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Then don’t call it rest when there’s nothing left. That makes it sound far better than it is when you cease even existing. xD 

(That is the fate of Soulbound too. They don’t age anymore but a Soulbound hero killed has their soul obliterated. Grungni theorizes what happens next is it goes down to the bottom of Shyish to combine with other soul fragments to reincarnate into a new person)

Pity if that’s the direction they go with Vandus. I’d think giving him the Bastian treatment would be better but I guess they want to move on from older characters.

Edit: your confused reaction is warranted as they don’t really want to move on from him but this does feel a janky path to put him on compared to other options that don’t make him a timebomb they’re ready to off.

Edited by Baron Klatz
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25 minutes ago, BarakUrbaz said:

Cogforts have literally been around in the lore since Malign Portents and the whole Stormcast Dreadnought thing is nothing but idle speculation on this forum. 

Not really just speculation. There was a rumour some months ago (I think) about those SCE Dreadnough-like. How feasible it is... no clue.

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I’d love it if all those decimated Soul fragments where coalescing into What I could only describe as Ynead for Stormcast with splashings of  Unberegon Berserker.

It’s too far fetched from what it seems to get Sigmar…But what of an Eidolon with the styling of Sigmar, or rather, Sigmar as he was.

Which also ties in, with Whats happening to the celestant prime if the Old Style Stormcast are becoming obsolete, will they move the narrative for someone or something else to Wield Ghal Maraz. An Eidolon of Sigmar would be nifty with such a hammer.






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23 minutes ago, Kronos said:

It’s too far fetched from what it seems to get Sigmar…But what of an Eidolon with the styling of Sigmar, or rather, Sigmar as he was.

That’s actually an interesting theory. That’s similar to what Deepkin do to summon their Eidolon by sacrificing soul reefs to it of their sealed away sacred kin so Stormcast could do something similar to make them apart of Sigmar for that “rest” as he re-absorbs the essence he gave them along with their souls and summon forth his elemental war aspect as a Prime 2.0.

Certainly would hit those Noblebright tones of the setting to set broken Stormcast on a penitent path so even if they can’t be forged anew they can be recycled into something greater and live on that way.

Even goes back to End Times when Sigmar first reincarnated and those in the hall saw a great number of different king faces before Sigmar’s manifested over them, making him like a divine soul collective.

1 hour ago, Ejecutor said:

Not really just speculation. There was a rumour some months ago (I think) about those SCE Dreadnough-like. How feasible it is... no clue.

Yeah, it’s been a pretty long time rumor even going back in AoS1 of duardin forged engines housing their souls.

GW have certainty been happy in bringing out AoS1 characters & places like the Lady of Vines and now we’re back in the Scabrous Sprawl from the 2016 God-beast campaign so maybe those ideas will be reforged as well. ;) 

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1 hour ago, Baron Klatz said:

Then don’t call it rest when there’s nothing left. That makes it sound far better than it is. xD 

(That is the fate of Soulbound too. They don’t age anymore but a Soulbound hero killed has their soul obliterated. Grungni theorizes what happens next is it goes down to the bottom of Shyish to combine with other soul fragments to reincarnate into a new person)

Pity if that’s the direction they go with Vandus. I’d think giving him the Bastian treatment would be better but I guess they want to move on from older characters.

The alternatives aren't exactly great though. Nagash has taken over almost all the nice afterlifes. So your fate after death is either to be enslaved by Nagash, eaten by a chaos god, used to expand the life of a Narmarti, made into an enteral soldier in the service of Sigmar or utterly destroyed. 

I'd take the Soulbound existence every time. No more aging and also no eternal torment. 

Edited by Chikout
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9 minutes ago, Chikout said:

The alternatives aren't exactly great though. Nagash has taken over almost all the nice afterlifes. So your fate after death is either to be enslaved by Nagash, eaten by a chaos god, used to expand the life of a Narmarti, made into an enteral soldier in the service of Sigmar or utterly destroyed. 

I'd take the Soulbound existence every time. No more aging and also no eternal torment. 

Uhh, that’s a good point. xD 

Makes the Lethis “serve for the rest of your life on the giant hamster wheel that powers our city to earn your safeguarded underworld” more reasonable when you consider you’re in a Soulsborne-like cosmos where almost every mook can capture & use your soul like cheap currency. 

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Just been looking at the lumineth shared at the last set of reveals. Likelihood that the water spirit will be a water horse based on their helms?

After looking at the incoming lumineth again I do really like them.

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1 hour ago, 01rtb01 said:

Just been looking at the lumineth shared at the last set of reveals. Likelihood that the water spirit will be a water horse based on their helms?

After looking at the incoming lumineth again I do really like them.

Very likely. I’m thinking based on Poseidon’s Hippocampus(high five to people that remember that unit from Age of Mythology RTS) while their Eastern inspiration side nods that the Zodiac has the horse for the water elements.



Will be interesting to see how that translates to units since they opened up design room with “River Aelementals are the most numerous of the spirits” so they can throw in any kind of water units they can think of while the Pachyderm Sages give them a tanky ally.


Which does leave Deepkin fans envious but we all know the solution.

Battle crabs 🦀 ⚔️ 


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Did anyone else get Black Tower vibes from Wheel of Time with the description of the fortress Ionus is building? 

I can't help but wonder if this is the Ruination Chamber made manifest.

The idea of a soul asylum sounds fascinating and could lead to some really cool narrative points.

However, I can also see GW deciding to just blow it up with Skaven, because that seems to be the only plot resolution they can come up with.

Edited by ERHanmer
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28 minutes ago, ERHanmer said:

However, I can also see GW deciding to just blow it up with Skaven, because that seems to be the only plot resolution they can come up with.

I mean AoS4 starting with Skaven that could be the prevention of them pulling that with the tower as the new Chamber is unleashed to defend their strongpoint.

That said I don’t agree with that last bit. Skaven’s last major play was Malign Portents and that wasn’t even a resolution but just changed course on Nagash’s plans from sucking the life from the realms to flooding them with ghosts & undeath magic the hole in the UnderWorlds opened from the damaged pyramid.

Before and after that it’s been everything from Stormcast, Orruks, Daughters of Khaine, Lumineth, Kharadron and other resolving story arcs from the closing of the All-Gates to Archaon’s plans to invade Azyr foiled from his Varanite staches siphoned dry.

Edited by Baron Klatz
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6 hours ago, Tonhel said:

Ugh, sounds horrible. If GW is planning to 40K certain AoS factions, dreadnoughts for SCE, huge tanks - walkers for CoS than ugh. Than I really hope it flops.


This is laying the grounds for the final crossover of 40k vs AoS, which will cause that all armies go to legends in their respective games, as the great BoC prophecy speaks. Then we will have the final duel of Sigmar vs the Emperor, and we will know who is the real Warhammer.

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12 minutes ago, Someravella said:

This is laying the grounds is for the final crossover of 40k vs AoS, which will cause that all armies go to legends in their respective games, as the great BoC prophecy speaks. Then we will have the final duel of Sigmar vs the Emperor, and we will know who is the real Warhammer.

"You have defeated me Sigmar, you are not only the Warhammer Fantasy Battle, you are the Warhammer Age of Sigmar."

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6 hours ago, Vasshpit said:

What happens to greenskined "souls"?

They become squigs. JK

Iirc, in AoS it is thought that orruks are born from the corpses of other orruks. After death, the body of a dead orruk decomposes into a kind of jelly, which, if it is in a dark, humid and quiet place, will form creatures that end up becoming orruks. So, I believe there is a reincarnation of the soul (assuming a jelly can have a soul... maybe it is like Dark Souls, where rats drop "Humanity").

See, orruks are green not only because of their skin, but also their sustainable habits. I do not understand why they call them "Destruction".

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5 hours ago, 01rtb01 said:

Just been looking at the lumineth shared at the last set of reveals. Likelihood that the water spirit will be a water horse based on their helms?

After looking at the incoming lumineth again I do really like them.

Someone noticed over the forum that it is likely a water buffalo based on the artwork. 


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2 hours ago, ERHanmer said:

Did anyone else get Black Tower vibes from Wheel of Time with the description of the fortress Ionus is building? 

I can't help but wonder if this is the Ruination Chamber made manifest.

The idea of a soul asylum sounds fascinating and could lead to some really cool narrative points.

Reminds me of how Blood Angels in 40k have the Death Company. They even get sealed in a tower of their own (Tower of the Lost) after going crazy. Occasionally, they get sent out to fight and make use of their rage-fueled bloodthirst. Maybe the Ruination chamber will be similar, at least in concept, but I'm hoping there's more depth to it.

I always felt that SCE were hard to connect with because they didn't face the same stakes as the other factions and were effectively immortal. Now that there's multiple ways to prevent their return to Azyr and now that the consequences of excessive soul reforging are being explored, I'm starting to look at my Stormcast minis with more appreciation. I'm hoping the 4th ed launch box or even a  reforged (Ruined?) Vandus mini will give us an early peek at what the Ruination Chamber will look like so I can start adjusting my army scheme accordingly.

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22 minutes ago, Shiro Kabocha said:

Reminds me of how Blood Angels in 40k have the Death Company. They even get sealed in a tower of their own (Tower of the Lost) after going crazy. Occasionally, they get sent out to fight and make use of their rage-fueled bloodthirst. Maybe the Ruination chamber will be similar, at least in concept, but I'm hoping there's more depth to it.

I always felt that SCE were hard to connect with because they didn't face the same stakes as the other factions and were effectively immortal. Now that there's multiple ways to prevent their return to Azyr and now that the consequences of excessive soul reforging are being explored, I'm starting to look at my Stormcast minis with more appreciation. I'm hoping the 4th ed launch box or even a  reforged (Ruined?) Vandus mini will give us an early peek at what the Ruination Chamber will look like so I can start adjusting my army scheme accordingly.

Yeah I stoll don’t connect with them.

the idea of stormcast loosing their soul, or the own individuality is tragic for them as their own person.

but man don’t I see how sigmar would care about that.

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I would be sad if Vandus really vanished, even for his own good.

The concept of Stormcast 'Dreadnought' of pure storm is as old as the game I would like to see it now that they manage to avoid it for alomst ten years now.

He was the real deal for understanding Stormcasts and their troubles.

Do somebody think that his fight versus Archaon and a part of his soul being altered could be use in the narrative or everybody just forget that ? ^^

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5 minutes ago, karbur said:

I would be sad if Vandus really vanished, even for his own good.

The concept of Stormcast 'Dreadnought' of pure storm is as old as the game I would like to see it now that they manage to avoid it for alomst ten years now.

He was the real deal for understanding Stormcasts and their troubles.

Do somebody think that his fight versus Archaon and a part of his soul being altered could be use in the narrative or everybody just forget that ? ^^

Are u saying this could be a setup for chaos sigmarines? Just checking XD.

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