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On the topic of « death company » stormcast, i’d prefer it to be some kind of allegiance than new unit. Like, you could have some Hammers of Sigmar Liberator « ruinater ».

would allow to have some new interesting abilities.

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8 minutes ago, Marcvs said:

fair. I think staying in one realm ends up being boring for some because of how they are built, that is as a series of attributes/keywords more than as "places". So, staying in the same one is not like staying in the WHFB world, but rather like staying in a single region of that universe (like: an entire edition in the desert of Khemri).

I think they need to develop the realms better. Give some places more substance so i can feel connected to the lore, a lot of it feels shallow. I think previous editions did this better. I feel like Broken Realms contained more info about Ghur than Dawnbringers, but it could also be the fault of the Dawnbringers story and not the setting.

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Haha, typical GW. Customization options at the price of a soul. 😆

1 hour ago, Ejecutor said:

The thing for me is. Can they delay refreshes for the stuff that comes in the box? The ed is going to be packed as hell if they do so. So I don't expect that to be the approach.

Eh, they push out tons of stuff from the big starter boxes so I wouldn’t be surprised.

Having the new box be mostly elites for easier collecting & painting with refreshed infantry, hero & support add-ons later would fit the bill.

2 hours ago, DeLewko said:

Ok by gathering all the bread crumbs from Whitefang has left here is my theory:

Good theory. Could tie-in to the previous Vs Boxes Skaven shenanigans of trying to steal Sylvaneth soulpods & the submarines that started “Fury of the Deep” might be why the Fuethan are desperate in “The Long Hunt” with Skaven underwater fleets invading their enclaves for more soul research.

They could be gearing up for a large Aqshy invasion with mechs & soul cannons which would fit since Aqshy is crawling with ethereal forces like legions of blood daemons and ghosts that they would need the new weapons to defeat(that’s why the Bonesplitterz Drakkfoot clan is from Aqshy as they learned to specialize in hunting ethereal creatures there and later taught the Sons of Behemat how to stomp ghosts in their “Sole Wars”)

Also interesting from the short story is Blight City becoming more wracked by common shakes. Since the dark gods still don’t know where it is I wonder if that will be a surprise Chaos Duardin plot point of them drilling towards the city for tech and daemons to steal? Would go with “evil turns upon evil” theme that Chaos indulges in.

Lastly going through the SCE tome I wonder if the “Thunderous Ones” were early hints of Ruination champions?


27 minutes ago, Grungnisson said:

That's precisely the point. Togetak suggested that staying in one realm for the duration of the whole edition makes the game boring, and I'm not sure that's a valid argument, since the entirety of WHFB took place on a map much smaller and yet remained engaging.

Yeah, as said it’s just the narrative played it too safe until it got stale.

We barely got to explore much of Ghur at all and an even more interesting campaign happened over in Lendu through the Flash Point white dwarfs which a lot of people missed.

We had swamps, bug tunnels, a meat forest and now a tundra but could’ve had everything from savannah hunts on shifting lands trying to eat everything, battles among spine covered flesh fields, sieges of kingdoms in sky-oaks, defending the Crawling City upon the Amber Steppes while retaking the crystalline Tzeentch worm, seeing the inner shell catacombs of the Nautilar mega-structure or fight trench battles in the sprawling Ogor fortresses to the north, exploring the Lynx claw isles to aid the Sylvaneth & Kharadron traders against Ogor & Darkoath poachers going after the exotic feline spawn of the god-beast whose fallen claw broken on Gorkamorka’s face the continent was created from, big etc.

They only did 1/5th of the interesting things Ghur offered for a 3-year edition. We should’ve gotten more mini campaign books and Thondia tomes for Gallet, Andtor, Gnarlwoods, Lendu, Carcass Donse to really sink our teeth into the hungry realm.

Like just imagine this White Dwarf Donse campaign made into a full narrative book with rules to simulate and build on it along with lore notes of explorers finding signs of Kragnos’ people there, how the Carcass was once it’s own continent of Donse before Thondia devoured it to digest it as it does now, the southern kingdoms having to survive the Everwinter from Beastclaw raid parties that keep it frozen while the rest is arid wastes, nearby Seraphon dinos from Mekitopsar being attracted by the fighting which locals try to tame and expeditions made to the Stone Nautilar bringing back armor & artifacts of a lost race not dissimilar to the Silent People?


The Realms have so much flavor and literally infinite potential. Hopefully it was just global events that threw monkey wrenches into everything so next edition can really buckle down and do justice to what the Mortal Realms have to offer. 🍻 🌟 

Edited by Baron Klatz
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6 minutes ago, Baron Klatz said:

We barely got to explore much of Ghur at all and an even more interesting campaign happened over in Lendu through the Flash Point white dwarfs which a lot of people missed.

Yes I feel a big part of the problem is also the delivery channels. I think a) WH+ was a bad idea, putting stuff behind a paywall instead of making it freely available/accept to give money to bigger platforms to reach a wider audience; b) more bite-size pieces of lore should be developed through Warhammer Community, like an interactive map for the area explored by each new GHB, with references to stuff you can buy if you want to read more

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Big yes to having an interactive map again like we did back in Malign Portents.

It was so cool to see info on Glymmsforge and the far off locations ranging from Hallost’s underworld containing an afterlife of assassins next to a monster graveyard from Ghur that orruks regularly frequent to hunt their spirits again to even a humble place like a famous underworld inn known for it’s bread that the Order forces going to Shyish praise in the otherwise barren haunted lands.

Doing that again would do wonders and they could use it to advertise both WH+ & Flash Points by updating the lore on the maps and having links to “Realms News Flash!” to what caused the change.

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9 minutes ago, Marcvs said:

Yes I feel a big part of the problem is also the delivery channels. I think a) WH+ was a bad idea, putting stuff behind a paywall instead of making it freely available/accept to give money to bigger platforms to reach a wider audience; b) more bite-size pieces of lore should be developed through Warhammer Community, like an interactive map for the area explored by each new GHB, with references to stuff you can buy if you want to read more

I somewhat feel the narrative was bungled this edition. I consider myself pretty plugged into AoS and its lore. But if I was forced to explain why this edition was in Ghur in the first place, I don't know if I could do it convincingly.

So during Broken Realms, Teclis shuts down the Necroquake and Alarielle does her life spell. That invigorates Ghur and Incarnates start to appear there. OK, so far so good. That was in Thondia. But why exactly did we go to Gallet and Andtor again?

Warcry and Underworlds are in the Gnarlwood, and that's in Ghur. It's a fun location and there is a reason to be there (the crashed Seraphon realmshaper everyone wants), but it doesn't really affect the overall narrative of the edition.

And then Dawnbringers is not about the Incarnates, Talaxis or Ghur at all, but instead set in Aqshy and Ghyran.

Overall, I kind of feel like even though we were in Ghur for the whole edition, I didn't really see much of the realm at all and it didn't really matter very much that we were there.

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3 minutes ago, Neil Arthur Hotep said:

Overall, I kind of feel like even though we were in Ghur for the whole edition, I didn't really see much of the realm at all and it didn't really matter very much that we were there.

it didn't help that rules-wise there was also little attention to make it about "the Era of the Beast", other than the first GHB. Battlelines being imporant dead and Veterans hunting them, small foot characters become tactically unavoidable, and magic getting more powerful do not exactly evoke "Beasts" or even particularly Ghurish characteristics

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7 hours ago, Baron Klatz said:

Extremis & Vanguard chambers I imagine are being saved for later.

Too bad because even if half their kits aren't bad (Stardrake, Aquilor, Palladors are all holding up well) I think they deserve some rework. The Dracothian Guard needs to merge its 4 warscrolls into one (every SCE player only plays Fulminators anyway) and new models because wow, their poses are extremely static for a cavalry unit. And the Hunters and Raptors could use more than "AoS1 SCE with fur and animal helmets". Hell even give the Stardrake an upgrade sprue for a Thunderstrike rider.

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Just now, Garrac said:

I just realised something: if a refresh IS coming, what if some (if not all) of the skaven miniatures jump from 25mm to 28,5mm?

Im going to have to buy more tray converters...

Wouldn't be rare that some of the WHFB stuff gets a base size change, said that CoS infantry maintained their base size (in some cases) and even their scale, that some users would expect for them to "grow up"

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They still tend to use 25mm for massed units (even stuff like the brand new crypt guard, or wholly AoS kits like mortek guard) so I would expect that at the very least clanrats would stay at that size.  Potentially more elite stuff like stormvermin could jump up a few millimeters to make them look bigger.

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On the "death as a protagonist " theme- Nagash has lost his hold over death as there is a Grombrindal story were he visits one of the dwarf underworlds which had been locked up and wasted away under siege. Grombindal opens the gates and fresh dwarf spirits arrive, break the siege and renew the underworld. Grombindal says the great enemy is weakened. So the duardin are reclaiming their underworlds, other powers could do the same so Death forces wouldn't necessarily be under Nagash..

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3 minutes ago, silverstu said:

On the "death as a protagonist " theme- Nagash has lost his hold over death as there is a Grombrindal story were he visits one of the dwarf underworlds which had been locked up and wasted away under siege. Grombindal opens the gates and fresh dwarf spirits arrive, break the siege and renew the underworld. Grombindal says the great enemy is weakened. So the duardin are reclaiming their underworlds, other powers could do the same so Death forces wouldn't necessarily be under Nagash..

This would explain why they have been introducing more Death gods into the lore. 

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1 hour ago, Neil Arthur Hotep said:

I somewhat feel the narrative was bungled this edition. I consider myself pretty plugged into AoS and its lore. But if I was forced to explain why this edition was in Ghur in the first place, I don't know if I could do it convincingly.

So during Broken Realms, Teclis shuts down the Necroquake and Alarielle does her life spell. That invigorates Ghur and Incarnates start to appear there. OK, so far so good. That was in Thondia. But why exactly did we go to Gallet and Andtor again?

Warcry and Underworlds are in the Gnarlwood, and that's in Ghur. It's a fun location and there is a reason to be there (the crashed Seraphon realmshaper everyone wants), but it doesn't really affect the overall narrative of the edition.

And then Dawnbringers is not about the Incarnates, Talaxis or Ghur at all, but instead set in Aqshy and Ghyran.

Overall, I kind of feel like even though we were in Ghur for the whole edition, I didn't really see much of the realm at all and it didn't really matter very much that we were there.

Couldnt agree more mate. 

I still feel that Seasons of War was supposed to be a 3 part mini event near the beginning of the Edition.

We had Thondia and the Krondspine Incarante and then we were to move to Gallet and get the Spider Incarnate Rumour Engine and then to Andtor.

For whatever reason, perhaps Covid, perhaps poor sales of the Incarnate this was scrapped.

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8 minutes ago, KingBrodd said:

We had Thondia and the Krondspine Incarante and then we were to move to Gallet and get the Spider Incarnate Rumour Engine and then to Andtor.

For whatever reason, perhaps Covid, perhaps poor sales of the Incarnate this was scrapped.

I hope we get insight on this at some point. Because it really feels like that is what happened, but it would be nice to actually have some evidence for it.

@Whitefang, since you said that the spider incarnate is connected to Gallet at the time, do you have anything you want to share about this?

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On 2/8/2024 at 9:36 AM, Garrac said:

Im neither saying hes untrustworthy nor the contraire. Just that he hasnt brought up to the table any original leaks that other rumour mongers havent told yet. They may be true, but credit Will go to the first guys.

So, thats why Im insisting that they should being more mean to the grinder. Tell us something new. Be It my main suggestion, whos gonna be the skaven character on the starter box, or any other contenta youre more confortable with sharing, something new.

I see what I see, when I am able to share more I will.

What about the redacted 40k codex being Agents of the Imperium? 

Edited by Whitefang back me up
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15 minutes ago, Neil Arthur Hotep said:

I hope we get insight on this at some point. Because it really feels like that is what happened, but it would be nice to actually have some evidence for it.

@Whitefang, since you said that the spider incarnate is connected to Gallet at the time, do you have anything you want to share about this?

Was supposed to come out with Intact Dawnbringers buildings, now scrapped due to margin costs. 

Hopefully it’ll come out one day as the Incarnate looks amazing. 

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2 minutes ago, Whitefang back me up said:

I hear what I hear, I don’t claim to know everything but I believe it enough to post! 

What about the redacted 40k codex being Agents of the Imperium? 

Well, that's certainly something new! Would also match with the ending of Arks of Omen. Id have to review the rumour engines again, as some may come from Agents miniatures?

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6 minutes ago, Garrac said:
7 minutes ago, Garrac said:

Well, that's certainly something new! Would also match with the ending of Arks of Omen. Id have to review the rumour engines again, as some may come from Agents miniatures?

Its not new, valarak reported this week's ago. 


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15 minutes ago, Whitefang back me up said:

Was supposed to come out with Intact Dawnbringers buildings, now scrapped due to margin costs. 

Hopefully it’ll come out one day as the Incarnate looks amazing. 

No way. If that's true that's pretty sad.

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20 minutes ago, Whitefang back me up said:

Was supposed to come out with Intact Dawnbringers buildings, now scrapped due to margin costs. 

Hopefully it’ll come out one day as the Incarnate looks amazing. 

You always seem to be the bearer of bad news. If there is a spider incarnate, surely it could be repurposed as a gloomspite unit. 

When was the last time we got new scenery that wasn't part of kill team or warcry? It would be a shame if GW gave up on that part of their busines. 

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