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2 minutes ago, JerekKruger said:

I like him (well, them). The first one looks a little less cool, but I suspect it might be a bad angle.

First one kinda looks like he's sitting on the fanciest loo ever and reading his space ball.... it figures that in AoS even the toilets are totally wack.

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1 minute ago, Twisted Firaun said:

Probably, I mean looking at the lore for all of Tzeentch's dedicated warriors and "heroes" across Warhammer it's clear to see that the guy loves to stab himself in the back.

"shhh, it'z all part of teh plan, bro" 

Come to think of it, I'm sure there are drug dealers that are more trustworthy than our lord. 🤯

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1 hour ago, Kronos said:

Ok, I really like the seer Palanquin and staff, but the way the Seeris sat and standing feels odd to me. I would have like to have seen him standing a bit more dynamic, or sat like the slann, or perched off the front. To me, it feels like he’s commuting. Still getting one of course 😅



It puts its staff into a trigger in the palanquin afaik, that’s what causes the weird pose.

I don’t like the poses either, they look unnatural and stiff. :)

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Very exciting!!

I'm a LITTLE bit miffed that I literally JUST ordered the resin starseer, but I have a plan for it.

I'll take the old resin one and a blot toad and stick the toad onto the palanquin as a 'baby slaan'...

But anyway, very exciting to have an updated plastic model. A few people I've seen have taken a real close look at the body, it could be possible to get two skinks out of this one kit, depending on how it goes together. Might be a torso piece that needs to find a replacement or something, but I figure if you've gotten the Carnosaur or regular skinks from elsewhere, that'll be a non-issue to get an extra skink priest!

Now, this is where my pessimism is gunna show a little bit.

You see, I'm a long-time Chaos Marine player, and I'm very familiar with how GW have a strange tendency to trip right before the finish line. Now, I know there's still quite a few seraphon-likely rumor engines yet to be revealed, and that kroxigor and cold one riders are very likely to get the update treatment as well, BUT... I just have a funny feeling that if I get my hopes up I'll be disappointed, and that one of those kits is going to remain in resin for another 5 years. 

The Starseer in resin was a younger kit than either the kroxigor or the cold one riders by far, and it gets the update... so what have we not seen yet? I'm sure it'll be fine, but having 3rd edition Chaos Bikers still desperately needing new life, I can't help but worry. 

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I don't think we'll be getting new Saurus Knights. We've seen the Salamander, the Astrolith bearer, and I absolutely expect us to get some kind of massive dinosaur centerpiece. Going by Whitefang's "Now pick 4" post, I think it comes down to Kroxigors or Knights. Kroxigors are resin, there's the rumor engine (could be Sunblood/Gor-Rok, but doubt it), and it just makes sense to me that they would want to show one from each 'caste' in this new release.

Saurus Knights have not stood the age of time, not at all. I have a soft spot for them because I remember them being such a massive upgrade over the previous riders. And like the Saurus Temple Guard, I admire how closely they made them fit with the preexisting Saurus Warriors. Now that those are going away the Knights and Guard are going to look even more out of place, but alas. I just don't think we'll see two cavalry units in the same wave. 

What I can totally see, however, is a Saurus Scar-Veteran on Cold One being released. The current model is part resin and so probably not long for this world. This could be a first peak at what a future Knight revamp might look like, while satisfying the previously given hint we got from the Ogor hunter. It would also fill the Seraphon's quota of the "lord-on-mount" requirement that every new army seems to have: Stormcast, Nighthaunt, Ossiarchs, Lumineth, Gravelords, Kruleboyz, and so on.

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9 minutes ago, Magnusaur said:

I don't think we'll be getting new Saurus Knights. We've seen the Salamander, the Astrolith bearer, and I absolutely expect us to get some kind of massive dinosaur centerpiece. Going by Whitefang's "Now pick 4" post, I think it comes down to Kroxigors or Knights. Kroxigors are resin, there's the rumor engine (could be Sunblood/Gor-Rok, but doubt it), and it just makes sense to me that they would want to show one from each 'caste' in this new release.

Saurus Knights have not stood the age of time, not at all. I have a soft spot for them because I remember them being such a massive upgrade over the previous riders. And like the Saurus Temple Guard, I admire how closely they made them fit with the preexisting Saurus Warriors. Now that those are going away the Knights and Guard are going to look even more out of place, but alas. I just don't think we'll see two cavalry units in the same wave. 


i think they have to update the cold ones... they are just so bad looking.   i want a massive dinosaur, (i care more about models than the games, even back when i played a lot) but i just cant let the cold one riders go...the original 6e ones IMHO, did look better and the lustria update to the current ones was just ... sad.  they looked bad when they were released.


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7 hours ago, Matrindur said:

As far as I can see the two Skinks use different arms (and staff), legs and heads so as long as there are also two torsos inside you could build a Starseer with the seated Skink and use the standing version as a Skink Priest on foot

If not, just use a random skink for the body.

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I was just thinking whitefang vaguely hinted at FEC getting more units. Could that possibly mean that they are getting mixed in with SBGL? Technically they would be getting new units? 

SBGL could use the addition of some more melee centered units and they already use Vargheists and the Vargskyr…. Plus the Vyrkos units are almost in between SBGL and FEC. 

Curious to what y’all think?

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Anyone care to speculate about the three remaining Seraphon rumour engines?2022-05-10(1).jpg.7b34d92e75ad72c3036115d1c81e15f7.jpg2023-01-31.jpg.1a677ea85d6a7b404d3efea31e6313a7.jpg2023-02-07.jpg.1dff3c9ef494b775045b55abe3bbdb74.jpg

One of them is almost certainly Kroxigor but the others definitely aren't. I would say that means we are pretty well guaranteed at least two more reveals. The large feathers look like they are from a banner. Could this be Saurus Knights? The spear is similar to the ones the chameleons have but longer and more ornate. Maybe another hero, riding on a big monster? 

We have one more that everyone though was Farsight but isn't. If it's Seraphon it looks like another hero weapon.2022-10-11.jpg.ada38aa5c86f64cd7566f0920a5ecb48.jpg

Interesting times ahead. At least 8 new kits plus Kroak and the Chameleons adds up to a pretty substantial update for the Seraphon.


Edited by Chikout
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I think there's a chance the spear is simply an alternative loadout for the new Saurus Warriors. Feathers could be for a new Skink (Feather) Priest, a resin model that inexplicably survived the End Times while its three counterparts didn't. Club does look a bit spindly for Kroxigors, but we don't know the exact scale. 

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This release is actually much bigger than I anticipated already. Anything extra is just a treat!, yes a big dinosaur would be cool, personally I don’t mind if we miss out on cold ones because of Raptodons. What I’m also interested in is the stuff not coming this release, the special characters, the Warcry warbands, the random “Skink Chiefs and Saurus Veterans” that will come out during gamesdays and events over the new few years. Or They could even do a bit of a Lumineth and release a whole bunch of kits in a year or two to tie in with Old World. 

Inevitably we will get “Just a hero” with a few units of Seraphon in a battle box. I hope to Huanchi that they Decide to do a Chameleon Skink Character, or rather, Bring back oxyotl.

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Someone on the Seraphon FB group replied to a thread saying something along the lines of  "expect the full range to be released in August". 


I hope it's not true but it wouldn't overly surprise me if we get an army box late May/June and then have to wait a month or so for all the models to come out. 


I hope this isn't the case as I'm already impatient enough and plus I need to work on my new stuff before the late summer tournaments. 

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Would love to see a new special character—maybe a kroxigor ancient with his skink buddy on his shoulder, casting spells or firing off blowpipe shots while he wrecks stuff with his club—but I can't really see it happening. 

I think this seraphon wave was motivated largely by the fact that there are now many high-quality space-Aztec-themed lizardmen miniatures available from STLs and 3rd party manufacturers. If so, GW will want to ensure that every seraphon entry in the battletome has a high-quality plastic model so people don't resort to proxies. For this reason I think every Finecast model in the old battletome will either be replaced, consolidated (e.g. sunblood & oldblood combined into one warscroll) , or removed. I don't think GW will add any other new entries to the battletome (aside from maybe unique characters) because seraphon have a wide range already.

So, I think the only stuff left to spoil is new kroxigors, cold one riders, and maybe an oldblood on foot with different weapon options. When combined with everything else, it still amounts to one of the biggest updates this game has ever seen.


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1 hour ago, Magnusaur said:

I don't think we'll be getting new Saurus Knights. We've seen the Salamander, the Astrolith bearer, and I absolutely expect us to get some kind of massive dinosaur centerpiece. Going by Whitefang's "Now pick 4" post, I think it comes down to Kroxigors or Knights. Kroxigors are resin, there's the rumor engine (could be Sunblood/Gor-Rok, but doubt it), and it just makes sense to me that they would want to show one from each 'caste' in this new release.

Saurus Knights have not stood the age of time, not at all. I have a soft spot for them because I remember them being such a massive upgrade over the previous riders. And like the Saurus Temple Guard, I admire how closely they made them fit with the preexisting Saurus Warriors. Now that those are going away the Knights and Guard are going to look even more out of place, but alas. I just don't think we'll see two cavalry units in the same wave. 

What I can totally see, however, is a Saurus Scar-Veteran on Cold One being released. The current model is part resin and so probably not long for this world. This could be a first peak at what a future Knight revamp might look like, while satisfying the previously given hint we got from the Ogor hunter. It would also fill the Seraphon's quota of the "lord-on-mount" requirement that every new army seems to have: Stormcast, Nighthaunt, Ossiarchs, Lumineth, Gravelords, Kruleboyz, and so on.

As someone who bought a metal Terradon as his first GW model, I am really excited for this release. I do have to say, and acknowledge its a big statement, that if Kroxigor and Saurus Knights BOTH aren't redone, I will have a hard time with the release as a whole. They just need it so badly.

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11 minutes ago, Austin said:

As someone who bought a metal Terradon as his first GW model, I am really excited for this release. I do have to say, and acknowledge its a big statement, that if Kroxigor and Saurus Knights BOTH aren't redone, I will have a hard time with the release as a whole. They just need it so badly.

Kroxigors are one of the 4 Pillars of Lizardmen Society. Slann, Saurus, Skinks, Kroxigors. Everything else is just additional but those 4 were made by the Old Ones very intentionally. Would be odd to forgo them, that and Whitefang has openly commented on them. And his word is better than Gold.

Coldone on the other Hand are odd, it’s only really been since Sixth Edition that Saurus were given Coldone Mounts. Prior to that it was only Skinks that rode them, and their more intelligent Kin the Horned ones. Stylistically, it’s more old Hammer for Saurus to be a Mainstay on foot, Kroxigors to be monstrous Infantry, and for Skinks to be adaptable between skirmishers, riders and large blocks of Infantry. 






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Interesting perspective with the Oldhammer vision for Lizardmen. The new Spawn of Chotec definitely feels like a throwback to earlier days. I would love to see new Cold One riders. I can't even imagine how incredible they would look, but as stated above, I'm not holding my breath.

So far the only truly new thing we've seen are the Raptadons. I have to assume there'll be some more additions so it's not just 1-for-1 remakes. Kroxigors will probably be revamped. Would love to see a version with the cestus weapons from Total War. But other than that, what kind of new options could we be looking at?

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46 minutes ago, Kronos said:

Kroxigors are one of the 4 Pillars of Lizardmen Society. Slann, Saurus, Skinks, Kroxigors. Everything else is just additional but those 4 were made by the Old Ones very intentionally. Would be odd to forgo them, that and Whitefang has openly commented on them. And his word is better than Gold.

Coldone on the other Hand are odd, it’s only really been since Sixth Edition that Saurus were given Coldone Mounts. Prior to that it was only Skinks that rode them, and their more intelligent Kin the Horned ones. Stylistically, it’s more old Hammer for Saurus to be a Mainstay on foot, Kroxigors to be monstrous Infantry, and for Skinks to be adaptable between skirmishers, riders and large blocks of Infantry. 






Mostly accurate. It is true that skinks rode Cold Ones, but they were the Great Crested Skinks specifically called out as bigger and stronger than normal Skinks in 5th edition in 1997. 

As I type that, man I am old.

Edit for typo.

Edited by Austin
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Most of the Soulbound books (including the core) are currently on sale at DriveThruRPG if you are still on the fence, it's a pretty fun role-playing game and it's worth it just for the lore.



Edited by Talas
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6 hours ago, DinoJon said:

Someone on the Seraphon FB group replied to a thread saying something along the lines of  "expect the full range to be released in August". 


I hope it's not true but it wouldn't overly surprise me if we get an army box late May/June and then have to wait a month or so for all the models to come out. 


I hope this isn't the case as I'm already impatient enough and plus I need to work on my new stuff before the late summer tournaments. 

Oh gosh. Imagine it.. We get the 'launch box' for seraphon in June and then have to wait till after all the 10th hype has died out by end of August to get the rest of the Seraphon release...

I, for one, would be LIVID. 

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