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Just now, madmac said:

KO Ships with Fyreslayer runes: Yuck

Flying FS with KO riggs: Yuck

I think you just don't get what people like about the existing dwarf armies...

"We must use fragments of our God to become closer to him, to reclaim what we have lost! For Grimnir and our forefathers!"

"The gods abandoned us! How dare you forsake Duardin ingenuity and craft for cheap magical parlor tricks! I spit on your Grimnir, ancestors, and their wayward children!"


"Anyway, can we put pieces of your blasphemous God in our ships?"

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3 minutes ago, madmac said:

KO Ships with Fyreslayer runes: Yuck

Flying FS with KO riggs: Yuck

I think you just don't get what people like about the existing dwarf armies...

I have 9k point of each so I doubt about that. I like duardins in general, not just existing armies. And I want option to see Grombrindal leading them all together. 

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1 minute ago, cofaxest said:

I have 9k point of each so I doubt about that. I like duardins in general, not just existing armies. And I want option to see Grombrindal leading them all together. 

I mean I like dwarfs too, and also elves, but you don't see me campaigning for Sylvaneth and LRL to get souped together because Tyrion is gonna get remarried to Alarielle or whatever.  I'm more than happy to enjoy different flavors as their own thing.

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1 minute ago, dirkdragonslayer said:

"We must use fragments of our God to become closer to him, to reclaim what we have lost! For Grimnir and our forefathers!"

"The gods abandoned us! How dare you forsake Duardin ingenuity and craft for cheap magical parlor tricks! I spit on your Grimnir, ancestors, and their wayward children!"


"Anyway, can we put pieces of your blasphemous God in our ships?"

First of all ur-gold is a part of Vulcatrix that contains spirit of Grimnir. Not all FS are using all ur-gold the same way. Some of them even bury it with their dead so if you will tell FS that putting ur-gold rune into the ship will increase the speed of releasing Grimnir's spirit and also will return Grimnir into the realms faster - this will work. 

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6 minutes ago, King Under the Mountain said:

Hero's are not what im referring to when I say support.  But I don't think we will reach an agreement on this, I prefer to keep my Fire Bearded and Sky-Faring Dwarfs separate and unless GW does a serious pivot, then they will stay that way. 

And I want to be clear again, I'm against it like you, just if that happens, is not the end of the world. Maybe KO, S2D or DoK (nah, DoK is impossible, they are the postergirls) get backfired losing stuff,  but FS, IDK or Boc will win with the soup, I'm pretty sure. Just look at FS, just 1 hero, pretty small book and in the depths of popularity in every sourvey I have ever seen (including one there, in TGA, a year or two ago)

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3 minutes ago, Ragest said:

And I want to be clear again, I'm against it like you, just if that happens, is not the end of the world. Maybe KO, S2D or DoK (nah, DoK is impossible, they are the postergirls) get backfired losing stuff,  but FS, IDK or Boc will win with the soup, I'm pretty sure. Just look at FS, just 1 hero, pretty small book and in the depths of popularity in every sourvey I have ever seen (including one there, in TGA, a year or two ago)

True, it would probably help Fireslayers because they lack unit diversity.

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3 minutes ago, madmac said:

I mean I like dwarfs too, and also elves, but you don't see me campaigning for Sylvaneth and LRL to get souped together because Tyrion is gonna get remarried to Alarielle or whatever.  I'm more than happy to enjoy different flavors as their own thing.

It's not the same thing. There is already a narative for duardins reunion. And as much as I like FS and KO with their own unique aspects, option for them to live and fight together also very tempting for me.  

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19 minutes ago, Ragest said:

FS, IDK or Boc will win with the soup, I'm pretty sure. Just look at FS, just 1 hero, pretty small book and in the depths of popularity in every sourvey I have ever seen (including one there, in TGA, a year or two ago)

You don't 'win' if your book is souped unless you brought over a lot of your models from WHFB and your books were split. IE an Ogre Kingdoms player probably didn't mind soup, because they will have had a mix of now-Gutbuster and Beastclaw Raider models.

But none really wins when it comes to soup in a way they couldn't already have won by just collecting both those armies. You get less lore, you get less mechanics, you potentially get less releases because "why are you complaining Ironjawz and Bonesplitterz didn't get any models? Warclan got a whole new line in Kruelboys!" 

Allies as an option are right there and some existing un-souped 'tomes even have options for it (Fyreslayers having benefits for <Duardin> with a certain WLT, etc) if somebody would prefer 'diversity' of options.

Being 'souped doesn't add anything to an army except some people no longer having to lug around an additional 'tome with their Allies in it. At best, nothing changes. 

Fyreslayers have a limited range and a small book? I don't mind. I quite like my 'tome being only Fyreslayers, with Fyreslayer lore, a full range of Fyreslayer traits, only Fyreslayer units to flick through, and Path To Glory all about my Fyreslayers. Would I love more models which aren't just foot Heroes? Absolutely, but being 'souped doesn't suddenly mean I'll run out and buy KO or Dispossessed to add to it, nor does it guarantee Fyreslayers will get any (Bonesplitterz players say Hello). 

Edited by Clan's Cynic
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Although the big request for hedonites is a mounted lord I am hoping that the rumoured hero for them is actually an archer, having a blissbarb themed hero would make them more interesting as chaos tends to lack a ranged hero and a character obsessed with "hunting" and "the perfect shot" would be neat. Maybe they can swap out arrows to apply different debuff poisons or allow blissbarbs to fire and fade.

GW seems to struggle with working out what slaanesh's niche is outside of going fast

Nurgle- High durability/slow/meat grinder playstyle/not a ton of normal damage but slowly wittle down through aoe mortals

Tzeench- high magic output, kind of a castle control, gibbering hordes keeping you back from their big spellcasters (suprised these guys were not the summoning army vs slaanesh)

Khorne- big damage, lots of attacks but middle rend, if they hit you you die, buffs stacking on kills. 

Slaanesh- at the moment is a middle speed (other armies are faster due to teleports) pushing towards a horde army at this rate with summoning and points drops

Personally I really want to see hedonites move more into a glass-canon midrange control army, have shoot then move on blissbarbs and seekers to keep enemy at bay and for most part refuse engagements by keeping out of range unless the hedonites chose, change depravity to be a goal that super charges army (dark elf murderous prowess from total warhammer) so the army plays hard to get for 1-2 turns then on 3rd turn once they have teased enough go in for kill when army reaches its depraved state. High ap with decent volume but never more than 1 damage (death by 1,000 cuts)

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3 minutes ago, Clan&#x27;s Cynic said:

You don't 'win' if your book is souped unless you brought over a lot of your models from WHFB and your books were split. IE an Ogre Kingdoms player probably didn't mind soup, because they will have had a mix of now-Gutbuster and Beastclaw Raider models.

But none really wins when it comes to soup in a way they couldn't already have won by just collecting both those armies. You get less lore, you get less mechanics, you potentially get less releases because "why are you complaining Ironjawz and Bonesplitterz didn't get any models? Warclan got a whole new line in Kruelboys!" 

Allies as an option are right there and some existing un-souped 'tomes even have options for it (Fyreslayers having benefits for <Duardin> with a certain WLT, etc) if somebody would prefer 'diversity' of options.

Being 'souped doesn't add anything to an army except some people no longer having to lug around an additional 'tome with their Allies in it. 

I'n not sold on the losing of lore when you have several ways to get that lore, not just tomes and with less tomes to launch there is more room for campaigns to happen. What do you prefer, the lore the factions got in their second edition tomes or the bits of lore or the books of broken realms? Same with mechanics, FS actually have 3 mechanics, one battle trait, one CA and one HA, you think they are going to lose them? Or maybe they will keep those mechanics and a complete new mechanic with a faction mix with KO?

The same for releases, IJ got the same mini releases than FS, one hero. We are not talking about the fear that FS/IDK/BoC are going to lose hughe releases with that, the fact is that they got nothing in 6 years anyway.

I think you are overreacting with what you imagine could happen, but don't know. Harlequin players cried for a couple of days aswell, now they are pretty happy.

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Hmm, lots of interesting takes. I think it's just one of those things that some people will be unhappy no matter what GW does.

Anyway, one of the issues I foresee is a simple one of mathematics. We have 3 editions of AoS about under our belts now.

Some factions are hold-overs from WHFB, like Orruks, Daughters of Khaine, Cities of Sigmar.
Some factions are brand new to AoS, like Idoneth Deepkin, Kharadron Overlords, and Lumineth Realmlords.
Some factions haven't gotten a single update in 3rd ed, aside from heroes and maybe spells, like Skaven and Beasts of Chaos.
And some factions have been nearly totally revamped, like Slaves to Darkness and upcoming Seraphon.

The main issue I see is that there are 24 factions in AoS that GW is trying to support with unique battletomes. In the course of an edition, GW seem set to update every single Battletome every edition, and the pattern is that at least 1 hero model comes out with a battletome to introduce new function and character within the faction. 

On the one hand, some factions could certainly use more heroes, like Hedonites of Slaanesh and mortal hero options, and depending on how big an update Seraphon get, they could need some more hero support in the years to come as well, so that's all fine and dandy.

Other factions have a GLUT of heroes. Stormcast Eternals have so many heroes they're tripping over themselves. Fyreslayers and Kharadron don't need heroes, they need more units, along with Daughters of Khaine and Idoneth Deepkin. Soulblight Gravelords and Flesh Eater Courts need old kits to get updated, not new heroes...

But if the pattern continues, more factions will have more heroes than they know what to do with and I could see some faction fans becoming really disenfranchised.

Imagine if we get through 4th edition and factions like Skaven and Beasts of Chaos get another 'one hero and nothing else' release...

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1 hour ago, King Under the Mountain said:

I will pass along an olive branch and say I would also love to see Grombrindal (or Grungi) centerpiece. 

Grombrindal model that is as good a priest as Gotrek is a fighter. And a LoftP-like duardin army in the next narrative campaign books, while the 'regular' factions remain separated as they have been so far. Would that work for people?

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To get things more on a Seraphon wave. 

With the rules shown off for the Astrolith Bearer, do we think they're going to keep most units as they currently are in the Battletome? Do we have hope for prayers, new spell lores or overhaul of older kits?

I'm minorly concerned about the older stuff like terradons/ripperdactyls not getting any update and left on the shelf for another edition.

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2 minutes ago, DinoJon said:

To get things more on a Seraphon wave. 

With the rules shown off for the Astrolith Bearer, do we think they're going to keep most units as they currently are in the Battletome? Do we have hope for prayers, new spell lores or overhaul of older kits?

I'm minorly concerned about the older stuff like terradons/ripperdactyls not getting any update and left on the shelf for another edition.

I would not be surprised if much didn't change yes. The new Saurus do look like they'll get +1 wound or +1 save, I hope. We'll have to see what the other new kits are tbqh.

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38 minutes ago, DinoJon said:

To get things more on a Seraphon wave. 

With the rules shown off for the Astrolith Bearer, do we think they're going to keep most units as they currently are in the Battletome? Do we have hope for prayers, new spell lores or overhaul of older kits?

I'm minorly concerned about the older stuff like terradons/ripperdactyls not getting any update and left on the shelf for another edition.

It looks more like a faq-book a la lumineth than a full rewrite. 

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