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……….BY LOOOOOOOOOONNNNNNNGGGGGGG LOOOOOOOSSSSST NNNNNNNNEEEEEHHHHHHEKHARA WE ARE BAAAAACCCCKKKK!!!! Oh dear god the wait was worth it! Not only do we get the return of the Imperishable one, we also get his right hand man, a new generic herald, and the Tomb Swarms. Come on GW! Reveal to us the preorder date!!!!!

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The new swarms and heros look great! Shame there doesn't seem to be a second plastic kit, but I guess Bretonnia just gave us too high expectations. I love the Tomb Kings dearly, but that Starter box isn't going to be useful for me. l already have a full tomb kings army, so the last thing I need are more skellies and chariots. Could do with more shabti, sphinxes and tomb guard really, so it's a shame they didn't put any of the ir good older models in the box!

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1 hour ago, Vasshpit said:

Oh yeah, baby!!! 🤘 Now we're getting somewhere!!!

I do hope they keep with tradition and this new beasty is a kroot subspecies. It's definitely hard to tell at this point. And damn do I hope the new krootox is like dankhold size. 🐔

I don't think what he is riding is part of the kroot subspecies. Doesn't have a stumpy tail, quills or an overbite beak. Most likely some exotic Xenos Lizard-dog mount. We have already seen the rumour engine for its tail, its reptilian like a kroxigor and has a bunch of boney protrusions. 

I think we might still get a krootox as we still have the big kroot hand rumour engine and the twinlinked krootgun. But whatever these are, they ain't knarlocs and they ain't kroot.

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20 minutes ago, CommissarRotke said:

pretty disappointed there's no AOS today. hoping that means we might get shown more, or have more upcoming releases?

I hope it's AoS's turn tomorrow. If it's anything like last year, there might be a mix of AoS/Warcry/Underworlds.

In any case, I wouldn't be surprised to see the Lady of Ruin's silhouette...  and/or the Morai-Haig's DoK.

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1 hour ago, EccentricCircle said:

The new swarms and heros look great! Shame there doesn't seem to be a second plastic kit, but I guess Bretonnia just gave us too high expectations. I love the Tomb Kings dearly, but that Starter box isn't going to be useful for me. l already have a full tomb kings army, so the last thing I need are more skellies and chariots. Could do with more shabti, sphinxes and tomb guard really, so it's a shame they didn't put any of the ir good older models in the box!

What is worst imo is that they released the army that had more refreshed units first. Wouldn't be better first TK and then on top of what TK had show the Brets?

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11 minutes ago, Mutton said:

How would everyone feel if AoS edition launches offered two army boxes for each premiered faction instead of the time-honored split dual box? That's the single thing I actually like about this whole Old World thing. 

I much prefer the dual boxes. They're better value than single army boxes usually, and then I end up splitting them with a friend to get an even lower price.

I do dislike how long single hero models stay exclusive though.

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14 minutes ago, Mutton said:

How would everyone feel if AoS edition launches offered two army boxes for each premiered faction instead of the time-honored split dual box? That's the single thing I actually like about this whole Old World thing. 

It would all depend on how many units you get and the price. Imo Leviathan is better price/content-wise than both TOW boxes together.

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18 minutes ago, Mutton said:

How would everyone feel if AoS edition launches offered two army boxes for each premiered faction instead of the time-honored split dual box? That's the single thing I actually like about this whole Old World thing. 

I want a new edition rulebook included in the price, with the ability to sell off half the box as wanted.

TOW launching with 2 separate army boxes plus THREE rulebooks (4 if you want both army tomes) feels like an absurd amount of money as opposed to the simplicity of a dual launch box. I do not want this at all.

1 hour ago, Draznak said:

I hope it's AoS's turn tomorrow. If it's anything like last year, there might be a mix of AoS/Warcry/Underworlds.

we're most likely tomorrow, here's hoping specialist games aren't included!!

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20 minutes ago, CommissarRotke said:

TOW launching with 2 separate army boxes plus THREE rulebooks (4 if you want both army tomes) feels like an absurd amount of money as opposed to the simplicity of a dual launch box. I do not want this at all.

1 hour ago, Draznak said:

Absolutely not. I'm saying that instead of a dual box, you get a box with about 1200-1500 points of a single army and the rulebook. They're still always going to sell the battle tomes and GHBs separately. Assuming the price is the same, I'd much rather have the single army, and it saves me the trouble of having to pawn off the half I don't want.

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12 minutes ago, Whitefang back me up said:

@Whitefang, what’s their name? 


Already seems more believable than the last rumour, mostly because it's based on Whitefang rumours. We already know thanks to him the 4th edition starter is SCE vs Skaven. OP then took some educated guesses building up on that, like "the end of edition campaign will influence the next edition" and "Skaven are getting a centerpiece", I mean, technically yes these are rumours, but it's not controversial to say so, every big GW release has always had a big centerpiece model, why would Skaven be different... 

Also about Chorfs, it's always been a when, not if situation ever since the Horns of Hashut got released, even if I'm interested in what he has to say.

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14 minutes ago, Mutton said:

Absolutely not. I'm saying that instead of a dual box, you get a box with about 1200-1500 points of a single army and the rulebook.

apologies, I missed the part where these boxes were ALSO getting a corebook inside. since that is the case, I wouldn't mind having these as a second option alongside the dual launch boxes!

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20 minutes ago, Whitefang back me up said:

@Whitefang, what’s their name? 


That new Stormcast unit sounds like a really cool idea, whether it’s true or not! Really grimdark and messed up. Imagine being kinda immortal only to have that gift revoked. That could make for awesome narratives! Our cute rats would get a lot of hate (in-universe) if they messed this hard with Cities. I really looove what I see! 

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4 hours ago, Ekrund Oath Splitters said:

I don't think what he is riding is part of the kroot subspecies. Doesn't have a stumpy tail, quills or an overbite beak. Most likely some exotic Xenos Lizard-dog mount. We have already seen the rumour engine for its tail, its reptilian like a kroxigor and has a bunch of boney protrusions. 

I think we might still get a krootox as we still have the big kroot hand rumour engine and the twinlinked krootgun. But whatever these are, they ain't knarlocs and they ain't kroot.

Agreed that it’s not a knarloc in the sense of the old FW sculpts but bear in mind that the OG knarlocs in the kroot white dwarf list were sort of reptilian because they were converted from the old cold one minis.


Given how GW works these days, I could imagine them referring back to this, particularly given the chunky tail.

Edited by sandlemad
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Catching up on the last couple of days, I like the Dark Angels models. Belial in plastic finally and the Companions look like fun figures. That said I'm a Dark Angels player and I'm whelmed by that box set. It's fine but it's also kind of boring.

TOW boxsets are fun, if they're permanent products (along with similar for the other core armies) then that'll be the game in a good place. Definitely considering picking up one down the line if they are. The resin models are okay too, although I'm not sure if I like the tomb swarms or not. Definitely interesting figures.

Now bring on AoS and Warcry!

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