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1 hour ago, GenericEdgyName said:

YESSS another wish off the list, this is clearly a Kroxigor mace! They really are going to make this release perfect, aren't they? Now I just need confirmation of new saurus knights. Or a lumineth style second wave after a few months (jk, I'm not that greedy

I am honoured that I have become synonimous with seraphon hype like You are with hype for gargants and ogors, kind sir

Of course you are mate!! Im trying to budge in amongst all the broad shoulders and join the Trogg Herd as well!!

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1 hour ago, GenericEdgyName said:

YESSS another wish off the list, this is clearly a Kroxigor mace! They really are going to make this release perfect, aren't they? Now I just need confirmation of new saurus knights. Or a lumineth style second wave after a few months (jk, I'm not that greedy

I am honoured that I have become synonimous with seraphon hype like You are with hype for gargants and ogors, kind sir

I truly love how some amongst our number have become linked with our factions of choice. Whether it be @KingBrodd and his love of all things destruction, @MitGas and Tzeentch, the lady @Enoby's love of Slaanesh, or myself and LONG LOST NEHEKHARA!!!! It makes us all seem a bit more than just a bunch of people who will probably never meet face to face. Also, go ahead and be as greedy as Teclis man. The guy literally created two different factions of aelves and still wants more, the Seraphon, Duardin, Cities, khara even the Skaven deserve that same amount of love and then some (To say nothing about the Tomb Kings). 

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@Twisted Firaun Skaven got robbed with their release. Even though they are Lustria's most hated enemy, they deserve to look as nice as the rest of Age of Sigmar. 

I'm hoping Skaven get a big wave redo like Seraphon in the near future. 

I'm hoping in my heart of hearts for the Warhammer Fantasy Anniversary they're gonna re-release the plastic Tomb Kings and Bretonnian kits for a limited time. 

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The thing about a big wave redo is that it is very taxing on GW's production capacity. I'd have loved to see Skaven get one for sure, but with all the game lines and armies they are supporting, there's only so many new molds they can make per edition, let alone per year. On the other hand, this doesn't mean that Skaven are off the list--just that they were deemed lower priority for whatever reason. I would wager we absolutely do see a huge refresh of them, just later on, when the stuff like Seraphon and Cities/Dawnbringers that GW has put ahead in the pipeline no longer needs the production capacity as much. Cold comfort, I know. But I find thinking about it in these terms at least helps me set expectations that are less likely to be disappointed.

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I wonder what the new Kroxigors will look like. Forgeworld made an "updated" model for bloodbowl that looks like an updated version of the older kit, and a named kroxigor, Glotl Stop that looks a bit more like a crocodile. I hope they make them more crocodile like, to help differentiate them from saurus, since the original design is basically a bigger saurus.

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2 hours ago, Thalassic Monstrosity said:

I know it's most likely Kroxigors, but this does look like the Mace of Ulamak. Yeah Sunbloods are a thing but how funny would it be if it was from a new Gor-rok model? Dude just face-tanks the apocalypse and shows up like "Yo".

I think the small diameter of the pole implies the rock is relatively big. As in Kroxigor big :D

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1 hour ago, DinoJon said:

@Twisted Firaun Skaven got robbed with their release. Even though they are Lustria's most hated enemy, they deserve to look as nice as the rest of Age of Sigmar. 

I'm hoping Skaven get a big wave redo like Seraphon in the near future. 

I'm hoping in my heart of hearts for the Warhammer Fantasy Anniversary they're gonna re-release the plastic Tomb Kings and Bretonnian kits for a limited time. 

BY LONG LOST NEHEKHARA GW EMPLOYEES READING THIS THREAD! PLEASE BRING BACK THE 8TH EDITION KITS!!!! I went on eBay yesterday and saw that someone was craven enough to sell an empty Warsphinx box for 75 dollars!!!! If Tomb Kings don't come back soon, I'm going to go to my fallback plan(s): Finishing my first dark fantasy novel based off the Middle East/Asia, or the Egyptian based souls borne game.... WHICHEVER COMES FIRST!!!!!

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55 minutes ago, RocketPropelledGrenade said:

The thing about a big wave redo is that it is very taxing on GW's production capacity. I'd have loved to see Skaven get one for sure, but with all the game lines and armies they are supporting, there's only so many new molds they can make per edition, let alone per year. On the other hand, this doesn't mean that Skaven are off the list--just that they were deemed lower priority for whatever reason. I would wager we absolutely do see a huge refresh of them, just later on, when the stuff like Seraphon and Cities/Dawnbringers that GW has put ahead in the pipeline no longer needs the production capacity as much. Cold comfort, I know. But I find thinking about it in these terms at least helps me set expectations that are less likely to be disappointed.

Their production pipeline is an enigma. AoS 3 hasn't really had that many releases compared to older editions. aos2 had stormcast, nighthaunt, Gitz, Khorne/Slaanesh daemons (I think?), OBR, Slaanesh mortals, Lumineth, Sons of Behemat, Lumineth 2 & Soulblight. Thats like 8-10 releases, not counting solo hero releases.


We're currently halfway through AoS3 and we've had 3. Stormcast, Kruleboyz, and StD, with 2 more on the way in Seraphon and Dawnbringers. If we're lucky we might get up to 7 releases by aos4.

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16 minutes ago, Ganigumo said:

Their production pipeline is an enigma. AoS 3 hasn't really had that many releases compared to older editions. aos2 had stormcast, nighthaunt, Gitz, Khorne/Slaanesh daemons (I think?), OBR, Slaanesh mortals, Lumineth, Sons of Behemat, Lumineth 2 & Soulblight. Thats like 8-10 releases, not counting solo hero releases.


We're currently halfway through AoS3 and we've had 3. Stormcast, Kruleboyz, and StD, with 2 more on the way in Seraphon and Dawnbringers. If we're lucky we might get up to 7 releases by aos4.

2e was almost entirely pre-COVID. That we've gotten as much as we have is probably because some of it was put into place before 2020 happened, and we're still suffering the effects of the pandemic because of long production times.

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8 minutes ago, Ganigumo said:

Their production pipeline is an enigma. AoS 3 hasn't really had that many releases compared to older editions. aos2 had stormcast, nighthaunt, Gitz, Khorne/Slaanesh daemons (I think?), OBR, Slaanesh mortals, Lumineth, Sons of Behemat, Lumineth 2 & Soulblight. Thats like 8-10 releases, not counting solo hero releases.


We're currently halfway through AoS3 and we've had 3. Stormcast, Kruleboyz, and StD, with 2 more on the way in Seraphon and Dawnbringers. If we're lucky we might get up to 7 releases by aos4.

Thing is I don't see that as a bad thing, AoS 2nd did a lot of putting out groundwork for the game. Obviously we have factions that need updated kits and factions that need new units and characters, but AoS has been really building out what we do have.

Look at OBR, the came out of nowhere and got 11 new kits (13 including the terrain and endless spells), plus an Underworlds warband and adopting Morghast from Legions of Nagash. Add in the fact that some of those kits build multiple options and they're arguably not in a place that needs much more. There's an argument for archers, and I'm sure GW have half a dozen characters designed for them to release in future. But there's plenty that can be done with what's already been released for them.

Likewise Gloomspite, plenty of us are annoyed they're not getting a full Gitmob refresh but at the same time they were in a very good place miniature wise at the end of 2nd and building on that in 3rd is a happy bonus.

And whilst I'll never argue that the Skaven or BoC don't deserve an update, both factions have a decent number of options, with them really mostly just needing old models replaced. And I think they will. It might not be this edition but I think it will happen.

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Kroxigors were thr first model I saw and I immediately went wow. My cousin was collecting lizardmen and had a white dwarf (or something) and I was looking at the model and the price was listed in the back I think. Asked immediately to start collecting (didn't happen for another 3-4 years lol)

Bout time they had a new model! Although I would like them to keep the oversized saurus upright build and not the bloodbowl build! Great model but just a personal preference

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3 hours ago, Twisted Firaun said:

I truly love how some amongst our number have become linked with our factions of choice. Whether it be @KingBrodd and his love of all things destruction, @MitGas and Tzeentch, the lady @Enoby's love of Slaanesh, or myself and LONG LOST NEHEKHARA!!!! It makes us all seem a bit more than just a bunch of people who will probably never meet face to face. Also, go ahead and be as greedy as Teclis man. The guy literally created two different factions of aelves and still wants more, the Seraphon, Duardin, Cities, khara even the Skaven deserve that same amount of love and then some (To say nothing about the Tomb Kings). 

Poor Tzeentch getting associated with an idiot like me... well, I guess he deserves it since he's a ****** of cosmic proportions himself. xD

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3 hours ago, CDM said:

Kroxigors were thr first model I saw and I immediately went wow. My cousin was collecting lizardmen and had a white dwarf (or something) and I was looking at the model and the price was listed in the back I think. Asked immediately to start collecting (didn't happen for another 3-4 years lol)

Bout time they had a new model! Although I would like them to keep the oversized saurus upright build and not the bloodbowl build! Great model but just a personal preference

Yeah I'd say they will be very different from any modern iteration of the creature concept we have seen in recent years

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4 hours ago, Vasshpit said:

I could see skaven being the other 4th edition starter box army with a big refresh. 

It is Chaos turn as the big bad and what a big bad that would be!! Either Skaven or BOC with all new minis in the starter!!

7 hours ago, Twisted Firaun said:

I truly love how some amongst our number have become linked with our factions of choice. Whether it be @KingBrodd and his love of all things destruction, @MitGas and Tzeentch, the lady @Enoby's love of Slaanesh, or myself and LONG LOST NEHEKHARA!!!! It makes us all seem a bit more than just a bunch of people who will probably never meet face to face. Also, go ahead and be as greedy as Teclis man. The guy literally created two different factions of aelves and still wants more, the Seraphon, Duardin, Cities, khara even the Skaven deserve that same amount of love and then some (To say nothing about the Tomb Kings). 

Here at TGA, we are one big happy supportive family and you my friend are one of if not the most synonymous with a Faction such as LONG LOST NEHEKHARA!!

23 minutes ago, Captaniser said:

Wild guess. They will be modeled after snapping turtles. Fits the theme of aquatic and terrestrial creature that are known for their bites and sudden bursts of Speed.  


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5 hours ago, Vasshpit said:

I could see skaven being the other 4th edition starter box army with a big refresh. 

I will make a guess and say that the next starter box will be Darkoath vs Cities of Sigmar. Chaos is going to be the next bad guy faction for the starter box, and Darkoath is in a weird spot now, decent amount of lore and hero models but nothing else to show. A good time to finally update marauders and expand on them. 

Cities were announced before WE, and we know next to nothing about them, a teaser once in a blue moon is all. This slow pace would align with a major release, since the Seraphon took the release spot many thought would be for CoS. A more human perspective has been requested for long, and a major box would fly off the shelves. 

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