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I just want to point out that Ossiarcs (IMO) are awesome LALALALA

Talking about Fyreslayers, they are really unique and easy to expand, but they all look the same. And for a game that the main selling point is looking at photos or a table in the club and say: "wtf, they  look awesome, I think that I will start another project", that's a BIG problem.

I can't believe that someone in GW accepted to do a 3-units army with a design that all three could be the same unit with diferent weapon loadouts.


P.D: Bring back our rune-smithing mechanic, plis! I want to FORGE my own weapons!


Edited by Beliman
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3 minutes ago, Beliman said:

Talking about Fyreslayers, they are really unique and easy to expand, but they all look the same.


Except for the Magmadroth part, which is what they should really lean into more. (And female Duardin of course). Just like Sylvaneth are a far cooler army now that they're leaning more into their insectoid side.

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10 hours ago, MitGas said:

but I find them to be one of the worst new armies GW put out and atrocious in comparison to every single other new skeletons we got since AoS/Underworlds (those other skeletons are all insanely good tho). Sometimes there's no need to reinvent the wheel. 

Oh my. Mortek Guard are perfect the way they are - they grin and, unlike Deathrattle Skeletons, refuse to bend in a strange way. They also look like a proper infantry, a disciplined military force - which is very in line with their fluff. These guys - and the Deathriders - are actually the best kits in the OBR range.

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2 minutes ago, Snarff said:

Except for the Magmadroth part, which is what they should really lean into more. (And female Duardin of course). Just like Sylvaneth are a far cooler army now that they're leaning more into their insectoid side.

It's really easy to expand to a lot of new themes. I will not lose more than 1 minut thinking about it:

  • Magmadroths/Monsters (theme)
    • Chariots with Mini-Droths/magma-spiders/whatever
    • Big monster (magma-turtle, ancient droth, etc...) with Howdah
    • Cavalry Mini-droths
    • Savage packs of mini-droth or any other magma-beast
  • Artillery (theme)
    • Magma-Cannon (maybe mobile artillery with droths?)
    • Juggernaut (old chariot-like battletank. with more fire!)
    • Scorpion/bolt thrower with chains and runes
    • Special weapon teams for basic units (multi-barrelled light artillery, mortars, magma-bombs)
    • Flamethrower-units (like that dude in the Hashut warband, but more dwarf-y)
  • Runes/Priests (theme)
    • Crazed-Vulkites// deformed dwarfs with chains and Iron-masks (ogre-size?)
    • War Altar of Grimnir
    • Legion of zealots/ High Templars (elite units with masks)
  • Mercenary/Regiments of renown (themes)
    • Specialized/customized fyrelsayers: Maneaters duardin-edition.
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51 minutes ago, Snarff said:

The current book is already good, the army just lacks options inherently. (...)



Which is true, and again, I would LOVE to see more units myself, but I still believe a lot of the army's problems could be solved by a better book design. Say, create strong power pairs between heroes and specific units. Or give Vulkites varied functions (shield-and-pick ones tunneling by themselves, anyone?). 

And this is something they should have done with the latest book, which, sure, it's a great update from the point of view of the existing FS players, but I don't think it's done much in order to be able to attract new ones.

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1 hour ago, Beliman said:

It's really easy to expand to a lot of new themes. I will not lose more than 1 minut thinking about it:

  • Magmadroths/Monsters (theme)
    • Chariots with Mini-Droths/magma-spiders/whatever
    • Big monster (magma-turtle, ancient droth, etc...) with Howdah
    • Cavalry Mini-droths
    • Savage packs of mini-droth or any other magma-beast
  • Artillery (theme)
    • Magma-Cannon (maybe mobile artillery with droths?)
    • Juggernaut (old chariot-like battletank. with more fire!)
    • Scorpion/bolt thrower with chains and runes
    • Special weapon teams for basic units (multi-barrelled light artillery, mortars, magma-bombs)
    • Flamethrower-units (like that dude in the Hashut warband, 

....something like this ?


Edited by Harioch
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40 minutes ago, Grungnisson said:

Which is true, and again, I would LOVE to see more units myself, but I still believe a lot of the army's problems could be solved by a better book design. Say, create strong power pairs between heroes and specific units. Or give Vulkites varied functions (shield-and-pick ones tunneling by themselves, anyone?). 

And this is something they should have done with the latest book, which, sure, it's a great update from the point of view of the existing FS players, but I don't think it's done much in order to be able to attract new ones.

We used to have that with batallions, and have it with conditional battlelines. All it did was restrict list building even further.

With there already being few options, forcing pairings like that reduces variation in lists a lot. You're forced to take certain heroes if you want to build certain troops and vice versa.

The problem is that every unit already has a clear role. Vulkites hold objectives in high numbers and are your cheap melee. Hearthguard are your more elite melee. Aurics are your more elite ranged. There just are not enough units to fill other roles. We don't have cavalry, artillery or any units with high movement. Or non elite ranged troops besides throwing axes. You can't fill those without new units.

The current book does this way better with lodges giving bonuses. But there's still a need for new options to actually take advantage of being to build more varied lists.

The thing that will attract new players is new models. Very simple and very clearly seen in other armies.

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2 hours ago, Harioch said:

....something like this ?


I must say that I don't play Dweghoms (shame on me)... I've tried them a few times, but they are sooooooooo slow arriving on the table (half of their army are medium and the other half are heavy!!).

And after playing KOs, everything without 12"+ movement seems to be sloooooooowwwwwwww

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2 hours ago, Snarff said:

The problem is that every unit already has a clear role. Vulkites hold objectives in high numbers and are your cheap melee. Hearthguard are your more elite melee. Aurics are your more elite ranged.

And this is where you can introduce more variation. Different tricks for the VK with picks, different for the axes. Same with poleaxes and braziers. Not just competing damage outputs, but different, meaningful roles to play. Aurics, maybe up on points, but also on damage, so that you can always consider taking five, because you know they'll do something.

IJ don't need a flood of warscrolls, so we know it can be done.

Again, I would love new units myself, but if that's too much of an investment for GW at this point, there're still improvements that could be made with the rules only.

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10 minutes ago, Grungnisson said:

And this is where you can introduce more variation. Different tricks for the VK with picks, different for the axes. Same with poleaxes and braziers. Not just competing damage outputs, but different, meaningful roles to play. Aurics, maybe up on points, but also on damage, so that you can always consider taking five, because you know they'll do something.

IJ don't need a flood of warscrolls, so we know it can be done.

Again, I would love new units myself, but if that's too much of an investment for GW at this point, there're still improvements that could be made with the rules only.

That introduces a whole slew of new issues. It'd make the readability issues even worse, people already have trouble telling units from each other. If every weapon gets entirely different roles and rules, it'd become infinitely worse. Aurics are already easily included for numerous reasons.

Ironjawz is precisely one of the other armies that desperately needs an expansion. They work, but so do Fyreslayers.

And all your suggestions would still not help the popularity of the army.

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1 hour ago, Snarff said:

That introduces a whole slew of new issues. It'd make the readability issues even worse, people already have trouble telling units from each other. If every weapon gets entirely different roles and rules, it'd become infinitely worse. Aurics are already easily included for numerous reasons.

Ironjawz is precisely one of the other armies that desperately needs an expansion. They work, but so do Fyreslayers.

And all your suggestions would still not help the popularity of the army.

Eh most people can tell a sword from a spear from an axe from a halberd. Heck its only the current edition of AoS that has made alternate unit weapon profiles the same or almost the same. Historically  for the last 36 years or so fantasy weapons, and sci-fi weapons in 40K, have nearly always had different profiles. 

Sometimes quite diverse; sometimes just a little variation. 


I think the only time it becomes a serious problem is if you have an extremely large number of units on the table. Which could be an issue with the 3.0 over some previous editions because 3.0 has pushed for more smaller blocks of units instead of fewer bigger blocks of single units. 



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Unpopular opinion. Edit: maybe not XD

I actually loved the customization available in whfb. It was actually possible to have different builds for the same hero/ unit. I doubt it would ever come back though.

I miss building lists this way and really making an army my own, sweet nostalgia. 

Edited by Gitzdee
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5 minutes ago, Gitzdee said:

Unpopular opinion.

I actually loved the customization available in whfb. It was actually possible to have different builds for the same hero/ unit. I doubt it would ever come back though.

I miss building lists this way and really making an army my own, sweet nostalgia. 

I think that's not unpopular opinion. 

Even if I like the new 3.0 battletomes and how easy is to play AoS (not so much recently with all the bookeeping), I still think that AoS should have more "things to do" in the list-building phase.

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7 minutes ago, Gitzdee said:

Unpopular opinion.

I actually loved the customization available in whfb. It was actually possible to have different builds for the same hero/ unit. I doubt it would ever come back though.

I miss building lists this way and really making an army my own, sweet nostalgia. 

I completely agree, I'm a big fan of it too, and I hope TOW has it. In addition to the customization, it was a nice way to eat up some points if you didn't have enough models (which I feel is part of the reason it was axed).

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One fun redo idea is have them play on their big split regarding giving Grungni and the Dawncrusades support with how the progressive Hermdar are being more active in aiding the Cities and putting their daughters in charge of things while the anti-Grungni lodges double down on Vulcatrix worship.

Pro-Grungni side get magmaqueen units and female warrior options and furnace armor that not only channels the natural high volumes of heat from their bodies but can use it as a powerful vent attack(similar to Thunderstrike giving more powerful explosions returning to Azyr)


While the anti-Grungni side gets closer to the Magmadroths and unlocks their variants across the Realms like the Shyish Mortadroths breathing poison gases & Azyr Magmadrakes shooting lightning(upgrade sprues for gaunt or stardrake-like bodies) while also getting demidroth cavalry.

meanwhile Vulcatrix fanatics have seen changes to their bodies that are attuning to the god-beast and making them terrors as they embrace the blessing.


Would make some really distinct styles that can stay independent or mix and match in the army for the full fury of the Realm of Fire. 🔥 🌋 

Lastly would like their sub-factions to expand by three. 

Caengan: Deepstrikes and better retreat options as they learned how to fight in the eternal night of the Realm of Shadow and bring those concealing mists with them as a fire brings smoke.

(been some nice lore build-up on their wars with the piratical Kharadron who teleported their skyports to Ulgu and now full-scale fight over the resources while noting they loathe working with the Chaos duardin that set-up shop in the region)

Ulrung: the Shyishian Lodges that has lost so much in the Soul Wars and seeks to reclaim their properties Rallies easier and their unnerving Death aura plays havoc on enemy battleshock.

(some great recent lore on their lands, their mercenary work for the undead and slow reclaiming of the Lodges lost to the NightHaunt swarms and now are at war with the Drowner)

Tangrim: being at the forefront of many Dawncrusades aiding Sigmar’s cause they’re resolute on holding objectives which increases their Wards further while like sparks of hope spreading to make wildfires they inspire their nearby brethren to gain extra attacks with a radius around the objectives.

(Dawner supporters with a samurai motif that put lightning bolts and shooting stars in their beards. Need I say more?)



Edited by Baron Klatz
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