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With concern to Drukhari ever since folks started custom kharadron armies with votann kits I've been thinking about doing an Idoneth army using drukhari kits and using their ships in place of certain beasts with a wooden spell jammer flying ship feel. 

Then I started really looking at their kits. Some are great and a few could use a glow up especially wyches. 

Idk if I'll go through with it or just hold off but I'm really needing to scratch that dark elf itch and current options in AoS just aren't doing it. 

Edited by Vasshpit
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1 hour ago, CDM said:

I can't understand the logic behind the Drukhari made to order. All current minis in the codex aren't they? I know they were pulled a while ago during a rotation but cannot understand if it's a space saving issue then why not just remake court of the archon in plastic as a big set? 

Some fantastic Jez Goodwin miniatures in there. I'll definitely pick some up but not sure of this practise. Other removals seemed to make more sense than this.

Still waiting on Duke Sliscus, Lady Malys, Baron Sathonyx and Kheradruakh to get models!

The timing is definitely interesting. It's pre-10th, so there's gunna be a lot of people on the fence on whether to bother getting these units or not, since they might not be any good. It may also be the last time we see many of these units in resin as they are all due for an update, and Drukhari haven't gotten much love since like 6th edition when they first came out, aside from a kit here and there. They are due for a big wave of minis to expand their range and lore. 

Watch, with the whole MTO thing being 180 days, that could mean that at 181 days we start seeing these kits in plastic :P

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23 hours ago, Neverchosen said:

I am glad you enjoyed my idea, I also think it puts Gorkamorka in a fun position of an almost mythic hero that has somehow been involved with these beings.

I guess this is a bit off topic in the rumour thread, but there's an issue here with Gorkamorka and the Chaos gods all being elemental rather than ascended gods. This seems to make them equally (un)natural since they have appeared in the same way.  Maybe it is the ascended gods who are natural, whereas the Chaos and Destruction gods are the unnatural ones? (Even more scandalously: maybe this means Gorkamorka should be counted as a Chaos god, deep down?) But I prefer your idea a lot to that, as running Chaos and Destruction together metaphysically muddies the waters between Chaos and Destruction again.

One thing is for sure though and that's that GW would to well to try to make more sense of the metaphysical/theological/natural-historical fundamentals of the setting. The more questions we get answers to here, the more interesting the setting gets. Really wish  they'd publish something that systematically addresses these types of issues: we are here because we are nerds and nerds want to understand how things work!

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12 hours ago, RileyArlic said:

1. Unless we hear it from Louise herself, everything is speculation. That said, we can draw a few conclusions based on what others have said.

1b. Peachy has been quite vocal about the idiocy within management, so we at least know there's a level of incompetence that has been driving talent away.

B. Instead of getting on the hate train for GW, support the talents that they decided not to. Louise, Peachy, Duncan, all fantastic channels. Give them a subscribe if nothing else.

Bb. The telling part for me is: YouTube and Patreon aren't very forgiving. They don't give health benefits, 401ks, etc. The fact these talents are choosing these platforms for their career does indeed suggest that either the policy or the pay (or both) at Games Workshop were not sufficient. 

%. GW is not a 'talent scouting company'. They're a miniature selling company. As much as it pains me that they're not properly crediting the creatives that work for them, I do also kind of understand. It's a corporate mentality. Look at what happened to Subway and Jared Fogle. Companies never know when a person they've 'elevated' will turn around and end up dragging the company down due to behavior, mistakes, history, or some other reason. GW doesn't make money off of the elevation of these talents, but here's the thing: All three of the 'big' names here, Duncan, Peachy, and Louise, are still making content that feeds into Games Workshop, be it talk shows, tutorials, or other things, as the majority of the things they paint/talk about is still GW product and news. 

So, am I upset for the talents involved? Yeah, my heart goes out to them, of course. I want to support them and I hope that GW finds a way to do better. 

Am I surprised at all by the outcome? No, not at all. 

Do I think GW will change? Eventually, yes. I think the true fallout of these events will take time to pan out and for GW to perceive hard numbers, either in viewership of their youtube or Warhammer+ content, social media outcry, or discontent at hosted events and tournaments. They're a slow turning ship, and whatever management of Warhammer Community has been causing this exodus of talent (painting talent is not necessarily easy to find tbh) is sure to change... eventually. 

It is not a hate train. It is just one more "isolated incident" where the dysfunctional corporate culture at GW embarrass them publicly. I won't support WH+ because it is badly run and produce little value. GW could pump money into it and create something special but they won't so I do not understand why I, who's already spending enough money on their games, need to go in and help support them. Has nothing to do with "hate", just good old fashioned capitalism. Create something of value and people will want to support you, create a half-arsed mess and people will go look elsewhere.

The funny part is that now Rogue Hobbies are up to 26k subs and about to hit 30k views on their 1st video. That is A LOT of people who could have been on WH+. It doesn't make WH+ look good either, come and work for us, just ignore the fact everyone wants to leave except our managers. GW is not unique though and I've seen some really dark stuff in the design industry where interns/junior designers are used up and manipulated by senior designers. Worst cases they're seen as free (or free-ish) workers.

So to be concrete, if I start hearing awesome stuff about working at GW and so on I will gladly open up my wallet. My criticism has always been levelled at management/corporate. This hobby is supposed to be fun and a positive aspect of our lives and it is up to them to live that side of their brand.

So on that note, I'd like to give massive shoutout to all of you who share your hobby with others (not just creators). In a sometimes gloomy world there's few things like good company and having a laugh together. Happy hobbying!

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You want some amazing Chaos Spawn or an insect based Beast of Chaos Army or even some wild looking Spites to proxy for Kurnoth Hunters, I think these will fit the bill!



Edited by Neverchosen
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30 minutes ago, Neverchosen said:

gonna be honest. there is something... morbidly funny about GW using someone's in-universe name for new Tyranids while IRL scrubbing credits of any names and generally using first-names-only in articles...


* Why are they called this? That’s a question for your local Magos Biologis – we don’t have the Inquisitorial clearance to let you know.

it also just. really annoying that this is clearly an Imperium-given name. can xenos not even keep the little that they get separate? LOVE the new addition, hate the name.

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31 minutes ago, CommissarRotke said:

gonna be honest. there is something... morbidly funny about GW using someone's in-universe name for new Tyranids while IRL scrubbing credits of any names and generally using first-names-only in articles...

it also just. really annoying that this is clearly an Imperium-given name. can xenos not even keep the little that they get separate? LOVE the new addition, hate the name.

There is precedent. Ymgarl(?) Genestealers. Parasite of Mortrex,.

I love the idea that things like the Parasite and the red terror were almost just wartime gossip (or were they!?) Test organisms that could be a mutated version of something more common, some may become stables of the hive fleets, some may become evolutionary dead ends.

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10 minutes ago, CDM said:

There is precedent. Ymgarl(?) Genestealers. Parasite of Mortrex,.

I love the idea that things like the Parasite and the red terror were almost just wartime gossip (or were they!?) Test organisms that could be a mutated version of something more common, some may become stables of the hive fleets, some may become evolutionary dead ends.

According to google, there was a Warhammer CCG card game with "Von Ryan's leapers". I assume its some inside joke or reference at GW. 


Here's the artwork for the card. 


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9 minutes ago, Gothmaug said:

According to google, there was a Warhammer CCG card game with "Von Ryan's leapers". I assume its some inside joke or reference at GW. 


Here's the artwork for the card. 


They were also mentioned as being an unconfirmed species in the 3rd and 4th edition Tyranid codex so they have been around for a bit, just GW doing another deep cut to older stuff like they've been prone to recently.

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2 hours ago, Neverchosen said:

You want some amazing Chaos Spawn or an insect based Beast of Chaos Army or even some wild looking Spites to proxy for Kurnoth Hunters, I think these will fit the bill!



I've been waiting for a cool Lictor since years. I don#t even collect Nids but I always wanted one. These new guys are cool but Lictor or bust! 

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Alright let's do new Calendar predictions! 

Outstanding major capstone releases arriving before 10th. We now know whats arriving on the 22nd and rumors are now saying 10th might have a 3 week pre-order starting as soon as the last week of May. 

Seraphon Box
Seraphon Release (?)
Seasons of War - Gallet (?) it was pictured before the Seraphon tome in the road map. 


BoC vs KO

Combat Patrol - World Eaters (GW as soon as yesterday said it was arriving in a few weeks.)

There's a bunch of other things on the release list but usually they are accompanied by other releases (Horus Heresy) and others that haven't been previewed or said to be releases prior 10th Ed. 

April 22nd - Seraphon Box Set
April 29th - Kill Team / Combat Patrol: World Eaters
May 6th - Wyrdhollow
May 13th -  (?) 40k Release of some sort. Maybe Farsight and Snikrot?
May 20th - ?
May 27th - ?
June 3rd - Warhammer 40k 10th Edition 3 week pre-order begins. 

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3 hours ago, Neverchosen said:

You want some amazing Chaos Spawn or an insect based Beast of Chaos Army or even some wild looking Spites to proxy for Kurnoth Hunters, I think these will fit the bill!



That name made me think of: 


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1 hour ago, KingBrodd said:

Gotta be honest, not that taken by the new Nid.

What's weird for me is it steps on so many toes for the faction. Stealthy pack hunters that attack from the shadows? Genestealers already exist. Small elite melee unit? We already have warriors and raveners. Not to mention the obvious fact that appearance wise it's just a smaller and slightly less interesting looking version of the lictor. 

The unit doesn't fill any new niche or bring something exciting to the faction, it just seems to be the next in a long line of units designed to invalidate existing units that people already own. 

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42 minutes ago, DinoJon said:

Alright let's do new Calendar predictions! 

Outstanding major capstone releases arriving before 10th. We now know whats arriving on the 22nd and rumors are now saying 10th might have a 3 week pre-order starting as soon as the last week of May. 

Seraphon Box
Seraphon Release (?)
Seasons of War - Gallet (?) it was pictured before the Seraphon tome in the road map. 


BoC vs KO

Combat Patrol - World Eaters (GW as soon as yesterday said it was arriving in a few weeks.)

There's a bunch of other things on the release list but usually they are accompanied by other releases (Horus Heresy) and others that haven't been previewed or said to be releases prior 10th Ed. 

April 22nd - Seraphon Box Set
April 29th - Kill Team / Combat Patrol: World Eaters
May 6th - Wyrdhollow
May 13th -  (?) 40k Release of some sort. Maybe Farsight and Snikrot?
May 20th - ?
May 27th - ?
June 3rd - Warhammer 40k 10th Edition 3 week pre-order begins. 

You forgot the 4th warcry box. 

Really hope this sunday has the lizards army box announcement. 

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9 minutes ago, Grimrock said:

What's weird for me is it steps on so many toes for the faction. Stealthy pack hunters that attack from the shadows? Genestealers already exist. Small elite melee unit? We already have warriors and raveners. Not to mention the obvious fact that appearance wise it's just a smaller and slightly less interesting looking version of the lictor. 

The unit doesn't fill any new niche or bring something exciting to the faction, it just seems to be the next in a long line of units designed to invalidate existing units that people already own. 

Specialised versions of X and Y is fairly standard for the Nids though. There used to be even more in previous iterations. This one, based on the trailers, seem to be specialised in cracking open thicker eggs than the standard Lictor variant.

Edited by pnkdth
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9 hours ago, pnkdth said:

It is not a hate train. It is just one more "isolated incident" where the dysfunctional corporate culture at GW embarrass them publicly. I won't support WH+ because it is badly run and produce little value. GW could pump money into it and create something special but they won't so I do not understand why I, who's already spending enough money on their games, need to go in and help support them. Has nothing to do with "hate", just good old fashioned capitalism. Create something of value and people will want to support you, create a half-arsed mess and people will go look elsewhere.

The funny part is that now Rogue Hobbies are up to 26k subs and about to hit 30k views on their 1st video. That is A LOT of people who could have been on WH+. It doesn't make WH+ look good either, come and work for us, just ignore the fact everyone wants to leave except our managers. GW is not unique though and I've seen some really dark stuff in the design industry where interns/junior designers are used up and manipulated by senior designers. Worst cases they're seen as free (or free-ish) workers.

So to be concrete, if I start hearing awesome stuff about working at GW and so on I will gladly open up my wallet. My criticism has always been levelled at management/corporate. This hobby is supposed to be fun and a positive aspect of our lives and it is up to them to live that side of their brand.

So on that note, I'd like to give massive shoutout to all of you who share your hobby with others (not just creators). In a sometimes gloomy world there's few things like good company and having a laugh together. Happy hobbying!

All great points! And I agree, the issue is with the corporate side of things. It's a bizarre give-and-take, because companies that embrace the sort of creative side, free thinking, and whatnot, often fail because of really simple and basic stuff, like not bothering to hire lawyers when it's needed, or failing due to budget issues as they overspend on ideas that don't pan out or on fluff that serves little purpose. Being 'corporate' means being efficient in some senses, cutting out waste and protecting yourself against lawsuits while maintaining a strict level of growth.

Where creatives and corpos butt heads, sparks fly, as we've seen with the presenters leaving GW. Either GW will figure it out, or they wont. I hope they do, so they can start changing course. With as long as it takes them to change things, maybe by the end of 10th ed 40k we'll see some positive changes and WH+ will either have been abandoned or grow into something worth more than just the miniature they throw in. 

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3 hours ago, CommissarRotke said:

gonna be honest. there is something... morbidly funny about GW using someone's in-universe name for new Tyranids while IRL scrubbing credits of any names and generally using first-names-only in articles...

it also just. really annoying that this is clearly an Imperium-given name. can xenos not even keep the little that they get separate? LOVE the new addition, hate the name.

Yeah, a bit odd. The fact that even "Tyranid" comes from the fact that the first planet they ate was "Tyran". Like, you couldn't go with the real reason, with Tyranid being based off of the core word Tyrant? Then you've got Parasite of Mortrex, Doom of Malan'Tai, Red Terror, Ol' One Eye, Screamer Killers, and now Von Ryan's Leapers. They hit really different than Biovore, Hormagaunt, Lictor, Carnifex...

We'll see if we get a more appropriate species name added on later. 

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53 minutes ago, DinoJon said:

Alright let's do new Calendar predictions! 

Outstanding major capstone releases arriving before 10th. We now know whats arriving on the 22nd and rumors are now saying 10th might have a 3 week pre-order starting as soon as the last week of May. 

Seraphon Box
Seraphon Release (?)
Seasons of War - Gallet (?) it was pictured before the Seraphon tome in the road map. 


BoC vs KO

Combat Patrol - World Eaters (GW as soon as yesterday said it was arriving in a few weeks.)

There's a bunch of other things on the release list but usually they are accompanied by other releases (Horus Heresy) and others that haven't been previewed or said to be releases prior 10th Ed. 

April 22nd - Seraphon Box Set
April 29th - Kill Team / Combat Patrol: World Eaters
May 6th - Wyrdhollow
May 13th -  (?) 40k Release of some sort. Maybe Farsight and Snikrot?
May 20th - ?
May 27th - ?
June 3rd - Warhammer 40k 10th Edition 3 week pre-order begins. 


10 minutes ago, Ogregut said:

You forgot the 4th warcry box. 

Really hope this sunday has the lizards army box announcement. 

Really hoping alongside the 4th Warcry box we get the single release Warband like Legionaires to make up 10 units.

I really, really want it to be Destruction.

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9 minutes ago, RileyArlic said:

Yeah, a bit odd. The fact that even "Tyranid" comes from the fact that the first planet they ate was "Tyran". Like, you couldn't go with the real reason, with Tyranid being based off of the core word Tyrant? Then you've got Parasite of Mortrex, Doom of Malan'Tai, Red Terror, Ol' One Eye, Screamer Killers, and now Von Ryan's Leapers. They hit really different than Biovore, Hormagaunt, Lictor, Carnifex...

We'll see if we get a more appropriate species name added on later. 

it does look like Doom of Malan'tai at least has an Eldar nickname! if GW offered up more xenos nicknames for the Tyranids like this, I'd have much less of an issue. but it filters into 40k's larger problem of GW saying "everyone is equally bad uwu" while treating the Imperium as a de facto protagonist.


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