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11 hours ago, novakai said:

I don’t think underworld warbands carry much weight, thoose push to fit models seem like product they can simple discontinued/ range rotate out of existence if they wanted too.

it really the trend on how they have treated Bonesplitterz and other old model ranges vs newer models sometimes, almost like they purposely make them weak or hard to collect. If your not going to do anything for them what is the purpose of keeping them around to lavish and if your made in a state that no one plays or collect them what point would you have ever refreshing them? (they are also very marmite and niche design, thematically it’s no some big seller product)

of course,  I would like all three armies to be separated into their own battletome and each get their respective releases every edition, but TGA is in the mindset of not upping the battletome numbers too much or less new armies more expansion as of now

I mean, you can theorize all you want, Underworlds has a long track record going in the exact opposite direction of what you are saying. Many big race updates and new units have been heralded by Underworlds releases years in advance that clearly show them experimenting with the new designs. Look at the long awaited Seraphon warband for underworlds and compare it to the Seraphon release we finally got this year. Notice how CoS was completely and utterly ignored by Underworlds until the new design direction for the range had been locked down. Look at Snarlfangs, Revenant Archers and a dozen other examples. Not only that, but if you go back and listen to the old GW podcasts Underworlds is explicitly a way to monetize the experimental sculpts that the model design teams were already making anyway.


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On 8/18/2023 at 6:26 AM, Gitzdee said:


Sometimes, one has to come at peace with the fact that not every faction in the game hold the same broad appeal as the poster boys. Bonesplitterz seems to be one of those, and it's not completely absurd in GW side to minimise investment in an army that is a niche, in a niche, in an other niche. 


I read about the similarities between them and the Beastmen, but boy do I disagree. The former where Juste two units plus three characters in wfb 8th edition, while the last where a full army with something like 20 or so units. Apples and oranges should I said. 


Now, I'm not saying that Bonesplitterz should or will disappear, but I can get behind the idea that they are second though in GW mind. 


In the end, investing in something like chorfs or more pointy ears will always be more appealing to the larger crowd. 

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4 hours ago, Jagged Red Lines said:

I mean, there were rumours that beasts of chaos were getting squatted too at one point - but then they got a new book.

Maybe they still will once the old world comes out, especially as beasts are an old world starter faction. GW seem to be doing whatever they can to avoid people using miniatures in both games.

I mean the two armies are not equivalent here, Bonesplitterz have been relegated to a side army like wanderers or Phoenix temple, BoC has at least been a full army on release and kept being their own thing

and also old world has been stated to be its own thing separated from AoS, what happens in that game has nothing to do with AoS in the end.

not saying it mean squating but they alway been in this unhealthy place what’s the point of them in the game?

Edited by novakai
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3 hours ago, madmac said:

I mean, you can theorize all you want, Underworlds has a long track record going in the exact opposite direction of what you are saying. Many big race updates and new units have been heralded by Underworlds releases years in advance that clearly show them experimenting with the new designs. Look at the long awaited Seraphon warband for underworlds and compare it to the Seraphon release we finally got this year. Notice how CoS was completely and utterly ignored by Underworlds until the new design direction for the range had been locked down. Look at Snarlfangs, Revenant Archers and a dozen other examples. Not only that, but if you go back and listen to the old GW podcasts Underworlds is explicitly a way to monetize the experimental sculpts that the model design teams were already making anyway.


Yeah but some have yet to bear anything

i thing Snarlfang is an example of yes they can exist but it only lead to an auxiliary unit in gloomspite Gitz, if concept don’t prove to be popular it just may lead to hedrakka mob being a random Orruk warband and Bonesplitterz  just existing without much purpose in their army.

Bonesplitterz and spiderfang are both in a weirder place than those examples as they have been not treated as a full army for sometime now and more like the city stuff that may be also squated in the future.

or course they could just replace Bonesplitterz with beastsnagga Ironjawz and start to shadow that army into something similar to Orks in 40K

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23 minutes ago, novakai said:

Bonesplitterz have been relegated to a side army like wanderers or Phoenix temple, BoC has at least been a full army on release and kept being their own thing

Objection ! Bonesplitters have their own allegiance abilities and enhancements (all of them), something Wanderers or Phoenix Temple never had. 

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8 minutes ago, The Lost Sigmarite said:

Objection ! Bonesplitters have their own allegiance abilities and enhancements (all of them), something Wanderers or Phoenix Temple never had. 


Some armies disappeared after while having army books for decades. 

They don't have more legitimacy as an army than, for exemple, Phoenix Temple, and if they don't sell, they might take the same way and enjoy their best life as minis in TOW. 

Edited by Swamp Trogg
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5 minutes ago, The Lost Sigmarite said:

Objection ! Bonesplitters have their own allegiance abilities and enhancements (all of them), something Wanderers or Phoenix Temple never had. 

Yes but for example Phoenix temple was tied to Phoenicium which had both. And now Phoenix temple units and Phoenicium are squatted.

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And it's the Cities Army Set next week... surprise, surprise!

Also Vanguard: Seraphon and Warriors of the Freeguilds omnibus. And this:



Elsewhere at Warhammer Community.com, we’ve got a phenomenal series of interviews coming up where the writers and designers behind the new Cities of Sigmar sit down for a chat about the long road from conception to realisation.


Edited by Clan's Cynic
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Age of Sigmar
Seraphon Vanguard
Cities Battletome + Infrantry + Cavalry + Foot Marshall + Mounted + the Not-Ogor + Alchemist + Manticore + Fusiliers + Pontifex + Command Group + Cannon
Cities Armybox
Mistery book Winter
Dawnbringer: Orruks + THE HYPE BOAR + Big Boss
Dawnbringer: 3
Dawnbringer: 4

Scenary outside
2 Warbands (Order vs Destro)
2 Warbands (Order vs Death)
2 Warbands (who knows)
Krule Monsta-hunta
Cities Doggy Hunters

Starter Set Again?!
Core Box
Destro Warband
Rival Deck 2

Horus Heresy
Two more Cerastus type Knights
Old Spaceship returns
Assault Squad
Mistery Army
Legion Command Squad
Lords of War
Horus weapons

Warhammer 40k
Space Marines Codex - Launch Complete army
Tyranids Codex - Launch Complete Army
Marines from Agastus
Adeptus Mechanicus
Dark Angels
Adeptus Custodes
T'au Empire
Chaos Space Marines

Kill Team 


Old World
Bretonnian Paladin + Standard Bearer
Tomb Kings Hero

Blood Bowl
Grashnak Blackhoof    
Ivan the bones

Epic HH
The box
Dire wolfs
Support box (Deredeo, Leviathan, Tarantula & Rapier)
Support Auxilia
New terrain

A good week

Edited by Nezzhil
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I'd be OK with aspects of the Bonesplitterz finding their way into expanded Ironjawz and Kruleboyz model ranges while the existing Bonesplitterz models return to the Old World as Savage Orcs. However, I'd also be OK with a complete redesign. They're just really unappealing to me as they are now though.

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I have no reason to buy the Seraphon Vanguard but my lizard brain is telling me to buy it. 

I was really hopeful we would be getting a new Sigmar Novel with the launch of the Cities but it's just a collection of stories previously published. It's been a drought for for Black Library post Blightslayer right? 

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12 minutes ago, DinoJon said:

I have no reason to buy the Seraphon Vanguard but my lizard brain is telling me to buy it. 

I was really hopeful we would be getting a new Sigmar Novel with the launch of the Cities but it's just a collection of stories previously published. It's been a drought for for Black Library post Blightslayer right? 

I’m glad it’s out, as it has the last few bits I want to round out my Seraphon list. Looks like it’s going to be an expensive Saturday for me. 

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Question: What other releases have there been like Snarlfang Riders? They're lovely models and a promising continuation of the Underworld warband, but they felt completely incidental and somewhat incongruous with the rest of Gloomspite. Are they, alongside the rumored Ardboyz revamp, a part of GW's plan to revive back the more traditional "Orcs and Goblins" of old? If so, it feels like a strange direction, seeing how the edition started out with the "deliberately different" Kruleboyz. 

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11 minutes ago, Magnusaur said:

Question: What other releases have there been like Snarlfang Riders? They're lovely models and a promising continuation of the Underworld warband, but they felt completely incidental and somewhat incongruous with the rest of Gloomspite. Are they, alongside the rumored Ardboyz revamp, a part of GW's plan to revive back the more traditional "Orcs and Goblins" of old? If so, it feels like a strange direction, seeing how the edition started out with the "deliberately different" Kruleboyz. 

They are an enigma at the moment. The lore tells us they follow basicly da evil sun called Glareface Frazzlegit. They are kind of helping out the Gloomspite Gitz. They have no Keywords that actually have any synergy with all other units. Dont see any connection with Orruks. Grotbag does get mentioned more and so does Gitmob. New tome incoming 4th edition? Or are they some kind of Firebellie units? Nobody knows really.

Edit: Rippas Snarlfangs are just banished Gitmob units chillin around.

Edited by Gitzdee
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