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33 minutes ago, Baz said:

We still have 2 weeks of unannounced prrorders before the anticipated preorder of 40k 10th edition on the 10th June. So expecting seraphon or the harbingers in those 2 weeks.

My bet is we'll see the new Underworlds starter set shown yesterday, announced this coming Sunday. 

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2 hours ago, Clan's Cynic said:

One of the complaints I remember around Broken Realms was that it was too 'backloaded' with books rapidly coming out not long before 3.0, although that might have just been Covid knock-on. Either way, if these are meant to be the Broken Realms/Arks of Omen equivalents it might be they're deliberately releasing them early and spreading out the releases over a long period so they don't feel so much like cynical cashgrabs that'll be useless in a few months.

We can only hope these campaign books are more story/lore heavy, or have battleplans that can carry over. We know there'll be some new rules because new models, but I do hope the books are staggered well and we can enjoy them more.

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12 minutes ago, RocketPropelledGrenade said:

A more recent quote (Adepticon Q&A IIRC) said mostly humans but explicitly confirmed others.

Can someone here dig up that quote to confirm?

Also, does anyone have any info on stuff said during the Warhammer Fest AoS Q&A? I could only find stuff from the Old World and 40k one.

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29 minutes ago, Asbestress said:


"There’s also some exciting news coming from Frontier Developments, and plenty more besides!"

Maybe we're finally getting some info on that AoS RTS that got delayed last year? Or probably just 40K Chaos Gate stuff?

A fresh showcase out of nowhere?

*Adjusting collar sweating profusely*


Oh my ...

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1 hour ago, Asbestress said:


"There’s also some exciting news coming from Frontier Developments, and plenty more besides!"

Maybe we're finally getting some info on that AoS RTS that got delayed last year? Or probably just 40K Chaos Gate stuff?

It is definitely the AOS game https://www.eurogamer.net/frontiers-warhammer-age-of-sigmar-rts-pushed-back-to-second-half-of-2023

The possibly worrying news is searching "frontier developments age of sigmar" also gave me a job listing for a Producer :/ which, judging from job duties, means the management is probably disorganized https://careers.frontier.co.uk/production/producer-warhammer-age-of-sigmar/f5f9c42e-d46f-4c7c-bf6e-33749177d8f4 (not that project disorganization is anything new for indie and AA level titles)

Edited by CommissarRotke
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I am quite hopeful in regards to the AoS frontier game. I really like what they've done with Jurassic World Evolution and Planet Zoo, especially post-release. I do understand that a fantasy rts is a whole different beast (okay bit  AoS zoo/park builder when? I want a gryph hound petting zoo and a seraphon safari) but I am quite fond of the studio and really desperate for AoS games

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42 minutes ago, GenericEdgyName said:

I am quite hopeful in regards to the AoS frontier game. I really like what they've done with Jurassic World Evolution and Planet Zoo, especially post-release. I do understand that a fantasy rts is a whole different beast (okay bit  AoS zoo/park builder when? I want a gryph hound petting zoo and a seraphon safari) but I am quite fond of the studio and really desperate for AoS games

I think they're going to do a great job at showing us the Mortal Realms aesthetically. Unfortunately we'll have to wait and see how the real-time part of RTS works and if it'll be more like DOW1/AOE2 (more 'basic' RTS) or DOW2/DOW3 ('Heroic RTS' heavy with abilities) or even the new Dune RTS (diplomacy and control mechanics on top of combat).

Personally I don't think any of those 3 RTS types could fail here unless the game was crunched and is pushed out as a buggy mess. While I'd like to see some kind of diplomacy or non-combat mechanics, I will also be first in line even if this is a clone of a DOW or AOE2. I feel like with Cities revamp releasing we are FINALLY at the start of proper AOS games.

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56 minutes ago, CommissarRotke said:

I think they're going to do a great job at showing us the Mortal Realms aesthetically. Unfortunately we'll have to wait and see how the real-time part of RTS works and if it'll be more like DOW1/AOE2 (more 'basic' RTS) or DOW2/DOW3 ('Heroic RTS' heavy with abilities) or even the new Dune RTS (diplomacy and control mechanics on top of combat).

Personally I don't think any of those 3 RTS types could fail here unless the game was crunched and is pushed out as a buggy mess. While I'd like to see some kind of diplomacy or non-combat mechanics, I will also be first in line even if this is a clone of a DOW or AOE2. I feel like with Cities revamp releasing we are FINALLY at the start of proper AOS games.

I also hope it has more than 3-4 factions total in it's lifespan...

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1 hour ago, Vasshpit said:

Absolutely fantastic rts imo!!!

Love DoW 1 and 2. Great games. My dream would be a Warcraft 3/ Starcraft 2 style game that is a heavily story driven and less AoE or Civ.

Edit: Xcom style could be great too.

Edited by Gitzdee
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1 hour ago, Vasshpit said:

Absolutely fantastic rts imo!!!

DOW2 is probably the best bet out of all 3 of them for sure, as it was a hybrid of the heroic/moba and regular RTS. I do hope for more base building than 2 required though :(

1 hour ago, Asbestress said:

I also hope it has more than 3-4 factions total in it's lifespan...

Yeah I would be happy with six mostly-done factions like DOW2 had...

If I had to pick who was showing up in the first AOS RTS:

  • Stormcast obviously, but probably with allied units from the rest of Order (Melusai, Sylvaneth, Fyreslayers)
  • Cities of Sigmar because they've waited this long for an AOS game and if COS isn't in it then wtf has GW been waiting for
  • Blades of Khorne (no magic, no nonsense fighters)
  • Archaon with Warcry warbands and some marked units a la Slaangors
  • Kruleboyz, with some Ironjawz for heavy infantry/cav
  • Gloomspite Gitz because how could you not
  • Ossiarch Bonereapers are too unique not to include
  • can't decide if Nighthaunt or Soulblight, probably Nighthaunt since they're more unique?

I can see Frontier aiming for 2 factions per Grand Alliance.

Seraphon, Hedonites, and Lumineth are also obvious choices with how big their ranges got.

Idoneth having the magical sea with them seems too much of a hassle to code and animate to include at launch.

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4 hours ago, Asbestress said:


"There’s also some exciting news coming from Frontier Developments, and plenty more besides!"

Maybe we're finally getting some info on that AoS RTS that got delayed last year? Or probably just 40K Chaos Gate stuff?

Please let their announcement be Planet zoo: AoS.

Realm zoo?


Edited by Captaniser
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Instead of a zoo manager, they should make a tabletop tournament organizer game.  
Instead of creating exhibits, you make premade tables.
Instead of adopting animals, you allow various flavors of nerd into your rented convention center space.
instead of dealing with escapes and animal illness, you resolve rules disputes, clean up flipped tables and distribute Mountain Dew.

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Ok u all convinced me. Dungeon Keeper AoS it is. 

14 minutes ago, willange said:

Instead of a zoo manager, they should make a tabletop tournament organizer game.  
Instead of creating exhibits, you make premade tables.
Instead of adopting animals, you allow various flavors of nerd into your rented convention center space.
instead of dealing with escapes and animal illness, you resolve rules disputes, clean up flipped tables and distribute Mountain Dew.

I do like this Nerd Tycoon idea a lot though XD. Sound a bit like Theme Hospital too. All the greats. 

I do hope they come up with a great non cashgrab complete game.

Edit: Why are we talking AoS games? We expecting any news soon?

Edited by Gitzdee
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22 hours ago, Gitzdee said:

Edit: Why are we talking AoS games? We expecting any news soon?

Skulls event is coming up in a week and Frontier is showing up with extremely likely news about their AoS RTS. So some hype & hopium is clouding around right now. :D 

23 hours ago, CommissarRotke said:

can't decide if Nighthaunt or Soulblight, probably Nighthaunt since they're more unique?

NightHaunt if they’re focused on Meta as that’s both a semi-poster boy force and very unique in mechanics of being swarms of fast moving ethereal ghosts that are hard to keep down for long.

They’d be closer to the DoW Necrons in style of limited recruitment needing wisps & portals to the underworld but can be such a steady output that they wind up with a splash of DoW2 Tyranids and their swarm strategies. 

Soulblight if they’re focused on narrative & PvE more at first since they offer a lot of story & monster variety for spread out threats to play with that can range from Radukar having a sea-based mission(whether ships or just coastal reinforcements) with his wolf fleets & Kosargi “marines” as he gathers up dire wolves and undead beasts in the area for an invasion or could focus on Deathrattle-only prologue/tutorial missions staving off Ossiarch tithes until they can send missives to a Soulblight dynasty and serve their new vampire lord for protection and gain more units and story beats that way.

Edit: Also possible campaigns with Lauka Vai trying to help the people while dealing with her monstrous hunger and that of her followers, a smaller scale story of that with the True Blades and maybe even her trying to reconcile with them, various power plays by the Ulfenkarn characters and the constant plots between Mannfred & Neferata one-upping eachother.

Soulblight is brimming with story ideas turned into game missions.

Edited by Baron Klatz
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1 hour ago, willange said:

Instead of a zoo manager, they should make a tabletop tournament organizer game.  
Instead of creating exhibits, you make premade tables.
Instead of adopting animals, you allow various flavors of nerd into your rented convention center space.
instead of dealing with escapes and animal illness, you resolve rules disputes, clean up flipped tables and distribute Mountain Dew.

If you play the London GT campaign, you'd also have to have to buy the zero day DLC for access to any terrain. 😅

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So, about 3/4ths of the rules for 10th edition leaked. I won't post them here, but I've read through them and they have some interesting details. 

Just like the previous edition and AoS, hit and wound are limited to +/- 1, and now Saves are as well. IIRC, 40k allowed you to stack saves pretty generously with combinations of warlord traits and cover. Now, it's a max of +1 to your save, just like AoS.

"A model can fight if it is in base-to-base contact with another model from its own unit that is itself in base-to-base contact with an enemy unit" This is a big change from the "within 1" of a model within 1" of an enemy", and will really reduce deadliness of big blobs. There's also a lot of verbiage about pile-in and consolidation going specifically for base-to-base of the closest enemy model, cutting down on a lot of the 'ring-around-the-rosy' that we see in a lot of games. Once you're in base contact, that's it, no more movement in pile-in/consolidate until the model you're in base contact with has been removed. 

The game clarifies a lot of distances as 'horizontal distance', and models (aside from vehicles/monsters) can move through other friendly models without penalty. 

Attaching units is also VERY straight forward. There's a 'epic challenge' strat that gives a character 'precision' on their melee attacks to a unit that also has a character, but they do clarify that other attacks still have to go to the 'bodyguard' unit until it's destroyed. They also specify exactly what units a character can have as a bodyguard, and only one character can attach to a bodyguard unit. It's elegant and simple but also engaging. 

Stratagems look really nice, from 'grenade' being a strat that does some mortal wounds and 'smoke' and 'take cover' being simple ways to add some defense to a unit. 

Critically, Transport, unit-type, Aircraft, and other rules are still MIA, so we don't have the full picture just yet. 

I mostly mention these things because I wouldn't be surprised to see some of them make their way into AoS in 4th. I'd love to see the Leader/Attached Unit/Bodyguard system come over to AoS, specifically for foot heroes. I'd also love for the pile-in/consolidate restrictions make their way as well. I'm not a huge fan of the melee range system in AoS, but that's just me. 

Edited by RileyArlic
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The thing I'm most excited about for dawnbringers is that it's a mini range refresh for (hopefully) every faction.

Personally I have all my appendages crossed for a Tyrion book.

I think we got kroak and kragnos in broken realms - two big centrepiece models.

A Tyrion release could potentially make Lumineth more interesting to play. I love the models so much, but I'm not interested in playing a magic dom castle.

I've started painting what I think is cool, in anticipation. Mostly dawnriders and maybe a few bladelords.

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55 minutes ago, Jagged Red Lines said:

A Tyrion release could potentially make Lumineth more interesting to play. I love the models so much, but I'm not interested in playing a magic dom castle.

Same. Lumineth are my favorite models, and magic is fine, but I want a martially-focused army, not a magic one.

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2 hours ago, Jagged Red Lines said:

The thing I'm most excited about for dawnbringers is that it's a mini range refresh for (hopefully) every faction.

Personally I have all my appendages crossed for a Tyrion book.

I think we got kroak and kragnos in broken realms - two big centrepiece models.

A Tyrion release could potentially make Lumineth more interesting to play. I love the models so much, but I'm not interested in playing a magic dom castle.

I've started painting what I think is cool, in anticipation. Mostly dawnriders and maybe a few bladelords.

I was thinking this as well. I know he’s rumored to have his own temple, but I feel he fits into this Dawnbringer narrative and he would be a great model to focus either a whole book or large section of the book on. 
With broken realms we got Kroak and Kragnos as well as Belakor……

So I could definitely see Tyrion. 

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They could drop him with a mini-sub-faction instead of a Temple as well.

There’s both the Eclipsians and Luminarians they can introduce alongside him as specialist super light aelves, especially if they really want revamped forces to light up Ulgu.



(Luminarians at the top-right of that lore page, glowy eye stuff from going too far into the edge where Tyrion’s eyes melted)

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