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1 hour ago, Lavieth said:

I've bought 3 pots of the current repackage for agrax and nuln and they both had a gloss finish when they were not labeled as gloss. So I'm a bit hesitant. 

Sounds like something went wrong with recent batches. Duncan Rhodes commented the same thing happened to him.

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13 minutes ago, Clan's Cynic said:

Sounds like something went wrong with recent batches. Duncan Rhodes commented the same thing happened to him.

I'll need to find that video/commentary to see how he fixed it. The gloss version does not tint as well as the regular one. Thanks for passing that along. I am looking forward to a few of these brighter contrast paints though. Especially the red and yellows.

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2 minutes ago, Clan's Cynic said:

GW really want rid of Tzaangors don't they? 

I'm surprised the Tzeentch model is The Curseling. He was one of the newer Fantasy models and hardly needed a resculpt, even if the new one is still very nice.

I mean the current model is Resin and I guess it the only mortal tzeentch hero that they could have updated since the other two is the Fluxmaster and the Blue Scribe

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4 minutes ago, Chikout said:

Love both those minis. Two great sculpts though I much prefer the bare headed version of the Lumineth. 

This is true with regard to virtually whole Lumineth range (Dawnriders and Wardens may keep their helmets). The model itself is really nice, even if somewhat similar to Isharann Tidecaster.

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9 minutes ago, novakai said:

I mean the current model is Resin and I guess it the only mortal tzeentch hero that they could have updated since the other two is the Fluxmaster and the Blue Scribe

Well, the Fatemaster would've been a decent choice as well but I hoped more for a plastic Curseling so I'm happy. Now if only we got a mortal elite unit in that style. I'm greedy. And don't even feel bad for it.

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What's extremely lame however is that once again the mini is locked behind buying a ton of minis I don't want/need, especially another army. Can't they just charge more for the hero and be done with it? It's really annoying having to wait for ages...

Funnily enough, that helmet is quite similar to my own design. I couldn't be happier with it although i love the old Curseling design as well. Sorry, I'm hyped right now.

Edited by MitGas
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I couldn't make out any details on the Bladelord warscroll card, but it was chuck full of writing and the weapon profiles looked largely unchanged.

Not exactly thrilling, as they're easily my favorite models in the range, but just aren't that good on the table. I'd like to think GW is pulling some kind of fast one, but it looks like the proper warscroll design for the new edition.

EDIT: I managed to get a zoomed in look at the warscroll. As far as I can tell, it's exactly the same as the current one.

Edited by OkayestDM
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12 minutes ago, Rhetoric said:

The new Enlightener looks amazing; and I’ll have to sell off a bunch of Tzeentch ****** I guess

Perhaps there's a Warhammer discord group in your region? I just found someone to split the box in mine. It's worth a try I figure.

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Tzeentch model stands out, good detail, and has suitable levels of body horror. Shame it is in one of those FOMO boxes I won't ever buy.

The LRL model seem kind of bland though. I do not think I would even have reacted unless someone told me it was new.

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1 hour ago, Elbaf said:

New Tzeentch boy !!!


I love this new sculpt! While I’m struggling to find a hint of Egypt/middle eastern designs typically tied with Tzeentch, that sword and staff combo is amazing. The best part is the armor, it’s clear that it is slowly merging with the champion, but is still a separate piece.

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27 minutes ago, OkayestDM said:

I couldn't make out any details on the Bladelord warscroll card, but it was chuck full of writing and the weapon profiles looked largely unchanged.

Not exactly thrilling, as they're easily my favorite models in the range, but just aren't that good on the table. I'd like to think GW is pulling some kind of fast one, but it looks like the proper warscroll design for the new edition.

EDIT: I managed to get a zoomed in look at the warscroll. As far as I can tell, it's exactly the same as the current one.

Regardless of what people think of a new Lumineth tome, I think the worst thing about it is that the tome itself won't bring a lot of new stuff for Lumineth players because the designers won't have had the time for any proper re-thinks of the faction. Warscrolls and allegiance abilities are likely to be very similar to before and just neatened up. 

I think one of the worst omen for a new book is that it had a previous book come out only a year before - it means the writer of the new book wouldn't have known the likes and dislikes of the players when writing the book, and some 'obvious' changes won't have been made. 

While waiting longer is a pain, I'd rather have a Sylvaneth 2 to Sylvaneth 3 glow up, than a Slaanesh 1 to Slaanesh 2 mish-mash book. I'm hoping this Lumineth book isn't just a plain copy and paste deal.

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