overlap with ToW.  i don't imagine they'll get rid of them, but they do have quite a ways to go on most fronts.

After seeing what COS and Cursed City did with Ogors I am beyond hyped to see a range refresh for them.

New Gluttons, Ironguts and Leadbelchers, Yehtees, Butchers, Slaughtermasters, the Scrap Launcher and Ironblaster and finally Frost Sabers

Thats 9 updated kits. 8 if they make the Ironblaster and Scrap Launcher a dual kit. 

Icebrow Hunter I could see not getting a new model and instead is wholey replaced by the Bloodpelt Hunter.

Personally Im not a fan of Gnoblars and could see them removed from the Faction entirely. If not they neednt be updated this Edition.


We dont have any. At all. 

Globb Glittermaw is the perfect chance to make a named character and new centrepiece all in one. He wrestles Gargants for fun. I dont want a Greasus Goldtooth comedy model from Ogre Kingdoms. I want an Overtyrant model that is terrifying and makes Ogors truly the feared race they should be.

New units I could see the Rhinox coming back as a Heavy Cavlary unit of 3 and a new Behemoth monster. Maybe a Giant Ground Sloth or an AOS Paracetherium!!

Lorewise we have to make Ogors relevant. They are one of the most sideline Factions in AOS and its probably to do with having so much of their lore rooted in WHFB. Crank up the Mawpath and make them terrifying.

Have them take centrestage in the narrative at some point. Even in the Siege of Excelsis their inclusion literally sounded like they were forgotten about as they were a paragraph(!?) About being Mercs for the City that betrayed their employers.


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53 minutes ago, BarakUrbaz said:

The problem with Ogors is that they basically removed the most defining feature of the Ogre Kingdoms from Warhammer Fantasy that gave them a unique niche in the universe: their neutrality. Sure they still have mercenaries, but that part is far less emphasized and 80% of the stories with Ogor Mercenaries end with them betraying and eating their employers making you wonder why anybody hires them in the first place. Ogre Kingdoms were pretty much the only guys who were tolerated by every other faction and were equally likely to work with the Empire as much as Orcs and Goblins, but that didn't really fit into the Grand Alliance scheme. Without that neutrality, they're just Orcs but hungry. 

I broadly agree, it’s a weird setup where they frequently are mercenaries but it’s generally only discussed in the context of them turning on their employers. They’re a lot less cosmopolitan than in WHFB.

With that said, I think the Beastclaw Raiders concept is killer, one of the best things to come out of early AoS. Tightly defined, evocative, unique. If anything, I feel like BCR are actually held back by being associated with ‘regular’ ogres.

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