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8 minutes ago, KingBrodd said:

Im hoping we go to Ghyran as narratively Chaos Duardin could be like Isengard from LOTR.

"Do you know how the Chorfs first came into being ? They were Dawi once, taken by the dark powers, tortured and mutilated. A ruined and terrible form of life, and now, perfected. My fighting Chorfs. Whom do you serve ?"

"GW !"

Or maybe (*inhales hopium*), as the new Cities of Sigmar are founded, strange activities are reported. People go missing, epidemics emerge, strange graffities pop up, weird sightings are reported in the sewers... The SCE and city folk start to investigate... then, the Skaven emerge from below ! It's up for the city defenders and SCE to protect their new settlements against the enemy below. 
Eventually, the sigmarites decide to take the fight to the Skaven and attack Ulgu where clan Eshin resides. There, they encounter Malerion's aelves, but are they friends or enemies ?

Boom, wave 2 for cities, cleanup of the SCE range, Skaven range refresh and Malerion. 

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3 hours ago, Segersgia said:

If I'm not mistaken, both the Slann piece and the painting of the Dawnbringers look to be made by Thomas Eliott, who has done a lot of artwork in recent years.

Also, I want to bring to mind, that these are definitely handmade digital paintings. Eliott also did this piece of Celenar.

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Thanks, it's always cool to learn the name of another warhammer artist. I recommend to check his portfolio, the guy is really good:


Edited by Jator
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54 minutes ago, KingBrodd said:

Im hoping we go to Ghyran as narratively Chaos Duardin could be like Isengard from LOTR.

Burning and pillaging the Everqueens forests for industry driving Kurnoth and the Kunorthi out and into the sunlight, who battles against the Sylvaneth daily in Ghyran? Beasts of Chaos.

As the fighting intensifies around Greywater Fastness the brand new Cities of Sigmar march out to defend it, as all hope seems lost as a combined force of Chaos Duardin and Beasts of Chaos set fire to everything, who comes marching out of said fire but Grimnirs children. The Fyreslayers have come to war.

This means new Kurnothi models for Sylvaneth, an update for Beasts of Chaos, Wave 2 for Fyreslayers and the release of Chaos Duardin!!


Sounds awesome but needs Skaven too,

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There was a theory for a while that Underworlds was secretly the roadmap of AoS releases proper, and it could still be the case with some tweaking. Underworlds started in Shyish (AoS 2 and the Soul Wars), then went to Ghur (AOS 3 and Era of the Beast), then to Ulgu (AoS 4?)...then back to Ghur several times. Presumably the repeated stops in Ghur are so as to let AoS proper catch up, presuming all this is accurate.

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My bets are either the Realm of Shadow for Order vs Order as Malerion takes umbrage(emphasis on umb like umbral, community guy better make that joke) at Dawncrusaders pushing too brashly into his lands which causes a Cold War breakout(similar to the Kharadron tome having them getting attacked by Khainites for expanding into Morathi-Khaine’s air space whic Misthavn & Stormcast had to save the aetheric privateers) and uses the excuse to start counter-pushing into other realms as he uses both Dawners & Tyrion’s troops as justification that they struck first by trespassing(while secretly giving those moon daemons plenty of dawner hosts as parasite carriers to spread and grow his treaties with them)

Or we do go Aqshy despite it being done as a AoS1 because they want it for a renewed focus on the Firestorm cities there for the next Freeguild/Ironweld wave, Skaven shenanigans trying to undermine those cities, Chuardin reclaiming their Age of Chaos forges that were used to make Dreadholds to resurge as a big power again and a 10th anniversary battle-set between Vandus & Khul in the Brimstone Peninsula again with multiple model updates.


On another note a redditor posted painting guide & warscroll battalion leaks of the new Seraphon tome.

i won’t post pics here to be considerate of the mods but Dang do the Starborne Kroxigors look insanely amazing! 🤩 


They and the star-daemon glowing banner hero crest make me think a lot of similarities to Halo’s aliens.


Neat bits that the Warscroll battalions have a mirror for both Starborne & Coalesced forces, Kroxigors are noted as a horrible surprise for Kruleboyz as they live mostly in swamps too and Dawners believe Seraphon will avenge them if their settlements fall which is a nice narrative progression of their gratitude to the space-dinos(possibly a hint at future Coalitions).

Edited by Baron Klatz
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4 hours ago, Baron Klatz said:

My bets are either the Realm of Shadow for Order vs Order as Malerion takes umbrage(emphasis on umb like umbral, community guy better make that joke) at Dawncrusaders pushing too brashly into his lands which causes a Cold War breakout(similar to the Kharadron tome having them getting attacked by Khainites for expanding into Morathi-Khaine’s air space whic Misthavn & Stormcast had to save the aetheric privateers) and uses the excuse to start counter-pushing into other realms as he uses both Dawners & Tyrion’s troops as justification that they struck first by trespassing(while secretly giving those moon daemons plenty of dawner hosts as parasite carriers to spread and grow his treaties with them)

Or we do go Aqshy despite it being done as a AoS1 because they want it for a renewed focus on the Firestorm cities there for the next Freeguild/Ironweld wave, Skaven shenanigans trying to undermine those cities, Chuardin reclaiming their Age of Chaos forges that were used to make Dreadholds to resurge as a big power again and a 10th anniversary battle-set between Vandus & Khul in the Brimstone Peninsula again with multiple model updates.


On another note a redditor posted painting guide & warscroll battalion leaks of the new Seraphon tome.

i won’t post pics here to be considerate of the mods but Dang do the Starborne Kroxigors look insanely amazing! 🤩 


They and the star-daemon glowing banner hero crest make me think a lot of similarities to Halo’s aliens.


Neat bits that the Warscroll battalions have a mirror for both Starborne & Coalesced forces, Kroxigors are noted as a horrible surprise for Kruleboyz as they live mostly in swamps too and Dawners believe Seraphon will avenge them if their settlements fall which is a nice narrative progression of their gratitude to the space-dinos(possibly a hint at future Coalitions).

Looks like my boyz need some kind of 50mm unit of their own to deal with this. 

Edited by Vasshpit
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28 minutes ago, Vasshpit said:

Looks like my boyz need some kind of 50mm unit of their own to deal with this. 

Maybe that’ll be what Whitefang meant by new Troggoths with either a tamed/ensorcelled Mirebrute unit or even a new breed(or whatever Swampcallers cobbled together from swamp magic and broken bodies) of swamp Troggoth they made but to soak up punishment instead of skulking “cavalry” Sloggoths so something like a Boggoth or the like.


Or of course give the Skulbugz Kruleboyz some love and use any variation of terrifying swamp bug/crab they can make battleline



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34 minutes ago, Baron Klatz said:

Maybe that’ll be what Whitefang meant by new Troggoths with either a tamed/ensorcelled Mirebrute unit or even a new breed(or whatever Swampcallers cobbled together from swamp magic and broken bodies) of swamp Troggoth they made but to soak up punishment instead of skulking “cavalry” Sloggoths so something like a Boggoth or the like.

I'd absolutely fall in love with a unit of mirebrutes if the same artist did them. It's my favorite troll design to date from geedubs. 😍 Its also interesting that it's the one "mount" of theirs that's not shackled which suggests to me more of a somewhat tamed or trained relationship as opposed to the other shackled variants. 

However as a Kruleboyz fan I'd rather not see bugs outside of anything other than a swarm spell or something. I just can't image the bog ninjas aesthetic with a rider or anything similar. just my opinion. If anything I'd prefer a unit of three murknob gnashtoof riders instead. 

It's also interesting to see that the snarlfang riders seem to have been sculpted by the same artist that did the Kruleboyz grots so also hoping that the same artist is kept on board with any further gitmob expansions as that is such an amazing and underated kit. 

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1 hour ago, Vasshpit said:

However as a Kruleboyz fan I'd rather not see bugs outside of anything other than a swarm spell or something.

That’s fair. I was just trying to give their sub-factions matching units. As is, Skulbugz don’t have much for their insect hobbies nor Big Yellers anything to show off their Mekboy-level engineering skills.

I’m rather okay with giant insects in AoS being shown as more Order entities to counter the usual evil depictions. Like, besides Sylvaneth examples, the giant water-strider bugs the Excelsis guards, travelers and patrols ride to pass over the bogs nearby like when they need to inspect the spider steelsilk plantations.(even Silent People have good justification joining Destruction as they were the only alliance that didn’t initially plan to ransack their sleeping civilization in search of treasures, exo-skeleton tithes or souls)

Odds are Kruleboyz non-flying big units will be more troggoths types or vicious strange beasties that help them stand out from the usual squig & pig stuff.

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13 hours ago, Beliman said:

Just to point it out: AI generated material don't have any IP rights (they are not made by any human) and because of that, they are not under the umbrella of explotation rights.

That's something to take in mind for big companies that want to use some AI creations, unless they use them in countries that didn't sign any IP rights.

Actually that’s up for debate in the UK. Whilst the USCO has determined work requires a human element to be capable of protection, the CDPA 1988 (UK legislation) doesn’t. It simply requires the work to be original. Which opens up a can of worms and discussion perhaps not appropriate for the rumour section (I’ve written a blog on this topic for my job).

Personally I am hoping to see plastic infantry announced for Heresy at Warhammer Fest and for AoS, confirmation that they are moving to a 4 or 5 year edition cycle with more seasons instead of edition changes per se.

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Was there anything to back up the rumours of Spawning Pools? I’m in the process of building a 6 x 4 temple city interior (think the inside of the Eye of Chotec kind of vibe) and I’m wondering if I need to build my own pool or if GW is potentially bringing one out for Warcry? 

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2 minutes ago, The Lost Sigmarite said:

Where did that Whitefang rumour about troggoths come from ? It's you guys pondering about his "passed over Destro factions will have a second chance... later" message from a few weeks back, or did he come back and dropped a new rumour recently while I wasn't paying attention ?

I think it was more of a whitefang like that was taken and ran with.   

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41 minutes ago, The Brotherhood of Necros said:

Was there anything to back up the rumours of Spawning Pools? I’m in the process of building a 6 x 4 temple city interior (think the inside of the Eye of Chotec kind of vibe) and I’m wondering if I need to build my own pool or if GW is potentially bringing one out for Warcry? 

Had to be rumors that the Nightmare Quest leaks caused. Only thing confirmed was a overrun Realmshaper engine but even then we’re not sure if that’s part of the box or not. 

Spawning pools might happen(certainly a good chunk of factions in the Gnarlwoods are searching for them like the Deepkin for easy soul access) but I think it’s iffy.

Maybe convert Skaven Gnawholes? Look like they could be good stand-ins after a bit of anti-chaos cleansing with Azyr blue paint and Seraphon tech & jungle bits added around them.



29 minutes ago, The Lost Sigmarite said:

Where did that Whitefang rumour about troggoths come from ? It's you guys pondering about his "passed over Destro factions will have a second chance... later" message from a few weeks back, or did he come back and dropped a new rumour recently while I wasn't paying attention ?

It was a bit before that. Several months ago people here were talking about new troggoths and Whitefang popped up to reply “hmm…no, it won’t be for Warcry.”, so either new Troggoth(s) for AoS and that Destruction boon or possibly a new Troggoth UnderWorlds warband to replace Mollog.

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1 hour ago, The Brotherhood of Necros said:

Was there anything to back up the rumours of Spawning Pools? I’m in the process of building a 6 x 4 temple city interior (think the inside of the Eye of Chotec kind of vibe) and I’m wondering if I need to build my own pool or if GW is potentially bringing one out for Warcry? 

I don't think there was, since if I remember correctly, the rumourmonger that mentioned spawning pools, was also heavily stating that the Final Arks of Omen book was about the Sanguinor, and that Lion El'Jonson was just overhyped conjecture.

That turned to be a load of lies.

Unless I'm not thinking of the right rumour-post.

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1 hour ago, Baron Klatz said:

Spawning pools might happen(certainly a good chunk of factions in the Gnarlwoods are searching for them like the Deepkin for easy soul access)

Deepkin in the Gnarlwood ? I just checked the Lexicanum and you're right ! Idoneths haven't had any specialist game love since WHU Beastgrave and the legend Duinclaw. If they get a Warcry band, I'll be so happy. I don't play Idoneths but a friend at the FLGS plays them and he would be so happy ! It's been a while since the Deepkin had any minis beyond a single hero. 

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Wyrdhollow next week as expected


Interesting that Kill Team isn't this week as this way they will be revealing what is probably the next season before the last box of the current one is even up for preorder

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5 minutes ago, Matrindur said:


Wyrdhollow next week as expected


Interesting that Kill Team isn't this week as this way they will be revealing what is probably the next season before the last box of the current one is even up for preorder

So how long until that brilliantly weird Tzeentch band is available on its own?

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4 minutes ago, Matrindur said:

Interesting that Kill Team isn't this week as this way they will be revealing what is probably the next season before the last box of the current one is even up for preorder

I think they will post Gallowfall articles on WarCom next week for a pre-co announcement on the 30th.

As Kill Team preview is the next day, everything is ok for GW : the two products, if it's the new season that is revealed, don't "overlap" (in terms of communication/revelation).

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7 minutes ago, Matrindur said:

Interesting that Kill Team isn't this week as this way they will be revealing what is probably the next season before the last box of the current one is even up for preorder

Huh, and here was me thinking Gallowfall had gone up for pre-order already.

Very tempted by Wyrdhollow. First time in a while I've liked both warbands in a starter set. The Stormcast are very characterful and clean thunderstrike sculpts, and the Tzeentch are just weird in the best way.

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