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New Kurnoth hero is named or it is just for Dawnbringer story? Really unexpected model but It is growing for me. Hopefully with fun rules too. Also hyped for Lorai from Blacktalon, nothing about Deepkin in article but they were in video fighting alongside or against fyreslayers. Rules for them too I guess with Lorai.


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Well !

Good : 

  • Unexpected IONUS CRYPTBORN ! Best of the show : my favorite AOS1 model, in a fantastic reforging. Also riding the best Draconith so far.
  • Dawnbringer 3 : great cover, nice to see Neave & Crew will be in !
  • Bretonnians Pegasus & Foot Knights, amazing models
  • New Preview in one month
  • TOW in Q1 2024, with a new website on Monday
  • (Kurnoth Champion and Kill Team Water World setting also nice)

Bad : 

  • No Plastic Harry the Hammer ? WHERE IS HE GW
  • Nothing else for 40k and TOW for such an anniversary ?
  • Returning range for Bretonnia (but the Archers and maybe Men-at-arms) really show their ages...
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Regarding TOW pricing, if you take a step back and look at how GW charges 30-40 dollars for one foot hero and 60 for a unit of 20 guys the same size... or 60 dollars for ten guys... or five. Sometimes it's 100 dollars for three big horse guys or 60 dollars again for 3 other big lion-dragon-horse guys.

It's all fake.

Even if you subscribe to the idea that unit pricing is (very, very) roughly equivalent to in-game points cost, then it supports the idea that these regiment boxes will be a bit cheaper since TOW is going to have much larger unit sizes than AoS, and that means fewer points per individual model.

If we compare it to AoS' horde unit pricing (Chainrasps excluded, because what is even going on with them?) then, again, we're looking at 60 dollars for 20 dudes (sometimes...). And if TOW follows HH's example with a "discount" then 60-70 dollars for 32 little guys seems pretty reasonable.

GW knows that the cost of entry killed Fantasy. They aren't going to come out swinging with the same mistake. (they might try to push the envelope if it gets popular enough, but we'll burn that bridge when we get to it)

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25 minutes ago, KriticalKhan said:

Regarding TOW pricing, if you take a step back and look at how GW charges 30-40 dollars for one foot hero and 60 for a unit of 20 guys the same size... or 60 dollars for ten guys... or five. Sometimes it's 100 dollars for three big horse guys or 60 dollars again for 3 other big lion-dragon-horse guys.

It's all fake.

Even if you subscribe to the idea that unit pricing is (very, very) roughly equivalent to in-game points cost, then it supports the idea that these regiment boxes will be a bit cheaper since TOW is going to have much larger unit sizes than AoS, and that means fewer points per individual model.

If we compare it to AoS' horde unit pricing (Chainrasps excluded, because what is even going on with them?) then, again, we're looking at 60 dollars for 20 dudes (sometimes...). And if TOW follows HH's example with a "discount" then 60-70 dollars for 32 little guys seems pretty reasonable.

GW knows that the cost of entry killed Fantasy. They aren't going to come out swinging with the same mistake. (they might try to push the envelope if it gets popular enough, but we'll burn that bridge when we get to it)

I think heresy is your guide for how things will be costed :)

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20 minutes ago, KriticalKhan said:

Regarding TOW pricing, if you take a step back and look at how GW charges 30-40 dollars for one foot hero and 60 for a unit of 20 guys the same size... or 60 dollars for ten guys... or five. Sometimes it's 100 dollars for three big horse guys or 60 dollars again for 3 other big lion-dragon-horse guys.

It's all fake.

Even if you subscribe to the idea that unit pricing is (very, very) roughly equivalent to in-game points cost, then it supports the idea that these regiment boxes will be a bit cheaper since TOW is going to have much larger unit sizes than AoS, and that means fewer points per individual model.

If we compare it to AoS' horde unit pricing (Chainrasps excluded, because what is even going on with them?) then, again, we're looking at 60 dollars for 20 dudes (sometimes...). And if TOW follows HH's example with a "discount" then 60-70 dollars for 32 little guys seems pretty reasonable.

GW knows that the cost of entry killed Fantasy. They aren't going to come out swinging with the same mistake. (they might try to push the envelope if it gets popular enough, but we'll burn that bridge when we get to it)

I get the impression that one of the ways they are trying to get around this is size of boxes. We know the peasants are in a 32 box, so I wonder if they will charge the standard ~£35 for infantry but you get a lot more plastic (which I assume for peasants would roughly mean only a small price increase over what it was in the old days). At least for the older stuff, not sure about that with stuff like the foot knights though, would hope they are cheaper than AoS equivalents, as good as they look they are simpler than AoS models by the look of it and as you say more models are required for OW.

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3 hours ago, Satyrical Sophist said:

Hasn't the Stormcast been hunting for a solution to the reforging problem, his dragon to a dragon afterlife, and the bug rider hunting to keep the memory of his god of the hunt alive? Those all seem like long hunts.

Another ideas: Korghos Khul hunting a demon shape. Vandus hunting his memory/ problems I think it was? Tahlia hunting the Khorne host on Hammerhal. Callis and Toll's hunt from the Azyr order. Kings Brodd hunt to avenge Behemat. Neave is a hunter per se... that's all that pop to my mind, but being Ionus the cover art, it has something to be with him. So maybe Korghos and Vandus related.

Edited by Ejecutor
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2 hours ago, Aleser said:


New Kurnoth hero is named or it is just for Dawnbringer story? Really unexpected model but It is growing for me. Hopefully with fun rules too. Also hyped for Lorai from Blacktalon, nothing about Deepkin in article but they were in video fighting alongside or against fyreslayers. Rules for them too I guess with Lorai.


It is a named one.

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My thoughts on yesterday's reveals:

Warhammer 40,000
- Imotekh looks pretty good, though a fancier base wouldn't have hurt. Hoping we'll see new Lokhust Destroyers to go with him and Orikan.
- I am all for the goofiness of AdMech, but Stilt-Man's pose leaves me wanting. 

Age of Sigmar
- Ionus was a wonderful surprise and the best-of-show for me. I really want(ed) a standalone Knight/Lord-Draconis model and this guy pretty much fits the bill. It sounds weird to say about the most bloated posterboy model range in a game full of centerpiece models, but Stormcast kind of lacks great centerpiece models. This guy really is a welcome addition.
- I like the bug, I like the tree, but I don't think the two really come together. Alarielle vibes on that front. 
- As for what armies will receive more stuff in Dawnbringers, how about a Seraphon prophet of Sotek (Tehenhauin reborn?) to warn against the coming vermintide - the perfect segue into Skaven in 4th?

Kill Team
- Disappointing to see Scouts re-revealed alongside Striking Scorpions without cool specialist equipment and surprisingly generic poses. I believe the new season was teased back in late April or early May so to wait this long for so little was my biggest disappointment.

The Old World
- Don't follow this too closely, but I can appreciate the mixed reception and concerns people have. Seeing those old archers really took me back, though.

All in all I am more surprised that outright disappointed. I thought they might announce some outrageously expensive commemorative FOMO miniatures to celebrate, almost like the debacle with Magic's 30th anniversary. Not even trying to be cynical, it just seems like the kind of thing a company might do. And in a way it would have shown more effort than what we got.

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6 hours ago, Captaniser said:

This reveal show only had a single rumor engine if I am not mistaken, the exhaust pipe.


r/Warhammer - Rumour Engine bingo card for Warhammer Day

Ok. Let’s do this. 
Top row from the left: Necron hero, cancelled spider incarnate, Tau character, revealed admech.

Second row: imperial guard scenery, genuine mystery, kroot, Tzeentch Dawnbringers hero, ork vehicle.

third row: fec hero could be chaos or dark eldar, IDK monster, imperial guard scenery, 40k chaos.

Fourth row: Kroot, Kroot, imperial guard scenery, fec standard, fec monster

Fifth row: Kroot, FEC judge, FEC monster, Fec hero

Sixth row: 40k thing, FEC, Krootox, slaves to darkness hero, Slaves to darkness hero.

I really think they might have cancelled that Spider incarnate. It’s been more than a year since the last one which was a pretty divisive release. If they were going to include it in Dawnbringers, the destruction book seems like the obvious choice. 

On the Dawnbringers front it definitely feels like we will get a fifth book potentially with a largish Darkoath release. It would certainly fill some of the post fec space and would set up a return to chaos as the primary antagonist for 4th edition. 


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10 hours ago, Ejecutor said:

Dawnbringer update. 7/12 with StD and Khorne being very likely. 9/12, Callis and Toll have big chances as well, so 10/12?



Beasts of Chaos
Blades of Khorne 📌
Disciples of Tzeentch
Hedonites of Slaanesh
Maggotkin of Nurgle ✔️
Slaves to Darkness 📌


Flesh-Eater Courts ✔️
Ossiarch Bonereapers
Soulblight Gravelords


Gloomspite Gitz ✔️
Ogor Mawtribes
Orruk Warclans ✔️
Sons of Behemat


Cities of Sigmar 
Daughters of Khaine
Fyreslayers ✔️
Idoneth Deepkin 
Kharadron Overlords
Lumineth Realm-lords
Stormcast Eternals ✔️
Sylvaneth ✔️

Gloomspite has 2 models, think they will have Nurgle model again, 

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11 hours ago, Ejecutor said:

Dawnbringer update. 7/12 with StD and Khorne being very likely. 9/12, Callis and Toll have big chances as well, so 10/12?



Beasts of Chaos
Blades of Khorne 📌
Disciples of Tzeentch
Hedonites of Slaanesh
Maggotkin of Nurgle ✔️
Slaves to Darkness 📌


Flesh-Eater Courts ✔️
Ossiarch Bonereapers
Soulblight Gravelords


Gloomspite Gitz ✔️
Ogor Mawtribes
Orruk Warclans ✔️
Sons of Behemat


Cities of Sigmar 
Daughters of Khaine
Fyreslayers ✔️
Idoneth Deepkin 
Kharadron Overlords
Lumineth Realm-lords
Stormcast Eternals ✔️
Sylvaneth ✔️

Ossiarch is one of them, we have two rumour engines of a Morghast model.

The last one could be a Skaven one to link with next edition, or a new army with big hats... Or It could be the Warcry Ogor models because their warscroll are included on third book and we know all the factions.

Edited by Nezzhil
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17 minutes ago, Nezzhil said:

Ossiarch is one of them, we have two rumour engines of a Morghast model.

The last one could be a Skaven one to link with next edition, or a new army with big hats... Or It could be the Warcry Ogor models because their warscroll are included on third book and we know all the factions.

I think that you are right about Skaven as Illuminor Szeras proceeded Necrons,  Kragnos proceeded Kruelboyz, and the Parasite of Mortrex proceeded Tyranids.

Now we just need Cluny the Scourge to proceed Skaven.

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50 minutes ago, Neverchosen said:

I think that you are right about Skaven as Illuminor Szeras proceeded Necrons,  Kragnos proceeded Kruelboyz, and the Parasite of Mortrex proceeded Tyranids.

Now we just need Cluny the Scourge to proceed Skaven.

Could it be the lady of ruin? Kragnos is more of a Destruction character than only Kruleboyz. Could be something similar.

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22 minutes ago, lele said:

Slaves to darkness??: Chaos Spider, Spider skull, Spear with Chaos symbol and smoke on it, perfume bottle with smoke.







While i like your thinking, @Chikout is definitely correct about the kroot pictures.

- The skeletal birdfoot here has more chance of being with Ossiarch or FEC

- the Spider "skull" has been likened to the gloomspite gitz one, so a Chaos one would surprise me

- the perfume bottle does not look like it fits S2D design language imo, looks far closer to the Arabian Nights Slaanesh Hedonites imo (though that may be my hopium talking)

20 minutes ago, lele said:

Slaanesh's greed and avarice champion?





- the blackened hand doesn't fit slaanesh hedonites design language

- the safe... you _might_ be right?

- the last two I'm 90% certain are Astra Militarum related (because of the sandbags and grenades) the latter specifically Ratlings with all the meat pies and bottles

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On another topic. We have Ionus and Liberatos redesigned. Seems Khorgos and his host would very likely get a revamp as well. So primarisation is 99% confirmed now?

Also, getting Ionus out of the "SCE  vs Skaven" box leaves some sort of gap. Maybe we get a mix of 1st edition chambers moved into Thunderstrike armour?

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