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Just now, Asbestress said:


Put some skulls and "Sigmar"s on these and we straight up have Freeguild Cavaliers on foot!

They work pretty well for straight-up Steelhelms, though I'd definitely love to see the return of elite Freeguild foot troops in the future which these would be absolutely perfect for.

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Just now, DeLewko said:

It was a small preview for 40 years of warhammer hype.  Guess we have to wait till next year for bigger releases

That we haven't seen anything Tomb Kings yet makes me think they're stretching this out as much as they can, especially with the next preview only being in a few weeks.

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Loved the preview but still had hoped for more new units for AOS. I still think the fantasy side of GW's IPs had the better reveal overall. I am getting both more excited and more frustrated with each piece of Old World news which seems on brand and AOS continues to have the best sculpts of any minis.  

Stormlord, a lovely model and as a new Necron player I am happy a cool character is getting a neat model, but I am fine skipping it as I have enough lords. The rules previewed for the new book seem pretty fun.
Admech, what a silly and pointless looking model… which is so perfect for the utter bizarre technology implemented by the Admech. Love this weirdo and think it will look great peaking over troops and scenery.


Stormcast: Ionus Cryptborn, holy hell that is sweet! I might go for this box, if I ever see it! I can’t afford the big dragons and so this might become the dragon for my Stormcast. I was planning on holding off on SCE until the next edition but this set is too good. It would make for a good boss for any tabletop rpg. Was not expecting Stormcast to win the day with a new reveal.
Sylvaneth: Belthanos, a cool model and great to get a Kurnoth hero but I am a touch sad that it isn’t Kurnoth himself and that it is just a single hero. Still pretty cool but was hoping for some more units. Still can’t wait to see different schemes on the bug. 


Kill Team:
Striking Scorpions
: I feel like if these were painted as the typical Eldar Warrior I wouldn’t be able to tell the difference. Still nice Sculpts overall and I like the poses.
Scouts: I think they look okay, the less armour does make them stand out compared to the rest.
Terrain: Really like it and it seems like it will lead to fun dynamic play after a year of abandoned derelict spaceships. Might even be useable for AOS as they are mostly just platforms with a few sci-fi gribblies. 


Old World: 2024!!!
Okay I am all in on the nostalgia here what great sculpts and I have always had a soft spot for Bretonnia. I am not a fan of Resin so it was nerve wracking listening to each reveal.
Pegasus - Fantastic love the different builds and jokes about leaks. 
Knights of the Realm - Fun but who wants a knight on foot when you can have them on a winged pony! But in all honesty the sculpts are amazing and I love that they essentially acknowledged that they can be used to help upgrade the classic mounted kit. 
Returning Kits: Still look nice but will seem dated next to the new sculpts. Still love the Men-At-Arms sculpt they were always my favourite baseline human infantry in fantasy.
Resin kits: All my favourite Bretonnian kits seem to be leaning towards the resin side unfortunately. The Handmadien is great and regal I imagine her popping up in Living Cities armies. 

Overall: Loved the reveals and I am really anticipating what is next for AOS as we move towards 4th edition. 

Edited by Neverchosen
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I do find myself kinda wishing Belthanos was properly seated on his beetle mount rather than being another character just sort of surfing their steed. It's a nice model, and it has cool implications wrt Kurnoth's worship and followers, but I'm not quite sure why he's standing on the poor thing.

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Ok Bretonnia is cool and those old models are OKish I guess. But are they going to bring back skeleton horsearchers or general TK skellies? Because those models were awful and outdated already in 2008. I have vivid memories of trying to convert them or looking for good alternative. As much as I love TK I can not imagine buying box with those models in 2024. Even if they are accompanied by shiny new models.

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Interesting takeaway from the Warhammer Community article.


These regiments and other future regiments are returning in boxes that contain enough plastic miniatures to make a full regiment, not just a rank or two. With the Peasant Bowmen box, you’ll be able to build a unit of 32 archers, complete with a command group and Defensive Stakes. So dreams of creating massive armies of ranked-up troops will be well within your grasp.


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Just now, Acrozatarim said:

I do find myself kinda wishing Belthanos was properly seated on his beetle mount rather than being another character just sort of surfing their steed. It's a nice model, and it has cool implications wrt Kurnoth's worship and followers, but I'm not quite sure why he's standing on the poor thing.

He’s standing on the beetle because how else is he supposed to blow his horn? By sitting down? Like a PEASANT? 

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Probably it for DB3 until a few months and FEC pop up sometime in Winter.

6 minutes ago, Gitzdee said:

Seems like every model released with dawnbringers actually had a beast or some kind of beastlike creature attached to it right? Can we assume zombie dragon for FEC and new beasts for chaos now?

That’s actually a good catch and fits the Era of the Beast themes.

I won’t be surprised if the Summerking(or adjacent super ghoul king under him) is on a new “noble and not at all horror of undead” creature that mimics a hippogryph or the like while the Lady of Ruin comes in on the mother of all Varanguard daemon chimeras.


Anyway good stuff!

Ionus got me pumped as a Realmgate Wars fan and I’m obsessed over Sylvaneth big cavalry so double wins for me here. 😁

can’t wait for the book & boxes! 🤩 

Very happy the draconith are getting more narrative to their race and now trying to establish a proper afterlife after returning to the realms. Very much a journey some of the gods went on after arriving to the realms themselves.


I wonder if we’ll see such narratives with future awoken races like the Gholemkind or hopefully Silent People one day? 🤔 

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Bit disappointed in how little AoS there was previewed but at least the two revealed models are pretty damn good, I might get the Sylvaneth one and skip the Stormcast one, I've still got a completely unbuilt thunderstrike spearhead battleforce box so I probably don't need to add more unbuilt Stormcast/dragons to the pile.

Hopefully we'll see the first of the FEC at the November preview.

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1 minute ago, Clan's Cynic said:

I assume this is it, since they had the trailer of the book and showed the armies featured. 

Yeah this looks like the book where they add an army of renown for every faction that recently got a warcry or uw band and count them as covered.

As for the rest the show, I'm not feeling great. New stormcast model is amazing love it, don't know if I have the storage space for it but I will try.

New Sylvaneth is officially the death of all my Kurnothi hopes and dreams. They made the Avatar of Kurnoth a tree, that is the end, Kurnothi will never be significant. Maybe they'll get a warcry band someday, whatever.

Brett's, well they got two plastic kits and 5 resin characters in the end, unless the game somehow becomes a hit that's probably the high watermark any other faction can expect. Good luck to then, I suppose.


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3 minutes ago, DeLewko said:

So kill team is following warcry in splitting the big box into two with a 25% price increase if you want to get both. I hope they go back on this decision..

Trying to put a positive spin on this but could that be a reaction to scalpers nabbing them? I’m not saying it’s the best way to do it, mind you.



Bit disappointed at the lack of TK but hopefully we see something for them in the November show. Same for FEC.


I love the new SCE chap on dragon. Will definitely have to scrape together the cash to get him!


Marine Scot’s..I can’t even tell if those are new models or not, but that’s my aversion to Marines I guess.


Seems odd that the Striking Scorpions don’t have female bodies in the mix. GW have really done great work getting more women into the armies, and Eldar used to be the mixed gender army.

Necron Lord is okay, but the Generic is strong in him.

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1 minute ago, Souleater said:


Trying to put a positive spin on this but could that be a reaction to scalpers nabbing them? I’m not saying it’s the best way to do it, mind you.

That might be true for kill team but from warcry perspective those boxes were available long after release. Maybe the solution would be to make more kill team boxes ? 😉

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2 minutes ago, Souleater said:

Trying to put a positive spin on this but could that be a reaction to scalpers nabbing them? I’m not saying it’s the best way to do it, mind you.

I think it's just a Monkey's Paw moment. I did see people complain they wanted the teams and not terrain, but I doubt they meant that they wanted a smaller box at what is a price rise if you account for the value of said terrain now missing. 

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