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model is nice but... dont like feathers going out of head, or future scifi thing brainwashing it or new skinks heads... but in general it is a dimetradon and much better than actual one.


ruleswise...... it has same stats as oldworld artillerys like empire one, and they hadnt been used never in all aos so it shows how terrible is. and being 4 hit 3 to wound means effect only has like 30% of happen, not counting rival save..... so dmg is useless and efect will happen once per game. hope it has other rules like +1 hit if skinks are alive and shots 2 times if dont move

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2 minutes ago, StarFyreXXX said:

If there's anything else today, I'll guess kroxigors

Nothing more today since they already sent out the marketing mail.

If they keep up the two week cycle of new Seraphon it would be 6 more reveals until end of May. If some of them are dual builds (Razordon in two weeks maybe?) and they show off a launch box on one of them, that would be 3-4 more kits. Together with the 5 we already have that would be a total of 8-9 which seems right for what they said in the initial stream

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20 minutes ago, Gothmaug said:

Why did they give the "salamander" feathery gills? Its basically a Dimetrodon dinosaur with neonate salamander gills, and a tiny seraphon helmet. Its just a weird combo. Then again i'm a herpetologist (biologist who studies reptiles and amphibians), so maybe it just pokes my inner logic circuit in my brain.

Hey a fellow biologist!

I think the gills was to give some node to the salamander part of it (or that this is the sucessor of the old salamanders) as without it is pretty much a dimetrodon with some frills on the head. 

Edited by Arzalyn
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15 minutes ago, Arzalyn said:

Hey a fellow biologist!

I think the gills was to give some node to the salamander part of it (or that this is the sucessor of the old salamanders) as without it is pretty much a dimetrodon with some frills on the head. 

I assume the old "Salamander" label from the Old World was in relation to the mythical salamander of British lore that is born from fire. Probably a real life anecdotal tale based on someone tossing a damp log on a fire, and an actual real salamander crawling out to escape the flame. Same with the old "toads are born of dung" belief of the middle ages (toads can hibernate in warm dung piles and pop out in the spring).

As for the new mini, those feathery gills are, well, gills. They imply a fully aquatic existence to the sculpt. They took a terrestrial creature (technically a non-mammalian synapsid, not a dinosaur) and stuck on aquatic larval salamander gills. makes my eye twitch 🤪


Which is why Ill just snip them off, and have a very nice Dimetrodon sculpt! 

Edited by Gothmaug
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I keep looking at the kit and I see how easy it would be to have a dual kit option for the razordons. The head and back spine looks easily swapped out and the gills look pretty optional. 

Here's hoping. Is there any precedent for GW showing off only one version of a kit at first? 

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33 minutes ago, Gothmaug said:

As for the new mini, those feathery gills are, well, gills. They imply a fully aquatic existence to the sculpt. They took a terrestrial creature (technically a non-mammalian synapsid, not a dinosaur) and stuck on aquatic larval salamander gills. makes my eye twitch 🤪

My brother-in-Sigmar, there are literally half-dog half-eagles in the mortal realms.


I think it's safe to say that biological accuracy is not at the top of the list for GW 😉


Edited by Neil Arthur Hotep
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26 minutes ago, Gothmaug said:

As for the new mini, those feathery gills are, well, gills. They imply a fully aquatic existence to the sculpt. They took a terrestrial creature (technically a non-mammalian synapsid, not a dinosaur) and stuck on aquatic larval salamander gills. makes my eye twitch 🤪


I feel you, I personally twinge whenever I see a theropod dinosaur sculpt with pronated arms, I'm looking at you Carnosaur. However I generally just try to remind myself these animals come from a different world and no matter how we might define them are definitely not dinosaurs/reptiles/whatever. 

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1 hour ago, Gothmaug said:

Why did they give the "salamander" feathery gills? Its basically a Dimetrodon dinosaur with neonate salamander gills, and a tiny seraphon helmet. Its just a weird combo. Then again i'm a herpetologist (biologist who studies reptiles and amphibians), so maybe it just pokes my inner logic circuit in my brain.



I really don't get it either, it could be an indication these beasties are semi-aquatic? But scientist brain aside, I love the vibe.

(worst comes to worst you could probably cut these off?)

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Being as its AoS those frills could be gills or they could be star-gills. Each night the lizards rise up onto their hind legs and spread their frills out; collecting in the magical energies that reflect off the moon. Harvesting the winds of magic to sustain themselves. 

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1 hour ago, DinoJon said:

Here's hoping. Is there any precedent for GW showing off only one version of a kit at first? 

Well they still haven't really shown off spear Saurus Warriors so wouldn't be surprised if other kits also have options they haven't shown yet

Edited by Matrindur
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2 hours ago, Jetlife said:

At first, I had a tough time feeling comfortable with a different head  frills compared to the other skinks. But the lore of them actually makes it pretty cool. 

I think having different sub species of skinks is actually a cool idea. 

I’ll admit I was in the minority that actually liked most of the old Seraphon sculpts and felt that it would be hard to really push the needle, but they have done an amazing job finding a unique design space to upgrade and improve these models. Every release I feel my self saying wow that’s the best Seraphon sculpt until I see the next one which then becomes my favorite.

So excited to se what comes next !

Came back to say this!! I've always liked Lizardmen for being so easy to paint, due to the almost infinite combination of colors and patterns that real world reptiles and amphibians (and dinos) have. It is about time the fantasy analogue for them tried doing the same; it will not only make it easier to distinguish skink handlers from your regular skinks, it will also expand the possibilities of a flagship Warhammer faction.

I collected a few pictures to see all of the different skinks near each other, the variety does feel better. Maybe we'll get a closed fin alternate head for the salamander, but if not, they're growing on me anyway.



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At first glance I wasn't a fan of the skinks, but they're growing on me real quick, I like the homage to Chotec and all that. Gives me hope that, like some of the other Gods of the Mortal Realms, we might see other representations of the seraphon gods as well. 

Honestly didn't expect the Salamander reveal at all; part of me felt still that they were going to be the one thing that gets squatted, but I'm happy for the extra variety and the fun details in this. It gives me hope for other things that aren't necessarily dinosaurs but that fit well into the range because of reptilian nature!

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48 minutes ago, KarrWolves said:

Who do we send money to to get some rules leaks now?

I accept  cheques, bank transfers and paypal! 

I can promise 100% authentic leaks directly from my official, unofficial source. 

Please note whilst the leaks are 100% authentic I cannot provide any guarantee that they will be factually accurate according to the "real world". 

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2 hours ago, KarrWolves said:

Who do we send money to to get some rules leaks now?

I have it on good authority the salamanders missile attack is 1 shot, 4+ to hit, 2+ to wound, - 2 rend and d6 damage. 

In addition, apply - 1 to save for rest of turn if attack causes any wounds. 

I accept PayPal, cash or models as payment 😜😜😜

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Very happy with this reveal. I think the laser pointer reference is kind of odd and would have liked the headpiece to be either a bit bigger or not there at all. I feel like the Skinks have been rather hit-and-miss so far, some really strange faces among the Raptadon riders, but overall they're growing on me. I think I actually love the idea of having a multitude of different Skink subspecies across the Seraphon range, almost like Squigs.

As other interpreters of the Great Plan have suggested, I wonder if we will see another reveal in two weeks time!

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